The Monk

Volume One Chapter 439 The Lin Beast fainted

Chapter 439: The Lin Beast fainted

After stopping for a while in the ice field and meeting Rui Yuan and others, Zhang Ping also headed south.

The Tianlei Mountains are vast and huge. To the north of the mountains is a large virgin forest. This forest grows on the plains, so it is considered to be separate from the Tianlei Mountains. The forest is densely wooded and home to countless creatures, and the girls live at the edge of the forest.

Not long after, he came to the forest, found their residence with his spiritual consciousness, and set off to go there. When he found everyone, he found that the girls were playing with many small animals. There were more than a hundred of them at a time. Zhang Ain asked, "What are you doing?"

The more than a hundred little guys are ordinary animals, and they are all young and very cute and active. A girl came over with a tiger cub in her arms and said, "Little Huang was abandoned by his mother, so I picked him up and raised him."

Xiao Huang? Zhang Wan remembered that his three big dogs were also chubby and adorable, and they grew up with him. Zhang Fing didn't say anything anymore. He saw many small animals and thought to himself: "It will last for a few decades at most. Girls can keep them if they want."

Song Yunyi and Cheng Xi'er were also teasing the little ones. At this time, they walked back to Zhang Ai and said, "I doubt it was abandonment. It's possible that one or two of them were abandoned. How could more than a hundred different beasts abandon their cubs at the same time? One of them must be There's a reason." "So many? Just keep it," Zhang Wen said casually. Song Yunyi shook his head and said: "I suspect that there are ferocious beasts slaughtering them."

"Are there ferocious beasts here?" Zhang Ai showed his consciousness and after some investigation, he found that apart from them, there were only ordinary beasts in the forest. He said to Song Yunyi: "There are no ferocious beasts. There are all ordinary beasts in the forest, and Same as before."

"I suspect so, and Fu Kong thinks so too," Song Yunyi insisted.

"So you brought the cubs back to raise them?" Zhang asked, changing the subject for fear that he would no longer bother with the issue of ferocious beasts.

Song Yunyi expressed gratitude and said, "They are so small. If I don't bring them back, they probably won't survive for a few days."

There are more than a hundred little guys, including tigers, leopards, and even wild boars. They are all ordinary beasts. It is really impossible for so many beast cubs to be abandoned together. But what kind of ferocious beast could come from this forest? Zhang Ho grabbed a little tiger and took a closer look. The little guy was thin and weak, but he was not afraid of strangers. He opened his small mouth and bit his finger with his small fangs. It tickled him very well.

The little tiger was playing around, and he was thinking: He had been separated from everyone for more than half a month, and the girls had recently adopted these little guys. What could happen in the past few days? Could it be that the monks he drove away from Tianlei Mountain vented their anger and murderous intentions? He immediately denied it, no matter how boring the Danjie monk was, he would not vent his anger on ordinary beasts.

I couldn't guess the reason after making random guesses, so I didn't think about it. I made a soft couch in the forest and slept on it, trying to make it as comfortable as possible. But his comfort only lasted for two days. On the third day, Fang Jian received word that the pig and kitten had fought.

Zhang was afraid of being surprised and immediately rushed back to the ice field. As soon as I got close to the ice, I noticed that there were three powerful auras fighting in the distance. The strange thing was that the three auras were all very familiar. It was normal to be familiar with the auras of piglets and kittens, but what was the other aura? Suddenly a huge figure flashed in his mind. When he got closer, he saw that it was indeed a lin beast. Hei Hei Zhuangzhuang is wearing a hard armor. He raises his head and feet, showing strong pressure, and releases surging spiritual power to suppress the pigs and kittens.

Why did they start fighting? Zhang was afraid of shouting: "Back off." He wanted to break up the fight, but the little pig and kitten didn't listen to him at all. They madly sprayed fire and water to attack the Lin Beast. The Lin Beast was even less likely to listen to him and kept charging at the two brothers. .

