The Monk

Text Chapter 1609 Meeting the Monkey

Chapter 1,609

meet monkey

No trace was found in the temple, so the search scope was expanded and the search continued. Unexpectedly, before finding the Buddha, he found an acquaintance first. Zhang Ping smiled and appeared in front of the person in a flash, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know me?".

Strictly speaking, the Buddhist cultivator meditating in front of Zhang Ai was not a human being. He was thin and wore a gray monk's robe, but it could not cover his gray hair. Hearing Zhang Ain's question, the Buddhist cultivator who was meditating with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw it was him, he was stunned for a moment, then jumped up and asked: "Why are you here? Were you arrested or are you yourself? Xiu came in? He must have been arrested. Monks all have their heads shaved and wear monk robes. You are not decent at all. Who was arrested? "

Hearing this, Zhang Ping was stunned for a moment. Is this guy a Buddhist cultivator? It seems that all these years of hard work have been in vain. Not to mention how much Buddhism has been learned, just this temperament, the word "jing", is completely absent. Then he smiled and said, "You haven't changed much."

Standing opposite him was a monkey, to be precise, it was a divine monkey. A divine monkey that was naturally generated by the aura of heaven and earth, it could defeat monkeys in every possible way. This monkey is very powerful. He has fought countless times in his life. He is often bullied, but he never dies. No matter how powerful his opponent is, he can always escape. No matter how injured he is, he can recover in a few days. And after the injury heals, the strength will increase.

This monkey was born to fight, and the more he fought, the stronger he became. When Zhang Ain met him, he had already beaten him from an ordinary wild monkey to an undefeated divine monkey. Even the God of War in the starry sky couldn't catch him. Because it was too murderous, the Buddha Realm dispatched three giant Buddhas to capture the monkey.

Zhang Wen's ability to become a master owes a large part of the credit to this monkey and the three giant Buddhas. The monkey is a divine monkey, and he gave his powerful strength and immortal soul to Zhang Ping. The three giant Buddhas gave Zhang Ping the Buddha's bones, Buddha's mind and Buddha lotus. These things are all treasures. Later, Zhang was afraid of many life and death hardships. As the war intensified, the monkey's soul and strength completely merged with his. Later, due to the fierce fighting, the three Buddhist treasures were merged into one place, and finally they became part of Zhang Ping's soul.

For this reason, he was very grateful to the monkey and remembered the appearance before saying the very intimate words above.

Hearing Zhang Ain say that he had not changed much, the monkey was a little unhappy and said: "Why has there been no change? I recite the Buddha's name every day. Do you think I look like a Buddha?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Not like that." The monkey said angrily: "Look. You don’t even look at it, you just say it’s not like it, you dare to pervert me? Give me my power.”

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "You gave it to me on your own initiative, how can you pay it back?" Monkey said angrily: "How could you take such initiative? Give away all your strength? If a few great monks hadn't forced me, what would I be?"

When Zhang Ain met Monkey, Monkey was bullied miserably by the God of War and the three giant Buddhas. Monkey was not angry and did not want to take advantage of his opponent with his skills. Coincidentally, Zhang Ain was watching the fun, so he gave the advantage to him. It was really helpless. Lift.

Hearing Monkey talk about the past, Zhang Awei looked at him carefully and asked: "Why do I feel that you are stronger than before? If your strength, soul, and body are divided into three, can you become stronger?"

The monkey was very proud: "That's natural. Is Monkey's body ordinary? After Buddha came here, he didn't know what happened. He accidentally became stronger. It's a pity that the great monks don't fight with me." , He said that he would let me fight and never fight back. How could Mr. Monkey bully them? He had no choice but to give up. Alas, these monks not only refused to fight with me, but also did not compete with me in anything. Mr. Buddha had no choice but to meditate with them. Who is sitting..." At this point, his voice suddenly became quieter, and he yelled: "Ah, I forgot, I am meditating." As he spoke, he sat down again. Just as he sat down, he stood up again and sighed: "Oh, Monkey is not good at this. He is always impulsive and loses again."

Hearing these random words, Zhang Ain shook his head and said with a smile: "Are your three masters going to be tortured crazy by you? Also, are you the Monkey or the Buddha?"

The monkey said: "Isn't it all me, Monkey and Buddha? What's the difference? I can call whichever one pleases me. Alas, it's a pity. I've been meditating for a whole day. Maybe I can win."

Seeing that this guy was worried about the failure of meditating, Zhang Wen smiled and asked: "Meditate for a day? Just started competing?" The monkey shook his head and said: "How could it be? We have been competing for many years, and we compete when nothing matters, but we have never won. Pass."

Hearing this, Zhang Ping understood that it was a one-sided competition to dare to love the big monkey, and the monks still ignored him. Speaking of which, locking a monkey who has escaped spiritually here is indeed a bit of torture for him. Then he smiled and asked: "Where are your three masters? They don't usually talk to you?"

