The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 399 Chatting with Zuo Shi

Chapter 399 Chatting with Zuo Shi

Zuo Shi is an upright person, and of course he would not covet other people's things. He changed the subject and said, "I have met Venerable Ping, and he also said that you are good."

In terms of power alone, the most powerful in the world is not the Mangu Jin family, nor the Longhu Mountain that unified the Qi Kingdom, but the mysterious Shiwan Mountain. There are many sorcerers, mountain gods, Zuo Shi, You Shi, and eighteen Venerables in the mountain. Each of them has supreme cultivation. Zhang Pa has met three of them. Except for Venerable Chi, the other two gave him a good impression. He waved his hand and said, "Venerable Ping is too kind. . "

Zhang Tianfang interrupted: "Is it the dirty guy in gray clothes?"

Zuo Shi laughed and said: "It's him, hehe" and continued to talk to Zhang Pa: "Don't you know how to restrain yourself? The name of the Tianlei Mountain's disciples has spread to the Ten Thousand Mountains. Some people in the mountains are ready to make a move. Alas, I'm not saying you, you are so arrogant in Wugu, hundreds of people are wearing white clothes, afraid that others can't see you?"

Before Zhang Pa could answer, Zhang Tianfang interrupted again: "What if you see it? Whoever dares to have an idea, kill it."

Zuo Shi smiled and shook his head slightly, sat down cross-legged and stopped talking. Zhang Pa kicked Zhang Tianfang to shut him up, and then sat down. Zhang Tianfang looked around and saw that there were only a few of them left on the huge platform. The rest of the cultivators either went into the temple to practice or went into the valley to steal treasures. He always kept a distance from laborious things, so he sat down to rest. He rubbed his butt and felt that the ground was a bit hard, so he simply lay on his back and fell asleep soon.

Zuo Shi was a little surprised when he saw what he did. How could he reach the high level of Jindan if he was so heartless?

Song Yunyi was so happy that he held the little pig and the little cat and sat not far from Zhang Pa. Zuo Shi was teasing and asked seriously, "Haven't you practiced dual cultivation yet?" Zhang Pa was so scared that he coughed and said, "My lord, take a rest. I'll go somewhere else." He got up and walked away.

Zuo Shi laughed and called him, "Come back and talk about some business." Zhang Pa had to come back and ask respectfully, "What do you want, my lord?" Zuo Shi said, "Sit down." Zhang Pa sat down as he was told. Zuo Shi said, "I heard about your story and I also know something about what happened in Tianlei Mountain. What should I do in the future?"

Zhang Pa didn't think that far. He took his disciples away from the snowfield, one was to break into the Refining God Temple, and the other was to go out for a walk. He hadn't considered what would happen in the future. After hearing Zuo Shi's question, he pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe I will go back to Tianlei Mountain." He couldn't make up his mind. What if he was surrounded by masters from all directions after returning?

Zuo Shi asked him, "What if we are surrounded by people again?"

Zhang Pa didn't know. Fight hard? It's okay to meet ordinary cultivators. If he meets the Jin Family Jiatang cultivators, the more than 800 disciples are no match. But if he doesn't go to Tianlei Mountain, will he go back to the Snow Mountain? He hesitated.

Zuo Shi asked him, "How many people are there in your sect?"

Zhang Pa replied, "Including men and women, there are 813 people in total."

"What are their cultivation levels?" Zuo Shi asked again.

"Except for me, Fang Jian and Bukong, the rest are from the initial stage of Jindan to the top stage."

"More than 800 Jindan cultivators?" Zuo Shi was surprised and said, "What a powerful force."

"What's powerful? Yuanying cultivators don't know themselves. What's the strength of Tianlei Mountain?" Zhang Pa has seen too many masters and is not optimistic about the strength of his disciples.

