The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 401 I can’t understand

Chapter 401 I can’t understand

Zhang Tianfang's opinions have always been ignored. Fang Jian asked: "Can one person make it?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "I'm not going to take revenge. I'm not that impulsive. There's nothing I can do about it." Zhang Tianfang shouted: "You still can't do it?" Impulsive?" His words were ignored again, and Song Yunyi whispered: "Go back early."

Zhang Wen set up an array outside the mountain and protected the entire mountain with a magic array before leaving. He left Shiwanda Mountain alone and returned to Wugu Valley by flying.

At this time, the foggy valley was filled with white mist, the passage disappeared, and there was no trace of people. Zhang Ai found the mark he had made before and sank into the ground. He sneaked into the Valley of the Gods from the underground and surfaced on the platform. As soon as he showed his head, he saw Fu Ling's fat baby sitting in a daze and asked, "What are you doing?"

His sudden words startled Fu Ling. He touched his chest and gasped: "I was scared to death. Why did you come here?" He jumped on Zhang Awei and continued to speak: "Quickly enter the Valley of the Gods, the big tiger is injured."

Hu Ping is injured? Zhang Zhen couldn't imagine that such a terrifying guy could be injured, so he asked: "What happened?"

"What happened? It's just a hassle to enter the Refining Temple. You have to go out and find trouble." Fu Ling pouted.

"Where is he?" Zhang Ain asked. It was good for him to get acquainted with him. He should always go and see if something happened to him.

Fu Ling raised his fat little finger and pointed to the path leading to the Valley of Refining Gods and said, "It's right there, he can't get out."

Zhang Ain picked up Fu Ling and ran towards the trail. After climbing the gentle slope, there was a longer mountain path. Hu Ping sat on the side of the mountain path and meditated.

He just entered the mountain road, Hu Ping sensed it immediately, opened his eyes and said: "Here he is." Zhang Ain asked him: "Are you okay?" "Nonsense, of course there is something. It took more than four months for you to come, more than four months My injury hasn't healed yet, do you think it's okay?" Hu Ping said angrily.

Zhang Ai hurriedly took out a pile of life pills and other healing medicines and brought them to Hu Ping. Hu Ping pushed them away and said, "It's useless. It's useful for you humans. It's just a waste for me to take it. I might as well give you a few more bottles of wine."

"What should we do?" Zhang Ping asked anxiously.

"What can I do? Just meditate. I can take good care of someone who is seventy or eighty years old." Hu Ping said casually.

Seventy or eighty years? The big tiger said it as easily as seven or eight days ago. Zhang Ai looked around and asked, "Why don't you go back to the valley?"

"It's too dangerous inside." Huping said seriously.

Danger? Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand, but he immediately realized it and said with a smile: "I'm sorry you have many enemies."

"Nonsense, where did I get my enemies?" Hu Ping glared at him and said, "Just stay aside and don't disturb my healing." After saying that, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and performed his exercises to heal his wounds.

The big tiger ignored him. Zhang Wen and Fu Ling lay down on the grass on the other side of the mountain road in a daze. They stared at the sky and the ground in boredom at the big tiger. After staring for a while, they suddenly realized that there was no safety guarantee. They quickly got up and set up an array. There were more than a thousand arrays. Qi made a magic circle to protect himself and Hu Ping, then lay down and continued to be in a daze.

This daze lasted for a month. One month later, Huping opened his eyes and stood up, as if his injury had healed. Zhang Ain asked him: "Didn't you say seven or eighty years? Is this good?"

"It's eighty percent better." Hu Ping asked him, "Are you going into the valley?"

Zhang Awei shook his head: "I won't go. If I stay here, there's nothing good in it."

Huping didn't care. He thought about it and sat down again to speak: "Fifth floor. This time I entered the fifth floor. It's so hard that I can't get out. It seems that Huping can only stay here for the rest of his life."

