The Monk

Text Chapter 1611 Enlightenment

Chapter 1611


This is a naturally formed cave with uneven walls and crisscrossed stone edges. The cave wall above your head is also undulating. There is only a so-called trail made of stones under your feet, which is barely flat. The place next to it is full of big and small stones piled up randomly. At the same time, whether it is high or low, there is no way at all. .

The monkey followed and said, "Did you see that he actually enjoyed living in such a poor place?" Zhang Ain replied, "If you pursue different things, you will naturally like different things."

The cave was not big, so there were echoes of their words, but there was silence in the cave, and Wu Tong seemed not to hear them.

Zhang Wen used his spiritual mind to scan and knew that there was someone in the cave. He immediately quickened his pace and walked towards the person. The monkey followed behind and babbled: "This is a Buddhist realm, but there is such a miserable place. There is no road. I don't know what the boss is doing here."

The cave is not deep, so you can reach the end by walking a few more steps. There are also random piles of rocks at the end. There are all kinds of rocks, some are as sharp as knives, some are as black as ink, and there are all kinds of strange things. In the middle of such a pile of miscellaneous rocks, there is a one-meter-square flat stone, on which sits a Buddhist cultivator with hair scattered to his waist. He is meditating facing the stone wall, with his black hair hanging down to the ground.

Seeing the Buddhist monk with hair, the monkey said from behind: "He is Wu Tong, what do you want to do with him?"

Hearing this, Zhang Ping sighed secretly, could this guy be any more careless? I walked all the way without asking, and I didn't think about it until I reached the end of the field.

But at this time, Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to answer the monkey's question, so he said to the Buddhist monk: "I dare to ask, are you Master Wutong?"

Wu Tong didn't say anything, and the monkey interjected: "What kind of master is he? There is no golden halo behind his head, and he is as bare as me." Zhang Ai turned around and said, "As long as you can sit facing the wall for a year, I will call you "Master." The monkey shook his head and said, "Come on, I won't be fooled by this. I won't care about that master. Whoever likes it should go ahead."

Zhang Wen did not speak to him again, and turned his head to look at the back of the Buddhist cultivator. The back was as still as a mountain, sitting quietly like a statue, with long black hair flowing down like a waterfall, shining slightly.

The monkey was still nagging behind: "Did you see that in this poor place, only the stone can accommodate people, and they can't lie down even if they want to."

Hearing the monkey's chatter, Zhang Ping took a closer look at the cave. It was very dark here, with only some light coming from the entrance of the cave. There were all kinds of strange rocks everywhere. As the monkey said, only the stone under Wu Tong's body was Can seat people. Thinking of this man sitting in the cave for countless years, Zhang Weijing was filled with admiration. This is cultivation, but it's a pity that he can't do it.

At this time, the monkey spoke again: "Wutong, someone came to see you. By the way, where did you come from? What is your relationship with him?" The second half of the sentence was about Zhang Afraid, and his carelessness shone through again. I didn't think of asking until things were about to happen.

Zhang Ain raised his hands towards the figure behind him and said, "My name is Zhang Ain. I was asked by Mr. Dragon King and Jie Yin to invite you back."

The attitude was very respectful, but it was a pity that Wu Tong did not respond in any way.

What is this for? You can tell me whether to leave or not. Zhang Ai said respectfully again: "Someone wants to go beyond the thirty-three days. Mr. Jieyin means that it is not allowed. I am worried that I will not be able to continue to take care of your body, so let me ask you to go back."

Zhang probably guessed this sentence, and Jieyin never said it. Because the number one master, the old madman, wanted to break out of the sky and take over his duty, he wanted to stop him, but he was not sure, so he came up with the idea of ​​calling Tongtian back.

He went back to Tongtian not to fight for him, but because he was simply afraid that something would happen and he could no longer take care of the body.

Now, Zhang was afraid of telling his guess, Wu Tong finally moved, his body turned slightly and made a clicking sound. The sound was loud and brittle, as if something had broken.

Zhang was shocked when he saw it and sighed, how many years has this guy been sitting without moving? The bones have grown together.

Wu Tong moved for a moment and then stopped, as if he didn't expect that the bones would make a loud noise. After adjusting your breath for a moment, you slowly stood up and heard a loud banging sound, just like setting off firecrackers. Especially in the cave, the echo made the sound louder.

When the clicking sound stopped, Wu Tong stood up straight, turned around and looked at Zhang Awei quietly, moved his mouth a few times, and after a while, he said the first sentence: "Give my body to the Dragon King." It's very slow, very unfamiliar, as if it can't speak, but the command contained in it is absolutely unquestionable.

When Zhang Wen heard this, he realized that he was indeed the boss. Even if he came to the lower world to be a monk, he still spoke as if he were an emperor. He respectfully replied: "Mr. Dragon King asked me to come to you. He said, let me take you back."

After hearing this, Wu Tong pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, let's go."

So simple? Zhang Awei was stunned for a moment, then said hello hurriedly, and then said: "Please wait a moment, I will say a few words to Wukong." Wukong nodded and said: "Okay." After speaking, his figure flashed and stepped on the chaos beside him. The stone walked towards the outside of the cave.

