The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 495 Plan

Chapter 495 Plan

The flying boat went down the river as fast as an arrow shot from a bow. It passed a thousand meters in a blink of an eye. Occasionally, fishermen saw it and thought they were seeing ghosts. Two months later, the flying boat went to sea and everyone changed to a sea ship. Fang Jian came to Zhang Ping and said, "I want to meditate for a while."

He was unable to help in several fights. The former number one genius felt extremely uncomfortable, as if he had become a waste.

Zhang Ain asked: "Where do you want to go?"

Fang Jian said: "I want to go back to the snow mountain." The polar regions there are extremely desolate, with nothing else but snow, making it easier to concentrate on cultivation.

Zhang Wen said yes, he also wanted to practice hard once. In the past more than a hundred years, he had spent the entire life of a game, running around and doing nothing, not even avenging his master's sect. But the problem is that if he goes to practice, what will Zhang Tianfang and the girls do? The place he was going to was the Five Spirits Blessed Land underground, and he had not mentioned it to anyone except Song Yunyi. There were too many secrets in that place, involving the lives and safety of Lin Sen and many fat babies, and even Song Yunyi shouldn't have been told.

Zhang Tianfang strolled over and said, "What are we talking about? Drinking." He took the time to enjoy it.

Zhang Ain took out a few bottles of wine and asked Zhang Tianfang: "What do you think of this trip to the Holy Kingdom?"

Zhang Tianfang curled his lips: "How can you feel? Being hunted every day, I have no feelings at all."

Zhang was afraid of being tempted: "In the past, when you were building a foundation, you could fight Aotian with the ghost sword. Now you still have the ghost sword in your hand, but you are being hunted down. Don't you have any idea?"

"Yes, it's a pity that the Ghost Sword cannot be advanced, otherwise I would have killed those guys long ago." Zhang Tianda said confidently.

Zhang Awei shook his head slightly: "No matter how powerful the ghost sword is, it is just a ghost sword. What does it have to do with you?"

Zhang Tianfang also wanted to argue some nonsense about the ghost sword being me, and I am the ghost sword, but the ghost sword in his hand suddenly buzzed, preventing him from continuing. The nine ghost kings used self-mutilation spells to refine their bodies and swords, and all their cultivation levels were ruined. They had already recognized their own strength after several fights with top-level masters, especially their similar ghost kings who were ridiculously powerful. They were inevitably a little depressed under the strong comparison. In the past, they were arrogant, arrogant, cruel and cold-blooded, but now they can only look at others' majesty, and one can imagine their disappointment.

But they still wanted to be prestigious, so they could only pin their hopes on Zhang Tianfang, so they discouraged him and hoped that he would devote himself to cultivation.

Zhang Tianfang was confused. The nine ghost emperors were very good to him. They always helped him do whatever he wanted. This was the first time that the ghost emperors acted against their will. Although Zhang Tianfang was impulsive, irritable and simple-minded, he had a life-and-death relationship with the Ghost Emperor, so he followed their advice and stopped talking.

Zhang Awei thought for a while and took out the forehead calming bead, which was a round white bead. He asked Ghost Sword: "There are billions of souls in the bead. There are people and beasts. I wonder if I can refine it into the Ghost Sword and give it to some seniors." To improve your cultivation?" After asking, he felt that he had done something wrong. It is instinct for souls to devour each other. If they do not devour each other, they will die, just like a lion eating a wolf and a rabbit.

However, the ghosts who have received the Soul Concentration Pearl are no longer controlled by this instinct and can survive without being devoured. The Dingshen Pearl is a world of its own that can accommodate countless ghosts and provide them with protection.

Zhang Wen said that providing the ghosts in the pearl to the Ghost King to devour is like a person raising countless sheep and living in peace and harmony. One day, he suddenly sacrificed them all to a lion and let the lion eat them as he pleased. This would be a bit harsh on the sheep. unfair. So he felt that he had done something wrong and felt pity for the sheep.

After he asked the question, the ghost sword didn't make any sound. He was probably discussing whether this matter was feasible. Zhang waited anxiously for the answer. After a quarter of an hour, the ghost knife shook a few times, which meant that there was no way, no way. It’s not that I want to let these souls go, I really don’t know how to do it.

Zhang Wen sighed secretly, put the concentration beads on his forehead, and said to Zhang Tianfang: "Fang Jian plans to meditate, you can go too." Fang Jian said: "That's fine, I can supervise you." Zhang Tianfang wanted to shirk, but Ghost Sword nodded repeatedly, sighed in his heart, and nodded: "Okay."

Just practice as you say, don't waste time, drifting on the sea, who knows when you will be able to land. Fang Jian dragged Zhang Tianfang back to the cabin. Zhang Ain stood at the bow of the boat for a while and went to look for Song Yunyi. The two of them found a quiet place to talk. Zhang Ping said: "I want to go to the Five Spirits Blessed Land to practice for a while, will you go?"

Song Yunyi asked: "What should we do with the girls?" Zhang said afraidly: "Ask them in a few days, we can't keep playing." Song Yunyi asked: "Why can't we keep playing? Just be happy, it's just for a lifetime, maybe tomorrow Just die, why don’t you be happy today?”

Zhang was afraid that he would find it difficult to answer questions. He had the same idea before, but now he cannot change his mind. Among the top cultivators in the world, no one will kill you just because you are happy. He said softly: "What if someone wants to kill them and you and I can't protect them?" Song Yunyi frowned and said: "Who would want to kill them?"

Zhang Awei said: "I mean what if." Thinking about what has happened these days, not to mention the girls, even Zhang Awei and Zhang Tianfang's few masters are in a precarious situation and are always ready to die.

Song Yunyi also understood this and asked, "What should I do about Cheng Xi'er?" The two of them were cultivators of immortality and had few desires. Except for their true love for each other, they had no need for love between men and women. It's definitely a miracle that the two of them have been able to do this for so many years without practicing double cultivation. But Cheng Xier was different. Zhang Ai and Song Yunyi had a simple wedding at the Song Dynasty Palace, but Cheng Xier had nothing and never asked for anything. Normally, immortal cultivators don't care about this, but women always have different ideas, so Song Yunyi fought for Cheng Xier. Since he has no status, he should take her with him to practice in Nitian Cave, right?

Zhang Pa coughed lightly: "It's not good to take people to see Lin Sen again." It's not that he doesn't trust Cheng Xier, but the more people know, the more danger there is.

"Then where do you want them to go?" Song Yunyi asked.

Zhang Pa gritted his teeth and said: "I will practice with you this time, but I have to go to Wuling Fudi to see Uncle Lin and ask for some pills."

Song Yunyi agreed. Zhang Pa called all the girls out, distributed the spiritual energy pills and advanced pills to each of them, and said to them: "From now on, practice!" The girls protested collectively, but the two giants Song Yunyi and Cheng Xier suppressed them with all their strength, and even Zhang Tianfang was practicing hard, so the girls had to succumb to power and practice honestly.

After entering the sea to change boats, Zhang Pa never cared about the direction of travel, and let the big ship drift with the sea current. Practicing in the snowy mountains is practicing, and practicing in the sea is also practicing, there is no need to force it too much.

But after drifting for two months, the ship encountered a storm, with thunder and lightning, heavy rain, strong winds, and turbulent waves. The huge ship No. 5 made of five immortal wood was swaying from side to side like a toy. The tides piled up and it was impossible to practice quietly. Everyone had an excuse to be lazy and ran out to watch the sea wrath and commented on it with a smile. Zhang Tianfang said: "It's really lively on the sea." The girls said: "It's very beautiful."

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