The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 433 Rui Yuan Kills

Chapter 433 Ruiyuan kills someone

More than 1,500 people were slaughtered at once. Even if Zhang Ai and Zhang Tianfang had been together for many years and killed countless people, they had never done so on such a large scale, especially when these people were just ordinary people. Ruiyuan didn't care about this, since he was merciless in his attack. One man and one sword shuttled through the crowd, and white clothes flashed like lightning. In less than a quarter of an hour, there were only more than 1,500 corpses left on the ground, and a man standing among the corpses. The man in white.

These unlucky gangsters couldn't even escape. They were trapped in restraints and waiting to be killed.

Gangsters came to cause trouble, and some curious Tianlei Mountain disciples came out to watch. They were frightened by the leader at first sight. He had just warned us not to be impulsive, but when he did, he was scarier than anyone else! Someone whispered: "What happened to the leader?" Another person added: "The devil knows, but the leader must be very angry." "How do you know?" Another person interjected and asked. "Nonsense, there are more than a thousand people, would you like to kill them one by one with your sword?" the man replied. After cultivating to their level, there are many spells that can kill these people instantly. A group of people exclaimed: "The leader is too cruel."

Ruiyuan is indeed a little angry. A bunch of common people can't tell who I am. But I was rejected when I came to visit with a low profile. I didn't listen to my well-intentioned advice. It's a martial arts family surnamed Wang and two local gangsters. Gangsters actually don't take themselves seriously. Even ordinary people wouldn't be like this, right? In addition, there were four fellow disciples in the sect who were not weaker than him and they were not very convinced by him, so all kinds of unhappiness turned into thousands of swords and stabbed out, killing thousands of unlucky people with one sword.

Murderous intent surged into the sky, and blood flowed into the sky. The outside of the manor turned into a Shura field. Ruiyuan put away his sword and stood there for a while, realizing that he had done something wrong again. It was inappropriate to be angry for the common people last time, but this time he vented his anger for the common people. , with a long sigh, the Buddhist scholar said: "Sin, sin." and began to collect the corpse.

When the disciples of Tianlei Mountain saw it, they ran to the leader to clean up the tragic scene together. Ruiyuan sighed: "I'll do it myself." At this time, Zhang Ain arrived with his carriage. Zhang Tianfang clicked his tongue and said in amazement: "More powerful than me, not bad, not bad, this leader did a good job." Zhang Aoi rolled his eyes at him: "Shut up!"

They had already discovered Ruiyuan and more than a thousand gangsters, but they didn't care. Zhang Wen thought that no matter what happened, Ruiyuan would be responsible for it as the leader. But he didn't expect that Ruiyuan was so angry that he went crazy and killed more than a thousand gangsters with his sword.

Fu Kong wanted to rush over to stop him at that time, but Zhang Wen persuaded him: "I believe there is a reason for everything." Fu Kong is the best at discerning people's hearts. When Rui Yuan was the leader, he also recognized it. Knowing that Rui Yuan was not a murderer, he followed suit. stroll. So Zhang, Zhang, Tianfang, and the four of them counted the lives lost one by one on the road.

When more than 1,500 people were killed, Fang Jian opened his mouth and couldn't believe it: "Rui Yuan did this?" He had a good impression of Rui Yuan, but he didn't expect that this person who had always had a good impression would go on a killing spree.

The carriage stopped and all the disciples came to pay homage to Zhang Ai. Zhang Ao looked at the corpses all over the ground and sighed secretly. At this time, Song Yunyi stepped out of the carriage and was a little surprised to see many corpses, but he didn't say much and led the carriage towards the manor.

Ruiyuan hurried over to explain what happened to Zhang Ao and others. Zhang Ao nodded and said: "Kill the local ruffians and gangsters as they are for the benefit of the people." Although Fukong had some objections, he just chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice. , said nothing else. Zhang Tianfang said: "Kill, just kill. There are several gangs in Lancheng. I will accompany you to kill them."

Fang Jian did not dwell on the killing and asked about other things: "Two cultivation sects, you destroyed one, how did the other react?" Ruiyuan said: "A dozen demon monks left Lancheng two days ago. , don’t know what to do.”

Zhang was afraid that when he heard about the killing of a small branch of the Demon Sect, he was worried that it would harm him later, so he said: "When there is a fight at this time, fellow sects should not be separated, but should get together to respond."

Ruiyuan knew that he had done something wrong again, and secretly blamed himself for always doing wrong things. Tianlei Mountain was at a critical moment and could not tolerate any damage, so he hurriedly said: "Let them come back."

The disciples are scattered in three places. If they gather together, the other two places will be slightly crowded. The city is small and there are few newly built Taoist houses. Only the manor is more suitable. Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Go."

Among this group of people, he understood Ruiyuan the best. When he led everyone here and there, he was also tired and worried about the heavy burden on his shoulders. He felt under a lot of pressure. It seemed that it was difficult to make any decision. No matter what he did, it felt wrong. He Not wanting Ruiyuan to feel too stressed, he added softly: "You did a good job."

Ruiyuan was affirmed and went to deliver the order happily. Zhang Tianfang said: "If you have nothing to do, go and destroy the other branch of the Demon Sect." Fukong was very unhappy and said angrily: "You have nothing to do and you are going to kill someone?" Zhang Tianfang defended: "I didn't kill these more than a thousand people, so don't get angry at me." Fang Jian smiled and said, "You have become smarter, and you know why Fu Kong is angry."

Zhang Wen ignored Zhang Tianfang's nonsense and was thinking about Ruiyuan in his mind. He has been the leader for several years. Because he has been with him all the time, he has the final say in everything. The position of the leader is like a decoration. It is only in these few months. The real master of the matter is a little immature in handling things. He should have delegated power earlier. Thinking of this, he walked into the courtyard hall with a cold face.

The hall was very large, with 108 seats lined up. As Zhang sat down at the door, he thought about gangsters again. There were more than a dozen gangsters and thousands of gangsters in Lancheng. He thought of the thousands of gangsters killed along the way. , could it be that the Yue State court was so ineffective that the people were living in dire straits?

The girls also got off the carriage and walked into the hall, talking to each other: "You can't see that Rui Yuan is very ruthless, and fifteen hundred people were stabbed to death one by one." "The bad guys will die when they die. I say they killed them too fast." "The bad guys should be punished." "Don't talk nonsense. Even bad guys don't necessarily deserve to die. The punishments vary depending on the size of the crime."

The farm is five miles away from Lancheng and ten miles away from the Taoist temple. This distance is nothing to the Danjie monks. Not long after all the monks from the two places came back, 773 people gathered at the manor and allocated houses to each. Later, Ruiyuan came to Zhang Ai and asked for instructions on what to do in the future.

Zhang Ai waved his hand and said, "You are the leader, and everything is up to you." Ruiyuan wanted to say something else, but his junior brother Ruihe came to see him. Ruihe is one of the four masters who are dissatisfied with him. His cultivation is better than Ruiyuan, but despite his arrogance, he doesn't look down on others. He still abides by etiquette and strictly abides by the master's orders. He is the person in charge of Lancheng.

He went to Ruiyuan to report the matter. In the past three days, Lancheng suddenly had a large influx of martial arts people. Fights often broke out in restaurants and markets, which disturbed the government and made the people panic. Originally, these common people's fights were nothing. Even if they caused trouble, the Danjie monks would not take it lightly.

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