The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 369 Fu Kong is very powerful

Chapter 369 Bukong is very powerful

Bukong ignored him and said to Zhang Tianfang: "These things are easy for you to learn. As long as you are willing to convert to my Buddha, I will teach you everything." Life is at stake, which can be regarded as a huge temptation.

Zhang Tianfang raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly: "I converted to your old monk a long time ago, and he even gave me an eye..." Before he finished speaking, Bukong interrupted him: "You are talking about these again, you are just perfunctory, not really converting, my Buddha has great wisdom..." Similarly, his preaching was interrupted by Zhang Tianfang: "Don't talk, anyway, it's conversion, why are there so many problems?"

Fighting life and death, the two opponents actually quarreled, completely ignoring themselves! Being despised by others, the twenty-four stars came in anger, holding something in their hands, and quickly grabbed it green. Zhang Tianfang hurriedly shouted: "No matter what you want to say, kill this old man first."

Twenty-four stars is the name of a person and the name of the twenty dogs. He has been famous for many years. When you mention twenty-four stars, you know it is him, and no one can distinguish it. People have always been afraid of twenty-four stars. I didn't expect that he would be despised at this time, and he was also yelled at by the old man. He couldn't help but get more angry. One hand was green and gleaming, and the other hand was holding a white bone stick and stabbing.

Bukong stood firmly on his chest with both palms and shouted again: "Great Light Dharma King." Zhang Tianfang's shadow Vajra suddenly shook. From a shadow to a white entity, he raised a Buddha finger to point at the strange hand. At the same time, the other hand waved and flicked it lightly. The bone stick was brushed away, and the green strange palm also retreated and dodged under one finger. In the process of advancing and retreating, the green fluorescence scattered and danced, and it was discovered that there were many tiny green beetles attached to the palm, which looked a bit scary.

There are many kinds of finger techniques in Buddhism. The twenty-four stars asked in a deep voice: "Reincarnation finger? Aren't you a Buddhist from the East Continent?"

Bukong didn't say anything, Zhang Tianfang shouted: "There are so many bugs, it's disgusting."

They came back and tossed around, completely freeing the little pig and white tiger. The two guys were full of anger and wanted to vent. Zhang Pa waved and said: "Come back." At the same time, he fell in front of Song Yunyi and the girls, raised the big black knife and watched Zhang Tianfang making trouble.

Zhang Tianfang was unhappy and shouted: "Come and fight, what are you watching?"

Although Bukong's Buddhist skills are powerful, he didn't take the initiative to attack, but just defended blindly. The twenty-four stars still had the upper hand on the scene, especially the twenty-four big dogs, who were eager to tear Zhang Tianfang apart.

Bukong pinched the Buddha seal, and the Great Light Dharma King changed from a white entity to a golden light body guard. He looked tall, mighty, and his dignity was inviolable. Bukong whispered, "Donor, aren't you leaving yet?"

Zhang Tianfang shouted, "Why are you leaving? Kill him."

Twenty-four Stars looked at the roaring piglet white tiger beside Zhang Pa, and was reluctant to give up.

The Yuling Sect and the Demon Sect fought a great battle, and most of them were killed or injured. Twenty-four Stars, who never asked about worldly affairs, had to come out to find out what was going on. The disciples reported that there was a dragon spirit in Ninghe, and there was a dragon pill in its belly, which could be eaten to advance, so Twenty-four Stars were tempted to come here to find it.

The young man in black was his servant boy. When they first came to Ninghe, they met the Qing Sect people searching for the bodies of the dead in the Tiandiren Sancai Sword Formation. No matter how powerful he was, he couldn't just rob the bodies for fun? He was just curious about the dead guy, who was also a Yuanying master, how could he die here without a sound? He said a few more words to the Qing Sect people, and then left. This was the scene reported to Yao Mei'er by the Yao family spy.

After the twenty-four stars left, they went down the river to the sea to look for the dragon spirit. After spending several months without finding it, they returned along the same route, thinking of killing a few demon disciples to vent their anger on their disciples. However, they did not see the demon disciples, but they did notice two powerful spirit beasts living nearby.

He had a high level of cultivation and specialized in taming beasts. He had a sense of most of the strange beasts in the world. He followed the trail and after confirming the identity of the piglet Xiaobai, he threw out a talisman with a trap array to catch the beast. The array cannot hurt people, and its only function is to slow down adhesion. If you are trapped by this array, you can leave slowly if you are not in a hurry; the more anxious you are, the deeper you will be trapped. The piglet is such an unlucky guy, who is in a hurry to rush out but can't.

The kitten grew up in a different environment from the piglet. It has been facing various challenges in the wild and has been dominating by the way. It is vigilant and finds the malicious twenty-four stars. It easily escapes the explosion range of the talisman, and then transforms into a white tiger and pounces on it. At this time, Zhang Pa and his men rushed back, resulting in the current situation.

Bukong looked at the twenty-four stars and said to Zhang Tianfang indifferently: "Killing is the Buddha's business."

Zhang Tianfang was furious: "Why don't you die?"

"As long as you convert to my Buddha, I will die, so what?" It was still a light tone, but it was particularly irritating to Zhang Tianfang. Zhang Tianfang shouted: "I converted to your old monk! You have a pig brain, you can't even remember this."

"You must convert sincerely, devote yourself to Buddha and be kind..." Bukong was interrupted by Zhang Tianfang before he finished nagging: "Get out." He turned around and shouted to the twenty-four: "Come here, I'm going to kill you." He was about to rush out of the protection of the Great Light Dharma King with a ghost knife.

The twenty-four stars were stunned. These people didn't take themselves seriously. They were fighting, but they were in the mood to quarrel? With a wave of his hand, green beetles flew all over the sky, buzzing and rushing over.

The piglet was so angry that he opened his mouth and a fire dragon spewed out. It danced around him like a living being and wrapped around him to block the green beetle. Then another fierce fire burned towards the twenty-four stars. The flames were so fierce that even the twenty-four dogs and two living people were within the burning range.

The animals were fierce! The twenty-four stars felt terrified and didn't even want the green beetle. They grabbed the black-clothed disciples and controlled the twenty-four big dogs to leave instantly. They stood high in the sky and looked down. These two spirit beasts are really good. What if I own them?

On the ground Bu Kong was still arguing with Zhang Tianfang: "With your current strength, you can't beat him. Convert me to Buddhism and learn Buddhist skills from me. Don't forget that you are the best Buddhist in the world." He was thinking in his mind: Not bad progress! After the old monk left, Zhang Tianfang never admitted to converting to Buddha. Every time he told him, he never mentioned it. Now that he is willing to admit that he has taken refuge, this is a good start. As long as he perseveres, he will definitely worship my Buddha and achieve great virtues.

Zhang Tianfang said angrily: "I can't tell you." He turned to Zhang Afraid and asked: "Why is he getting more and more wordy? Did you teach him?" Suddenly he remembered that he was fighting, and immediately shouted into the cloud: "Old boy, give me this Come down and let grandpa vent his anger."

Could this guy be any more heartless? Zhang Ai is a little helpless, but he has a new understanding of Fu Kong Buddhism. Why is he so powerful? The other party is a top-level Nascent Soul monk, and he can't get any favors from him. Then he thinks of his master, the Sky Buddhists. These monks are so powerful. Are they going to let anyone live?

Twenty-Four Star is in a very difficult situation. He has rarely lost a battle against an enemy in his life. Will he be forced away by a few little guys? It was a bit embarrassing, not to mention there were two precious spiritual beasts below that were reluctant to give up, so they stopped in the air and hesitated.

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