The Monk

Volume One Chapter 341 A Good Man

Chapter 341 A good person

Hearing Qingliu's words, Zhang Ping looked into the distance with expressionless eyes. The Changsheng Sect is one of the seven major sects of the Yue Kingdom's righteous path, and its strength is not inferior to that of Tianlei Mountain. Back then, he rescued fellow righteous sects and once fought side by side with the demon sect. The first high-level monk Zhang Ping met was Qian Sha from the Immortality Sect, holding bright silver spears and wearing a bright yellow battle suit. At that time, Qian Sha was a high-level practitioner of pill formation. I wonder what state he had reached after a hundred years. Will he be like Ouyang Dingtian when his time comes and he has already died?

In any case, Tianlei Mountain and the Changsheng Sect finally have some old friendship. Zhang Ai said quietly: "Tianlei Mountain Zhang Ai." To him, Zhang Ai is more like his name. Although the origin is not nice, it is more cordial. ; And Hongwu was just the name given by the master when he was apprenticed to him. He didn't want to be associated with the so-called righteous disciples, so he said five words and kept silent.

Those five words sounded like five thunders to the ears of nearly a hundred monks across from him. He was indeed that person! Qingliu also had the intention of testing when he started, but he didn't expect that it was really Taoist fellow from Tianlei Mountain. Overjoyed, he flew forward and soon came to Zhang Wen with clasped fists and said: "Brother Taoist has been killing Jin family and Po Yao family in recent days. Great Demon Sect, what you have done is really pleasing to people, please accept Qingliu’s worship.”

He said nice things, but Zhang Ping frowned and asked, "Why are you flying here?" But he finally didn't make a move and said softly: "You can go." Although the tone was calm, the meaning behind it was that he could not be refused.

Qingliu was stunned and asked, "What does Brother Tao mean by this?"

Zhang Wen didn't want to say anything more. He looked past Qingliu and looked at the group of people in the distance who were about to move. Two of them flew over slowly with fists in their hands and said, "The disciples of the Changsheng Sect have seen Brother Zhang."

It turns out that greed is not only the exclusive property of the so-called evil people, but also the so-called righteous and famous people cannot escape the temptation of fame and fortune. Zhang Ai said coldly: "Stop, don't move." Not only were his words cold, but the sword in his hand shone coldly.

The two men stopped in mid-air in astonishment. Qingliu said anxiously, "That's my fellow disciple. What do you mean, brother Taoist?"

Zhang Aif glanced at him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Qingliu said: "Not only the three of us, but all the righteous sects in the north have come to condemn the masters, intending to make the final decision with the Demon Sect, and at the same time avenge the unjust death of fellow Taoists in Tianlei Mountain."

What Zhang Ain asked was why did you come to Ninghe? He must have bad intentions. Qingliu thought he was wrong and answered another question.

"Revenge? Haha, revenge?" Zhang Ain laughed softly, his eyes became colder and he looked directly at Qingliu. He is so skilled at playing this kind of trick. He obviously knows that both the Demon Sect and the Soul Controlling Sect will suffer. The righteous sect wants to take advantage, but they insist on doing so in the name of being upright, saying they want to avenge the dead and injured allies. However, there are many righteous sects. People, why don’t you take revenge early or late, but why do you choose this time to take revenge? Come and beat up the drowned dog?

Qingliu saw Zhang Wei's strange expression and was not sure what he was thinking. He hesitated and asked, "What is Brother Dao doing here?"

One sentence brought Zhang Awei back to reality. He looked at Qingliu coldly and said, "I don't care what you want to do. You are not allowed to stay in the two flood-prone areas of Ninghe River."

"A land affected by floods?" Qingliu was surprised. He had just been busy checking Zhang Ping and had no time to pay attention to the landforms. At this moment, he looked around carefully and nodded: "I said there is so much silt and sand on both sides of the river. It turns out there was a flood, right? How often abnormal phenomena occur in places with strong spiritual energy?”

Zhang Ai looked at him coldly and didn't answer, Qingliu said to himself: "There is plenty of spiritual energy, and it is an excellent place to practice. I didn't expect that there are some good places in the lair of the Demon Sect's thieves. Brother Zhang, Daoist Brother, wants to monopolize this place?"

The last few words are the key point. In one sentence, all the monks' questions were asked. Qingliu secretly cursed: "Even if you, the disciple of Tianlei Mountain, are powerful, you can't eat alone. The benefits must be shared by everyone."

Zhang was afraid that his anger would rise, so he thought about it and asked more: "How about Senior Qiansha?"

"Qian Sha? Senior?" Qingliu was confused for a while. Qian Sha was just a high-level pill-forming practitioner, one level lower than himself. When did he become a senior? Immediately he asked, "Brother Dao Zhang is talking about a handsome high-level monk in the alchemy stage who wears bright yellow battle clothes and is in my sect?"

This sentence was a bit of a curse. The cultivators were comparing their strength, while Qingliu was talking about his appearance, which meant that he looked down on Qian Sha.

Zhang Ping nodded and said yes. Qingliu Man said nonchalantly: "He is still like that. He is so murderous that he only knows how to fight. He has not been able to make any further progress in one hundred and fifty years. It is estimated that he will be serving his sentence in another ten years." He paused and said: "This He also came this time, walking with the big team, and the three of us came to stand in front." He pointed at the two fellow disciples who were awkwardly stopped midway behind him.

Ten years, and ten years left to live, he has a good impression of Qian Sha, he is proud, full of righteousness, handsome, unrestrained and unrestrained. Zhang Wen restrained his anger and spoke calmly: "You go away, don't come back, or come back in half a month." The spiritual energy he spread was like a tree without roots, and it would dissipate completely in ten days and a half at most.

Qingliu didn't know the inside story and was reluctant to leave. He hesitated and said: "Well, there are six sect masters leading the team from the seven righteous gates. What's the secret here? Why don't you report it to the sect masters and then make more decisions?" What it means is that the bosses of the remaining six sects are here, except for Tianleishan who destroyed the sect of the seven righteous sects. Even if your boss is here, he would not dare to be as arrogant as you. It is better to keep a low profile.

Not wanting to completely offend Zhang Awei with these words, he turned to look at the two of them halfway and said softly: "For the sake of Senior Qiansha's face, I have to say it one last time and leave here."

Qingliu was at the top of the Jindan level, one step away from the Yingying stage. He used to be able to call the wind and rain, and was arrogant. Zhang Pa repeatedly interrupted him, and he looked unhappy. He wanted to turn his face at that time, but thinking of the horror of Zhang Pa in the rumors, he finally said: "Since Brother Dao has this request, Qingliu will do it." After saying that, he snorted coldly and left.

This is considered very rude, but Zhang Pa didn't pick on these. As long as it doesn't disturb the lives of the victims, it doesn't matter if you snort more.

From the beginning, he roared and warned, and the victims on the riverside knew that there was a person helping them to seek justice, but he moved so fast that they couldn't see his face clearly. When he appeared alone in the air, dressed in coarse cloth, and accompanied by pigs and kittens, the victims immediately knew that he was the kind-hearted Wanjia Shengfo Jishi who had helped them for free these days.

He gave them money and food, helped them fight bad guys, and could fly. It was clearly a living Buddha sent by heaven to save them. Many people knelt down to thank him. Zhang Pa couldn't stand this the most, and shouted loudly: "Everyone stand up, whoever kneels down, I will leave immediately." The victims stood up hurriedly, and they respected Zhang Pa even more in their hearts. He must be sent by God to help them. Apart from him, no one else treated them well with all their heart.

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