The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 485 Failure to win

Chapter 485: Didn’t win

The other four people also showed off their magical powers in a fire-fighting battle. One person threw a six-star talisman to explode the flames, but the talisman had just entered the flames and was already burned into nothing. One person condensed a transparent air mask and grabbed the flames like a glove, trying to take back the ghost knife wrapped in green fire, but the flames were so powerful that the transparent glove stuck into the flames, and the gap was immediately filled with flames, and the gloves disappeared in such a strange way. In flames. The other two are smart. No matter how powerful the flame is, can they still refine the mountain? Together they summoned a huge mountain of rocks to smash against the wall of fire.

Zhang Wen took a look and realized that these two guys were too cruel. They were just playing with fire. As for moving mountains to fill fire? In my heart, I admire that the top cultivators are really capable. After calling the little pig to retreat, the fire dragon retreated together with the ghost sword.

The stone mountain is huge, no smaller than the Foshan created by the nineteen monks who joined forces to bully the Ghost King a few days ago. It is precisely because the mountain is so big that it is very difficult for the two guys to control it, which gave Zhang Wei an opportunity to escape calmly. Lose.

The mountain is fake, it is a magic weapon. The two guys do not really have the ability to move mountains, but they can only move mountains by relying on this magic weapon and many formulas. Seeing Zhang Wear running away in an instant, the flame-wrapped ghost sword also ran away. Even though the rocky mountain was big, it couldn't hit him, so he didn't let the rocky mountain fall down, and chased him in the air, looking for opportunities.

This thing is scary, and it will definitely not be good if you take it. Zhang Wei asked Fang Jian and others to step back, and then looked at the ghost knife in the fire dragon's mouth. After this moment of tossing, the green fire wrapped around the ghost knife gradually weakened, and it was estimated that it would be gone again. It will disappear completely after a while. But it was not only the green fire that became weak, the huge wall of fire also disappeared because Xiaozhu had no time to control it. Several ghost disciples who had failed to put out the fire used various magic weapons to hit the fire dragon. They wanted to put out the fire and seize the knife.

Zhang was a little depressed and looked down on others. He completely pretended that I didn’t exist and no one was on guard against me. With a thought, the river started to dance, and the surface of the river crackled and danced as if it was steaming with high temperature. Occasionally, water arrows, ice arrows and other cold weapons were shot out at several ghost disciples.

He didn't dare to get too close to the ghost disciples. The rocky mountain above his head was too big, at least 10,000 meters in size. He couldn't tell when it would fall down, and he wouldn't be able to get even if he got hung up on it. So when you are making trouble, you should try your best to escape. Don't be caught up by the big stone mountain. The big guy is not slow, but he can't catch up with the Yuanying master.

They were in a stalemate for a while, wasting some time, and then it was daybreak. It was early in the morning when the fight started, the darkest period before dawn. After a while of tossing, the darkness finally passed, and the sky burst into light. The big sun slowly climbed into the sky, scattering thousands of rays of light, bringing light to the world.

As soon as the sun came up, the six ghost disciples were a little surprised. They originally expected that the five ambushes could easily take away the ghost sword, but they didn't expect that they had been fighting until dawn and still couldn't get rid of these low-level monks, especially one of them who was entangled by the ice dragon. embedded. The ice dragon and the ghost disciple were duel. Although the cold was not as cold as the ice crystal, the kitten was a spiritual beast with terrifying strength. During the fight, the ghost disciple would feel uncomfortable for a long time if he helped the ice dragon. He cursed the kitten and his classmates, but no one came to help.

At dawn, the green fire burning the ghost sword finally disappeared. The ghost sword let out a hiss and flew away from the control of the fire dragon and flew towards Zhang Tianfang. As soon as it moved, several ghost disciples turned red-eyed and chased after it. Zhang was afraid that he was a little unbalanced again, so he waved his hand and shouted: "Hey, I'm here." As soon as he shouted, he attracted a huge mountain of rocks, and he hurriedly ran away.

