The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 484 Seizing the Sword

Chapter 484 Seizing the Sword

The enemy's attacks were too fast, one after another. From the moment the first sword was thrust out, Zhang Aoi and others were not given a chance to breathe. The five attacks were linked to each other and were all completed in an instant, as fast as one. Same attack.

There were a total of forty people in Zhang Ai's group. Seven of the injured were protected by Fang Jian and a few people with higher cultivation level. The rest of the girls were blown into the air. General stopped and took out his magic weapon. It could be said that he was on guard. It's okay to look for the enemy. They were looking around in confusion. No one expected that the enemy's fifth wave of attacks was coming. They were shocked by the light for a moment. When they saw the light group lighting up, six silver swords appeared. It had already stabbed Zhang Tianfang.

The explosion came suddenly, and Zhang Tianfang was thrown into the air before he could react, scattering around the crowd. After the aftermath of the explosion disappeared, he used his true energy to stabilize his body, and when he was about to find someone to fight for, he was hit. Fortunately, the ghost sword sensed the danger and automatically circled and flew around, blocking the two sword attacks with one knock and one block, but the other four swords pierced his upper body without any obstruction.

The six ghost disciples moved quickly, succeeded in one blow, drew their swords and retreated. One of them threw a talisman and hit the ghost sword, only to see green fire and a green mist covering the ghost sword. The other reached out and grabbed the ghost sword, and pulled it. Using the green fire to retreat, it was obvious that they had concentrated their efforts in ambush and attacked five times in a row, with the final target being this knife.

Zhang Tianfang was strong and could bear it. Four swords pierced his body without a cry of pain. Blood flowed out from eight wounds. He gritted his teeth and stood in the air. When he saw the ghost disciples snatching the ghost knife, he cursed: "You bastard, don't touch me." knife."

When Zhang Wen and others saw that he was injured, their expressions changed, and they didn't know the extent of the injury. Zhang flew over in fear of coughing and stuffed a handful of pills into his mouth. Fu Kong also flew over and shouted: "Every step of the way a lotus grows." The moon-white monk's robe swayed slightly and turned into a big white lotus standing in the air. Fu Kong carried Zhang Tianfang onto the lotus platform and said to Fang Jian: "Bring those two seriously injured girls here."

They took care of Zhang Tianfang, but in the blink of an eye, six sneak attackers with green flaming ghost swords had already exited the area. Zhang Tianfang was so anxious that he shouted: "Knife." Regardless of the wounds on his body, he jumped up and chased after him. , was held down by Fu Kong. After the two seriously injured girls lay on the lotus platform together, Fu Kong chanted again: "Every step of the way, lotuses are born." Then he left the lotus platform, and saw that the layers of lotus petals began to close, wrapping Zhang Tianfang and the two girls in the lotus, becoming What a big flower bone.

Zhang Tianfang was injured and the ghost sword was robbed. Zhang Ai became anxious and used the power of ice crystals to chase the six ghost disciples on the river and at the same time, he drove the river water to attack them. The six top-level ghost disciples wanted to leave after they succeeded, but the problem was that they were unable to move forward at full speed because of the ghost sword. The Ghost Emperor in the sword has his own spiritual consciousness, which no one except Zhang Tianfang can control. The ghost disciple can only use the green fire to entangle the Ghost Emperor, and then control the green fire to fly with the Ghost Sword, and the speed is naturally much slower. What made them most uncomfortable was that the Ghost King and the Green Fire kept fighting. The confrontation became more and more intense, and they saw that the Green Fire was about to lose control. Just when a group of people were gritting their teeth and persisting, ice arrows flew from the sky and attacked indiscriminately. Behind the countless ice arrows, there was a guy rushing towards them with a big black knife.

A ghost disciple threw a huge bone shield behind him, but with a crackling sound, countless ice arrows smashed the bone shield into pieces, but correspondingly, the blocked ice arrows were also destroyed. Although the other ice arrows were fine, However, it missed its target and flew past the heads and feet of the six ghost disciples, flying into the infinite darkness.

The bone shield was broken, and before the ghost disciple had time to feel heartbroken, Zhang Zhi had already struck him head and face with a big black knife. The ghost disciple hurriedly dodged and let the hard iron knife cut into the air, but a black line flew away from the dark blade, silently, lightly, and quickly moved towards the ghost disciple in front.

These people are top-level cultivators, and they are always careful during the fight. Of course, they will not be hurt by a black line. The remaining five people spread out to pass the black line, then control the green fire to continue running, and at the same time, one person is separated to face Zhang Ai.

Zhang Awei went to chase the enemy, and Fu Kong looked at him extremely anxious. He wanted to guard the lotus platform and protect Zhang Tianfang's three injured people, but Zhang Awei had little chance of winning against the enemy alone. He hesitated and looked at the lotus platform, then at Zhang Awei, and his heart skipped a beat. Dodge and chase after him. At this moment, a huge fire dragon suddenly burned in front of the ghost disciple, entangled and fiercely pounced on the six people. Behind the flames, another water dragon flew up and down, blocking their way.

This is when the little pig and kitten took action. The two brothers had been enjoying themselves as cats in the arms of the girls. After the girl was injured, the two brothers were filled with indignation and prepared to fight. Just as they were about to fight, Zhang Tianfang was injured again. The two little guys were furious and decided to There was a big one coming, and just as Zhang was afraid of chasing him, the two guys went around to intercept it.

When the ferocious flames came, none of the ghost disciples dared to risk their lives. They wanted to escape, but the flames were too big and there was nowhere to dodge. Only by giving up the ghost sword could they leave quickly without being burned. This was not a black line just now. Just get out of the way and it would be fine. Come on, the sky is filled with flames, burning fiercely around you.

This time, the ghost disciples who were fighting Zhang Wei stopped fighting and shouted: "Give way." He flew several miles up in the air, threw a spell in his hand and shot it at the green fire outside the ghost sword. The spell exploded when it encountered the fire, and the green fire exploded. The fire became more fierce.

The remaining five ghost disciples immediately flew away after hearing the order, and escaped the fire in time. They saw the red fire rushing towards them, swallowing up the green fire in one gulp, and burning in the air.

The six ghost disciples each found a direction to avoid, and the little cat's water dragon flew towards the person closest to him. During the dance, the water dragon transformed into an ice dragon, biting the ghost disciple with a cold light.

When the fire came, Zhang had to dodge out of fear. When he saw the red fire surrounding the green fire, he shouted to the piglet: "Put away the knife." The piglet spit out another fire dragon, got into the flames and bit the green fire.

Among the six ghost disciples, one was fighting with the ice dragon, and the other five looked at each other with troubled expressions. The purpose of their efforts was not to kill people, but to seize the sword. The order from above was to pay at all costs. , even if you are all dead, you still have to take the knife back, but how to get it now? How to hold a knife in a fire? That was no ordinary fire. Even a fool could see that there was something special about Xiaozhu, and he was in trouble for a while. One person patted down the storage bag on his waist, and a three-foot-tall little skeleton jumped out. The person pointed at the wall of fire and shouted, "Go." The little skeleton swayed towards the flames very obediently. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer, he was about to step into the flames, but the little pig showed disdain and let the little skeleton go.

Really, the little skeleton stepped on the flames, and an open flame burned the ground. The white bone leg was gone, and it burned directly into ashes and scattered in the fire. The little skeleton with one leg left hurriedly jumped back.

The owner of the little skeleton had a face as cold as ice. He was frightened by the power of the flames, but he was even more heartbroken about the damage to the skeleton. Without saying a word, he put the skeleton away and took a few steps away. He didn't want to get too close to the flames.

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