The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 468 Daxiong Temple

Chapter 468 Daxiong Temple

Daxiong Temple is indeed not far away, and they can reach it in one day with their walking ability. Surrounded by high mountains and rocks, there is a circle of low bungalows, with an old wooden block hanging on the lintel, with the words Daxiong Temple written on it.

"This is Daxiong Temple? The best temple in the world is so shabby?" Zhang Tianfang couldn't believe it.

The group of people soon arrived at the circle of bungalows. What was very different from other temples was that the gates were closed and there was no sound of chanting in the temple. Just when they were curious, the courtyard door opened with a creak, and a smiling young monk walked out and said hello to them: "Here we come." He seemed as comfortable as a neighbor visiting the house. From his appearance, he seemed to have known for a long time that he was afraid that they would come. .

The young monk was not empty. Zhang Tianfang looked at the young monk seriously for a long time and asked sternly: "The old monk didn't bully you, right?"

"Why did my master bully me?" Fu Kong ignored his question and raised one palm in front of his chest to greet everyone. Yuan Ai returned the greeting: "Bring Master Fosha here, and the young monk takes his leave." Fukong said, "My master said that the three of you can't look away from it. It's just a tree. It will always experience life and death, so there is no need to guard it obsessively."

Yuan An smiled and shook his head gently, without explaining, he just said: "Some things have to be done by someone. I'll take my leave, little monk." After saying that, his figure flickered on the spot and fled into the distance.

Fu Kong watched Yuan Ai leave and said sideways: "Come in." Thirty-nine people, including men and women, entered the temple. They faced a large square with green brick paving and hundreds of life-size Buddha statues standing around it. . Among a bunch of Buddha statues stood an old monk with white eyebrows and white beard, smiling at everyone.

Zhang was afraid that he would get angry when he saw him: "What do you want, old guy?" He pretended to look around and said harshly: "Is Daxiong Temple like this? Alas, it's really disappointing." His words have always lacked fairness. People will take it seriously. Zhang Ping gradually took two steps forward and saluted the Buddhist monk in the sky. Sky Buddhist said: "You are here too soon, come in and sit down."

There is a small path in the middle of the Buddha statue, leading to the Buddhist hall, where the monks do their morning prayers. It is not a problem to accommodate Zhang Wen and others. When everyone was seated, the Sky Buddhist monk asked: "What do all the donors want to do when they come to Daxiong Temple?" Zhang Tianfang rushed to say: "Coming to see the young monk has nothing to do with you." The Sky Buddhist monk said: "So what if you see it?" He was afraid and said: "No, if you see it, you will see it."

Sky Buddha smiled slightly: "Want to have a fight with the old monk?" Zhang Ping said hurriedly: "I don't dare, I really have something to ask the master to come out here." Sky Buddha said: "Please tell me." Zhang Ping said : "I would like to ask the master to contact all the Buddhists to surround and kill the ghost disciples in Tiexian Valley, save the people from the fire and water, and return a peaceful world to the people of the Holy Kingdom."

Hearing this, Tian Tian smiled and said: "You really dare to think about targeting Buddhist cultivators. However, ghosts are rampant, run rampant, and kill people without calculation. They are really a disaster for the people. Buddhists are stained with blood and kill a few people for no reason." "Yes, but before that, Daxiong Temple has something to do." As he spoke, he turned his attention to Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang Tianfang said excitedly: "Why are you looking at me?"

Tian Tian said: "You are a reincarnated disciple appointed by the Buddha. You must be ordained by my Buddha, enter my Buddhist sect, and fight for my Buddha. The ghost disciple is your first test..." Before he could finish his words, Zhang Tian He magnified and shouted: "The ghost wants to enter your Buddhist door." After thinking for a while, he said: "Are you tricking me? Take what you gave me and trick me into coming to Daxiong Temple to shave my head?"

Tian Tian shook his head: "Have I ever lied to you? You were inspired by my Buddha and traveled thousands of miles to receive the precepts. It is the heart of the Buddha. When you are pious and do good, you are destined to do it, and you cannot shirk it."

