The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 342 Flying around

Chapter 342 Flying around

Another monk flew in from a distance. At this time, there were more than a hundred people. Among the group of people, dragons and phoenixes looked at Zhang Ain in a daze from a distance. What does this person do? Why are you so nice to ordinary people? Does it have something to do with him?

The monks who arrived later asked someone they knew well: "Who is this person? What is he doing?" The familiar monk replied: "A disciple of Tianlei Mountain." The questioner was surprised and said: "He is that person?"

More and more cultivators are slowly coming from all directions. In less than half an hour just now, there are already as many as 500 cultivators from various sects. Some are acquaintances, and some are enemies. Although they do not deal with each other, they can find out. Spiritual energy is the big deal here. After a little digging, I found out that the young boy standing arrogantly opposite was actually a relic of Tianlei Mountain. Those who had hatred did not care about their enemies. They looked at each other, and someone asked in a low voice with blazing eyes: "Tell me, can we, with so many people, kill him?"

Who among the cultivators in the world doesn’t know that the relic of Tianlei Mountain is full of treasures and can be killed best, but the question is who can kill him? Someone smiled and said, "You go up first, and I'll take the back seat."

A newly arrived monk asked: "What is he doing there? Why don't you go find the source of the spiritual energy?"

No one in the group understood what Zhang was doing. Most people believed that the disciples of Tianlei Mountain were too greedy and wanted to occupy the spiritual source by themselves. Some people said disdainfully: "Have you seen that sword? I have killed more than ten people. You Want to be the next one?" This disdain was a disdain for Zhang Weifang's greed, and also a disdain for the person who asked the question.

Someone came earlier and saw more things, and whispered: "He seems to be helping the people and not letting us disturb them."

The man became even more disdainful, and even laughed out loud and said: "You mean he is doing good things? You mean the disciples of Tianlei Mountain are doing good things? You mean the dignified Nascent Soul monk is doing good things for ordinary people like ants?"

Zhang Ai stood silently in the air. The people who received his help on both sides of the Ning River below were disturbed and gradually gathered here. Slowly, more and more people gathered. They all looked at him with respect and gratitude, but no one spoke. Afraid of disturbing him.

The group of monks opposite looked around, observed the movements of the people, and came to the conclusion: That person seemed to be really doing good things.

There are two places with strong spiritual energy. Zhang Ping can take care of the downstream area, which is the largest, but cannot take care of the upstream area. At this time, there were monks in the disaster area upstream who were searching for the source of the spiritual energy but could not find it, and were preparing to drive the people away to occupy the magpie's nest. Hundreds of monks were blocked downstream, and some good people flew upstream to inquire. After receiving the confirmed information, they flew back in tears, proving that everyone was right, and the disciples of Tianlei Mountain were doing good things.

Is this person crazy? This was the first reaction of the monks all over the sky, and the second reaction was to kill him.

The land nourished by hundreds of drops of wood spirits is rich in spiritual energy beyond imagination. No one is willing to give it to others for free. What's more, the guy blocking the road is only one person, and he is full of treasures. What if he kills him by the way? It’s wonderful to think about!

The eyes of hundreds of monks are getting more and more wrong. There is only one Nascent Soul monk. There are hundreds of people and countless magic weapons. They should be able to fight.

However, Zhang was afraid that he would not give them a chance to fight, so he scanned with his spiritual sense and knew that the people upstream were being driven away by cultivators, and some were even beaten to death. He was so angry that his eyes widened with anger, his wings flapped, he disappeared from the place, and instantly arrived at the disaster area upstream. He didn't say anything, and there was no one left alive under the Fu Shen Sword. A flash of the silhouette and a stab of the silver sword were enough to kill a person.

Zhang was afraid of leaving, and the cultivators gathered downstream speculated where he had gone and what he was doing. After a while, they discovered something had changed upstream, so they rushed over. By the time they arrived, Zhang Weizhi had already killed more than twenty monks. He stood coldly in the air, looked at them coldly, and said coldly: "Those who disturb the people will be killed without mercy."

In one sentence, it is confirmed that Tianleishan Madman is doing good deeds for ordinary people and standing up for ordinary people like ants. Some people were angry and wanted to kill Zhang Awei, but what happened in front of them made them hesitate. More than twenty monks scattered in the vast open space were killed in the blink of an eye. This level of strength is indeed amazing, and the guy rumored to be even more powerful It doesn't look like it, especially when there are two monster beasts floating around him whose strength is unclear. Are they really going to attack him?

Qingliu stood in the crowd and took a peek, feeling secretly happy in his heart: "I'm calling you crazy. You've offended all the heroes in the world. Let's see how you die."

Greedy cultivators are gathering more and more. There are demon sect disciples, righteous sect members, and monks from other countries coming from nearby. Zhang Ain is afraid of cursing in his heart, a bunch of rubbish people. If you ask for directions, you can't find anyone. Please use some magic. The release of semen actually attracted hundreds of people to join in the fun; but with the increasing number of cultivators, he felt like he was riding a tiger and was unable to dismount. What should he do? If they all break in, do they really want to kill them all?

He couldn't make up his mind, and the hundreds of monks across from him were equally undecided. The man in front of him was a lunatic. He stood up for ordinary people without any benefit. He just killed people without even saying hello. He had to risk his life to find a place to practice. What?

One person versus a group of people, including several Yuanying monks among them, but no one was willing to take the risk of provoking Zhang Wei, and the monks were reluctant to leave, so everyone stayed in such a strange stalemate for several hours, and it turned dark in the blink of an eye.

In the dark night, from the north, dozens of flying warriors flew in quickly, and soon stopped in front of them. Dozens of monks flew down, wearing all kinds of clothes. They were obviously not from the same sect.

These people flew over slowly, and nearly a hundred monks flew out from the crowd to greet them, including three people from Qingliu. Zhang Ho took a look and saw that several people had seen it before. It was the alliance of the seven sects of the Righteous Path. Then he laughed at himself, now it's time for the six factions alliance.

With a quick glance, dozens of people, at least thousands of people, came to the area controlled by the Demon Sect with great fanfare, clearly looking for an advantage. Of the four main combat forces of the Demon Sect, one will be defeated and three will be disabled; the six sects of the Righteous Path will invade, will you fight or not?

If we fight, there is basically no chance of winning, and it will only injure the remaining three major demon sects more; if we don’t fight, the glory of the holy sect that the demon sect disciples claim to be will be damaged, and the Righteous Alliance will not let go of the demon sects, and they will attack them one by one. Attack the lairs of various demon sects, preaching that all evil must be eradicated, and never let anyone go. In short, the Demon Sect will be miserable this time, and the Righteous Alliance has decided to take advantage.

Thinking of this, Zhang Ain snorted coldly, "Fight, let's fight, it's best to kill them all, so that I don't have to run back and forth. If I want to take revenge, I have to ask for directions first."

The dozens of people who got off the plane flew to a stop a hundred meters in front of the crowd. After scanning the situation around them, they all focused their eyes on Zhang Ain. Qingliu followed and reported the situation in a low voice. After a moment, an old man with a white beard flew out. He had a big mouth, small eyes, and an ugly appearance. He was none other than He Changkai, the deputy sect leader of the Immortality Sect.

He Changkai flew to a stop twenty meters in front of Zhang Ai and asked softly: "How are you doing, little friend?"

Apart from anything else, etiquette is indispensable. Zhang Awei put away his sword and cupped his fists and said: "Zhang Awei of Tianlei Mountain has seen the leader of the sect."

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