The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 372 Five Masters

Chapter 372 Five Masters

"Oh? Why can't you kill him?" Zhang Ain was wondering what tricks this guy wanted to play.

Qing Wuyou smiled softly: "It would be better for the Jin family to answer this question."

Zhang Aifeng's eyes narrowed, Jin family? Are the two families uniting to kill me? At this time, Qing Wuyou turned to the north and said loudly: "Qing Wuyou respectfully greets all seniors." The voice spread far away, and two middle-aged men slowly flew out from the Qingmen Bagua array, one with a big head and long hair, and the other with extraordinary handsomeness. , is Jin Jia Tang Jin Wu Jin Liu. The two of them flew slowly to Qing Wuyou and stood next to them. Jin Wu said: "The Qing Sect Sword Formation is famous all over the world. We have asked those two Taoist brothers to come back and give them some pointers. If you want to kill them, you can go to the Jin family and give them a try."

Qing Wuyou actually asked the Jin family for help? Zhang Zhi couldn't believe it, he was so shameless. Only then was he shocked, and two more people flew out from the Bagua array. One was Yao Meier, a beautiful woman from the Yao family, and the other was an old man in gray clothes from the 24th Star of the Yuling Sect. It can be said that the most powerful people who have a grudge against Zhang Weijing are all here.

Zhang Ai looked back and saw that Song Yunyi and others had already reached the river. Their lives were safe for the time being, and he felt a little relieved. He was surprised that Qing Wuyou and the Jin brothers didn't stop him.

Yao Mei'er and Twenty-Four Stars stood on the other side of Qing Wuyou, but someone still walked out of the Bagua array, and a skinny middle-aged man followed the two of them and appeared in front of Zhang Ain. Qing Wuyou saluted him respectfully: "Disciple pays homage to Master."

The skinny middle-aged man waved his hands and said nothing. He stared at Zhang Awei with a pair of eyes. If his gaze had any substance, it made Zhang Awei very uncomfortable.

The few people in front of me, except Qing Wuyou, each of the other five people have the top-level Nascent Soul cultivation level and can transform into gods in one step. Zhang Ping sighed and said, "It's a big battle just for me. Is it worth it?"

His uncle appeared. Qing Wuyou slowly backed away and gave up the position in front. There were five masters standing in a line. Yao Meier said: "Five of us will catch one of you. If you still run away like this, I will marry you." Can I give it to you?" She said with a charming smile.

Zhang was so frightened that he shivered. Is he eight hundred years old? Let’s say less than seven hundred, right? Oh my god, this is forcing me. He asked in a cold voice: "How do you plan to keep me?"

Last year, four people from the Four Elephants Formation sent word back that Zhang Wen was coming to pay homage to the mountain, so the senior officials of the Qing Sect began to study countermeasures. There are Bagua formations for defense and many masters attacking. I believe Zhang is afraid that no matter how powerful he is, he will not be able to gain favor, and at most some low-level disciples will die, but they don't want this.

When the relics of Tianlei Mountain killed the Jin Family Yao Family, they killed Hu Nao and retreated completely. Word spread that they had already lost a lot of prestige to the two families, and the Qing Sect did not want to be the third family. After everyone discussed it, they decided to lower their profile and join forces with others to deal with Zhang Afraid. Zhang was afraid that there were not many others and there were countless enemies. So he sent people to spread the news that Zhang Ping was about to go to Qingmen to pay homage to the mountain, and a master from the sect went to the Jin family Yaojia in person to seek alliance. These people all hated Zhang Ain deeply, and they hit it off immediately, and their masters gathered to clear the door.

Twenty-Four Stars, who had just returned from defeat, heard the news and took the initiative to come to the door, so they formed a group of five top experts.

They didn't know that Zhang was afraid of ice crystals, but they knew that the piglets and kittens were ferocious, and they also knew that his helper, the little monk, was powerful, so they discussed using Jin Wu Jin Liu to intercept the two spiritual beasts, and Yao Meier used poison to hold back Fu Kong, and twenty Four stars are dealing with Zhang Afraid, and the masters of the house cleaning are waiting for the opportunity to eliminate all the invading enemies.

