The Monk

Volume One Chapter 494 Farewell

Chapter 494 Farewell

The lethality of the spell to top-level masters is approximately zero. Unless the master just wants to die and is focused on practicing the spell and embracing it, it will be basically fine. They have high cultivation and quick movements, and can dodge the moment the spell explodes.

Seeing that there are fewer and fewer charms, Zhang is afraid of depression. But the ghost disciple who was bombarded by him was annoyed. Why did he meet such an opponent and throw away top-level spells like garbage? Didn't he know that this thing was very precious? What a waste! Absolute waste!

The sky was filled with fireworks and lightning, and the sound of explosions was endless. They could not see or hear clearly. If it were not blocked by the ice wall, the two brothers would not be able to chat at all. Zhang Tianfang was rarely clever and shouted: "That black box can collect green fire, let's grab the box."

Just after he finished calling, the sky suddenly turned dark. It was originally evening and the sky was a little dark, but now darkness came directly, and everything was pitch black. Zhang Tianfang muttered: "It gets dark so fast."

Zhang Ain looked up and saw that it was dark somewhere. There was something covering half of the sky. When he wanted to take a closer look at what it was, a scream came from the distance, and then he saw that the green fire in the sky stopped moving forward, and a trace of A slow fall.

The green fire was out of control, and the ghost disciple in red, who was chasing everyone with his sword, did not dare to pursue anymore, so he jumped back to see what happened. Without the help of green fire, he was helpless against the ice wall.

After the pursuers left, Zhang Wen stopped throwing spells and stopped retreating, watching the excitement through the ice wall. After a while, the smoke dissipated, and a fat monk was seen fighting with the ghost in red who was chasing them. The other ghost in red disappeared, and his black box appeared in the hands of the fat monk.

Zhang Ping immediately understood what was on top of his head. It was the alms bowl of the fat monk's wonderful method. He said to Zhang Tianfang: "We are lucky, there are monks who help us fight every time."

This monk can not only fight, but also kill. He first uses his alms bowl to cover the sky to attract the attention of the ghost disciples, and then sneaks up on the ghost disciples holding the black box, easily injuring him with a heavy weight, and grabbing the black box in the process. That scream was made by this unlucky ghost disciple.

The ghost with the box was seriously injured and escaped, but the ghost with the sword came back to rescue him. His intention was to snatch back the black box, but the fat monk's magic was really powerful and he was easily suppressed. However, after three or five fights, the sword-wielding ghost in red was almost unable to fight back. He couldn't defeat the fat man at all. He secretly observed several companions who were being bullied by Xiaozhu and White Tiger, so he knew that the mission had failed and was unwilling to take action. With a shout, the leader flew away.

Miaofa raised his finger and pointed at the alms bowl in the air. It shrank to its original size and spun around to hit the ghost disciples. He was faster than them and could easily catch up. The ghost disciple hurriedly used his sword to resist, and was knocked away with a thud. However, the alms bowl continued to fly over and hit his chest. The ghost disciple spat blood wildly, and at the same time used this force to fly out, taking the opportunity to escape. As for the other six ghost disciples in black, they ran away like crazy after receiving the order without saying a word. Although the piglets and kittens were ferocious, they could not defeat the top masters. After letting them run away, they returned to Zhang Wen to claim credit.

The magical method put away the alms bowl, and the sky returned to dusk and darkness. Zhang Ain put away the ice wall to recruit the piglets and kittens, and went to thank the fat monk. The fat monk Miaofa waved his hand and said: "I want to thank the donor." He was talking about several people who helped him clean Hefang Temple. Throwing the black box away, he asked, "How do I use this thing?" Zhang was afraid that the others didn't know either, so they all gathered together to figure it out. Zhang Tianfang said: "Just talking is useless. You will know how to use it if you try it." He grabbed the black box and flew towards the nearest green fire, then opened the lid of the box to catch it. After a while, the green fire stopped in the black box. It's done.

Zhang Tian was overjoyed and held the box flying all over the sky. He worked hard for a while to collect the countless green fires dancing on the river one by one. He closed the lid and threw it to the fat monk: "Okay." Miaofa took the box and thought about it. He stood up and said, "It is not an auspicious thing. Let a poor monk use the Buddha's Dharma to save it."

Whether you love or not, who cares about you? Zhang Tianfang asked: "Where is Bu Kong?" Miao Fa said: "I didn't see it." He had a high level of cultivation and a strong killing intent. He chased two ghost disciples to the battlefield. The latter ghost disciple escaped and was caught up and killed by him. One person dies. After the murder, he returned to the vicinity of the river. By chance, Zhang Awei threw talismans everywhere, his spiritual power burst out, and the explosion was surprisingly loud. Miaofa came to check what was going on, and rescued Zhang Awei and others.

A few people chatted for a while, and Miao Fa said goodbye and left. The injured Ghost King was the source of all evil, and he wanted to trace his whereabouts and kill him.

The hell lotus fire was contained and the biggest threat was removed. Zhang Ping said: "Stay a few more days." Naturally, everyone had no objections and camped on the shore and continued to wait. In this battle, the little pig and kitten stole the show and were praised wildly by the girls. The two little guys were so proud of themselves that they pretended to be cool and proud all day long.

When they waited for the seventh day, Fu Kong finally came back. He appeared in front of everyone with a face expressionless and silent. Zhang Tianfang's first question was to ask him: "Did he kill someone?" Fu Kong shook his head: "He was seriously injured and he ran away." Zhang Tianfang said graciously: "Let's go."

Bu Kong looked at everyone and asked, "Are you waiting for me?"

Zhang Wen said yes, threw out the flying boat, called for everyone to get on board, and then looked at Bu Kong: "Are you leaving?"

Fu Kong hesitated for a while and refused: "I have something to do. If the ghosts are not eliminated, the people will not be happy."

Zhang Tianfang immediately shouted: "Because we were waiting for you, we were almost killed." He wanted to shout, but Zhang Wen held him down and said to Bu Kong: "We haven't practiced enough, so we won't stay any longer. If you have time in the future, , you can go to the Eastern Continent to find us." Fu Kong nodded in agreement.

Zhang Pa took out a bunch of spiritual herbs, elixirs and wine and stuffed them into Bukong's pockets. After talking for a while, he said goodbye and left. He saw that Bukong was reluctant to leave, and everyone could see it, so even Zhang Tianfang didn't feel comfortable saying anything angry. He just patted his shoulder twice and said, "Take care."

Zhang Tianfang's auspicious words made people feel very uncomfortable. Bukong was stunned on the spot. After a while, he reacted, clasped his hands together, bowed his head and chanted Buddha: "Amitabha." He was a little moved.

Bukong came back to seek peace of mind. He wanted to see everyone off. Although he didn't know whether Zhang Pa and others had left, he had to come back. It was up to you to leave or not, and it was up to me to see them off or not.

When the flying boat was sailing fast against the wind and waves, everyone on the boat was a little silent. The four-member group was finally dispersed. After all the hard journey to the west, they experienced all kinds of crises and killings, but they only spent a short time with Bukong. Fang Jian suddenly whispered, "We still couldn't trick him away." Zhang Pa laughed and said, "The little monk has become smarter." Zhang Tianfang was furious when he heard this, "You tricked him? You dare to trick him?" Zhang Pa's smile was a little dry, and he said lightly, "You can't even understand a joke, you're dumber than a pig." This sentence angered the little pig, and it snorted a few times in protest, but Zhang Tianfang didn't move. He suddenly found that he cared about the little monk very much and wouldn't tolerate others saying anything bad about him.

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