The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 343 Threat

Chapter 343 Threat

He Changkai asked just because he wanted to care about the down-and-out disciples of the righteous path as an elder, and to position himself higher so that he could talk for a while. He didn't want to be called out by the other party, so he narrowed his eyes and asked, "Have you seen me?"

"I met Master He from a distance when the seven major sects were assisting the Wushuang Sect decades ago." Zhang Ain replied.

At this time, another person flew out of the crowd, wearing a bright yellow battle suit. He was handsome and unrestrained. He stared at Zhang Awei and asked, "Senior Brother Qingliu said you were asking for information about me. Have we met before?"

Zhang was afraid of being too busy and clasped his fists before bowing and replying: "I met you twice decades ago. At that time, I was just building a foundation."

Qian Sha thought for a moment and said with an "ah" sound: "I remembered, it turned out to be you. I don't think that senior brother Zhenru has a good disciple. He has cultivated to the Nascent Soul realm in a hundred years. Not bad, not bad, much better than me."

Normally, if his cultivation level is higher than Qian Sha's, he can be called by his first name, but Zhang was afraid that he had a good impression of him, so he omitted the title and said directly: "Miscellaneous praise."

Qian Sha didn't care if Zhang Awei was better than him. He guessed that the deadline was approaching and there was nothing for him to worry about. He looked at Zhang Awei and nodded and said: "Not bad, yes, it's really good." He looked like a senior and a master looking at the junior. He Changkai was so frightened that he hurriedly explained: "Junior Brother Qiansha always talks like this, fellow Taoist, don't be surprised." The guy opposite is the relic of Tianlei Mountain who has been in the limelight recently. He has killed countless people in his hands. He must not be provoked in vain, let alone He also wanted to get something good from Zhang Afraid.

Zhang Ping didn't care about this. He remembered that Qingliu said that the deadline for Thousand Kills was approaching and planned to give him a few advanced pills, but this group of people were coming so aggressively that it was definitely up to him. He changed the subject and asked He Changkai: "I don't know why Master He is here. thing?"

He Changkai took a clear look at the surrounding situation. The surging spiritual energy on the two pieces of land behind him had already made his heart beat. He coughed softly and said: "Fellow Taoist is really powerful. He can not fall from the majesty of the Heavenly Thunder Mountain, but he can forcefully escape from the Demon Sect with one manpower." The little thief has captured thousands of hectares of spiritual land, but he didn't expect that the Demon Sect has some good things." He stopped talking and looked at Zhang Wei's expression before continuing, "I wonder if you can make some room for me, my righteous fellow sect, since we are allies. We can take care of each other, and secondly, you can’t occupy every inch of land by yourself, right?”

He Changkai thought that what he said was very reasonable, and he spoke as Zhang Ain's elder. Presumably, he would agree. He was dreaming and waiting for wonderful fruits, when he heard Zhang Ain's cold reply: "No."

He Changkai was stunned and asked as if he didn't hear clearly: "What did you say?"

Zhang Ai still spoke coldly: "No." He spat out these two words, and the Fu Shen Sword reappeared in his hand.

He Changkai's originally small eyes narrowed even further now, and he whispered as if to himself: "Do you know what you just said?" There was an implicit threat in his words.

Zhang Ai had already seen through the true nature of the so-called righteous monks, and chuckled and replied: "Master He is threatening me?" He thought to himself: I have offended the Mangu Jin family, the Lu family, the Hu family, and the Wushuang family in the Warring States period. I have offended all the heroes in the world, including the Yuling Gate of the Song Dynasty, the Hongguang Inn of the Qi Kingdom that was beaten to pieces, the Demon Gate of the Yue Kingdom, which was originally the enemy, and even the Holy Kingdom on the other side of the boundless desert. I have offended all the heroes in the world, so why should I be afraid of you? Little Gate of Immortality?

He Changkai was startled. He originally wanted to force Zhang Wen to agree with the friendship of the alliance, but he didn't expect that this kid actually refused to recognize his relatives. He turned to look at the dozens of flying men standing in the distance, then turned to Zhang Wen and said: "The six major members of the Righteous Alliance" We have dispatched 3,672 masters to wipe out the Demon Sect traitors in one fell swoop. This beautiful land will soon become a place controlled by the Righteous Alliance. Don’t you think about it anymore? "Is this what you mean, you won’t agree now? , aren't you afraid that we will settle the score with you after the fight? At this time, the war was imminent, but He Changkai really didn't want to directly confront Zhang Wen.

Zhang Ai laughed, showing his indifference, and asked softly: "When Tianlei Mountain was destroyed, more than five thousand people from the same sect escaped. Some people must have gone to the Changsheng Sect for help. I want to know how Sect Master He took care of them?" I was afraid that I would get the news of the destruction of Tianlei Mountain from the escaped disciples. Since the escaped disciples could run so far, someone from the six alliance sects who were close at hand must have come to ask for help.

Just ask He Changkai. After the six sects of the alliance learned the news, their first reaction was not to send people to rescue them, but to find out who Tianlei Mountain had offended? The number one sect of the Righteous Path was wiped out easily, and they would have been no match for them. When the news came back and they knew it was the Mangu Jin family, the six major sects took the same action, giving some spiritual stone pills and sending the disciples of Tianlei Mountain down the mountain. They didn't want to offend the Jin family, but they directly caused many Tianleishan disciples to die in vain in the pursuit of the four demon sects. So Zhang was afraid of asking this question, and He Changkai didn't know how to answer.

Seeing that the situation was frozen, Qian Sha hurriedly interjected: "There is a land rich in spiritual energy in the lower reaches of the Ning River. How about if this place is exclusively occupied by Fellow Daoist Zhang, what if the land downstream is shared by the six factions of our alliance?"

He gave Boss Zhang the face to make the decision not only for his own sect leader, but also for the other five sects who had not come over since then. His simple idea was that no internal strife in the alliance should occur before the war.

Zhang Wein smiled again, with a warm smile like the spring breeze blowing on his face. He looked at Qian Sha and He Changmen. The two of them always thought there was a drama. He Changkai was scheming in his heart. At this time, you have to take a seat. I won't trouble you again until after the war. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ai's face suddenly turned cold, and he said words colder than ice: "No! No cultivators are allowed to stay in these two places!"

"You!" He Chang was so angry that he pointed angrily at Zhang Ping and said: "Boy, don't think that you are very powerful after you have cultivated to Nascent Soul. There are people here who can kill you."

Zhang Pa glanced at him coldly, flew back lightly, raised his wrist slightly, and the Fushen Sword flashed a cold silver light, slowly drew a dotted line in the air, and then looked at He Changkai provocatively, pointing the sword at the non-existent dotted line in the air, meaning that you can try to cross the line, but he was too lazy to even say anything.

He Changkai was completely enraged by his arrogance and wanted to attack at that time. Five people flew over from the dozens of people staying behind. They were the deputy masters of the other five major sects. When encountering such a thing, no one is willing to let the benefits flow away in vain. It is a bit of an exaggeration for the sect master to come forward, and it is appropriate for the deputy sect master to communicate with the deputy sect master.

The five people flew close and pretended to ask: "Master He, what happened?" With their cultivation, how could they not know what the three people were talking about? It was purely unnecessary questioning.

He Changkai knew that these guys had bad intentions, so he suppressed his anger towards Zhang Pa and said with a smile: "It's nothing, we just met an old friend from Tianlei Mountain and had a casual chat." At this point, he had an idea in his mind, and he told it all without holding back: "Let him conquer these two places with rich spiritual energy by himself, and we will discuss and let him occupy one place exclusively, and the other place will be shared by the six sects."

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