The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 602 Buying and Playing

Chapter 602: Buying and Playing

Zhang Fei feigned anger and said, "Is it fun to pretend to be poor?" He turned to the feminine young man in white and said, "He is not a poor man, he just likes to joke." After saying that, he put away the spirit stones, stuffed the storage bag into Liu Zhu's arms, and talked to the people around him. He said loudly: "It's just a joke. My brother likes to play. There is no malice. Please bear with me, fellow Taoists."

Then he said softly to the feminine young man: "I think, let's forget about it."

What sounded like a gentle word to others was like the beating of a drum in the ears of the effeminate young man. The sound shot straight through his mind like an arrow, making his eyes go into a trance. He waited for the sound of the arrow to dissipate before calming down, and his expression changed. Change, Chong Zhang was afraid that he would throw away his hand, and left without saying a word.

He knew that Zhang was afraid of being merciful, and he also knew that he was too weak to do anything, so he would not die foolishly.

Liu Zhu was still confused, but Zhang Wen grabbed him and said, "Let's go." He dragged him out, followed by Yan Gang and the other three. Although they couldn't figure out the situation, they knew that Fellow Daoist Hong was treating them well, so they had no objections.

Before leaving the shopping mall, Zhang was afraid of throwing out the tent and letting the four people in. After setting up a barrier, he said: "The bed is mine. Find a place to rest wherever you like."

Yan Gang clasped his fists and bowed: "Thank you for the help..." Zhang Wen waved his hand and said: "It's nothing." He said to Liu Zhu: "Bring it." No matter how reckless Liu Zhu was, he knew that Zhang Wen was saving him, otherwise he would go out and fight with him. If the enemy fights, the outcome will definitely not be good. I am very grateful and want to repay him, but I don't understand what he wants from me.

Zhang Ai came over and took the storage bag from his arms and said with a smile: "Don't you want to give it back to me?" Liu Zhu's face flushed and he shook his head: "No, no." Zhang Ai said with a smile: "You're just kidding, don't I’m so nervous, but I have something to tell you.”

"What's the matter?" Yan Gang was nervous for a while. He helped us once and asked for reward, right?

Zhang Dawei said: "From now on, until you leave Shangji, you have to stay with me."

Liu Zhu asked: "Why?" He Huizhi and Wang Qingxian were very smart. They both stepped forward, clasped their fists at Zhang Awei and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for your generous help."

Zhang was afraid and said: "Don't reveal your wealth. You are a little foundation-building monk walking around with hundreds of millions of spiritual stones. Who do you think doesn't want to kill you?"

Liu Zhu said: "I don't have hundreds of millions of spirit stones..." He didn't react before he finished speaking. He paused for a moment and then smiled: "It's okay. It's better to die in a few days than to die now."

Zhang Wen was very satisfied with his performance and didn't want to talk any more. He said quietly: "Have a rest." He lay down on his back and went to sleep.

However, the four of them, Yan Gang, were not so relaxed. They gathered together to discuss quietly what to do next. There's no way to explain this. Are there no spiritual stones? No one believed it either. I felt a little bit guilty about Zhang Afraid in my heart, but I also knew that he was trying to save people, so I could only look helpless with big eyes. Only Liu Zhuman didn't care: "What can I do if I am dead or alive? Sleep."

At dawn the next day, Zhang Wen invited four people to have a meal, and then went shopping with them. After what happened yesterday, everyone in the market knew them. They were third-grade spiritual stones. One of them came from the bottom of the pile. It's as high as a hill. How many spiritual stones does it cost? There are so many spiritual stones, what do you want to buy that you can’t buy?

Sellers greeted them warmly all the way, hoping that the Gods of Wealth would take care of their business. Poor Yan Gang and the other four are serious poor people. They can't see it, but they still insist on stuffing it into your hands. The awkwardness in your heart is simply indescribable.

Zhang Awei said softly: "If you want to buy something, just buy it. Don't you still have Master and Third Brother? Buy something and take it back, I'll pay the bill." The four people refused, Zhang Awei said: "Buy it, it's better to buy something you want. Taken away by someone else.”

The four of them thought about it, they were being targeted anyway, and it was unclear whether they would live or die in the future, so they would buy some, and if they didn't die after leaving the market, they would find a way to return the spirit stones to him. So the four of them went shopping for a while, and Liu Zhu never forgot to bargain, but no one dared to laugh at him at this time. He was carrying hundreds of millions of spiritual stones, so maybe he just wanted to enjoy haggling. In the end, I spent more than 10,000 spiritual stones to buy some herbal ores, which were all ordinary things. When he came back, he thanked Zhang Ping all the time, but Zhang Ping just laughed it off.

Soon another seven days passed, and the most grand event of the trade fair, the auction conference, began. At this time, the number of pill-forming monks began to increase, and some Yuanying old monsters came to join in the fun. Thousands of people crowded towards the auction house.

You pay money to enter according to the old rules, but the price has increased from five spirit stones to ten spirit stones. Zhang Ain and Liu Zhu and the four of them received their cloaks and entered the venue. After entering the auction hall, Liu Zhu said: "It's really profitable. Ten spiritual stones for one person, and one hundred thousand spiritual stones for ten thousand people. It's faster than robbery." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Have you ever robbed?"

Liu Zhu hurriedly said: "No, no, this can't be nonsense."

Because they were foundation-building monks, the seats they were assigned were very ordinary, at the very back. Liu Zhu didn't care about this and looked very excited: "So many masters." More than half of the people who entered the auction house were alchemy masters. They were the main demanders for various auction items. The foundation-building monks were more like watching the fun. .

