The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 400 See Hu Ping Again

Chapter 400: See Huping again

Zhang Wen still wanted to speak, but a tall figure suddenly appeared on the platform. He was wearing a green robe and soft-soled leather boots, but there was a big tiger head on his neck. He said to Zhang Wen, "I guess you should too." coming."

Zhang Ain looked up and said in surprise, "I'm worried about how to find you."

The visitor was Hu Ping, the terrifying monster from the Valley of Refining Gods. Hu Ping asked, "How much wine did you bring?"

Hu Ping appeared, frightening the others. Song Yunying and Xi'er Fufang gradually stood up in a hurry and lined up behind Zhang Wen to prepare for the attack. Only Zhang Tianfang continued to sleep. Zuo Shi was equally surprised. With his level of cultivation, he could tell at a glance that a guy with the head of a tiger was powerful. He put away the spirit wine and stood up slowly, staring at Hu Ping with cold eyes.

Hu Ping pretended that none of these people existed and said angrily: "What are you looking at?" He then spoke to Zhang Awei: "Give me wine quickly, I have to enter the Refining Temple."

The Temple of Refining, which opened in sixty years, is an opportunity for outside cultivators to improve their cultivation. It is also an opportunity for Huping to escape from the Valley of Refining God. He must seize the time to pass several levels in just ten days.

Zhang Ain's expression darkened: "Can you go out?" Hu Ping went out and might never be seen again.

Hu Ping said with a smile: "We'll know in ten days." Zhang Ping'en said, and took out a lot of wine bottles and dried meat for him.

Hu Ping accepted it and nodded: "You are very good and trustworthy. Fu Ling always talks about you. There are many people these days, so I won't let him come out. When Wugu is closed, you can come in and stay with him for a few days, and I will go." After speaking, the figure flashed and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Hu Ping broke into the Refining Temple, and encountered an attack from a cultivator who entered the valley on the way, which delayed him for a while. At that moment, Zuo Shi opened the wine bottle, and the spiritual energy overflowed. Although there was a barrier to isolate it, it could not stop Hu Ping's perception. He was a monster, and he was against The discernment of spiritual power is the most acute. He could distinguish the scent of spiritual wine and knew that Zhang was afraid of coming, so he came here. He came for two purposes, one was to be attracted by the spirit wine, and the other was to test whether Zhang Awei was trustworthy. If he kept his word and entered the valley without the wine, Hu Ping would not mind killing him.

After Hu Ping left, Zuo Shi asked nervously: "Is he from the valley?" Zhang Ain said yes. Zuo Shi asked again: "How does he know you?" Zhang Fang didn't want to explain too much and said vaguely: "By chance, as far as I know there are two guys like him in the Valley of Refining Gods."

"There are two more?" Zuo Shi said in surprise: "No one has discovered such a terrifying existence before. What is he doing in the Refining Temple?"

Just as Zhang Ping was about to explain, he suddenly remembered that Hu Ping said that the Poria Grass Monster was talking about him, and that there was a guy waiting for him in the Refining Temple. He hurriedly said: "Sir, if you have anything to do, please wait until I come out to explain. I want to Go to the Refining Temple."

Zuo Shi asked curiously: "What are you doing in the Temple of Refining after Nascent Soul? Can you go in?"

Can’t enter the Nascent Soul stage? As if saying this, Zhang Ping said: "Try it." He turned around and ran towards the Refining Temple, but he was really blocked from the door and could not cross the threshold no matter what. Zhang Ai was a little flustered: "It's over, I can't see the sea spirit anymore." The fourth floor of the Refining Temple is the boundless sea, where a lonely sea spirit was born.

My mood suddenly dropped, and I looked at the tower in a daze. What should I do if I can't get in? Turning around, he asked Zuo Shi, "Why can't I get in after the baby is born?" Zuo Shi replied simply, "I don't know."

Ku stood for a while and decided to wait for Hu Ping to come out and ask him, but if he succeeded in breaking through the barrier, he would not come back again. Do you hope that he would not be able to break through? Zhang was afraid that his mind was a little confused.