There are six ghost disciples, two of them control the stone mountain, one of them fights with the ice dragon, and the remaining three go to seize the sword.

The Ghost Sword was freed from the trap, and the Fire Dragon who helped him was also freed, and faced the three ghost disciples like lightning. Piggy was afraid that it would be noisy, so he sprayed out a mountain of flames to block the way. Not wanting to waste time with this weird fire pig, the three ghost disciples spread out and took a detour to continue chasing the ghost sword.

Zhang Tian placed it in the lotus flower, but the ghost sword couldn't get in and flew around the flower. At this time, the ghost disciples came after him. The three silver swords pointed at the ghost sword at the same time. They concentrated their energy and sent out a shocking blow. They wanted to knock down the ghost sword and then take it away. . In an emergency, a big slap came suddenly, and it was the young monk Fu Kong who took action first. Just now he went to help Zhang Wei fight, but when he rushed out, the piglet and kitten made a big move and robbed his business, so he safely returned to the lotus to guard it. At this moment, he finally had a use for it. He put the Buddha's seal on his hand and lifted it from the flower bone. Dropping a few closed petals, he transformed into a lotus warrior and attacked one of the ghost disciples. He himself stopped another person, and the fire dragon chased one person, which just stopped the actions of all the ghost disciples.

The six ghost disciples were going to be furious. With their cultivation and their numbers, it was a slap in the face to ambush a group of low-level monks and they still hadn't finished it yet. The two guys manipulating the big stone looked at each other, their hearts skipped a beat, and they spurted out blood. Their blood melted together in the air, and then shot into the stone mountain in the air. They saw that the entire stone mountain changed, and there was a vague light of blood, and it was bloody. The air was filled with anger, and he stared at Zhang to be afraid of hitting him hard.

Zhang was afraid that the scream would be unlucky, and he was wary of Shishan. He had been busy escaping for a long time and developed his escape skills. Now he was escaping even more crazily, flying up and down the river like smoke, trying hard to get rid of that treasure in the sky. .

He was flying around, the big rocks were chasing him, and everyone else was busy with their own things. At this moment, a loud noise was suddenly heard in the air, shaking the ground and the whole world was shaking. Everyone looked up and saw a golden Buddha palm mountain crashing on a huge stone mountain. The two mountains collided, and there was a large shadow in the sky, like a dark night. Come again. Zhang Weijing knows this best. Ten thousand meters of stone mountain chased him, blocking most of the light. He had been chased by the darkness and ran towards the light. Suddenly, a large shadow appeared. He thought he was finished, but now he couldn't run. Oh, I never thought it was two mountains colliding.

He looked up and was pleasantly surprised. He had seen this mountain before. It was the Buddha Palm Mountain of the old monk Tian Kong, but it was smaller than the last time he saw it. It was probably because it was controlled by one person. Sure enough, with the sound of Amitabha, the old monk appeared in the sky.

Looking at the rocky mountain again, it broke into many pieces upon impact and fell downwards uncontrollably, filling the river in an instant. The two ghost disciples were implicated and seriously injured. They spat out a few mouthfuls of blood. They had no time to clean up the damaged magic weapon on the mountain. They shouted: "Escape." and ran away first.

The remaining four ghost disciples saw Foshan crashing into the stone mountain, and their respective opponents were very difficult to deal with. Knowing that the mission failed, they immediately ran away. But how could Master Sky let them leave? He raised his right hand and grabbed an injured ghost disciple. Foshan, who looked like a palm in the air, hit the ground with a roar, much faster than Shishan. In a flash, he was gone, and the ghost disciple was crushed into pieces of paper and died. Lose.

But a master is a master after all. One person died, and the remaining five ghost disciples took this opportunity to successfully escape. They could only see the silhouette of the person flashing briefly, and then disappear without a trace.

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