The Monk

Text Chapter 1612 Seventeen

Chapter 1612


At this time, the old madman arrived and saw the big man drinking. Zhang Wen was sitting on the other side. He laughed and said casually: "Noisy again?".

The two brothers quarreled almost every day. They would make some noise when nothing happened, which impressed the well-informed old lunatic. They didn't look like experts from the divine world, but were clearly ignorant children from the lower world.

Hearing the old madman's question, the big man replied: "That guy is crazy and was led astray by you. He is as crazy as you." The old madman was a little depressed: "I just came here, why was he led astray by me?"

The two of them were talking, and Zhang Ai on the other side suddenly remembered something. Tongtian wanted to return the favor and said that he would help him quickly cultivate to the thirty-three-day master. He should not refuse, but should take this opportunity to ask if Song Yunyi could be allowed to go to the fourth level. Can a woman become a god quickly?

Thinking of this, I secretly cursed myself for being so stupid. I stood up and shouted to the big man, "Where does Jie Yin live?"

The big man looked at him: "Why are you so crazy?" Zhang Ping said: "You are just crazy, tell me, where does Jieyin live?" "Why are you looking for Jieyin? That guy is boring." The big man replied casually. .

"Can you say something serious? What you've been saying for a long time is all nonsense." Zhang said angrily, and then asked the old madman: "Do you know where the hostess lives?" The old madman replied: "Yes, let's go now? "The old madman was very straightforward and agreed readily without asking why.

Zhang feared and said, "Go now."

The big man said dissatisfied: "Where are you going? If you go, who will watch the star source? If you go, who will accompany me to drink?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "You first watch for me, the starry sky in the lower world will be fine for ten thousand years, you That is, just sitting..." Before he could finish what he said, the jade tablets at the four corners of Xingyuan Square, the one on the east side, lit up. Zhang Awei stared blankly, even the crow's mouth didn't need to be so magical, did it need to be such a coincidence?

The big man laughed and said: "Nothing happened for ten thousand years? Something will happen now. Go to work quickly."

The four jade monuments around the star source divide the countless starry sky under the star source into four regions. If something happens to the starry sky in any region, the jade monument in that direction will shine. Looking at the shining jade stele in the east, Zhang Ain sighed: "I have only been here for ten years, and this jade stele has already been lit up three times. Who said that this thing will not shine once in hundreds of years?"

The big man gloated and said with a smile: "What you just said, and you said nothing happened for ten thousand years, is much more evil than hundreds of years!"

Zhang Wen glared at him angrily. At the same time, his mind was rapidly searching for the starry sky where the accident occurred. After a moment, his body flew away and entered the starry sky where the accident occurred.

As soon as he entered the starry sky, Zhang Ai suddenly became angry. He had only heard about the star war before, which meant that countless masters and gods used stars as weapons to fight against each other. But that was just a legend, but now it’s true.

When he heard such a story, he also shattered the stars, but they were nothing but Death Stars. Apart from the sand, stone and dust, there was no life left, so they could be tossed around at will. But what I saw at this time was that there were really heartless cultivators fighting with people's planets.

In the dark starry sky, there are two groups of people flying fast. There was only one person running in front. He was seriously injured, with a fierce expression on his face and red eyes. He was flying very fast, like light passing through the starry sky.

Dozens of cultivators were chasing after them. Their cultivation level was similar to that of the one who was escaping in front. They pulled a line in the starry sky and bit the person who was escaping in front of them.

The guy running away in front knew that he was injured and couldn't get rid of the pursuers behind him. Even though he was furious, he didn't think about whether he could run away. With the idea of ​​​​fighting every one of them, he scanned with his spiritual consciousness and headed towards the inhabited area. The planet flies away, and after flying close, use strong force to turn the planet into your own weapon, or crush it to disperse the attack, or turn the entire planet into a cannonball to hit the pursuers behind you.

At this moment, another discovery was made in his mind, and he quickly flew over and activated the spell at the same time. When it flew closer, the powerful force caused the entire planet to jump suddenly, and then flew towards the escaping person.

This scene is very strange. People are small and the stars are huge. However, it is a small person who controls a huge planet. One person controls the lives of all living things on the entire planet.

So, the planet jumped slightly, and the people on it suffered. Severe earthquakes, tsunamis, and even volcanoes also erupted. It is unknown how many people will die in this sudden disaster.

What follows is a greater disaster. The planet flies towards the escapees. In just a moment, the huge planet will cease to exist and become a weapon to attack others. The planet will be destroyed, and all the creatures on the planet will be destroyed along with it.

As soon as Zhang Wen came to this world, he saw this situation. He swept his mind and found that the person escaping in front was preparing to control the planet. Without hesitation, he shouted: "Sure."

With just one shout, the starry sky stopped completely, like a still picture. Those running away in front and those chasing behind all stopped in the dark starry sky. Even the tsunamis, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions on that planet stopped at the same time.

The entire starry sky was created by God, and God can issue any order, including destruction, birth, and stopping the starry sky.

