The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 467 Three Monks

Chapter 467 Three Monks

He flew back, and the skull followed quickly. The closer he flew, the stronger the dizziness felt. Only then did he realize that the skull was causing trouble. His Fu Shen Sword attacked the thin man, but was dodged by the opponent. He called back and moved to the left, then retreated, then moved to the right, then retreated, and then moved to the left. He tossed back and forth several times to throw away the two skulls. At this time, he appeared With great strength, he flew in a circle towards the thin man, flew out the Fushen Sword, slashed out with the hard iron knife, and threw out several charms, hoping to kill him with one blow.

The thin man was at the same level as Zhang Awei, and he didn't want to confront Zhang Awei head-on. He concentrated on dodging attacks. Judging from the current situation, it would be difficult to hurt him in a short time. Zhang was afraid that he would not believe in evil, so he threw out the Fushen Sword, Moon Shadow Knife, and Five Elements Knife, and even released one hundred and twenty-eight Fushen snake tails to intercept him. He then saw a thin man running away at full speed in front, followed by more than a hundred people. White light, followed by various magic weapons shot by Zhang Awei, then Zhang Awei, and finally two wind groups.

The thin man ran away at full speed, but no matter how fast he was, he couldn't move faster than the God-Slaying Snake, and he was soon surrounded by more than a hundred snakes. When he was about to attack the God-Conquering Snake, more than a hundred snakes killed him easily, and then dropped a pile of rotten meat and flew in front of Zhang Ao to claim credit. The thin man died and the two small wind groups disappeared. Zhang Ain thought that this technique was good, but it was a pity that he didn't know how to practice it. He took out the spiritual energy pill and rewarded the little snake. He scanned the surrounding area with his spiritual consciousness and found nothing. He put away the little snake and returned to the mountain col. Zhang Tianfang said: "It took a long time to kill him, how shameless."

Zhang was afraid that he was too lazy to talk nonsense with him. He just felt unhappy. It was so difficult to kill a Nascent Soul mid-level ghost disciple. How could more than a hundred super masters in Tiexian Valley do it? He removed the magic circle and released Feiya, called the girls to come up, and flew westward at full speed, frantically searching for Daxiong Temple.

Blindly searching would only waste time. He turned around and didn't find anything, but he did see some low-level ghosts doing evil, and Zhang Wen killed them by the way. On this day, we were surrounded by plains, which were vast and boundless. There was a huge tree standing in the plain, which looked tall from a distance. When I flew closer, I realized that the tree was ridiculously tall. It was tall and thick, taller than any tree Zhang Wen had ever seen before. And the strangest thing is that the tree is half prosperous and half withered, half of the trunk has dense branches and leaves, and half of the trunk has dried into branches.

This tree is very strange. Everyone's first impression when seeing the tree is that it is strange.

Flying closer carefully, I suddenly found that there were about a hundred people surrounding the tree, and three great monks were sitting against the tree. The other hundreds of people were all ghost disciples, and from time to time they threw some magic weapons to harass the three monks.

The great monks were extremely well-educated, and all their spells were ineffective when they were in front of their eyes. However, they did not fight back. They just chanted Buddhist scriptures and tried their best to persuade the ghost disciples to do good. Zhang Tianfang saw this and sneered: "They are all fools."

Zhang was afraid of killing many ghost disciples these days. When he saw more than a hundred people bullying the Buddhist monks, he didn't say anything and charged into the crowd with his sword. Zhang Tianfang concluded: "This guy is more lethal than me." As he spoke, he followed with the ghost sword.

These two brothers are definitely the reincarnation of the God of Killing, bringing about a bloody storm with one sword after another. These ghost disciples are also very low in cultivation. They cannot fight or run, so they can only stand and wait for death.

Two Zhangs tried their best to kill people, and one of the three great monks shouted the name of the Buddha: "The donor is very murderous, so why not practice Zen with me and read the Diamond Sutra, and you can also confirm the great treasure in the future."

