The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 438 Warning

Chapter 438 Warning

He was a little angry. A group of disciples had a mountain gate but could not return. They were wandering outside without even a place to practice. However, many spiritual veins on Tianlei Mountain have been occupied by cultivators from all sides. He wants to give the world a warning.

The sword is at the end of the world, and the white clothes are like singing. Zhang Ai flew to the main peak and shouted loudly: "Zhang Ai, a disciple of Tianlei Mountain, is returning to the mountain. Those who are not the successors of our sect should leave the mountain immediately. Anyone who violates this rule will be killed without mercy." The voice spread and resounded throughout the mountain, alarming everyone on the mountain. .

Tianlei Mountain is very big, and there are many people gathered there. At least there are more than 2,000 monks occupying the lame nest. When they heard Zhang Weijing's cry, they flew out one after another. After all, the reputation of the disciples of Tianlei Mountain is there, and no one wants to offend him. .

Zhang Ai fell onto the huge square after shouting. A hundred meters ahead was the Gao Gao Tian Lei Palace. This was the foundation of the sect and must not be left in human hands. At this time, there were more than a dozen people standing in front of the hall, all of whom were at the top level of Dan Jie, looking at Zhang Ai with solemn expressions. Zhang Ping showed off his Fushen Sword and walked forward. In front of him was a magic circle, protecting the Tianlei Palace and everyone in front of it.

Zhang Weijing glanced at everyone one by one with cold eyes, and shouted coldly: "Get out!"

Tianlei Palace is the place with the strongest aura on the mountain. It is no wonder that these dozen or so people are able to grab this place. However, Zhang Ping didn't care at all, but became more and more angry as he watched. Not only did these bastards occupy Tianlei Palace, they also set up formations outside the palace to defend themselves against the enemy. They were really unceremonious and treated this place as their own home.

After letting go of his spiritual consciousness, he found many different magic formations elsewhere. They were arranged randomly, making Zhang Ai even more angry. With a little silver sword, a sword light penetrated the magic formation. After a crackling sound, the magic formation started to move. Zhang Ai was afraid He stabbed casually outside the array, and countless rays of sword light pierced into the array. Soon he found the eye of the array, and shot the spell with a snap of his finger. It exploded immediately, and the array exploded together. The sky was filled with fire and exploded into countless strange clouds. Covering this world. When the clouds disappeared and the magic circle was no longer there, a dozen people in the circle turned into minced flesh and died extremely happily. By accident, they blew up some of the gate of Tianlei Palace and the square in front of the palace, which made Zhang Weijing cry out that it was a pity.

There were many people standing high in the sky near the main peak. Seeing that Zhang Weifeng broke through the formation cleanly and killed people as easily as weeding, they secretly cursed this guy for being such a bastard. They felt apprehensive, but they were a little reluctant to leave the spiritual place of cultivation.

Zhang Ping didn't care what they were thinking, and shouted again: "Those who can't leave after three breaths, kill them!" At the same time, he found the Five Elements and Bagua Formation Eyes, and when he sent his spiritual power, a halo appeared all over the sky, and there was a soft buzzing sound. , the protective array opens.

The Five Elements and Bagua Formation has a total of thirteen formation flags, with different shapes and functions. They are specially made from the skin of Fu Shen snakes and various rare materials according to the topography of Tianlei Mountain. They are extremely powerful. The last time I left the mountain, I didn't collect it and hid it underground. This time the formation reopened, and suddenly the entire Tianlei Mountain was protected by a dense white light. A supreme aura broke through the mountain and pressed on everyone in the sky.

Most of these people were casual cultivators with average skills but extraordinary knowledge. Seeing the mighty momentum of the Tianlei Mountain Formation, it was estimated that they would be difficult to resist. More than two thousand people flew away in all directions. They had to stay away from danger no matter what. For the sake of their lives, they had to work hard even He discarded all the miscellaneous arrays and concentrated on escaping.