The old monk Zhang Tianfang shook his head: "You can talk nonsense, but don't do it anyway!"

As soon as he finished speaking, eighteen monks filed into the Buddhist hall. After paying homage to Master Tian, ​​they took out a golden futon and placed it on the ground. They bowed to Zhang Tianfang and sang and shouted: "Please, Lord Buddha, take the ordination."

"Crazy." Zhang Tianfang spat out three words and lay down on his back, feeling as comfortable as if the Buddhist hall was his bed.

The Buddhist monk in the sky shouted in his ear: "Can you bear to see all the people in trouble, their families broken up and their families dead?" Zhang Tianfang said coldly: "I have nothing to do with other people's lives and lives. You just go to save people if you can't bear to look down on me. Don't talk nonsense to me." ”

The eighteen Buddhist monks who arrived later were frightened by his words. Is this what Buddha said? How could a disciple of Buddha be so vulgar?

Zhang Ai coughed and said: "Master Tianfang, it is not important whether Zhang Tianfang has received the ordination. The most important thing at this time is to kill the ghost disciples. As long as the ghost disciples in Tiexian Valley are killed, the people will be fine. There is plenty of time to discuss the matter of killing and ordaining the Buddha." ”

Seeing Zhang Tianfang's resolute attitude, the old monk knew that he could not persuade him, so he sighed and said, "Juniors, let's go." The eighteen Buddhist monks sang a promise in unison, turned around and walked out of the Buddhist hall. Tian Tian said to Bu Kong: "You take care of them." After saying that, he walked out of the Buddhist hall.

Zhang Aing asked curiously: "What is this?" Fu Kong explained: "Ghosts brutally kill innocent people, and Buddhist cultivators devote themselves to praying for Buddha. How can they just sit idly by and do nothing? Before you came, the master had already agreed with the five great monks to take action today and lay siege. Iron Wire Valley.”

"What are the five great monks?" Zhang Tianfang asked as he sat up.

"There are five eminent monks in the Buddhist cult of the Holy Kingdom, each holding the leadership of a temple. Their prominence is higher than that of the Daxiong Temple, and they are collectively called the Five Monks." Fu Kong said, and then added: "Why don't you want to become a monk? But it's so soon. Come and see me, I’m happy.”

"Why did I come to see you? I was fooled!" Zhang Tianfang sat and yelled, bitterly: "I have to find a way to beat that old bastard, otherwise it will be too frustrating and a failure."

Zhang Aing asked, "Is the Iron Line Valley far away? Why don't we go and have a look." Fu Kong flatly refused and said, "No! The master said that this battle is dangerous, and even great Buddhists may not be able to escape unscathed. You guys You can't take risks! But you, after taking the ordination, learned Buddhist skills and became the best in the world. It's not a big deal to go to Tiexian Valley." The last sentence was said to Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang pretended not to hear, and said to Zhang Awei: "I've seen the young monk, let's go." He couldn't defeat the big monks, and he hated them very much, so he wanted to leave before the Buddhist monks came back.

Fu Kong smiled and said: "With me here, where can you go?" Zhang Tianfang glared: "Do you dare to stop me?" Fu Kong smiled and shook his head: "Why stop you? I only need to follow you, and you can still go" Where are you running? "Why are you following me?" Zhang Tianfang asked. Fu Kong replied: "Master asked me to protect you." Zhang Tianfang thought for a moment: "If you want to follow or not, let's go." He walked out of the Buddhist hall first.

Everyone was walking out of Daxiong Temple. Zhang Tianfang liked the excitement and asked Fu Kong: "Go to Tiexian Valley?" Fu Kong shook his head and said nothing. Zhang Tianfang tried his best to ink him and asked endless questions. He sighed and said: "Actually, I don't know where the Iron Wire Valley is." Zhang Tianfang yelled in anger: "Go to hell."

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