The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 436 The more you fight, the more chaos you have

Chapter 436: The more the fight, the more chaotic it becomes

At this time, Ruiyuan arrived, rolled up the two corpses and walked to a nearby hill. He dug a one-meter-deep pit with his hands, threw the corpses in, buried them, and then came back and asked, "Uncle Master, does he know the origins of these two people?" "

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know, so Zhang Tianfang said: "Kill him no matter who he is." He also teased Ruiyuan: "You are very good at destroying corpses and eradicating traces."

The disciple who received the storage bag next to him wanted to check the contents after returning to the room. At this time, when the leader asked, he quickly opened the bag to check, and then his expression changed and he said, "There is a person from the Friendship Alliance." Ruiyuan frowned. Wrinkle asked: "Which one is it?" The disciple took out a green jade tablet from the bag with the word "love" engraved on it. He handed it to the master and said, "The man will come later."

Ruiyuan came late and didn't know who was first and who was last, so the disciple briefly introduced what happened. Ruiyuan said: "He took the first step and killed him as soon as possible." He said it very responsibly, and Zhang Tianfang was very satisfied: "That's it. That’s how it should be.”

The Friendship Alliance is one of the six major sects of the Northern Righteous Path. It used to be the seven major sects. After Tianleishan was removed from the list, everyone accepted the six major sects. There are many disciples of the Friendship Alliance, the personnel are mixed, and the power is huge. Unexpectedly, they were deceived by rumors to come to Kelanjiang to hunt for treasures.

Zhang Ping said: "Killing people to seize treasures, this is the way of a noble family." With a hint of disdain in his words, he took the green jade tablet in Ruiyuan's hand, flicked his finger, and a green light flashed away, turning the jade tablet away Throw it into an unknown place.

When Tianlei Mountain was suffering, the six major sects did not dare to help for self-protection. However, the day after tomorrow, when Thunder Mountain reopened its gates, they all came to congratulate them, which was a reluctant alliance between the seven major sects of the Righteous Path. Although Zhang Ping didn't care about these frivolous favors, killing allies was not a glorious thing, so he didn't bother to think about it anymore and turned around to go back to the hospital.

Zhang Tianfang echoed: "That's right, he killed people first, and then tried to kill us. He deserves to die, but who is the person he killed?" He was asking the disciple who took the storage bag, and the disciple looked carefully After rummaging for a while, he replied: "I don't know." Zhang Tian let out a sigh of relief: "You are poor when you are poor, and you don't leave anything to mark your identity." At this point, a strange idea flashed in his mind, well, yes, it's a big one. Question, I hurriedly took out a large jade tablet, and it seemed that I wanted to write on it, but I didn't start writing even though I touched it with my right hand. A group of disciples asked curiously: "Uncle Zhang, what are you doing?"

"What? A secret!" Zhang Tianfang turned around and ran away while holding the jade plaque. His illiteracy was a big secret and could not be known to anyone casually. But he also wanted to leave his name behind after his death, so he ran to the backyard and came back to pull Fang Jian. Fang Jian asked, "What are you doing?" "Follow me!" Zhang Tianfang shouted. Fang Jian smiled bitterly and said, "I'll just go with you and let go." So the two of them came to Zhang Tianfang's living room, and Fang Jian asked, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Zhang Tianfang put the jade plaque into Fang Jian's hand and said, "Help me write." After hearing this, Fang Jian looked at Zhang Tianfang seriously for a long time, and asked in a heavy tone, "Are you sick?" "You are the one who is sick, I am." I don’t want to be gone after death, so I have to leave a name.” Zhang Tianfang glared.

Fang Jian smiled softly, raised his hand to carve the three characters "Zhang Tianfang" on the jade plaque, handed it back to the jade plaque and said, "Is that okay?" Zhang Tianfang stared at the three familiar and unfamiliar characters for a long time, shook his head and said, "No. , it’s too simple, you write like this: I am Zhang Tianfang, I am Buddha Slayer, I am the best master in the world, Ghost Sword is my best friend, I also know two idiots, Zhang Fear, Fang Jian, and a nasty one The young monk is not empty. He also knows two beauties, Cheng Xi'er and Song Yunyi, and thirty-four girls who like to cause trouble. Oh, but I can't remember all their names. There is also a silly goose Ruiyuan who has seven hundred and seventy-seven people under his command. Twelve dumber geese..."

Fang Jian was speechless and dumbfounded. He interrupted him and said, "Are you writing a book?"

"Ah, your suggestion is very good. You should write a book to record all my power. How ten people can fight against a hundred people against a thousand people against ten thousand people. Carefully record my glorious past. Well, let everyone read it. I will be famous and my glory will remain after my death." Zhang Tianfang was immersed in his dream.

"Nervous! If you want to go crazy, don't come to me!" Fang Jian ran away immediately. Zhang Tianfang quickly got up and chased after him: "Don't run, I'm just doing a small favor. You see we have such a good relationship." "What a shit, I Are you okay if you are all stupid?" Fang Jian left a lingering voice, and he ran off to nowhere. Zhang Tianfang muttered: "Not interesting enough." He held the jade plaque and looked at it for a while. Well, it would be nice to leave a name. He put away the jade plaque and went out with his head held high.

At this moment, someone else came outside the manor. Three handsome young men asked to see the owner of the manor. Zhang was afraid of an accident and accompanied Ruiyuan out to meet the guests. Ruiyuan became more and more like a master. He walked slowly and leisurely. His face was as calm as the water in an ancient well. He clasped his fists and asked, "Three distinguished guests are here. What are you doing?" One of the three young men clasped his fists and said, " The three envoys of the Friendship Alliance have met the owner of the village and dare to ask if there has been any fighting near the village." Although the detective knew that the two people in front of him were just foundation-building practitioners, he still asked politely and humbly.

The Alliance of Friendship and Alliance came quickly. They started to investigate shortly after the murder. Ruiyuan replied: "There are fights here every day."

The young man asked again: "Have you ever seen my brother dressed like this, owner of the village?" They were wearing blue shirts, and the guy who was killed was also wearing the same.

Ruiyuan didn't want to lie, hesitating and not knowing how to answer. Zhang Ain smiled coldly and suddenly exuded a monstrous momentum that made everyone breathless. He showed off the mid-level Nascent Soul strength and coldly snorted: "I'm looking for you guys." Go away, don't bother me." After saying this, he turned around and returned.

He showed his strength and frightened the three people outside the door. The three of them and the dead guy were collectively called the Four Envoys of Friendship. Each one held its own in the southeast, northwest, and north. Their top-level cultivation level made them look proud of the people in the door. They were rare masters. The four of them always go in and out together, and this time they came together to hunt for treasure. During the treasure hunt, they had a dispute with other sects. The four of them joined forces to defeat the enemy. Unexpectedly, one of them disappeared during the fight, and the other three killed the enemy and later found him. , but found nothing, so they had to ask the local monks. They thought it would be easy to scare the foundation-building monks, but they didn't know that they would bump into the Nascent Soul master, scaring the three of them and leaving in a hurry.

Seeing them walking away, Ruiyuan let out a long sigh. They were allies anyway, and it was really hard to kill them again and again.

Two days later, the treasure hunting game reached its climax. A group of Nascent Soul monks came from nowhere and combed the entire river from the upper reaches of the Kelan River like a comb. Of course, nothing was found. After the masters discovered that they were being tricked, they became angry and unleashed their anger on the river. Countless fish and shrimps were killed, and even innocent people were implicated. The most unlucky ones were a group of demon sects who hung around the river all day long and were killed by these masters in the name of slaying demons.

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