The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 486 Healing the Injury

Chapter 486 Healing the Injury

The Sky Buddhist did not chase anymore, took away the magic weapon Foshan, came to stand in front of the white lotus flower, his eyes seemed to be looking at the buds, but seemed not to be looking at anything, just staring into the distance. Fu Kong took away the lotus general and came over to greet him: "Master, why are you back?"

Tian Tian sighed softly and said, "I was careless. If I didn't leave, he wouldn't be hurt."

The flying boat was destroyed, but Zhang was afraid that there were still a few more, but they were too small to suit the situation at hand. He released the large ship and took five injured girls into the house to rest. He took out a bunch of spiritual pills and gave them to the girls to take care of them.

At this time, Fu Kong controlled the lotus platform and also fell to the deck, followed by Master Sky. Fang Jian, Song Yunyi, Zhang Tianfang and others gathered around the lotus platform, looking anxious, fearing that the three people in the bud would die.

Fang Jian asked Fu Kong: "Can it be done?" These three words have a lot of meaning. They are asking whether Zhang Tianfang and the two girls are dead or alive? I also asked if the Lotus Terrace could save their lives? He even asked them if they could be saved?

Fukong answered simply, nodding and saying: "It can be done." He took a step forward and placed his right palm on the lotus platform.

Master Sky said: "I'll do it." He raised his hand to block Fu Kong's right hand, and replaced it with his own right hand. Fukong said: "Let the disciples come." Tiankong shook his head: "It's not just a desperate effort, but a little effort, you want to fight with me?" After saying this, he said: "Amitabha." Then he shouted: "Lotus grows step by step." Then I saw a soft white light sent from the Buddha's right hand into the lotus platform, and then the layers of petals on the lotus platform began to bloom, one by one, stretched and white, beautiful, holy and touching.

When all the petals unfolded, three people lying on the lotus platform were revealed. The ghost sword flew to Zhang Tianfang and clung to him motionless.

The clothes of the three people were covered with blood. Zhang Tianfang was hit by four swords. Not only were his clothes badly torn, but because of the excessive blood flow, his whole body was soaked in blood like a bloody man. The Sky Buddhist Master ordered: "Take off your shirt." "The injured are both men and women, and only Song Yunyi can do this job. Cheng Xier took care of the five injured girls in the cabin.

Zhang Tianfang was afraid that Fang Jianbu Kong and the other two people turned their backs to the lotus. Song Yunyi stepped onto the lotus platform gently and slowly and carefully undressed the three of them. Zhang Tianfang was heartless, relying on his strong physique, even though he was seriously injured, he still said: "Guan So "It's a long time to take a breath, are they okay?" He asked Song Yunyi, who chuckled and replied: "Rest first, there will be more opportunities to talk later."

Zhang Tianfang forced a smile and said: "Don't be ridiculous, except for ghosts, I have never seen anyone who has been pierced in the heart and can survive. Just say a few words and enjoy yourself. In the future, maybe there will be no chance." His words were a bit pitiful. , Zhang Fing tried to persuade him that it would be okay, but Sky Buddhist Master preempted him and said coldly: "There's so much nonsense, shut up."

Fu Kong chuckled and said, "I've never seen someone talk nonsense before when his heart is broken." The implication was that Zhang Tianfang could be saved. Zhang Ping didn't care what he said, but the Sky Buddha scolded him casually, and the monk Fu Kong's tone was relaxed, indicating that Zhang Tianfang must be fine, so he relaxed and smiled and said: "You are about to die and you are talking so much nonsense, let's discuss it, give me the knife, do it A memorial.”

Hearing the two of them talking like this, Zhang Tianfang was stunned. He was seriously injured just now, and now his heart is seriously injured. After a while, he whispered: "You guys, do you really want me to die?"

Fang Jian was worried that Zhang Tianfang's injury would be aggravated by being stimulated, so he hurriedly said: "Can't you tell I'm teasing you? You must be fine."