At this time, the monkey yelled again, pointed to the front and shouted: "Look." Zhang Ping followed the gesture and looked over. The flat stone in front of him was seated into a half-minute deep depression, and the stone wall in front of the flat stone was still reflected. A figure, if you look carefully, is also recessed into the stone wall.

Zhang Ai was shocked. This was definitely his real skill. He just sat there and made a hole out of the stone. Even the opposite stone wall reflected a deep concave shadow. Especially if the stone wall is uneven, the concave shadow will also be reflected in the unevenness. It is really shocking!

After looking at it twice, I felt very admired. Fortunately, despite admiration, he still remembered the purpose of his trip and said to the monkey: "I have to go. Eat those fruits slowly. I will bring more with you next time."

"Leaving now? I should have known I wouldn't have brought you here." Monkey has always been simple and direct, saying whatever comes to mind.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I came here just to find him. If you don't bring me here, I have to come. It just takes a little more time. Okay, let's go. See you next time."

When he said to leave, the monkey simply said: "I won't send it away. Remember to come early next time and bring more food. Do you have any wine? It's best to bring more. As long as you come again, I won't ask you for strength." , If you don’t come... well, that’s it.” After saying that, the figure disappeared in a flash.

The monkey left, and Zhang Wen followed him out of the cave. When he saw Wu Tong standing quietly, he stepped forward and asked, "Are you leaving now?" Wu Tong said favorably. Zhang Awei whispered: "I'm offended." He waved his sleeves and robe, wrapped Wu Tong's body, and then he jumped up and flew into the sky. With a thought, Qiang's body came out of the air and disappeared. After a while, he returned to Xingyuan, put down Wu Tong and said, "Please wait a moment."

At this time, there were two little Qilin beasts playing in Xingyuan Square. When they saw Zhang Ai coming back, they happily greeted them. When Zhang Wen saw it, he quickly shouted stop. He and Wu Tong were both the same height as ordinary people, and they did not turn into gods. It didn't matter if he was hit. If he hit Wu Tong, he didn't know what would happen.

What's more tragic is that the two little guys didn't listen to him at all. They rushed over and gave him a gentle nudge to express their intimacy. Fortunately, the two little beasts didn't hit Wu Tong, and they didn't use any force, which made Zhang Wen sigh softly.

Zhang was afraid and shouted loudly. Although the little beast didn't listen, he called to pick up Yin, the old madman and others. After seeing Wu Tong, he moved closer to him, held him in his palms, and casually left a sentence: "Let's go." The figure disappeared.

At this time, since Wu Tong left, Zhang Ain returned to his tall body and whispered: "That man is very awesome!" The big man asked: "Why is he awesome?" Zhang Ain told what happened in the cave and in exchange The big man and others were amazed.

By this time, Zhang was afraid that he had succeeded in regaining Tongtian's soul. After the work was done, he would return to his previous life, eating, drinking, and making trouble every day, and the time would flow away like water every day.

Half a year later, a handsome young man with long hair came to see Zhang Afraid. When he arrived, Zhang Ain and the big man were drinking in Xingyuan Square, with two small unicorn beasts beside them. At this time, the young man arrived and said directly after meeting: "Thank you for bringing me back." Zhang was afraid that he would know that this person was Tong Tian, ​​so he quickly stood up and replied: "It's nothing."

Tongtian ignored what he said and just said: "You brought me back, I have to thank you, your cultivation level is too low, come with me, I can help you cultivate to the level of a thirty-three-day master in the shortest time. "

This is what the old lunatic once said. Zhang Ping smiled and refused: "Thank you sir for your kindness. It's just that I have a lot of trivial matters and I can't practice quietly. Please don't blame me sir."

After hearing this, Tongtian looked at Zhang Ping carefully, smiled and said, "It's up to you." After saying that, the figure disappeared.

Tongtian came and went in a very short time and only said two sentences. The big man was very dissatisfied with this arrogant attitude and said disdainfully: "You are so arrogant just after you came back. Don't care what he does. Come over and drink."

Zhang Awei sat down and asked: "How many are the most powerful masters in the God Realm?" The big man replied casually: "There are not many. Maybe there are some hidden ones that we don't know about. For those who know, Dragon King, Tongtian, etc. Yin, I, old madman, you have seen all of these, there is one Ding beast that you haven’t seen yet, that’s about it.”

"Are you also a master? You said it yourself. On the Holy Mountain of Thirty-Three Heavens, there are many powerful beasts that even you are not willing to provoke." Zhang Ain asked.

The big man said disdainfully: "I don't want to provoke them because I don't want to pay attention to them. If it is really a life and death fight, they are not enough to watch. Besides, I have eaten too much to support myself? I have nothing to do but fight them on the sacred mountain? What can I do if I have that time?" good?"

Okay, you have a point. Zhang was afraid to think about it before asking: "What is the God of Creation like?" The big man replied directly: "I don't know, don't ask me, this question is too difficult."

"Difficult?" Zhang Ping asked confused. The big man said angrily: "I've never seen that guy. If you ask me, who should I ask?" Zhang Ai said depressedly: "If you haven't seen it, just say you haven't seen it. How hard can it be?" The big man has always been unique and casual. Said: "I am willing to say this, what does it have to do with you?"

When he met an unreasonable big man, it was difficult to argue with him. Zhang Ain thought about it and sighed, "You win." He walked over and sat down, letting the big man drink by himself.

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