Zuo Shi said, "What a big tone, do you know how many people there are in Blood Kill?" Then he said, "This is a blessing in disguise. With more than 800 Jindan cultivators, Tianlei Mountain can no longer be underestimated." Zhang Pa said calmly, "What kind of blessing is this? No one wants such luck! It doesn't matter what others think, as long as everyone works hard to practice." In just over 20 years, with the help of countless elixirs, a bunch of Jindan masters have been born, and their cultivation has improved. No one is not working hard! The problem is that there is no actual combat experience. It is really not optimistic that Zhang Tianfang can beat a group of them. When he said this, a light flashed in his mind and he turned to look at Zuo Shi. Zuo Shi asked, "Why are you looking at me?"

Zhang Pa asked, "Are the five brothers and sisters of the Xiang family all right?" Zuo Shi shook his head, "I haven't seen them." Zhang Pa continued to ask, "Is the mountain god powerful?"

"Yes." Zuo Shi nodded, "The mountain god is the best master I have ever seen."

Zhang Pa nodded, and asked again, "Is it safe in the mountains?"

"Nonsense." Zuo Shi looked at Zhang Pa and smiled, "Do you want to take them into the mountains?"

Zhang Pa also smiled, "You figured it out. There are so many mountains in the Shiwan Mountains. It's okay for us to occupy one, right? Let me tell you, they have been... "I've had a very hard life. I've been suffering in the boundless snowfields in the north for more than 20 years. There's only snow for tens of thousands of miles. Apart from the snow, there's nothing else. It's hard to find someone to talk to." He pretended to complain, and Zuo Shi laughed and said, "A bunch of Jindan masters have been cultivated in more than 20 years. Many people are willing to endure this kind of suffering." Zhang Pa Wulai said, "Then let others endure it. I'll take people into the mountains." How to place the disciples is a big problem. I can't go back to Tianlei Mountain. I've offended too many people and become the target of public criticism. Before I have the strength to kill all the enemies, whoever follows me will only be unlucky. Even if I separate from everyone, as long as these people appear in Tianlei Mountain, they will definitely attract attention from all sides and cause endless killings. I wanted to go back to the snowfield and continue to stay there, at least it would be safer. But that damn place has no benefits except safety. It's too far from the inland, the news is blocked, the weather is cold, and there is no one. Staying there is no different from being in prison.

It's rare to meet a kind-hearted acquaintance who takes the initiative to talk about this matter. Of course, Zhang is afraid that he will kill the snake and follow it with the stick. The Shiwanda Mountains are vast and rich in resources. No one dares to make trouble in the mountains. There are people coming and going at the Mountain God Terrace, which can increase his knowledge. , the more Zhang Ping thought about it, the more he felt that going into the mountains was the best choice, and he decided: "That's it, after leaving the Wugu Valley, we will go to the Shiwanda Mountain."

Zuo Shi smiled and said, "You're welcome."

"Why are you so polite? I'll go find Xiang Kong and the others, be his neighbor, and make him angry, haha." Thinking of that guy who once hunted me ferociously and liked to fight against me, well, I must disgust him.

"Then go, but keep a low profile. There are more than 800 alchemy monks, don't cause trouble for me." Zuo Shi had a good impression of him. There was news from outside the mountain that this guy had a treasure and was a fierce god. At the same time, he also said that he protected A large number of people fled, and this alone made Zuo Shi Gao take a look. Later, Zhang was afraid of disappearing, and the left servant couldn't help but sigh. He didn't want to run into him in the foggy valley, so he gave some advice.

Zhang Ain cupped his hands and said, "Thank you."

Zuo Shi said calmly: "Thank me for what I did. The mountains are ownerless and belong to everyone. Don't harm the mountains and trees, and don't kill the living beings. A hundred thousand mountains welcome people from all over the world."

"Thank you, too." Zhang Ping said solemnly.

The left waiter smiled slightly, took out the spiritual wine in his arms and took a closer look. He opened the cork with a bang and felt the rich spiritual energy rushing towards him. He couldn't help but praise: "Good stuff."

Zhang Ain reminded: "This thing is called wine." Zuo Shi asked: "Is this still wine? It is not an exaggeration to say it is a panacea."

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