Sky Buddhist shouted: "Shut up, everyone." The white light in his palm was sent into the lotus. Three white rhizomes suddenly grew out of the middle of the lotus platform. They were small, weak but tough. They crooked and crawled into the wounds of the three people. After a while, the wounds were filled with white rhizomes. It was separated from the lotus platform and retracted into the bodies of the three people, splitting into threads at a speed visible to the naked eye. Many threads snaked into the body from the wound, and became entangled with the body organs. It didn't take much time, and the wound grew well, and those white threads After the blood flow, it transformed into blood vessels and became part of the body. The main body of the rhizome began to expand, and finally grew into the shape of a heart. The blood sent in through the white thread began to beat with a bang, and the whole thing turned into a flesh and blood organ. The three of them were alive and okay. .

The three male compatriots had their backs to the lotus platform and saw nothing. Song Yunyi really saw it completely and asked in surprise: "Is this real or fake?" He wanted to touch it after seeing it.

After the internal injuries are cured, the external injuries are treated next. The skin at the wound begins to gather and shrink, and the scabs fall off. After a while, new and tender muscles grow, and the injury is completely healed. The sky Buddhist monk stopped his hand and said: "Truth becomes false and falsehood becomes true; true truth and falsehood become empty." It is the same as not saying it.

Song Yunyi was also a cultivator after all. He raised his hand and approached the three of them. After checking with his spiritual consciousness to confirm that the three of them were okay, he took out two new clothes, wrapped them in two girls and carried them into the cabin. Zhang Ai and the other three then turned to look at Zhang Tianfang. The tall and nervous man was looking at the Sky Buddhist with a sad and indignant expression: "What did you do to me? Why is your body itchy?"

The sky Buddhist monk ignored him at all, his face looked a little tired, and he stretched out his hand to Zhang Awei and said: "Elixir." He didn't say what pill he wanted. It seemed that having more would be a good thing. Zhang Wei hurriedly took out a bunch of jade bottles and stuffed them all at the old monk. Then he went to check Zhang Tianfang's injuries. Sure enough, apart from being a little weak, he was not seriously ill. So he kicked him with confidence and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Tianfang groaned: "I am a patient."

Sky Buddhist took the elixir and walked into the cabin. He wanted to find a quiet room to meditate. Zhang Ai asked Fu Kong in a low voice: "Is your master okay?" Fu Kong replied: "It shouldn't be a big deal. It's just that the Buddha power in the body has been exhausted and needs to be fully replenished."

No wonder he needed so many elixirs. Zhang Awei nodded and said: "It's okay. I still have elixirs here, which are not enough to talk about." Fukong said: "I know." He pinched a Buddha and pointed at the newly grown skin on Zhang Tianfang's chest. A lotus flower appeared on it, and he continued: "There is a swastika seal on your palm and a white lotus seal on your chest. Who would believe you if you are not a Buddhist? You might as well surrender to us."

"Don't even think about it! Even if my body is covered with Buddhist symbols, my heart..." Zhang Tianfang wanted to say that his heart would remain unchanged, but suddenly he remembered that the heart was transformed from a lotus flower. He couldn't help but feel a little depressed, so he had to keep silent.

Fu Kong teased him: "Keep talking, what's wrong with your heart?"

Zhang Tianfang held back his words. Fang Jian said: "This spell is good, you can learn it." Even if the mind is gone, it can be done. Buddhist spells are indeed mysterious. He asked Fu Kong: "How did you do it?" Fu Kong said: "I don't know how to do it either. Anyway, if you have the magic weapon of growing lotus step by step, you can sacrifice your whole body of Buddha power and just recite a few dharma instructions."

After saying it, he didn't say it. Fang Jian said: "Isn't it just the four words "Lotus grows step by step"? I keep repeating it and want you to change the words. It's interesting to see that it can be flesh and bone."

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