The Monk

Volume One Chapter 368 Twenty-Four Stars

Chapter 368 Twenty-Four Stars

As soon as he finished speaking, the ice lotus melted away at the same time, revealing four slightly panicked masters. Speaking of which, the four guys are quite unlucky. The Qing sect has been having a lot of accidents recently. First, one person died mysteriously in the Sancai Sword Formation, and then twelve disciples died. In addition, there was news about Jiao Jing and Lingdi, as well as the traitor Fang Jian. The sect relied on high hopes and specially sent experts like them to deal with the matter. Who would have thought that when they arrived in Ninghe, they didn't find Jiao Jing and were humiliated and let go without being killed. It was extremely shameful.

The four of them calmed down quickly. The big man with the short mustache wanted to try again. He shouted and charged forward with his sword, but just as he raised his hand, a huge piece of ice was built out of thin air in front of him to block the way. He stabbed with the sword and bounced back with a clang. Only a white spot remains on the ice. The big man finally realized that he was not his enemy, and said coldly: "I can't beat you because I don't practice enough, but you can't even think about using force to suppress others. No one in the Qing sect is afraid of death."

Zhang Ping didn't care what he said at all, and waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go quickly. If you love her to death, don't tell me. Let's meet again some time later."

The short-bearded man snorted coldly: "In that case, we will wait for your visit at the Qingmen. It is best to bring a coffin." He was not weak in his words, and he was thinking in his heart, how could the three guys of Tiandiren offend the relics of Tianlei Mountain? only?

The four masters of the Four Symbol Formation escaped with their lives and gave up the idea of ​​exploring the spiritual place. After seeing Fang Jian, they took off and flew back to the Song Dynasty.

Fang Jian watched them leave, feeling a little sad. Zhang Tianfang muttered: "If you are a good person, just wait for bad luck." Zhang Wen glared at him: "I don't want to be a good person, and you are still in the ghost cave now."

Thinking of the dark and dark life in the ghost cave for more than ten years, I couldn't help but shudder. I was afraid of looking at it. The unlucky kid has such a good memory and always threatens me with embarrassing things. Suddenly I remembered something and argued forcefully: "You saved me, but you can't leave the ghost cave." But it’s all my fault, plus Song Yunyi, if you save one of me, I’ll save both of you, so you owe me.”

Zhang Wen shook his head helplessly. Whatever he said to this guy would be off topic, he ignored him and Fang Jian Fu Kong and said, "Go back."

Fukong's expression suddenly changed and he said, "Not good." He ducked and flew to the village where he lived. Zhang was afraid that he was reminded by the ice crystal at the same time, knowing that a powerful enemy was coming to the village, so he flew back with his wings spread fiercely. Zhang Tianfang still wanted to argue with Zhang Ai about who was right and wrong, but when he saw that he looked like he was facing a formidable enemy, he knew that the matter was serious, so he followed up with his ghost sword, and Fang Jian followed closely behind.

Ninghu was only more than twenty miles away from the village where everyone settled. The four of them flew back with all their strength and had arrived in a matter of seconds. A long way away, I saw the little pig surrounded by a strange formation. The kitten had transformed into a white tiger and was fighting with an old man in gray robe. Song Yunyi and the girls were watching anxiously. A black man stood a hundred meters away. A young man in clothes has a red firebird on his shoulder and twenty-four giant dogs standing at his feet, as tall and strong as a calf.

Fu Kongren was in the air, pointed with the index finger of one hand, and shouted: "Hey." A soft light pierced the strange array, and when the light fell, it merged into the array and disappeared. Fu Kongren followed the light, and when the soft light merged into the formation, he had already fallen down and stood in front of the formation. He turned the Buddha fingers on his right hand and said softly: "Broken." A huge white light swastika rose from the formation, and instantly Exploded, the swastika disappeared, and the magic circle also disappeared.