Zhang was afraid of being depressed, so he asked the Lin Beast: "How many decades have you been out, when will you go back?" He had nothing to say, and with the protection of ice crystals, the Lin Beast at this time was far less scary to him than before. Naturally, the Lin Beast would not answer, but it could lower its huge head and bump into Zhang Afraid, expressing its dissatisfaction through actions.

Zhang was afraid that he would not dodge, so he raised his hand and put up several ice walls to block the lin beast. He also used the ice wall to block the pigs and kittens. He grabbed them and asked, "What's wrong?" Why, no one could answer, even Fang Jian He couldn't figure out the situation, but he only knew that the powerful lin beast appeared instantly, the piglet and kitten faced the enemy, and the three fierce generals fought together.

The Lin Beast violently hit the ice wall several times, only breaking the first layer. The remaining ice wall condensed into one place and became harder and harder. The Lin beast continued to hit them for a while, but found that it was in vain, and retreated lonely. It was very reluctant to let them go, and still lingered outside the ice wall, refusing to leave.

Zhang was afraid that he had time to check whether the disciples were injured or not. Fortunately, there were piglets and kittens, and the Lin beasts fought with them as soon as they arrived, allowing everyone time to gather together to form an formation, so no one was injured. Zhang Ain was relieved, looked at the Lin beast and said, "What are you doing here?"

The Lin beast's eyes were blood red and it was restless, as if the whole world was its enemy. It stared at Zhang Awei fiercely, then suddenly raised its head and howled wildly, charging towards him again.

"What's wrong with you? Are you fighting me every time you see me?" Zhang Ain muttered, while thickening the ice wall several layers.

There was a loud bang, ice chips flew into the air, and a piece of the surface of the ice wall was knocked open, but the ice wall was intact as a whole. The Lin beast shook its body, Hutong fell to the ground, and the big guy knocked himself unconscious.

Zhang Awei crooked his mouth and whispered to himself: "Why bother?" Then he shouted loudly: "What on earth do you want to do?"

It's a pity that the Lin beast can't speak human language, and Zhang Afraid can't understand the beast language. The guys rested for a while and stood up again, continuing to be hostile to Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Xing said angrily: "If you don't feel tired, keep banging. It depends on whether your head is harder or the ice wall is harder."

Lin Beast has never seen such hard ice. Even rocks and iron blocks will be shattered into pieces when it hits it, but this ice is harder than rocks and iron blocks. It would be okay if it was just force, but the rogue Zhang Awei combined many walls together and made the ice wall extremely thick. It is estimated that even with a spiritual cannon, it can't be broken.

The Lin beast is a top-level monster, with intelligence comparable to the human brain. Logically speaking, it shouldn't do stupid things like hitting the wall, but not only did it do it, but it also did it very tragically. Zhang was afraid that he couldn't understand what was going on, and could only vaguely feel its... His cultivation level seems to have dropped a bit, and his eyes are also a strange red color. Just as he was thinking about how to drive away this big guy, there was another roar from the other side, and the Lin beast fell down again.

This time he fell and never got up. He lay motionless on the ground, only breathing slightly to prove that he was still alive. Zhang Ai waited for a quarter of an hour, but the big guy still didn't move. Zhang Ping plucked up the courage, put on protective armor and robes, applied multiple layers of protective shields, and used ice crystals to protect his body. Only then did he dare to approach the Lin beast cautiously.

Five meters, three meters, one meter, slowly approaching, one person and one beast are close at hand, but the Lin beast still doesn't move. Zhang Awei carefully put his hand on the Lin Beast and slowly brought it into his consciousness. Only then did he realize that the Lin Beast had fainted. This scary guy actually fainted and died!

Zhang Ai was full of questions, how could this happen? The Lin beast dared to fight head-on with the God-subduing Snake. He was incredibly strong. How could he faint after just hitting the ice wall a few times? He boldly sent in more consciousness and carefully inspected the body of the Lin beast. After a moment, he put his hands away and stood up. He understood what was going on.

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