Seeing that he was in a low mood, Song Yunyi came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhang Awei shook his head: "It's okay." He slowly walked back to Zuo Shi and said, "Sir, what did you ask just now?"

In such a short period of time, he was so flustered that he forgot what others had just asked. Waiter Zuo smiled and said, "Nothing." Zhang Wei let out a sound and sat down in despair, staring at the ground in a daze. According to Hu Ping, you can also enter from the top of the tower. The problem is that Hu Ping's cultivation level is so high that he can't break through to the fourth floor, let alone himself?

For the next nine days, Zhang Weijing showed signs of depression. He felt uncomfortable for the lonely sea spirit in the Refining Temple. Everyone knew that he was in a bad mood, so they kept silent and stayed with him.

Starting from the eighth day, people came out of the Refining Temple one after another. These people came out but did not leave. They stayed on the platform and watched. Slowly, more and more people came out, making it slightly crowded. By daylight on the tenth day, most of the cultivators had come out. Most of the Tianlei Mountain disciples and Xue Sha also came out. The two teams, one red and one white, were neatly arranged, attracting the attention of many people.

They are easy to recognize in Blood Killing. Once every sixty years in Fog Valley, everyone knows that they are the elite of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and no one wants to provoke them. But where did the hundreds of white-robed alchemy monks come from? There were men and women, and it was bigger than the blood-killing team.

Someone saw two extremely beautiful women holding two small animals, and saw a bald little monk. After thinking about it, his expression suddenly changed, and he pointed at the pig and kitten and shouted: "The relic of Tianlei Mountain."

The reputation of the disciples of Tianlei Mountain is so great that even though they have disappeared for more than 20 years, they are still remembered by many people. People may not know Zhang Ain's appearance, but they know that he is accompanied by three men, two pets, and more than 30 women.

Zuo Shi smiled at Zhang Awei and said, "Someone has recognized you." Zhang Awei said calmly, "So what?" He swept away the lonely expression on his face and stood proudly, with the disciples of Tianlei Mountain beside him forming a neat line.

The man shouted, which attracted everyone's attention. After asking each other, they confirmed that he was a disciple of Tianlei Mountain. Everyone was surprised. Why is he here? Looking at the hundreds of Tianlei Mountain disciples around him, he secretly speculated that so many alchemy monks could be trained in more than twenty years? After all, there are so many treasures that it deserves its reputation. Many people are tempted and start thinking wildly.

After staying for another hour or so, the girls and the disciples of Tianlei Mountain all left the tower and lined up neatly on the platform. After checking the number of people, Zhang Pa was completely relieved that no one died in the tower. After waiting for a while, the blood killers also gathered, and Zuo Shi ordered: "Leave the valley." More than 70 red-clothed blood killers lined up to go out, more than 800 white-clothed monks followed behind, and Zhang Tianfang and a few others walked at the end.

Zhang Pa observed the disciples while walking, and was very happy after checking one by one. More than 60 people advanced, which was not a wasted trip.

Walk out of the ten-mile passage and let Fei Zhi fly west. Zuo Shi led the way in front, and Zhang Pa and others followed in more than 30 flying cars.

He exposed his identity, and some people became greedy, but because of his powerful strength and his involvement with the Ten Thousand Mountains, no one dared to move rashly, and could only watch the people of Tianlei Mountain leave.

After traveling west for half a month, they returned to the Shiwan Mountains. They landed at the mountain pass and walked into the mountains. Zuo Shi said, "Find an uninhabited mountaintop and don't disturb the people." Then they left with bloodshed. Flying is prohibited in the Shiwan Mountains, so Zhang Pa led people to search the mountains. They climbed high mountains one after another and almost caused fights several times. It took two months to find a mountaintop that could accommodate more than 800 people to build houses. It took more than a month to build houses, and finally settled down. But after a few days, Zhang Pa called Qi Bukong and others and said that he wanted to go out. Zhang Tianfang was very dissatisfied and shouted, "Why are there so many things? Where are you going? I'll follow you!"

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