The little pig was very angry when he was trapped in the formation. It was sticky inside and he couldn't move. He couldn't move even if he sprayed fire. He finally got out of the trap and vented his anger. When he opened his mouth, a fire dragon burned towards the old man in gray. The old man fought with the white tiger with all his strength, moving like a dragon. None of the thousands of water arrows spewed out by the white tiger could hit him. At this moment, the huge fire dragon came and scared him. On one side were boundless water arrows and on the other side, the sky was filled with flames. The old man hurriedly flew out of the battle circle and cursed angrily: "Where did this bastard monk come from to ruin my good deeds?"

Before he could finish his sentence, Zhang was afraid that he would strike fiercely with a huge hard iron sword in both hands. The old man didn't pay attention and raised his hand to block the attack with a light shield. He never thought that the hard iron sword was extremely sharp and could easily tear through the light shield and continue to chop. The old man was frightened, and hurriedly dodged, but he missed the best opportunity. The outer bone and flesh of his left leg from the knee down, and the heel were cut off with a knife.

The old man hurriedly stopped the bleeding and took the healing elixir. Then he looked at Zhang Awei with a dark look: "You're looking for death!"

Zhang Tian took a step forward and heard these words when he came back. He threw the ghost sword and cursed: "You are just looking for death." The ghost sword swayed leisurely, as light as a soul, and pulled out a piece of black and floated towards the old man in gray. The old man didn't dare to be careless anymore. With a low roar, the twenty-four big dogs immediately activated after receiving the order, forming a formation to bite Zhang Tianfang. He himself retreated and dodged all attacks.

Generally speaking, there are nine grades of monsters. The first to ninth grades correspond to the foundation building stage to the Nascent Soul stage of human cultivators. Monsters above seventh grade are treasures and are difficult to see. For example, Zhang Tianfang two black tigers. But the twenty-four giant dogs in front of him are super-grade monsters, not among the ninth-grade. In other words, any dog ​​has at least the strength of the Nascent Soul Intermediate level or above. The old man has twenty-four such powerful dogs. .

Who is this person? It’s too powerful! Any dog ​​has a higher level of cultivation than me. What's even more frightening is that they can form a formation. With their own strength and formation, they are definitely no weaker than the sword formation of the Four Elephants Swordsman just now.

Zhang was afraid that this group of people were not ordinary ignorant people. If it had been anyone else, how could they not know the names of the Twenty-Four Stars if they had been in the world of cultivation for a while. The only master of the Yuling Sect is equivalent to Yao Meier's position in the Yao family. He is one of the few masters in the entire Eastern Continent. It is said that his strength is comparable to that of a mountain god.

Zhang Ping was surprised that his twenty-four terrifying giant dogs all had strength above the Nascent Soul stage. Thinking about it, he felt scary; but then he remembered that he had more than a hundred god-defying snakes, and he immediately regained his balance. It's normal for people to have twenty-four big, scary dogs. You can't have all the good things in the world go to yourself.

Zhang Tianfang couldn't build up the alchemy, so how could he fight against the giant dog? He quickly recalled the ghost sword, relied on its sharpness to survive and escaped, shouting as he ran: "Zhang, please help me."

Zhang Tianfang was in danger, and the most anxious thing was Fu Kong. He put his palms together and bowed in front of his chest, chanting Buddha incessantly, and suddenly a tall and powerful Vajra statue appeared behind him. Fu Kong shouted in a low voice: "Great Light Dharma King." The phantom Vajra behind him stepped in front of Zhang Tianfang, circled his hands, and the entire phantom just covered him. At this time, twenty-four terrifying big dogs came to bite them. Unfortunately, they could only circle around the statue of the King of Light and could not break through the phantom no matter what.

The young man in black who was standing still now ran towards the old man in gray and asked: "Master, is your leg injury not serious?" The old man shook his head slightly: "It's okay." He secretly cursed himself for being careless, otherwise why would he? As for injuries. However, the twenty-four stars repeatedly failed to attack, which really surprised him, and he cursed: "The thief Baldhead first broke my magic circle, and then prevented me from controlling the beast. Are you going against me out of pure heart? Do you think that Buddhists are just like this?" Can you be invincible?"

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