The Monk

Volume One Chapter 434 Looking for the Magic Weapon

Chapter 434: Looking for the magic weapon

The reason why Ruihe came to report was that he heard a conversation between martial arts people, saying that a strange treasure appeared in Kelanjiang. The strange treasure was a sword made of a dragon, which was sharp enough to cut through gold and could decapitate people from thousands of miles away. It can kill people's souls and is the best sword in the world.

According to what they said, the treasure was clearly a magic sword. Although they didn't know whether it really existed, it was a strange thing for a magic sword to be born in the river, so they reported it to the head of Ruiyuan. Ruiyuan was not too tempted after hearing this. It was just a magic sword. The magic swords Zhang Ping gave them were made from the skin of Fushen snakes and were made with various rare materials. They were outrageously expensive. With a high level of vision, he naturally looked down on ordinary magic weapons, but he was a little curious about this matter. It would have been okay to say that those who came to snatch the treasure were cultivators, but what were a group of martial arts people doing? Where did they get the news? On the contrary, cultivators don’t know.

After thinking for a while, he ordered: "You and Ruiji Ruimu go and have a look, don't cause trouble." Ruihe followed the order and left. Although he did not obey Ruiyuan, he always abided by the rules of the sect and did not go against Ruiyuan. Compared with him, the other three masters who were dissatisfied with Rui Yuan were simply thorns in the side. They would complain more or less to express their dissatisfaction, and they had also competed for the position of leader, so Rui Yuan never asked those three people to do anything.

Zhang Ai was a little surprised when he heard the news, but there was also a magic weapon born in Lanjiang? Why is it not quiet wherever I go? The figure left the hall in a flash. He was going to visit the Kelan River.

The Kelan River is not too big, with a width of more than 20 meters and a depth of five or six meters. The water is so clear that you can see pebbles in the water. At this time, hundreds of boats were vying for the current in the river, and many boats were moving along the current. There were several people on the bow looking into the water. Near the shore, the water is shallow and you can see through it at a glance. In the middle of the river, the greenery is so bright that your vision is blurred, and some people have passed through the water and groped at the bottom.

Zhang Awei looked at it and burst into laughter. Is this how the magic weapon was collected? He shook his head slightly and used his consciousness to look for Ruihe and the others. But as soon as his spiritual consciousness was released, Zhang Feng's face turned cold immediately, and his eyes looked towards a certain place downstream, where a magic circle was deployed. Ruihe and the others stopped not far away, forming an arc to face the magic circle.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Wei appeared in front of the magic circle. Ruihe and the other two people hurriedly paid their respects. Zhang Ain waved his hand and said, "You go back first and leave this place to me." Although the three disciples didn't know what it meant, they still obeyed the order and left.

This area is an island in the middle of the river. It is actually quite reluctant to call it an island. It is just a large sand pile five or six meters square. When the water is shallow, it will be exposed on the river surface. At this time, there was a dark cave in the middle of Jiangxin Island, with bright lights flickering inside, and cold air escaping from time to time. These conditions can only be discovered when standing on the island, and cannot be seen in the water. From time to time, there are boats passing by the island in the river. In their eyes, the unobstructed island is just a small piece of sand. Few people are interested in visiting the island, and few people discover the secrets of the island.

It's just that no matter how small the number of people are, there are still people who have landed on the island. Zhang Ping could tell at a glance when he stood in front of the black hole. He also knew that everyone who had been to the island was dead. Because the entire island was arranged into a demon killing array, it was a kind of martial arts formation of the Demon Sect, which relied on illusions to lure living people into the array, and then imprisoned and sucked their flesh and bones to achieve the purpose of improving their cultivation.

Zhang Wen had killed many Demon Sect figures and obtained many Jade Slips of Demon Sect skills. Coincidentally, he knew this magic circle. He couldn't help but snorted, using other people's lives to practice martial arts was cruel enough.