"After those three bastards captured me, they talked nonsense about Buddhist scriptures with me in the first few days. Later, they probably got tired of talking to me and never showed up again. Also, they are not my masters. They are against me to the heavens. Senior brother, when we are talking about it as equals, Buddha has a Dharma name... Wait, let me think about it, what is it called? No one has ever called me, I forgot about it." As he spoke, he thought seriously.

Zhang Ping was secretly happy to see that this was the monkey who had won many battles, never died, and was so powerful that he couldn't even remember his own name. Then he smiled and said, "Don't think about it, as long as I know who you are."

"That's right. Although Mr. Monkey converted, he was forced to do so. What Buddha's name should you remember? By the way, how did you get in?" Monkey is very capable. After talking for a long time, he remembered the key question he asked at the beginning. So casual, not to mention remembering names, even what was said a quarter of an hour ago can be forgotten. Zhang Ying smiled and said, "That's how I came in."

When the monkey heard this, he was not happy and said loudly: "Stop playing with mysteries with me and give me my power back." Zhang Ao asked: "How can I pay it back?" The monkey said: "I don't care how you pay it back, anyway. I want to get my things back." Zhang Ping said, "I can't get it back. Besides, why are you still recovering?"

The monkey glared and said, "Who would despise his own strength? Give it to me quickly." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Stop making trouble, let's talk for a while." He knew that the monkey was joking with him.

The monkey said: "It's because you don't talk to me properly." "Well, it's my fault." Zhang Ain smiled and admitted his mistake, and then asked: "How have you been recently?"

He was very grateful to the monkey, so he sincerely asked about his current situation. If there was something wrong, he would help if he could. If he couldn't, he would try his best to help.

Not expecting him to ask kindly, the monkey glared and said, "I asked you the question first, and you answer me first!" Zhang Ain smiled and said, "Okay, I'll answer you, what question did you ask?" ?”

"I just asked you a question and you didn't listen? You didn't listen to me?" The monkey was very angry. Zhang Awei hurriedly said: "I listened, I really listened." The monkey said: "You don't know what I'm asking after you heard it? You... quickly give me your power back, no matter what you do, I don't care about the skin and cramps, just give it to me quickly ”

Zhang Awei laughed and said, "I know what you are asking, but you asked several questions at once. I want to confirm which question to answer first." After hearing this, the monkey thought for a moment and his face brightened a little. , nodded and said: "That's pretty much it." Zhang Ain then said: "Which question should I answer first?"

The monkey was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, looked at Zhang Afraid with doubtful eyes, thought for a while, and asked softly: "I asked you several questions? What are they?"

Zhang laughed out of fear of being teased by him, so he laughed and said, "Okay, actually it's just one question, but do you still remember what you asked?" After his performance just now, he thought the monkey had forgotten.

The truth was as he had guessed. Under his random interruptions, the monkey finally forgot what question he was asking. However, the monkey had a bad temper. He forgot the question and used his fists to find it. He grabbed Zhang Afraid and said fiercely: "No matter what I asked, answer me quickly or I will beat you."

Zhang Awei pretended to be pretentious and sighed: "This is not a Buddhist cultivator, he is clearly a bandit, and he uses violence at every turn."

"Ah, I remembered, how did you get here?" The monkey suddenly yelled, followed by a punch, and cursed: "You bastard, how dare you play with Buddha? You are looking for a beating."

Zhang Aif stood still and took the punch, then asked: "How long will those monks keep you in prison?" He was very happy to see the monkey and talking to him, and he wanted to help him even more.

The monkey said casually: "Who knows, it's locked anyway, how did you get in?" He asked this question for the third time, and Zhang Weifang replied seriously: "I can come and go freely in this starry sky, I came in by myself."

"What?" The monkey jumped away, looked Zhang Awei up and down, left and right, and then asked: "Are you so powerful now? I can't even do it, how can you?"

Zhang Ping smiled and said: "Thank you for your power, which made me stronger. Later, after some things happened, I became stronger again, and I can travel across the stars." There was still half a sentence left behind. He wanted to say, The reason why you can't cross the starry sky is because your cultivation has not increased. The reason why it has not increased is that no one fights with you.

Monkeys are born gods of war. They can only grow rapidly in battles. Without fighting, they can only maintain their previous strength. Monkey himself understands this, but he has a very good nature, innocent, kind, and easy to get close to. Even if he kills someone later, he is forced to do so as a last resort.

If he kills someone, something is wrong. A man can kill a monkey, but a monkey can't, so someone else helps the man kill the monkey. If the monkey refuses to be killed, he fights back and kills again, which in turn inspires more people to kill the monkey. Such interactions were repeated, which was the whole process of Monkey's growth, until he was taken to the Buddha's realm and was accused of killing too much.

For this reason, Zhang was afraid that he did not say the second half of the sentence. He knew that the monkey was very good. If the monk did not want to fight, the monkey would not force them to fight. He could not force the monkey to fight.

At this time, he was very curious about the monkey's body. From the current point of view, it has recovered completely and is the same as before. But why can't others do the same? There will always be defects after splitting the body of the soul, such as the powerful Emperor Xi.

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