The Monk

Text Chapter 1610 Wukong

Chapter 1610 Wukong

What’s interesting is that he was thinking about the monkey’s body, and the monkey was thinking about his cultivation. He thought to himself, looking at this kid’s appearance, he didn’t look like a master. After thinking about it, he asked: “It’s so easy to become stronger. ?" Zhang Ao replied: "Simple? How many times have you almost died? You are simple. After fighting, you will not die."

"It's so simple. You can only increase your cultivation by fighting with masters. I don't know how many masters I have met in my life. Every one of them can kill me. I am lucky. I am not dead. You have my power and you dare to say What a joke? Give me back my power." For half a day, Monkey was like a child, thinking about the power he knew would never come back. .

Zhang was afraid of being speechless, so he whispered: "Can we say it in another way? I've only been here for a while, and I've said this eight times."

"Eight times? There are so many?" The monkey lowered his head and thought hard about the number problem that he could never figure out. After thinking for a long time, he loudly replied: "What's wrong with just eight times? Give me your power back."

It came again, and Zhang Weijing said helplessly: "Why are you like a child, taking something back after being given something?" The monkey said confidently: "Why don't you bring it? I will bring it when I say."

This is a question that will never be debated. Zhang Ain changed the subject and asked: "You just asked me how I got in?" The monkey replied: "Yes, didn't you already answer it? You said that you had my power and changed." Become stronger, and then...give your power back to me first."

Okay, I'm stuck with this guy. Zhang Awei sat down with a wry smile and whispered: "Stop making trouble, where are the masters of Shengfo?"

"You big ass master, just bring me here and forget about it. It's so boring." Monkey said casually.

At this moment, a soft and generous elder's voice came from the air: "Amitabha, cultivating Buddha means cultivating yourself. If your own heart is not pure, who can help you?" As the words sounded, a great monk came from a distance. , wearing a yellow monk's bubble, barefoot and bald, with a golden halo hanging in the air behind his head, emitting golden light from time to time.

Seeing this man, Zhang Ain put his hands together and said, "I have seen the master."

The person who came was Sheng Fo. He had taken good care of Zhang Ai in the past. Not to mention the time he met the monkey, there was another time when Zhang Ai was in danger. When the three great monks found out about it, they rushed across the sky to help. Although they didn't help much, they only succeeded. This kind of thoughtfulness should be truly appreciated. Therefore, as long as he faced them, Zhang Ai would be very respectful.

Sheng Fo returned the courtesy, looked at him, and asked in a low voice: "Have you been here once before?" Zhang was afraid of lying, so he nodded and said yes. Sheng Buddha sighed: "I can't believe that you can grow up like this in just a few decades. It's really admirable."

Zhang Ai replied: "Master's false praise is nothing."

Hearing what Sheng Buddha said, the monkey became unhappy and shouted loudly: "You bastard, why don't you come here once and don't look for me? Give me your strength." Sheng Buddha shouted to the monkey: "Don't mess around." He said to Zhang Ai: "More than ten years ago, the Buddha used his power to discover that there was another realm beyond this paradise world, so he summoned thousands of his fellow disciples to use his power to lift this world up. I also participated in it. Among them, an unexpected person is about to begin. Someone from the outside world arrives and uses great force to stop us. Although I don’t know it’s you who is coming, I still feel vaguely familiar. I should be an acquaintance. Unfortunately, I have been thinking to no avail. This time I saw You came across the border and asked casually, but it was you who really looked at me with admiration after three days, not to mention that we have been separated by nearly a hundred years. "

Zhang Ain replied: "I'm sorry to say that I didn't go to see the three Buddhas when I came to the Buddha's land. In addition, I am also responsible for the Buddha's affairs. I am quite helpless. Please forgive me."

Sheng Buddha smiled and said: "How can there be any crime, and how can I forgive you? Now that you have great force and can still maintain an innocent mentality, you are really a blessing to the people in the world." Zhang Ain's face turned red and he hurriedly said: "Say It's big, it's big..." Before he could finish what he said, he was interrupted by the monkey. The guy walked up to Zhang Weijing and asked loudly with his little eyes wide open: "Where's me?"

Zhang Awei was stunned and asked: "What about you?" The monkey said angrily: "You just said that when you came here ten years ago, you didn't go to see the great monk. You felt sorry. What about me? You haven't seen me yet. , why didn’t you say sorry?”

Only then did Zhang Ain realize. He smiled softly and said, "I brought some fruits in from outside and will give them to you later. Isn't it enough to treat them as compensation?"

"Okay!" As soon as he heard that there was food, the monkey immediately forgot all his unhappiness, nodded and said, "Wait a while, now, I'm hungry."

His words "I'm hungry" reminded Zhang Ain of the past. Two people had said this to him.

Cultivators will never be hungry. Zhang Tianfang, the foodie, said this to Zhang Wen in order to eat more. Later, the big man also said it. Now that he heard it again, he realized that many years had passed without him knowing it. I am also getting better and better at recalling. Then he took out a bunch of spiritual fruits and said with a smile: "Eat sparingly. If you eat them all, they will be gone."

The monkey snatched the fruit and said casually: "The fruit is gone, don't we still have you? Send some in every now and then, so I don't have to give back my strength." As he spoke, he grabbed one and handed it to Sheng Buddha: "Great monk , you eat too.”