There were many small boats rowing on the river, upstream and downstream, left and right, and some people saw Zhang Wen staring at the sand piles in the river with a cold expression, guessing that this was a madman.

The human heart is the funniest thing. It can be suspicious, jealous, and demonize others. Zhang was afraid to stand there for a long time. Finally, someone couldn't help but be curious about him. He bravely stepped onto the sand and immediately saw the dark cave.

The man was ecstatic, I found it, I found it, I wanted to shout, but I looked around and no one seemed to find this black hole, and thought to myself: "This is the method of the magic sword, deliberately hiding the cave so that others can't see it, I You can't be too happy to attract them to compete with you for the treasure." So he lowered his face and ordered the boatman to sail while he stayed on the island. When the boat was far away, I took another look at Zhang Awei. Seeing that he had no intention of taking action, I suddenly rushed forward and was about to get into the black hole.

If Zhang Wen were not here, the situation at this time would be that the man swooped into the hole and disappeared. The others would not notice his sudden disappearance, and most of them would think that he left with the boat. Maybe someone realizes something is wrong, but they don’t have the time to meddle in other people’s business. If they have the time, they might as well look for treasures. So no one knew that the magic circle had swallowed dozens of lives in the past few days.

Seeing that the man was about to rush into the black hole, Zhang Awei caught him with one hand and said coldly: "Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" After all, the man was hanging around in the world, and he had some skills, so he cursed: "What's the point of a sneak attack? I have the guts to challenge Grandpa in a duel."

Zhang was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he threw it into the water, and then continued to use his spiritual sense to sense where the array master was. The Demon Killing Formation is used for practicing martial arts, and the master of the formation will not stay away from it, otherwise no matter how much flesh and blood he absorbs, it will not help increase his cultivation level.

After some searches, it was determined that the formation leader was hiding under the sand island. Zhang was afraid of clapping his hands and breaking the formation, and the black hole on the island would break after a few swings.

The man just climbed out of the water and saw that the black hole was gone. He said angrily: "Give me the magic weapon!" The voice was so loud that it immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the river. A group of heroes rushed to the island to hunt for the treasure.

Zhang Ain sneered and shook his head repeatedly: "I won't stop you if you want to die."

The demon killing array was broken with a palm, and a young man in black jumped out of the sand below the array, built his foundation, and used a pair of round cymbals to attack Zhang Ain. This guy was pretty sure who he was, but Zhang Weijing slapped the boy to death with his backhand, and then used his spiritual sense to scan him. Apart from the fact that there were many martial arts figures on the river, there was nothing wrong with him.

Everyone who rushed to the sand island saw that Zhang Awei could kill someone with just one slap, so they all took a few steps back. The man who just wanted to fight desperately didn't dare to move. Those who couldn't walk or stand carefully watched Zhang Awei.

Zhang Ai muttered in a cold voice: "I hope you will have good luck." He turned around and walked through the water, and disappeared after a while. He guessed that there was no treasure in the Kelan River at all, and that it was all a cover set up by the black-clothed demon sect boy to suck the essence and blood. The guy's cultivation level was low and he didn't dare to target cultivators, and the energy and blood of ordinary people couldn't help him much, so he decided to target martial arts people. After all the hard work, he was rewarded. It's a pity that when he met Zhang Ai, he even lost his life.

The whole thing was as he had guessed. The matter of the treasure in Kelanjiang was entirely caused by the boy from the Demon Sect, because Zhang was afraid of discovering it early. Only a few days after the news spread, only the martial arts figures from around Lancheng came recently. Many people were lucky enough to survive.

It's just that the power of rumors is really great. Although the person who spread the rumors died, the false news spread wider and wider and became more and more bizarre. It didn't take long for even the cultivators to know that there was a treasure in Kelanjiang, and a lot of them came flying in. Lancheng became the focus of the world because of this incident, and even the emperor sent the imperial army to join in the fun.

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