The Monk

Volume One Chapter 370 Zhang Tianfang Shipbuilding

Chapter 370 Zhang Tianfang Shipbuilding

Fu Kong smiled softly: "The young monk gave the donor a ride." He didn't like killing. Although the greed of Twenty-Four Stars made him disgusted and disgusted, he still didn't want to see anyone bleed to death in front of him. He put his hands together like a lotus flower. He opened his hands, and at the same time, a white lotus suddenly appeared at the feet of Twenty-Four Stars in the distance. It was as big as a cover, white and holy, with layers of petals blooming, gently supporting his body.

Twenty-four stars were shocked! The other party's spell was cast at his feet and he didn't notice it? How could such a thing happen with his cultivation strength? The figure swayed slightly, the air rippled, and the man and the dog swayed in the air a few times and disappeared, and he ran away.

Fang Jian opened his mouth and looked at Fu Kong: "You are too powerful, aren't you?" Fu Kong waved his hand and said: "Lotus grows on the ground, a tree without roots, it has no power, it can only scare people."

Zhang Tianfang came over with glaring eyes: "I didn't realize you were so powerful before. Tell me, when will you teach me these spells?"

Fukong knew that no matter what he said to this guy, he would only get entangled, so he changed the subject and asked, "Have you read the few scriptures my master gave you?" Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately and said, "Yes, you have read." , almost finished reading two pages.”

I read the book I was given decades ago and haven’t even finished two pages of it. I sighed to myself: Even if you say you can finish two books soon, you will still be able to finish it! His thoughts were asked by Fang Jian: "I didn't hear clearly just now. Did you mean two pages or two books?"

Zhang Tianfang was very honest and said loudly and boldly: "Two pages." After that, he added in a low voice: "I haven't finished reading yet."

After successfully diverting Zhang Tianfang's attention, Fu Kong took away the Great Light Dharma King and White Lotus, quietly walked towards Zhang Afraid and said, "This place is not very peaceful."

Yes, I was puzzled, why was it that I was never at peace in the place where I was? Zhang was worried about being depressed and puzzled, so he asked: "Moving?"

The girls chirped and disagreed. It was good to live here. It felt even better to be praised and valued for helping others. Zhang Tianfang always liked to confront him and said harshly: "Where to move? Why move? Whoever makes trouble again will be killed and fed to the pigs."

Fu Kong also said: "It's not a big deal if you move, just be more careful."

A simple sentence reveals strong self-confidence. If it doesn't work, look at Zhang Tianfang. Otherwise, you can just encourage the idiot to become a monk sincerely. Learning Buddhist skills is good for everyone. Well, it's a good idea. If you think of it, you should do it. Zhang Ain said to Zhang Tianfang: "Take out the Buddhist scriptures and read them eight times a day. You must read them in, remember all the contents, and respect the Buddha."

Zhang Tianfang's eyes widened even more: "Maybe the little monk doesn't know, but you don't know? I don't know how to read! Do you know? I don't know how to read!" The voice got louder as he went to the back.

Ah, yes, this guy is illiterate. How could I have forgotten this? Zhang Ain whispered: "You don't have to be so loud if you don't know how to read. You seem to be so proud."

After hearing the words, Fu Kong thought about it for a while, recalling all the past events. He had never seen him read a book after knowing him for so long. He was a genius, an absolute genius! The cultivator is illiterate, he is definitely the only one throughout the ages! And I can definitely praise it, it’s unprecedented! He opened his mouth and asked, "I'm curious about something. You can't read, and you said you read almost two pages of scripture. How did you read it?"

"This is how you read it. Just open the book and read it." After a few explanations, Zhang Tianfang took out a Buddhist scripture, opened it from the middle, then lay down, covered his face with the book, and paused for a moment to take out the Buddhist scripture. Asked: "Do you understand?"

I understand, I understand completely, Fu Kong expresses strong admiration, this guy actually takes a nap like an elegant person.

Practitioners are full of energy, and even if they feel sleepy, the best solution is to meditate instead of sleeping. Besides, even if you want to sleep, how can anyone cover their face with a book? Only those scholars who study hard and are tired during the day lie down and take a nap. They unfold the books and cover them on their faces to block the light and take a nap. But none of the above is a problem for Zhang Tianfang. He won't be sleepy, doesn't need to sleep, doesn't need to study hard, and doesn't need to block the light, but he just does it. It's delicious, and the most annoying thing is It's him who can't read. Okay, even if you want to take a nap, even if you want to block the sun, wouldn't you like to get an umbrella? Even without an umbrella and a hat, which one is more useful than a book? But he had to cover his face with books to pretend to be elegant, so Fu Kong had no choice but to admire such geniuses.

A group of people looked at each other and turned around to leave. If they stayed with this lunatic for a while longer, they would go crazy themselves. Zhang Tianfang jumped up and shouted, "Why don't you have any humanity at all? Hey, where are you going?"

Things happened one after another, and opponents appeared one after another. Not to mention the old enemies of the Jin family and the Yao family, the three sects of the Song Dynasty immediately offended two of them, especially the Qing sect, which ranked first in the Song Dynasty, even if it was not as good as the Barbarians. The difference between the Gu Jin family must be limited. With twenty-four stars on the verge of becoming a god, plus the twenty-four super-grade monsters in hand, it can only place the Yuling Sect in third place. The strength of the Qing Sect can be seen as one of the best.

Zhang Ping has been thinking about this recently, how to kill those two bastards with one blow. Bu Kong felt that he was a bit of a demon, so he asked a girl to go to him and nag him: "Aren't you tired of fighting and killing all day long?"

Zhang Ping was shocked, yes, all he thinks about every day is murder and revenge. After going to the Jin family and cleaning up the family, how many enemies will there be in the future? Could it be that the whole body practice is for this purpose? But the innocent people of Ninghe suffered disaster, how can the perpetrators be allowed to live in the world? And the Jin family and other major sects are killing people just to break something? Where are the good people? They are all worthy of death.

Get up and go find Zhang Tianfang. This guy is simply the reincarnation of the God of Killing. If you ask him, he will definitely say kill, kill, kill. He doesn't care about so many good and bad things, but kill the enemy first. Anyway, the Qing Dynasty is about to come, and the Jin family is about to go, so let the God of Death make the decision for him.

After going out, I used my consciousness to look for that guy. He was near the water in the south, and there were a dozen ordinary people around him. Wandering over to take a look, there was a chaotic noise of clanking and sawing wood. Zhang Tianfang was actually using a ghost knife as a tool and leading a group of young men to build a boat.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Ain walked closer and asked.

Zhang Tianfang immersed himself in his work and said casually: "Building a ship." His ghost sword was really useful. It was used as a hammer to smash nails, and to chop wood and use it as a saw. He wasted such a magic weapon, and he didn't know what the nine ghost emperors in the magic weapon were. What are you thinking about? The group of children were also busy. Some used grindstones to polish the wood, and some used small hammers to drive nails into the wood. Zhang Awei looked at it for a while and said, "This won't work."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Tianfang rolled his eyes and said.

"Although I don't know anything about shipbuilding, I still know that the wood must at least have wedges to lock it together. Is your flat piece used to make a bed?" Zhang Ain looked around the large pile of wood.

"Ah? What is a wedge?" The pair of bull's eyes stared over and asked.

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