The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 371 Coming to seek revenge

Chapter 371: Coming to seek revenge

"Well, if you want to build a boat, why don't you ask the boatman how to make it? You can even find a carpenter." Zhang Ain decided not to explain anything to him.

"They said they have never seen the sea, so I just want to get a boat to take them out for fun. I don't know what kind of wedges I need." After finishing speaking, he came over in a serious and mysterious voice and whispered: "There is something weird about the flying boat, we can't let them see it. no."

"Whose family do these children belong to?" Zhang Tianfang's kindness is rare.

"I don't know, how can I remember so many people, but there are a few orphans." As he spoke, he turned around and raised his hand to point out to Zhang Awei, but after looking at it again and again, he couldn't tell who was who, so he simply said: "It's inside anyway."

It is not an exaggeration to say that they are pig-brained. Zhang Ping said: "Tell them not to do it. I will notify the village tomorrow. We will spend money to hire boatmen and build a big boat to take them out to sea. When we leave, the boat will be left behind." them."

Zhang Tianfang frowned and asked, "It takes a long time to build a big ship. It's really troublesome. Otherwise, we could just use a flying boat to take them around."

"It's up to you, remember to call Fu Kong." Thinking of business, he asked in a low voice: "Do you think I should go to clean up the family and take revenge?"

The guy gets excited when he mentions killing people: "Yes, why shouldn't you? Call me when you go. How can there be any good people in the Qing Dynasty? They are a bunch of bastards and they need to die."

"Fang Jian is from the Qing Dynasty." Zhang Ping reminded him.

"Yeah, so he betrayed the family. Good people couldn't stay and had to betray the family. The rest are all bastards."

Zhang Awei shook his head, what was in this guy's mind? He is such a big sect, but let him tell you that there is not a single good person among tens of thousands of people. Pointing to a pile of wood, he said, "You can go ahead and build a boat. If you can't build a boat, you can just build a raft."

The days are passing by, autumn and winter are over, and spring and summer are coming. Zhang is afraid to stay here for a year. Within a year, there were occasionally some evil cultivators who wanted to try their luck. Everyone unanimously recommended Zhang Tianfang to deal with it. He would scare away those who could be scared away as much as possible, and kill those who couldn't be scared away. One year later, two crops of grain were harvested, and with the addition of what Zhang Ping gave, the people nearby had a surplus and were somewhat wealthy.

This year, he and Bu Kong helped the Yue government to count the victims' casualties and losses. As the numbers piled up, so did his anger. But the bastard government did not send people to provide relief until half a year after the flood. A few fat-bellied officials took a walk in a sedan chair and wrote a letter asking for money and food. They asked for a lot of money, but not much was given out. They said that all the villagers were dead. , use your wealth to repair your hometown and show your virtue.

During that half-year, Zhang was afraid of wandering around, and it was not until several months after he gathered with Fu Kong and others that he heard from the people that someone from the government was coming, and he didn't show up again after a trip. He had seen too many dark things and was worried that there was something wrong with it, so he went to the Yamen to inquire about it. After knowing the true situation, he killed people and robbed money.

The imperial court learned that the disaster relief official had died mysteriously, and sent police officers and soldiers to investigate. Of course, the investigation turned out to be unknown and nothing was done.

He has never been able to understand why some people have so much selfish desires that they can safely take possession of the life-saving money of disaster victims. Do these people have no conscience? After thinking about it, not counting Buddhists, many cultivators have no conscience, especially those three bastards from Qingmen Tiandi.

A year later, Zhang Fei left and headed northwest to the Song Dynasty, Song Yunyi's hometown, and Fang Jian's old sect. He wanted to kill the two remaining bastards from the Qing clan.

Everyone collectively voted to live together, so forty people set out together. The old rules were that the girls would ride in the car with the pigs and kittens, and the four men would sit outside and buy an ordinary old horse to drive.

The two countries of Song and Yue bordered on each other. I walked and looked around, and wandered for more than half a month before entering the border of Song. The two countries have no disputes and are very friendly. The border guards are lax and they can easily cross the border. After entering the Song Dynasty, he went north. The three gates of the Song Dynasty were all in the north of the country to resist the barbarian warlocks.

Returning to her hometown, Song Yunyi was filled with mixed emotions. Her father, mother, and brother had long since passed away, and the current Emperor of the Song Dynasty was considered a collateral relative of her grandchildren, and she did not even know them.

Zhang Ain took the carriage to Songcheng, the capital of the country. A few days later, as he approached the city gate, Song Yunyi walked out of the carriage and sat on the shaft. He looked at the surrounding customs with beautiful eyes, which were both familiar and unfamiliar.

There was a crowd of people on the street. Zhang Ping smiled and said, "They are all your people." Song Yunyi shook his head lightly and said nothing. The carriage went along the way and passed by the Prime Minister's Palace and other places. The Prime Minister's Mansion had been renamed, and everything that had gone before would never come back. Song Yunyi felt sad for a while, remembering her childhood playmates, the two beautiful girls who had no idea who they were marrying into, but now they were pink and turned into skeletons. The palace has not changed, but the people inside have changed a lot. Taking one last look at the palace, Song Yunyi said: "Let's go."

Qingmen is located thousands of miles northwest of Song City. It is built on flat ground, with mountains on the left and running water on the right. It is close to mountains and rivers, which coincides with the harmony of hardness and softness. A Yin-Yang Bagua array is set up to protect the entire mountain gate.

The entire sect's residence is a town, with roads and houses built according to the Bagua directions, with a radius of ten miles. There are markets, restaurants and squares in the town, which are no different from ordinary towns. The only difference is that the people in the town are all monks.

Zhang Ping's carriage stopped ten miles outside the town. Fang Jian pointed forward and said, "That's the Qing Gate. There's a Bagua array guarding it outside." After a pause, he added, "They should have discovered us."

Zhang Awei nodded and said to Song Yunyi and the other women: "You go back first, I will go there by myself. There is a river on the right, I have ice crystals, no one can kill me."

The girls didn't speak. Fu Kong said first, "Let's get together. I feel something is wrong."

Fang Jian said: "That's not right. Logically speaking, they should have sent people to check our identities when we are thirty miles away, but there is still no movement as close as ten miles away. Do they really treat us as ordinary passers-by?"

"Go to the river first." For safety reasons, Zhang Ying steered the carriage to turn right. He had just taken two steps when a man flew out from the town. He was of medium height and medium appearance. He looked very ordinary. He clasped his fists inside and outside. Said: "Qingmen Qingwuyou, but the person opposite is a remnant of Tianlei Mountain?"

Fang Jian was shocked and whispered: "The master of the door is here."

Zhang Wen smiled brightly, laughed and clasped his fists and said, "The master of the Qing Sect greets me. I really think highly of you. Zhang Wen is so polite."

Qing Wuyou also smiled: "False fame and position are nothing. I wonder what Daoist friend Zhang is here for?"

Pretending to be confused while pretending to understand, Zhang was afraid to speak bluntly: "I'm here to kill someone." He was afraid that you would do something serious.

"May I ask who offended fellow Daoist Zhang?"

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "You have nine great masters under your sect, the three major sword formations of Cheng Liangyi, Sancai and Sixiang. What I am here to kill today are the two people who are still alive in the Sancai Sword Formation." Let him take the girls to the river.

Hearing that someone came to seek revenge, and when he told him to kill someone from the same sect, Qing Wuyou smiled: "No matter how they offend Fellow Daoist Zhang, I'm afraid they won't be able to kill them today."

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