The Monk

Volume One Chapter 466 The Thin Man

Chapter 466: Thin Man

The dozen or so saints were wary of the hidden master, fearing that he would offend him and cause trouble. They did not dare to openly search for clues. They only glanced briefly and flew away. They did not even dare to deal with the corpses of the ghosts. The two spies who were meditating at the entrance of the village The disciples left together, no one was willing to risk their lives for no reason.

The ones who had just killed were seven God-subdued snakes. These little creatures were extremely powerful, and it was easy to bully the Danjie ghost disciples. After killing them, they flew back to lie down in front of Zhang Wen, lazily showing off their fine, strong, white scales. Zhang was afraid that if he looked at them one by one, they would become less cute and more cruel as they grew up, so he threw some spiritual energy pills to them and then put them away. When I wanted to go out to say hello to the saints, I found that those guys had already left. I couldn't help but feel a little depressed: "Leaving now?"

He raised his step and wanted to chase him out, but Fang Jian stopped him and said, "It's useless to chase him. If the saints knew the whereabouts of the ghosts, they wouldn't leave people in the village to summon people and wait like you." Zhang Ping said, "Let me ask. The location of Daxiong Temple is good." Fang Jian said, "Stay here for a few days. If you kill two groups of ghosts and more than 20 people, they will find out."

Today's ghost disciples are not like the scattered soldiers fighting on their own as before. There are masters from the Iron Line Valley who are in charge and dominate the thousands of ghost disciples. They have the potential to divide the world equally with the demon cultivators of the Holy City. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, if something happens to a ghost disciple, the reason must be clarified, and the grudge will be repaid.

Zhang Ping said: "Then stay for a few days." What he wanted in his mind was to capture the thief and the king. Without the 108 top-level ghosts in the Iron Line Valley, the Holy Kingdom would not have caused such a big mess and destroyed the Iron Line. Valley, the holy country is naturally peaceful. But the problem is that there are more than a hundred super masters. Who in the world has the ability to completely kill them?

Suddenly, a person came to mind, an old monk who was kind-hearted but terrifying in strength. He should have something to do. He said to Fang Jian: "If we have anything to do here, go to Daxiong Temple first and find the Sky Buddhist." Fang Jian nodded and said: "No matter what, I will do it anyway." We’re going to Daxiong Temple.” Zhang Tianfang shouted, “We’re going to see the young monk. What’s wrong with that old bastard?”

Reasoning with Zhang Tianfang was a self-inflicted humiliation. Zhang Ping said: "I'll pick up the corpses." He jumped out of the semi-underground passage and walked towards the seven corpses. He grabbed the storage bag in his hand, put his soul into the calming beads, and burned the corpses. After finishing the work, he returned to the col and threw the storage bag to Zhang Tianfang: "Yours." Zhang Tianfang curled his lips and said: "No." By the way, he threw out the bag he got from the murder a few days ago: "Yours." Zhang Ain smiled bitterly. He put it away and said: "The more people kill, the more rags they get." He said this out of self-deprecation, mocking himself for becoming more and more cold-blooded. Zhang Tianfang raised his eyebrows and said, "That's because you don't dare to kill the master."

Several people chatted for a while, and soon the night ushered in. When the bright moon was high, a gust of wind blew from afar, making a whining sound as unpleasant as a ghost's cry.

Zhang Ai reminded everyone in a low voice: "Someone is coming." Zhang Tianfang continued to carry him: "Even the deaf can hear."

Blocked by the formation, the dark wind failed to detect dozens of people hiding in the mountain col. They turned around a few times at the entrance of the village and plunged into the village with a pole. Fang Jian said anxiously: "Go in and help." He was worried that the people would suffer. Zhang Ping said: "I'll come." He walked out of the col with the Fushen Sword and looked up to the sky with a long roar that startled the birds in the forest.

Hearing Zhang Ain's yelling, the dark wind flew back, stirring up the sand and soil in the sky, making the night even more chaotic. Zhang Wei shouted: "Show me." The Fu Shen Sword took off his hand and stabbed into the wind. With a sound, the Fu Shen Sword circled around and returned to Zhang Ai's hand. When the wind stopped, a thin man in gray clothes appeared, covering his hands with his hands. He held his belly and looked at Zhang with fear.

Zhang Ai wandered forward two steps and spoke while wandering: "What do you hate the most about pretending to be a ghost? You can't walk well with long legs?"

The thin man was a mid-level Nascent Soul ghost disciple. After learning that something happened to two groups of his men, he came out to investigate as soon as possible. He thought that with his invisible wind escape technique, even if he could not kill the enemy, at least he could come and go freely and protect himself. Unexpectedly, an enemy stabbed him the moment he came face to face. I couldn't help but feel frightened and angry. He was injured even though he was hiding in the wind. How powerful was this man?

Zhang Ping didn't expect that he could hurt the enemy with just one sword. He was completely blind and met a dead mouse. He said to the opponent seriously: "You are out of luck."

The skinny man had a bloody hole in his abdomen, but he was determined to be fine. He pressed the wound with his palms back and forth, silently using mystical skills, and after a while he injured the affected area to stop the bleeding. After a while, the wound healed and the skin returned to a smooth surface. Then he took out a dark pill, swallowed it and continued to exercise his power. After the eighteen days passed, a black ghost flag appeared, making a hunting sound in the dark night. It was really only his voice but his face that he could see.

Zhang Jing said: "You want to fight?" He was not polite to him, threw a top-quality talisman on the ghost flag, then covered his ears and ran away for a long distance. At this time, the talisman exploded, blowing the ghost flag to pieces. It also injured the thin man and caused him to vomit a large mouthful of blood.

The ghost flag was damaged before it was used, and the thin man was furious. He was afraid of losing the talisman, so he retreated. He didn't want the talisman to stick to the ghost flag tightly. When he realized that it was too late to remove it, he had to reluctantly throw the ghost flag away to avoid getting more serious. Hurt, spit out blood and get rid of it. The problem is that my heart is unbalanced. It was just a face-to-face encounter. I was injured twice and a magic weapon was destroyed. I felt angry in my heart. I opened my hands like eagle talons and shouted a few times. Two wind masses flew out of my hands and collided with each other. Zhang is afraid.

What the hell is this again? Can you fight with such a small wind? He dodged and retreated, leading two waves of wind to chase after him. He sheathed his sword and replaced it with a knife. He picked up a hard iron knife like half a door and struck it horizontally. The blade was wide and made a sound, and it lightly covered the wind. With a swipe, the two winds disappeared.

She sheathed the knife and stepped back, intending to use the power of the knife to kill the annoying thin man, but just as the knife was raised, two small wind balls swayed and floated in front of her eyes. Can't break up? He raised the hard iron knife and planned to try again. Suddenly a whistle was heard, and the small wind group changed greatly. Two skulls, one crying and one laughing, appeared in the swift wind, and the evil spirit bit them strangely.

Do skulls also have expressions? Zhang Ai retreated again, shot two talismans at the skull, and made two loud bangs. After the colorful light and thick white smoke dissipated, the two small wind groups stubbornly entangled together, revealing two skull faces again. .

The skull is an invisible thing, condensed by the wind, and no matter how powerful the spell is, it cannot blow up the air.

The two skulls continued to chase him, Zhang Wei swung the hard iron knife and struck hard. The moment the skulls disappeared, his whole body rushed towards the thin man like electricity, and the Fushen Sword suddenly appeared again, stabbing the opponent's throat. But when he jumped over two small wind balls, he suddenly felt dizzy for a moment. He quickly made a magic spell and threw the sword in his hand. The person took advantage of the force of the throw and flew back. He felt better after running far away.

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