A quarter of an hour later, a bell rang in the center of the auction room, the surrounding area became quiet, and the auction officially began.

The auction house is still round, with an auction table in the middle. There are various experts sitting in circles around it, and there are many boys in uniforms serving them. There are lighting beads on the auction table, and a high-level alchemy-forming monk below is presiding over the auction.

Most of the things that can be put up for auction are good things, such as herbal medicines that are hundreds of years old, refined elixirs, precious materials, magic weapons, etc. It was an eye-opener for the four of them, Liu Zhu, especially Liu Zhu. Every item auctioned would cause him to exclaim, imagining how great it would be if all these things were his.

Yan Gang and the other three were also concentrating on it, refusing to blink for fear of missing something good. Only Zhang Aifeng looked at it casually and took the time to take pictures of two top-quality five elements materials, which probably cost more than 400,000 spirit stones. Liu Zhu was heartbroken: "How could anyone waste spiritual stones like this? More than 400,000 yuan can be used to buy a refined magic weapon. What is the use of buying this material?"

Zhang Ping didn't even explain. When the next auction item came on stage, it naturally attracted Liu Zhu's attention.

It took a whole day before someone auctioned the monster beast, an adult lion beast, a fifth-grade monster beast, which was equivalent to a junior Dan-Jie master, but definitely more powerful than a junior Dan-Jie master. Generally no one wants to buy an adult monster. Unless you buy it back by killing it and taking the skin to get the inner elixir, it is difficult to tame it. Even signing a heart-to-heart agreement is a bit troublesome. After all, it is not as close and spiritual as those raised since childhood.

The auctioneer called out several times, but no one was willing to take it. The auctioneer immediately said: "Now we are auctioning one of the inner elixirs of the monster lion beast, as well as its leather armor and teeth." This sentence angered the lion beast, and it roared loudly and slammed into it. The iron cage that trapped him. It knew those people wanted to kill it.

However, the cage is not made of ordinary iron. It is mixed with several kinds of strong cast materials and is quite strong. Lions and beasts can't stop bumping into it.

The inner elixir was much cheaper than the live lion beast. At less than half the price, someone started bidding. Using the inner elixir of monsters to refine an advanced elixir is much more effective than using the same herbal medicine to refine an advanced elixir. Who wouldn’t want that?

Looking at the angry lion beast in the cage, Zhang Ao raised his right hand and shouted out the price of the live lion beast that had just been auctioned. As soon as he shouted, no one bid with him anymore, and they looked at him strangely. This man was sick. Come to stir up trouble.

When the auctioneer made his final decision, a servant boy came over to confirm the deal with him. Liu Zhu around him was saying that he was stupid and didn't know how to spend money.

The auction lasted for three days, and more than a thousand items, large and small, were sold. However, there were no monster eggs, but there were many inner elixirs, and the only living monster was the lion beast he bought. Zhang was a little disappointed, but fortunately he bought a lot of top-quality five elements materials, which was considered as compensation.

After the auction, everyone returned their cloaks and left. Liu Zhu scolded Zhang for being a fool and worried about him, but Zhang did not refute. Seeing the masters around him leaving one after another, Yan Gang clasped his fists and said: "The care of my fellow Taoists in the past few days has opened the eyes of my four brothers. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. My brother will leave now. If you need it in the future, please send someone." Come and say hello. "After these few days of getting along, even a fool knows that Zhang Wei is not ordinary. How can ordinary people go out with hundreds of millions of spiritual stones? Most people wouldn't buy a lot of Five Elements materials without seeing any use, so they became much more polite when talking to Zhang Awei.

Zhang was afraid that the lion beast next to him was as high as his ribs, nestling in the iron cage and roaring non-stop. Zhang Feng said: "Stop screaming, I won't kill you." Then he said to Yan Gang: "You can't leave yet."

Yan Gang asked: "Why?" He couldn't figure out what this man wanted to do. After just a few days of getting along with him, what Zhang Wen did always surprised him.

Zhang Wei tilted his head: "There, there, there, and there, there are people waiting for you. Where do you want to go?"

This sentence frightened the four of them, and they all turned around to look, but they couldn't find anything wrong. Zhang Yin smiled and said: "Stop looking, you can't see it, but they found that you are looking for them."

"Ah?" Yan Gang somewhat believed that this guy named Hong Wu had no need to lie to others with his wealth, so he asked anxiously: "What should I do?"

"What should I do?" Zhang Weifing spoke as if nothing was wrong.

"There is someone watching, how can we leave?" Liu Zhu gave up searching and came back to ask questions.

"Why are you so anxious? The market is not over yet. It will take some time to collect after the auction. Stay here first and think of a solution slowly." After Zhang Ain finished speaking, he knelt down to look at the lions and beasts.

"Okay." The four of them couldn't think of any ideas and had no choice but to agree.

The lion beast glared at Zhang Awei, threatening him with a fierce look. Zhang Awei smiled softly, got up and walked forward with the cage, this time a little further, and stopped after five miles, threw it out of the tent and said: "You guys Come in, I'll play with it for a while." The lion beast felt very angry at being slighted and let out another long roar.

Zhang Ai threw the cage away casually: "What are you yelling for? Are you the only one who can bark? If I couldn't bear to see you killed, I wouldn't bother to care about you." The lion beast was wild and untamed and roared at him through the cage. Ignore what he said at all.

Zhang Ai realized that after his cultivation level became higher, his temper became better, and he said to the lion beast: "Listen carefully, I will let you out, stay here and don't ask for trouble, do you understand?"

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