"Why be too persistent? Why not just live?" Zhang Ain advised.

Hu Ping said angrily: "Nonsense, you can enter and leave the foggy valley at will and roam the world freely. Why can I only stay in the valley?"

When the big tiger couldn't be persuaded, he changed the subject. Zhang Ain asked: "What is the fifth level like? Why can't you enter the Refining Temple after you have a baby?"

Hu Ping said: "It's like that inside the tower. You won't be able to tell for a while, but it's very dangerous anyway. As for why you can't enter the Refining Temple, I don't know."

This guy was really annoying. Zhang Ping thought about it and said, "Show me the formation diagram of the Temple of Refining." He had seen it once before but didn't understand it; now he has to go into the Temple of Refining to find Hai Ling, and he has to read it even if he doesn't understand.

Hu Ping said: "You are at home, go back and see?" Zhang Awei agreed, put away the formation flag and said, "Let's go." Hu Ping lifted Zhang Awei with one hand, and held Fu Ling in the other hand, dancing in the grass like the wind. Return to the stone house like lightning.

It was still the same dilapidated stone house. Hu Ping entered and took out the formation map. Zhang Wen took it and took a closer look. After looking for a long time, he still could not see anything as before. His eyes were full of various lines and patterns, and he had no choice but to read the entire formation map. Keep it in mind and return the drawings. Hu Ping asked: "What can you see?" Zhang Ain shook his head: "I can't see anything. The Temple of Refining is strange enough."

"Of course it's strange. When the Temple of Refining opened in the 60th year, it not only refers to the thick fog outside, but also includes the mountain road leading to the Valley of the God of Refining. Usually there is a barrier at the end of the mountain road, so we can't get out. It's strange, how can you come in and out freely? Hu Ping wondered.

Zhang Awei replied in a big tiger way: "I don't know; I'm still surprised. You can enter the Refining Temple with such a high level of cultivation, why can't I?"

Both of them had something they didn't understand. After talking to each other, they still couldn't understand it, so they stopped thinking about it. Zhang Afraid said, "Big Tiger, let me get drunk with you, and then I have to go out." Hu Ping took out the spirit wine and smiled. "Can you get me drunk?" Zhang Ping said, "I only said I would get drunk with you, not that I would get you drunk." "What's the difference?" Hu Ping asked. Zhang Ping said: "Drunk with you, that is to say, drinking with you, I will do it when I'm drunk." Hu Ping laughed loudly: "I don't have the guts."

"Wrong! I don't have the capacity to drink!" Zhang Ain put out various dishes on the stone table, raised his glass and said, "Drink."

The two of them started drinking until they were dizzy and dizzy. After sobering up, Hu Ping sent Zhang Ao out and said goodbye with fists on the mountain road. Zhang Ao hid out of the foggy valley and flew back to Shiwan Mountain.

The mountain was relatively peaceful. Zhang Wen only met everyone a few times after he came back. Then he hid in the house and thought hard. He was trying to figure out how to enter the Refining Temple. Draw the complete diagram and look at the drawing every day.

He had a lot on his mind, not just entering the tower to see Hai Ling, but he also wanted to figure out where the passage to the Refining Temple led.

There are so many magical places in this world, such as the lava pool where the piglet lives, the cold pool where the kitten lives, the monster forest and other places. These places are not bad, at least they can be entered and exited without being weird. But other places are full of mystery and exist beyond imagination, such as the Dry Skeleton Forest, the Valley of Refining Gods, and the ghost cave at the other end of the desert. These places are like another world. After walking through one door, you enter another. A new world, everything is different from the human world, and there are living creatures living everywhere.

Zhang Ping has never been able to figure out where those places are. Is there another space like the storage bag and the beast control bag? Opening the bag opens the door and you can enter that space? However, there will be no light or mountains, rivers, or rivers in the space inside the Beast Taming Bag, which is very different from the Skeleton Forest and other places.

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