It was rare to be able to bully low-level ghost disciples happily. Zhang Tianfang was very happy. The ghost sword was like a soul-collecting slash, and there was no one alive where the sword passed. Hearing the great monk speak, he said disdainfully: "So what if it's confirmed? Your bliss may not be my bliss."

No matter whose bliss it was, the hundreds of ghost disciples surrounding the tree quickly turned into a pile of corpses. After killing all the enemies, Zhang Po raised his hands and asked, "Do you know where the Daxiong Temple is, masters?" Hearing this, the three great monks looked at Zhang with solemn expressions. One of them asked, "Why are you looking for Daxiong Temple?" "The spiritual consciousness was sent into Zhang Ping's body, and no abnormality was found after several searches. A monk stood up and said: "It is wrong for the donor to ask for death. Can you sit quietly with me?"

Zhang Tianfang rolled his eyes and said, "Is there no one in your monk temple? Why are you recruiting disciples from all over the world?" As soon as he spoke, the three great monks focused their attention on him. Their expressions suddenly changed. They stood up and walked to him and asked: "Buddha kills?" A monk said with disbelief on his face, "I only think that the reincarnation of Buddha kills is a legend, and I don't want to really see it."

Zhang Tianfang said disdainfully: "Nervous." The three monks didn't care what he said at all. They looked at him with excited, pious and uneasy expressions. They didn't know what to say for a moment. Zhang Tianfang spared no effort to attack them: "Three crazy monks."

The great monk among them was barefoot and wearing a moon-white monk's robe. He recited a few lines of Amitabha to calm his mind, clasped his hands together and said: "When the Buddha is killed, he will definitely bring chaos to the world..." Before he could finish his words, Zhang Tianfang interrupted: " Get out of here, I am the one who brought about the chaos, the world is in chaos and needs me to save it." His shamelessness has not changed.

The other two monks brushed their foreheads with their left hands. When they removed their hands, two eyes appeared in the middle of their foreheads. The golden light swept towards Zhang Tianfang. After a moment, they said: "You haven't entered my Buddhist door yet. The young monk Yuan Ai is willing to be the guiding monk to lead the Buddha to kill the master." Recall your original knowledge to wipe out the demons."

"Are you going to extradite me? More than a hundred ghosts beat you without even giving back your hands, so I'm going to extradite you?" If there is only one person in this world who dares to have no respect for Buddhists, then that person must be Zhang Tianfang, who jumped to his feet and shouted: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me where Daxiong Temple is?"

The monk on Yuan'an's left was surprised and said: "Do you know Master Tian? It's better to go to Daxiong Temple to get tonsured than I am to wait for you. I, the young monk Yuan Ku, can take Master Buddha to kill you."

Zhang Tianfang looked at the big tree behind the three monks and said to the third monk: "That guy's name is Yuan Ku, are you Yuan Rong?" For once, he was clever and finally guessed correctly. The third monk smiled and said: "Buddha kills the master, Buddha has a wise heart."

"You don't care whether I'm smart or stupid, just lead the way." This guy never knew what politeness was. However, the three great monks were not angry. Yuan Ai took a step forward and said, "The young monk will take you there. Junior Brother Yuan Ku and Yuan Rong will also guard the Bodhi tree."

"Is this tree called the bodhi tree?" Zhang Tianfang pretended to look up and down, and said casually: "Except that it is taller and thicker, there is nothing special about it."

Zhang was afraid that he really wanted to kick him. He actually said there was nothing special about such a tall, thick, half-withered tree? He said to Zhang Tianfang: "Stop talking nonsense." Zhang Tianfang glared and said: "You care about me?"

The three great monks were so self-restrained that they regarded everything in front of them as floating clouds. Yuan Nai leaned forward and said, "Buddha kills me, sir." He stepped forward barefoot and walked north.

Could it be that he found a free coolie? Zhang Tianfang asked while walking: "How far is it?"

"It's not that far, but lost people are always lost, how can we enlighten them?" Yuan An said some nonsense, which made Zhang Tianda angry: "Can you speak properly?" After saying this, he was kicked away by Zhang Wan: "Can you speak properly?"

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