Shengfo smiled and took the fruit, took a look at it and said, "The fruit is good." Then he asked, "What's the reason for coming here this time?"

Just now, Zhang Afraid said that the last time he came here was his duty, so this time he would come because of something.

Zhang Ping smiled and said, "I'm looking for someone with the Dharma name Wu Tong. I wonder if the master knows him?" Before Shengfo could reply, he yelled like a monkey and said, "I remembered my Dharma name. My name is Wukong."

Zhang Ain was stunned when he heard this and asked: "Are you and Wu Tong brothers?" Hou Hou rolled his eyes at him and said, "You are just a brother, but I know that boy. Let's go and take you to find him. You can do it next time." Come, just bring me more fruits." As he spoke, he put away a bunch of fruits, picked up Zhang Wen and left. Zhang was afraid of saying goodbye to Sheng Fo in a hurry and was dragged northbound.

The place where the monkey meditated just now was a stone platform with a height of half a meter. In front was a clear lake and in the back was green grass. The scenery was very good. From here to the north, there is a peak in the distance, hidden in the thin clouds and mist. It looks sacred and solemn, and also has a sense of mystery. The monkey's destination is there.

After walking for about half an hour, the two arrived at the foot of the mountain. Zhang Ain asked the monkey: "Can't we leave quickly?" The monkey said: "What do you know? Tian and Tian are staying here, and walking must be regarded as a pastime. Remember, come in and play with me when you have nothing to do in the future. These guys The great monk is extremely boring. If you behave well, you won’t have to give me back my power.”

"Boss, from the time I saw you until now, you haven't stopped talking about your power. When will it be over?" Zhang Ain sighed.

"Nonsense, you took my power and left, how much harm did you cause to me? Isn't it enough if I just nag you a few words? Then, if I don't nag you, give me your power back." Monkey said righteously.

Okay, I'm afraid of you. Zhang Ao looked at the mountain and asked: "Is Wu Tong on the mountain?" The monkey shook his head and said: "No, it was on the inner wall of the mountain cave. I wandered around and saw it accidentally. After I went back When I asked the great monk, he said he was Wu Tong, so I remembered it.”

"Do you remember it?" Zhang Ain was a little curious and asked: "You can't even remember your own name, how can you remember his?"

"Nonsense, if you were like him, sitting on the wall of a mountain cave your whole life, I would also remember you... Wait, what is your name? Just then I remembered that I don't know your name." Monkey Momo said the head.

Okay, I was defeated by you again. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "My name is Zhang Awei." "Yeah, this is a good name. It's a very personal name. I like it. I want to be called Zhang Awei too. No, you are Zhang Ai, my name is Zhang Buai.”

The monkey suddenly yelled, and Zhang Buwei was frightened. Seeing the guy's happy appearance, Zhang Buwei decided to pour some cold water on him, and immediately said: "I know a person whose name is Zhang Buwei."

"Has someone called this name?" Monkey frowned and whispered, as if he was thinking about what name would be better. After a moment, his brows relaxed and he said with a smile: "Whatever, I don't know him. From now on, I will just be brave. You are Zhang Ping, um, very good.”

This great Buddhist cultivator only spoke a few words to Zhang Ain, and then he gave up his Buddhist name and took up a common name instead.

When he met this crazy monkey, Zhang was speechless. He knew that anything he said was useless. No matter how much he said, it would be better not to say anything and simply keep silent. At this time, the monkey asked again: "Isn't that Zhang afraid of being powerful? Is he as powerful as you?"

Zhang Buwei chuckled and remembered the hemiplegic cultivator named Zhang Buwei. At that time, he was in the lower realm, got injured in a fight with soldiers, and hid on the soldiers' planet to recuperate. After recovering from the injury, I met a hemiplegic cultivator who was practicing. He was a slave. The mother and son were both injured and miserable. However, they were very strong and refused to admit defeat. Zhang was afraid to help him, so he got to know the hemiplegic cultivator who was constantly striving for self-improvement. Zhang is not afraid.

Thinking of that person, he looked at the monkey again, chuckled and said, "From a certain point of view, you are not as good as him." The monkey was dissatisfied: "Why are you not as good as him? Bring that kid here, and I will see why you are not as good as him."

Zhang Awei replied softly: "He is a paralytic. He has injuries inside his body and cannot practice, but he insists on practicing."

After hearing this, the monkey didn't show any shame and directly admitted that he was inferior to others. He nodded and said, "So, I am indeed inferior to him." After a pause, he said, "Ignore him for now and go find Wu Tong." After that, he walked in. In the mountains.

The mountains are full of trees, flowers, and grasses, and no one takes care of them. They are beautiful in bloom, and it doesn't take long to walk through the mountains, flowers, and trees. Walk to a stone wall. There is a dongxue under the stone wall, which is as high as one person, but the darkness inside is invisible.

The monkey said: "Inside, I heard from the great monk that this guy has been meditating and never goes out. He doesn't know what to see in the big stone. He has been able to see it for so many years."

Zhang Awei replied: "Maybe you are not looking at the stone, but you are looking at yourself." The monkey curled his lips and said: "Gu Nong Xuanxu, you are not a monk, why are you talking like this?" Zhang Awei smiled, lowered his head and walked into the cave.

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