After the starry sky became still, Zhang Ping glanced at the escapees first, and then flew to the planet that was about to be destroyed. He scanned it with his spiritual mind and knew the danger on the planet, so he wanted to kill the escapees at that time.

Fortunately, the escaper's cultivation level is high enough, even if he is seriously injured, he can control the planet very quickly. The planet only jumped and flew towards the escapees. The time it took was so short that the houses during the earthquake only toppled over and did not have time to collapse. The same was true for tsunamis and volcanoes. They had just begun to erupt and had not had time to harm human lives.

Seeing the appearance of the planet, Zhang Ai breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. No one died, so he didn't have to face the tragic images of the loss of life. With a thought, he returned the planet to its original position, and all the volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis on the planet disappeared. Gone, restored to its original appearance.

After doing all this, Zhang Pingcai came to the escapee, looked him up and down, and coldly snorted: "Move."

One word makes the whole starry sky stop, and one word makes the starry sky return to its original state. With the word "moving" coming out, countless stars began to circulate again, the escapees continued to fly forward, and the pursuers were still chasing madly.

However, the escapees are a little confused. They clearly tried their best to attract the planet, but why did the planet not move? And when did someone appear in front of me?

At this moment, there was no time to think about it. Seeing that the planet had not come, the escaper tried his best to move again. Unfortunately, as soon as he thought about it, he felt as if his body was frozen, standing straight in the starry sky.

When this change occurred, the escaping man sighed secretly, knowing that he could not escape the disaster. He immediately relaxed all his strength and waited for death to come.

He stopped, and the cultivators from behind quickly chased him. In just two blinks, more than thirty cultivators arrived one after another, surrounding Zhang Afraid and the escapees.

These people wanted to kill immediately, but they stopped temporarily because of the sudden appearance of Zhang Jing. We are all experts and smart people. Seeing how easily this man restrained the fleeing man, how could we not know how powerful he is? They surrounded each other and looked at the restrained escapees with cold expressions.

At this time, a person walked out from among them, held his hands towards Zhang Ain, and wanted to speak.

Zhang Aif's eyes swept over him and he said, "We'll talk later." He immediately put the other party on the spot, and then focused on watching the escapee.

The fugitive was very handsome. After being restrained, he showed no fear or fear. His expression was relaxed, as if everything didn't matter, and he felt like he was on the verge of relief.

After watching him for a while, Zhang Ain asked the cultivator who walked towards him: "How many planets has he destroyed in total?"

When the man heard this question, he made some calculations in his mind and said, "Seventeen of them are home to countless people."

Zhang Ai nodded lightly, thinking that he would have to modify the four jade tablets of the star source after returning to the God Realm. He could not destroy more than a dozen planets and kill hundreds of millions of creatures before he started to remind him that they were all lives!

After hearing this number, he glanced at everyone on the other side, looked at it again, turned to look at the fugitive, took back the power to control his head, and asked in a low voice: "Have you destroyed seventeen planets in total?" The fugitive did not deny it. , replied: "Yes." He was already prepared to die, and there was no need to hide these issues.

Hearing the fugitive's personal admission, Zhang Ain nodded and said, "I know." After saying this, he slapped the fugitive on the heart with one hand. With just one palm, the fugitives were scattered like pieces of paper and died.

Since the evidence of the crime was conclusive, Zhang was afraid that he was not in the mood to ask nonsense questions about why he did this, since it was all about killing him anyway. After killing it, take another look at the planet to make sure it's okay, then the figure dissipates and returns to the God Realm.

He left quickly, surprising more than thirty experts. Who was this person? How come you can come and go as soon as you want? A careful search found nothing, as if the man didn't exist at all. Fortunately, those who escaped also died. These people achieved their goal, stayed in the starry sky for a while, and then dispersed.

At this time, Zhang Ai had returned to Xingyuan. The big man asked, "What's going on?" Zhang Ai shook his head and did not answer. Instead, he asked, "Who knows about the Xingyuan Array?" The big man shook his head and said, "I don't know. ." Then asked: "What is going on in the lower world?"

Zhang Ai replied: "Someone destroyed seventeen planets in a row. I will kill that person."

"Didn't you ask why?" the big man asked again. Zhang Ain replied: "I didn't ask." The big man said oh, turned around and walked to the side to lie down.

The destruction of seventeen planets is tragic, but for the listener, the feeling is not strong. Just like we always hear about earthquakes somewhere, if we don't see it with our own eyes or just hear a word, how can we imagine the misery?

In addition, the gods don't care much about the lives of the creatures in the lower world. Once the matter is dealt with, it is over, and there is no need to ask more questions.

Seeing that the big man didn't care about these things, Zhang was afraid to go to the old madman and ask the same question: "Who knows the Star Source Array?" The old madman was also unclear and replied: "I really don't know this. Who knows something that is already familiar to me?" Are you concerned about this?" Zhang Ai asked again: "Who might know?" The old madman replied: "Go and ask Jieyin, or Tongtian."

Zhang Weijing said yes, and then said: "Take me to pick up Yin now, can you?"

The old madman smiled bitterly and said: "You are really anxious, then let's go."

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