The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 496: Another rescue

Chapter 496: Saving people again

Looking at the lightning and fire snakes in the sky, Zhang Ain remembered that he was afraid of thunder when he was a child, and then remembered his parents who had no memory in his mind. After thinking about it, it seemed that most things were not going as he wished. If you wish, you won’t be hunted down every day. With a self-deprecating smile, whether it is thunder or lightning, it will not always block the road. Just do what you have to do, and there will always be a place for you in the world.

He was sighing randomly, but the storm was getting bigger and bigger, the sky was dark and dark, and there was an even darker wind pillar rolling towards this side in the distance. Zhang Tianfang looked at Feng Zhu with his mouth wide open, then looked back at Zhang Ai, and said in disbelief: "Isn't it true? The first time we went to sea, we encountered a tornado?"

The sea-going ship is made with the method of refining weapons and can be easily controlled with spiritual power. Zhang Ai inputs spiritual power and turns the direction to accelerate forward. After only walking a hundred meters, God sent a surprise. A bolt of lightning struck fifty meters in front of the ship, causing high waves. Zhang Tianfang couldn't believe it again and asked everyone: "Which of you has offended God?"

Fang Jian didn't say anything. He raised his finger and pointed back. Zhang Tianfang looked over and saw that the damn tornado was following him.

What else is there to say, just run. Instilling spiritual power, they pushed the ship forward with all their strength, but they seemed to be sailing into thunderclouds, and lightning crackled down, forcing Zhang to change boats. In this kind of ghost weather, the smaller the target, the safer it is.

The sea was bumpy, and everyone jumped into the sea holding hands. No one dared to fly. It was a close encounter with death. After releasing the airship, they climbed in one by one, then stowed the ship, closed the airship, and sank at full speed.

After sinking to a thousand meters, everyone can take a breath. Small boats always have their advantages.

Deep in the sea, it was dark, without sound or light, as if entering another world. Zhang Tianfang laughed: "It's quite difficult to practice with peace of mind." With more than a thousand meters of seawater as a buffer, no matter how big the thunder, no matter how fast the lightning, no matter how fierce the tornado is, can't reach here. Zhang Ping took out a few luminous pearls to illuminate, making the darkness more radiant.

After the spaceship is closed, only the bow is a piece of transparent crystal, making it easier to observe the outside. But under the sea, no matter how convenient it was, you could only see darkness. After staying there for a while, everyone felt bored and fell asleep in a crowd.

A day later, the airship ascended, and near the sea surface, one could feel the blue light outside. The storm had subsided. When we came out of the sea and removed the seal to watch, the sky was blue, the sea was blue, the wind was sunny, and it was such a beautiful weather. I changed to the sea ship and continued forward. After ten miles, I found many things scattered on the sea surface, including wooden boards, masts, boxes and cabinets. They should have been brought by the tornado. It seems that someone was more unlucky than them yesterday.

I searched with my spiritual consciousness and found that dozens of miles from now on, there were a lot of debris scattered around, as well as many bodies of people. Continuing the search, I found a large vat with a beautiful girl inside, still alive, gorgeously dressed and wearing many jewelry.

If one person survives, the second person will survive. Zhang Fei flew away from the ship and searched around. An hour later, I flew across this sea area and rescued dozens of people, including men and women, soldiers and maids. Most of them managed to survive by hiding in cabinets. There were two brave soldiers who wrapped themselves around the door panel. He actually survived, but he was almost dying from the sun, which was quite miserable.

Zhang was afraid that there was a panacea for him, so he fed them the Life Pill, and the group of people recovered quickly. The beautiful woman in the tank came over to express her gratitude. She looked elegant and a little arrogant, and she probably had some status.

Song Yunyi looked at Zhang Ping with a smile and said nothing, which meant that he had saved another beautiful girl and was really lucky. Zhang Ping didn't dare to think like this. Back then, he had no regard for worldly affairs and was embarrassed to let others down, so he took the rescued Cheng Xi'er and a group of girls into the world. Different from that time, he was determined not to show up. Let Cheng Xier entertain these people.

After a while, Cheng Xier brought back news. It is said that there are many island countries far away, consisting of more than a thousand islands, large and small. Large countries control a dozen or dozens of islands, small countries only control one, or several countries occupy an island. The beautiful woman is the princess of the northern island country Bai Qianguo. This time she went to sea for marriage and was married to the Black Cloud Kingdom. The princess was not happy to get married casually, so she wandered on the sea for a longer time and walked a little farther. Unexpectedly, she would be unlucky enough to encounter a storm and a tornado, and that was it.

Cheng Xier smiled and said: "The princess asked us to send her back to her country and said she would reward us greatly."

Zhang Ai hurriedly agreed: "Send it, send it quickly." He didn't dare to show his kindness anymore. The girls he rescued, as well as more than 700 people in Tianlei Mountain, still don't know how to arrange them. No matter what they do, they are a little worried. Worry about something happening, fear of being killed by enemies, etc. So he hurriedly agreed, but the ideal was very happy, and the reality was cruel. He wanted to send her away, but the group of people didn't know the way home. It was blown by the tornado for a day and a night, and I didn't know where it was blown.

Zhang Ai asked Fang Jian, "Where are we?" Fang Jian shook his head and walked away. He went to ask Zhang Tianfang again, and Zhang Tianfang said, "Ask me about the boat you sailed?" Zhang was afraid of having a headache, so he ignored it and just drifted along, wherever he liked.

There are enough rooms and the ship is big enough to accommodate these people easily. Zhang stayed in his room all day in order to avoid trouble. The girls and Zhang Tianfang were forced to practice hard in isolation. Cheng Xier usually negotiates with those in distress.

It’s just that those people had too many problems, and Cheng Xier couldn’t handle them. For example, why does the big ship have no sail? Where are the sailors? Who is responsible for sailing the ship? And asked where are you going? Do you know the direction? And so on and so forth.

Cheng Xi'er put together the questions and asked Zhang Ai. Zhang Ai suddenly woke up. He couldn't drift on the sea like this all his life. It is said that the sea is boundless and there is no end to old age and death. He asked Cheng Xi'er: "Do you know which direction the land is?"

Cheng Xi'er looked at him with an expression of disbelief: "The sun is not lost." Zhang was afraid, and he felt stupid, and said with a smile: "Then they should also know where their home is."

Cheng Xier said: "They say that when you look at the sun at home, the sun is in the east. If you look at the sun now, the sun is still in the east. There is no change."

Zhang was afraid to think about it for a while and found that it was indeed difficult to find. They are different from their own group. They can just fly as fast as they can. One day they will return to the mainland, and they will find their home when they return to the mainland. But there are thousands of islands on the sea. If you miss them, you will miss them. Where can you find them? To say you are lost is an understatement. There is no way at all. He said helplessly: "Follow the direction they said and look for it."

It's the same waste of time anywhere, so just look for it. Zhang was afraid of appearing on the bow of the boat and dragged a veteran to accompany him. The veteran could identify the direction and he steered the boat, sailing back and forth very fast all day long, even more so than the fastest fish in the sea. But the sea is so big that even after three months of combing through several nearby sea areas, they could not find the thousands of islands they mentioned.

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