The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 435 Rumors are strong

Chapter 435 Rumors are strong

Speaking of which, Zhang Ai also helped the rumors. Although many people saw his murder that day, no one knew the reason. They just thought it was a fight for the treasure, and he spread the news along with it, so the rumors became more true and attracted more people. people. When Zhang Wen learned the news, he couldn't laugh or cry, and even sighed that it was funny.

He said it was fun because he was helpless. Lancheng became the focus. Warriors, officials, cultivators, and all kinds of people rushed to Lancheng and stayed in the city or on both sides of the Kelan River. The first two types of people were okay and had no influence on Zhang Afraid. But cultivators are a big trouble. Such people will habitually scan with their spiritual sense wherever they go, so they discovered this strange manor outside the city.

They found that there were more than 800 foundation-building monks in the manor. Their cultivation level was not very high and the number of them was not too large. However, what made people worried was that they were not magic monks and their background could not be found. Such a large group of people were hiding anonymously and lurking in the dark. Living in a manor would seem weird and mysterious to anyone. What's even weirder is that these people once destroyed a branch of the Demon Sect with hundreds of people. How could a group of foundation-building monks destroy a sect with several alchemy-forming monks?

Fortunately, cultivators don't care much about other people's affairs. Although there are many questions, not many people come to bother them. Their target is the treasure in the water. Few cultivators will wantonly cause trouble before the benefits are achieved. Therefore, Zhang Afraid and others will go there. Necessary trouble, only Zhang Tianxin could put down his dissatisfaction. He wanted to go to Kelanjiang every day to watch the excitement, but Ruiyuan ordered that no one should go out. In order to give Ruiyuan face, he reluctantly obeyed the order. In fact, even if he doesn't obey the order, Fu Kong will force him to obey.

Speaking of Ruiyuan, he is a talented person. Not to mention his cultivation, just being able to have a good relationship with Zhang Tianfang is enough for people to take a high look.

In the years that followed, the farm became a quiet place, a rare place of peace in the battle for treasure hunting in Kelanjiang. Other places were full of disputes and killings. Warriors fight against warriors, and cultivators fight against cultivators. The government is busy promulgating regulations to stabilize the people, and also helps the imperial army to hunt for treasures. However, the imperial army has become much more honest after being defeated in front of the warriors and cultivators, but it has also spread its anger to ordinary people. body. But the Grange has always been peaceful and peaceful.

Someone once had an idea of ​​​​the manor, and several masters successively wanted to occupy the manor for their own use. What was surprising was that the people in the manor did not resist and welcomed the masters into the manor. What was even more surprising was that several masters disappeared after entering the manor. , no one has seen them again, which makes the weird and mysterious manor even more weird and mysterious in people's eyes, which can be regarded as a reminder to other cultivators.

More than 800 people were imprisoned in the manor for more than three months, but monks from all over the world still flocked to the Kelan River like crazy, which shows the terrifying power of rumors. Zhang Tianfang was very dissatisfied and came to Zhang Ao to protest: "I have been detained for more than three months, when will I be released?" Zhang Ao smiled and explained to him what a three-man city tiger is. Zhang Tianda cursed: "Go away, originally the rumor was that it was a magic sword, but later it turned into a magic weapon. I heard Ruiyuan say yesterday that now the whole world knows that an immortal treasure has been born in Kelanjiang. The rumors are so outrageous and tigers It has nothing to do with it.”

Zhang was afraid of laughing. The rumors were indeed powerful. Even the local monks believed that there was a treasure in the river. Just as he was about to speak, there was a fluctuation in the forbidden area outside the manor, and someone came to the door again. He said to Zhang Tianfang: "Stop complaining and go out to watch the fun."

When the two came to the courtyard, they found that there were more than twenty disciples standing at the door looking out. They ducked to the door and took a look, oh! This time, he wasn't looking for trouble. Zhang Tianfang came over to take a look and muttered: "You asked me to come out to see the dead?" Zhang Aing said seriously: "Don't talk nonsense, he's not dead yet!"

There was a monk crawling on the ground more than 300 meters away from the courtyard gate. He looked seriously injured and his cultivation was scattered. He was not far from death. Zhang Tianfang sarcastically said: "Zhang Dashan, why don't you save people?" Zhang Ping seemed a little reluctant, but he had not overcome his conscience. He threw a life pill into the mouth of the injured, and then advised: "Let's leave early, Jiangli There is no treasure, you are hearing rumors.”

The life pill melted in the mouth, and the injured person's injuries healed immediately. The man received treatment but did not say a word of thanks. He stood up slowly, looked at everyone in the hospital with cold eyes, and walked away with a cold snort of disdain.

Zhang Tianda was furious: "Save a white-eyed wolf. If you don't kill him, you will be sorry for yourself." Zhang Ai whispered: "You don't need to do anything, the person who killed him is here." In the distant sky, a sword shadow flew towards him quickly. Run towards that person. The man had serious internal injuries and almost all his spiritual power. Before he could see the light of the sword, he was pierced by a sword and fell to the ground dead.

After killing someone, the sword paused in the air for a moment, then turned and flew towards the people in the manor. The sword kept moving faster and faster, clearly intending to kill people. Zhang was afraid of shouting: "Go." Fushen Sword blocked the incoming sword and twisted it lightly. The sword broke into seventeen or eighty pieces and fell to the ground. At this time, he heard an angry shout: "You dare to destroy my magic weapon." ? Seeking death!" The sound was loud like thunder, rolling through the air, and then a tall man appeared in front of the manor, pointing at the broken sword and asking: "Who did it? I'll give him a hard time if you tell me. "

Zhang Awei smiled and asked, "What if you don't tell me?" "Don't tell me? You won't be able to die even if you want to!" When talking about death, the tall man's voice became eerie and terrifying, with a hint of cruelty.

His spiritual consciousness swept over him, and he saw that the tall man was a top-level pill-forming monk, and he was actually a master. No wonder he was so crazy. Zhang Weijing deliberately angered him: "I really don't want to die. Please teach me how to make it impossible for me to die even if I want to."

The tall man had already checked the situation in front of him clearly. There were only a few restrictive barriers in the entire manor and no attack circle. The group of bastards in front of him who didn't know how to die were just building foundations. How dare they yell at him? He sneered and said, "I'll teach you now." He clapped his palms together, and three magical swords popped out. He stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhang Wei. The three magical swords were in a head-to-tail position, shooting at three different vital points on his body.

Zhang Ai mobilized Fushen Sword to meet him, crushed three swords with a snap of his fingers, and then said: "If the treasure in Kelanjiang is just a rumor, will you not be willing to die because of it?"

The man was shocked: "What?" Just two words became the last words he said in his life. The Fushen Sword passed through his body, and the golden elixir in his heart and brain instantly turned into powder, killing another person.

He is at the top level of Jiedan, while Zhang is at the middle level of Nascent Soul. Not only is he high in cultivation, but he is also experienced in fighting. Killing him is effortless.

Zhang Tianfang released the black tiger, pointed at the two corpses on the ground and said: "Storage bags." The black tiger bolted out and returned in the blink of an eye, holding two cyan bags in his mouth. Making money from dead people has become everyone's favorite. Zhang Tianfang took the bag, looked at it, and threw it to the people around him: "Here you go." The two bags didn't contain anything good, so he muttered as he walked back: "I'm so poor!"

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