Judging from everyone's performance, the title of Disciple of Tianleishan is relatively easy to use, easily scaring away millions of soldiers. But there are no absolutes. There are many greedy people in the world, and there are also many people who don’t know their own weight. Most of the people in the sky have left, but there are still more than fifty people left. There are always some who are extremely self-confident, or who want to be bumped into. The lucky lunatic wants to try his hand.

Zhang Ai was very kind, very considerate of their efforts, and decided to give them a chance to try. After watching most of the people leave, his cold eyes turned to the fifty or so people, and he shouted softly. The trees in the mountains and fields seemed to have become spirits, suddenly growing into a large length, and then this length grew like crazy. The branches of the trees separated and shot into the air like spears.

This stab was so sudden that the whole sky turned into a forest in an instant. The cultivator who had never given up had absolutely given up. Not only was his heart dead, but his body was also completely dead. Looking at them, they are all covered with wooden thorns. There is no way to escape. No matter how quick the reaction is, the monks cannot fly out of the Tianlei Mountain boundary in an instant. The wooden thorns attack indiscriminately. Where there are trees, the wooden thorns will fly upward. Then a popping sound was heard, and wooden thorns shot through their bodies all over the sky, then flew upwards for dozens of miles and disappeared without a sound. More than fifty corpses were stabbed into honeycombs and fell to the ground. Their flesh and blood were so bloody that no human shape could be seen.

After killing these people, Zhang was afraid that he would not clean up the corpses. There would be carnivorous beasts in the forest to work for him. He just clicked his hand to collect the storage bag, and then went to break the formation, breaking the various magic formations left by more than two thousand cultivators one by one. Since there is no one in charge of the magic circle, it is easier to break it and it takes more than ten days to complete.

After finishing all the work, I went to sit quietly under the mountain gate for two days. I didn’t think about anything and thought about everything randomly. In short, I had no intention of practicing. After two days, I got up and flicked a white light to the eyes of the Five Elements and Bagua array. The array immediately stopped. , Tianleishan became undefended. Looking at the mountain scenery, Zhang Ain laughed softly and took off back to the ice field.

He came back just to kill people, just to establish his authority, just to tell the world not to take advantage of Tianleishan.

Tianlei Mountain has spiritual veins, but this is not the reason why Yuanying masters care about it. The only thing worth thinking about is Zhang Wei's infinite treasure. Because of these treasures, Tianlei Mountain was destroyed; because of these treasures, even after the reconstruction, a large number of Nascent Soul monks were still attracted to attack the mountain, and the disciples of Tianlei Mountain were obviously no match for these masters.

These masters are not here to occupy mountains or kill people, they are only here to get the magical elixir of immortality. They can surround the mountain, break through the mountain and leave. The goal is for the disciples of Tianlei Mountain to return to the mountain, capture and interrogate the whereabouts of the elixir, or directly exchange these people for the elixir with Zhang Awei.

Zhang was afraid of knowing all this, so he would rather wander around with 773 people than return to Tianlei Mountain to live in peace. These 773 people are the only bloodline left in Tianlei Mountain. If there are not some top masters among them, Zhang Pingwan will not dare to let go easily.

But just because they can't return to Tianlei Mountain doesn't mean that others can occupy it at will. This is Tianlei Mountain, the head of the seven major sects of the Yue Kingdom's righteous path. Even if it is ruined, it does not allow others to be presumptuous!

Heading all the way north, we soon returned to the ice field. The piglets and kittens played in the water that was colder than ice, while the disciples practiced behind closed doors. The girls didn't like the cold here, so they traveled thousands of miles south to live in the dense forest. Song Yunyi, Cheng Xier, and Zhang Tianfang had no time to accompany them, and only Fang Jian stayed in the ice field to practice hard. Zhang Ain was stunned when he heard the news. What kind of group of alchemy monks were they? They were actually afraid of the cold!

Zhang Ain knew that being afraid of the cold must be an excuse. No matter how nice the ice field was, it was not as fun as the dense forest. There were flowers, grass, water, rocks, and many rabbits, lynxes, and ferocious beasts. That was the main reason to attract the girls.

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