At this time, listening to Zhang Awei's question, Yao Meier giggled to attract Zhang Awei's attention, and the skinny middle-aged man suddenly shouted: "Do it!"

The five masters activated instantly, two golden shadows shot at the kitten and piggy, and a red shadow floated towards Bu Kong. The old man in gray clothes reached out and grabbed Zhang Ain's face.

Zhang Ai was always on guard, and when Yao Meier smiled, he moved closer to Song Yunyi. He believed that with Bing Jing's presence, the group's attacks would not hurt him easily, but he was worried about the girls. At this time, the master of clearing the sect called for action, and the attack of the twenty-four stars happened in an instant. The twenty-four stars grabbed Zhang Awei's throat with one claw, and Zhang Awei disappeared after a while, turning out to be just an afterimage. The twenty-four-star attack failed, and Zhang was afraid to flee in the direction of Song Yunyi.

At the same time, Jin Wujinliu and Yao Meier rushed towards the crowd together. Mao Mao snorted coldly, the river rippled and the rapids surged, and several ice walls were already erected in front of everyone. Jin Wu Jin Liu Yao Mei'er and the three of them attacked together, but they could barely break through an ice wall, so everyone behind the wall was naturally fine. And Zhang Ai rushed over in an instant, thinking about the safety of the girls, avoiding the twenty-four-star attack, and was distracted by monitoring the skinny middle-aged man from Qingmen, watching Yao Meier's three attacks, and did not see the ice wall in his concentration. , the ice wall appeared too quickly, and with a thud, the whole person hit the ice wall and was bounced off and fell.

Twenty-Four Star missed his first attack, and then grabbed it with his second claw. He had a higher level of cultivation and was faster than Zhang Awei. He came after him first. When he was about to catch Zhang Awei, Zhang Awei suddenly jumped away and fell. He unexpectedly He missed again, and with a sudden sound, his whole hand penetrated the ice wall.

Zhang Ai covered his head and stood up. His head was still a little dizzy. It was a great news in the world that a majestic Yuanying master bravely hit the wall. Zhang Tianfang hid behind the ice and pointed at him and laughed: "Nosebleed, you have a nosebleed, haha, it's so funny."

Nearing the river, ice crystals quietly caused the clear water to freeze. A thin ice sheet protected Zhang Ai. It was also ice, and the ice crystals were several times more powerful than the kitten's ice.

Twenty-Four Star withdrew his hand from the ice wall and grabbed Zhang Afraid for the third time. He did not believe that a small Yuanying junior monk could dodge his attacks several times. This attack was equally fast. As soon as Zhang Ping stood up unsteadily and his claws were already in front of his eyes, he heard a series of crackling sounds. The first sound was the sound of his claws rubbing against the ice flakes, and the second sound was the sound of his wrist. The sound of broken fingers.

Twenty-Four Stars was shocked, so he stepped back and checked the injury after reaching a safe distance. Fortunately, it was just a trauma. Looking at Zhang Awei again, he discovered that there was a thin piece of ice standing in front of Zhang Awei, which was as transparent as nothing. He is the second master after Zhang Ai to take the initiative to hit the ice.

All this process is a long story, and it actually only lasted for Zhang Tianfang to say a word. At this time, this heartless guy smiled even more happily, pointed at Zhang Afraid and Twenty-Four Stars and said with a smile: "You guys are so funny. Ha ha."

The five masters secretly thought that they already attached great importance to Zhang Awei, and they didn't want this guy's performance to surprise them again. Among the five, the Qing sect master had never dealt with Zhang Awei and asked in a low voice: "What's going on with those ices?" ?”

No one from the other four people answered. Neither Yao Meier nor Twenty-Four Stars had seen the kitten forming an ice wall to defend itself against enemies. They simply thought it was a water spirit beast. What they valued more was the little pig. The pink and cute guy opened his mouth and started to burn wildly with ferocious flames. However, the fire was so powerful that he couldn't defend himself against anything else. The masters of the Qing Dynasty were worried that their family fortune would be damaged for thousands of years, so they would go ten miles away to meet the enemy. Otherwise, there would be Yin and Yang gossip. With the help of the formation, the odds of winning will always be better.

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