The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 437 The Farce Ends

Chapter 437 The farce ends

Coincidentally, Shura came. He wandered around the Kelan River with nothing to do, and happened to see the children of the Demon Sect being slaughtered. Although the murderer and the murdered did not know each other, the protector's mentality was at work, and he accidentally... When he got angry, he showed off his super master strength, fighting a group of people one by one, and fighting dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators alone.

This fight can be called an unprecedented battle. The situation on the Kelan River changed and the fight was chaotic. Except for Zhang Ai and a few others, no one dared to watch the battle. It was very scary for a group of Nascent Soul masters to go crazy. No one wanted to be cannon fodder.

The final outcome was that Shura was seriously injured and escaped. Five of the Nascent Soul masters died, 17 were seriously injured, 20 escaped, and only a dozen were left intact. After beating Shura away, Gu Zhang was filled with anger and had not finished venting it. He was afraid that some people would not like him, so these ten people gathered around him.

Zhang Tianzhuang shouted: "We are peaceful! We are just passing by!"

"I'm just hitting people passing by." A dozen masters rushed over like crazy.

Zhang was afraid that he felt pity for Shura. This guy was so miserable. Every time he saw him, he would be seriously injured. It was impossible to say that he was lucky. He should reflect on it. Just as he was playing with sadness, Zhang Tianfang slapped him and said, "Get the ice out." Zhang Ain took a look and thought, wow, here comes the fight. With a thought, two ice walls rose up on the river. He followed Zhang Tianfang's words and said, "We are passing by." of!"

His screams were ignored, and more than a dozen attacks hit the ice wall. There was a loud crackling sound, and the ice wall shattered. Zhang Tianfang said: "Your wall is getting weaker and weaker." Zhang Wen ignored him, waved his hand and raised several more ice walls, and then shouted: "Don't force me to do it."

These five words were like a **, which angered everyone, and they all yelled: "Hurry up, do it." At the same time, they used more fierce means to attack the ice wall.

Zhang Tianfang quickly helped to cheer: "Hurry up and do it, they told you to do it."

Seeing the madness of everyone in the ice queen, Zhang Haohe let out a chuckle. It's ridiculous. Isn't it ridiculous? No matter how highly cultivated they are, they are just a bunch of lunatics. These Nascent Soul monks range from elementary to advanced levels. The Nascent Soul high-level monks have the largest number, so they can force Shura away. If they are one-on-one, it is almost impossible for Zhang Ain to defeat them. But now he was on the water, and with the help of ice crystals, he was already in an invincible position. Countless ice walls surrounded the dozen or so people at his fingertips. Zhang Aoi said softly: "I'm going to take action."

Even a fool can see that he is in danger at this time, let alone a group of Nascent Soul masters. It was discovered that the ice wall was only surrounded on all sides and had no ceiling. A dozen masters soared into the sky and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Tianfang complained: "What a waste." Bu Kong bowed to the Buddha and said: "Donor Zhang has a kind heart and is a blessing to the people."

The young monk was still very powerful, and knowing that he had no murderous intention, Zhang Ai smiled calmly, closed the ice wall, and returned to the manor.

After this fight, the cultivators in Kelanjiang left one after another, and the warriors also returned to their respective homes. Only the government and the imperial army were left patrolling along the river with their claws and claws, not knowing what they wanted to do.

The cultivator left, but Zhang Wen and others' troubles did not decrease. The two major gangs in Lancheng were wiped out, and their spheres of influence became popular. One was the harvest of the farm, and the other was the control of building materials. This made other gangs salivate and hurriedly raised their flags to take over.

The two major gangs that were destroyed did not only rely on these two businesses to collect money, but also had casinos, brothels, restaurants and many other properties, allowing other gangs to grab their heads. For a time, there were bloody killings and gang fights everywhere, and the public security in Lancheng was unprecedentedly poor. .

These things were okay, after all, gang fights to grab territory seldom harmed innocent people. Zhang Ai and Fang Jian and a few others went into the city to protect the people, so they were allowed to do whatever they wanted. But the Wang family took the initiative to come to find trouble. As the only martial arts family in Lancheng, the Wang family has great appeal in the southern martial arts community. This treasure hunt was also at the forefront. Likewise, the Wang family was also at the forefront of the damage received. So on the way home, he vented his anger on Ruiyuan who had blocked the road.

They wanted to kill Ruiyuan, but Ruiyuan didn't want to kill them. Xuezhang was afraid of pretending to be a good guy, so he just ran away. Then he stood at the door and pondered for a long time and came to the conclusion that the master uncle was indeed evil. Before meeting Zhang Wei, he didn't fight for decades. After meeting Zhang Wei, he fought dozens of fights a year. Especially the battle of Kelanjiang was so sparse and chaotic that it was a bit scary.

He sighed and walked back, when four junior brothers came towards him, saying they had something to discuss. These days, various things are happening one after another, making it difficult for the disciples to practice with peace of mind. The development and expansion of Tianlei Mountain has become an unattainable goal. Several junior disciples came to discuss with Ruiyuan and asked if they could find another secluded place to concentrate on practicing.

Excluding Zhang Ai and Zhang Tianfang, two unmotivated guys, the goal of a cultivator's life is to practice. He grits his teeth and persists in cultivating, and strives to achieve great success. Ruiyuan was stunned when he heard this, and then he knew that he had done something wrong these days. He abandoned his basic practice and was at odds with others. This is a typical example of giving up the basics and chasing the weak. Now he asked the four junior brothers to go back to their rooms for the time being while he went to Lancheng to look for Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ai dragged Zhang Tian around the city, his consciousness covering the entire city, and when he encountered cruel and blind bastards, he would ruthlessly eliminate them. He was keen on being a good person, but Zhang Tianfang didn't like it and shouted to go drink. Fang Jian and Bu Kong trailed all the way behind. At this time, I noticed that Rui Yuan had entered the city, and I was curious about what he was doing here.

After a while, several people met each other. Rui Yuan bowed and said: "Disciple wants to resign as master." Zhang Tianfang shouted: "Are you crazy?" Rui Yuan gave the reason: "I am busy with trivial matters all day long and have no time. Practice." At the same time, he brought the words of the four junior brothers. After hearing this, Zhang Ain thought deeply: "I did this wrong. Looking at all the sects, there is no one who would set up the mountain gate in the busy city. Let's leave now. ”

Ruiyuan said: "The disciple made a mistake in choosing the location. What does that have to do with my uncle?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Don't rush to admit your mistake with me. If I hadn't told you to hide in the city for development, you wouldn't have chosen it." In this place.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, it seemed as if they were going to live in a desolate place again. Zhang Tianfang strongly protested: "Those who can practice can practice anywhere. Lively places can train their minds."

Zhang was afraid that his protest would be ignored and he turned around and left the city. Zhang Tianfang said bitterly: "You can really mess with me."

Many things in the world are like this, and it always takes a few twists and turns before you can understand what you want. Only by abandoning what is in the world can we cultivate what is not in the world. Zhang Wen led the people to abandon the house in the city they had just bought and live in the Taoist temple in the manor outside the city. They headed north and temporarily settled on the ice field, the hometown of the kitten.

The ice field is cold and quiet, with a style that is not found in other places on the Yue continent. Zhang was afraid of building a house out of ice, so he took out all the tent houses he had robbed over the years and barely accommodated all his disciples.

After all these things were done, Zhang was afraid to return to Tianlei Mountain alone.

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