The Monk

Text Chapter 1,606: Abundant in Madness

They were worried that someone would come back, so they had to make arrangements. The old madman didn't wait for the big man to come back. He walked around in the grassland and woods near Xingyuan, set up some traps at random, and then formed the formation. At this time, the big man flew back, landed in front of him and said, "No one is around. Have you set up the formation?"

The old madman nodded and said: "Call Zhang Awei over." With his cultivation and reputation, he naturally didn't care about the people waiting for him, but what he had to do now was to prevent Zhang Awei from getting into trouble, so it took a little effort. .

The big man said hello and ran to the tent house to call someone. Zhang Wen heard that there was a magic circle that could protect safety and thought it was good, so he took out four Qilin beasts and asked Qingyin to hold the tent house. Everyone went to the prairie magic circle to start again. settle down.

After everything was done, Zhang Ain stood in front of the tent in a daze, feeling that something was missing. The big man came over and asked: "What are you doing? What are you thinking about?" Zhang Aifang glanced at him and whispered: "I always feel like something is missing." After saying this, Ma thought of a person and asked: " Where’s the reception?”

When the big man heard this, he thought, yes, where has this old boy gone? He was just busy threatening them, and he didn't even know when he was going to leave. It's just that this guy was careless by nature. After thinking about it for a moment, he said disapprovingly: "That old boy has always been like this, running around, no matter what he does." After talking, he went into the tent house to see the Qilin beast.

The pitiful Great Master Tangtang Yingying had no sense of his existence at all, and no one even knew he had left.

At this time, there were two people left outside the house, Zhang Ai and the old madman. Seeing the big man entering the tent house, the old madman said: "You have so many things to do. I wanted to go to Tiancheng to buy some more fairy wine, but now it seems that I am going to have soup. I have to watch you."

Zhang Awei raised his wrist, shook it, and said with a smile: "I have the ability to protect myself." After waiting for the people to leave, his black armor turned into a bracelet again. The old madman shook his head and said: "It's always right to be careful."

Zhang Ai agreed with this sentence, nodded in gratitude, thought for a while and asked: "Didn't you know when we took him away?" The old madman continued to shake his head: "No." Zhang Ai said with emotion: "He still It's pretty awesome. "It's certainly awesome to be able to leave silently under the eyes of the old lunatic who is the number one master in the thirty-three days.

The old madman smiled and said: "Jie Yin is different from us. I have been in the God Realm for a long time and have never seen him fight with anyone. No one knows how powerful he is." Zhang Aing asked curiously: "You don't either Do you know?" The old madman glanced at him and said, "You can't understand human language? Or are you saying that I'm not a human being?" Zhang Zhi ignored his tantrum and said with a smile, "Is it possible that he is better than you? "

The old madman thought for a moment, nodded and said: "It's very possible." Zhang was afraid of hearing this and whistled but said nothing. The old madman glared and asked, "What do you mean?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "It doesn't mean anything." The old madman asked, "What does that whistle mean?" Zhang Awei laughed and said, "I was thinking, if you If you can't defeat Jieyin, you won't be the number one master below the 33rd level."

Hearing this, the old madman nodded and said: "It's very possible. Moreover, I never think that I am the number one master. The God Realm is too big and there are all kinds of people. There are many masters hiding at the bottom. Layer, I don’t dare to ask for trouble.”

Zhang Ying smiled and said: "You are quite self-aware." The old madman said sternly: "You can brag, be aggressive, and be ruthless, but there is one thing you must not forget. To know who you are and what you can do, you must have self-awareness! "

Of course, people must be self-aware, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes. Zhang Aye nodded lightly and agreed with his point of view.

The old madman thought for a moment and said, "I'm going to warm up my mind. You're watching from the side. If there's anything wrong, remind me as soon as possible." Zhang Ain smiled and said, "I'm just feeding it alcohol. What could be wrong with it?" ?”

So, from this moment on, the old madman officially began to warm up his mind. His attitude was much more serious and respectful than Zhang Awei's. Every bottle of wine was poured onto the iron block at a constant flow rate. The flow is long and endless. Facts have proved that the big piece of iron can indeed be eaten, not only Zhang Wei's God's Heart is so, but the old madman's piece of iron is also the same. He drinks vigorously without fear. i

Because it was just the beginning of the recuperation, the old madman put out three thousand bottles of wine at once, intending to indoctrinate the Heart of God at once, hoping to get its recognition as soon as possible.

It's just that the process of feeding iron bars and drinking alcohol is boring and can easily make people depressed. Zhang was afraid that at that time, he would feed Iron Bar and drink wine completely casually. Most of the time, he would just throw the wine away and let Iron Bar drink by himself. The old madman's work had a more sacred flavor, which made Zhang Ai, who was watching on the sidelines, have doubts in his heart. What does this number one master want to do if he needs the heart of God?

In this way, the Qilin Beast is recovering from its injuries, the old madman is recuperating his spirit, Zhang Ain, Big Man, and Qingyin are eating, drinking, and living their lives as before. I just feel a little uneasy, not knowing when those people will come to cause trouble again.

Fortunately, they have never come. This kind of life has been going on for a month. A month later, the two Qilin beasts regained their full strength and thanked Zhang Ai and others. The big man said coldly: "You should thank him properly. Only that fool would come up with countless elixirs for you to waste."

During this month, Zhang Wen was the one who provided elixirs to help heal his injuries, and the two beasts thanked him again. The two little beasts also came over to join in the fun, and they knelt down solemnly to thank them. After all, it was their parents who were rescued.

Zhang Ying smiled and stepped away, waving his hand and saying: "The pill is for food, you can be fine." The big man said in a cold voice: "What is food for? That is your thing, I tell you two, Zhang I am afraid that I have saved you again and again, and I didn’t care about it before. I just said that you must find a way to repay the pills you two took this time. You are not allowed to die before you repay. "

The voice was cold, but everyone could hear the warmth in it. The big man was worried that the two giant unicorn beasts would be stupid and seek revenge, so he was simply impatient.

The big unicorn beast looked at Zhang Afraid, nodded slightly, then turned to the big man, lowered his head deeply, and touched the ground to express his gratitude.

The big man still spoke coldly: "Don't do this useless thing. I tell you, you are not allowed to leave Xingyuan until you have paid off your debt."

This sentence is very overbearing. How can people repay their debts if they don't leave Xingyuan? But when the big man said this, the two Qilin beasts didn't refute, they just walked aside and lay down quietly, as if they didn't want to avenge Qi Xin.

At this moment, Jie Yin appeared, dressed in white, and appeared in front of him gently, looking very leisurely. Zhang Awei hurried over to greet him, and then asked: "Last time, sir, why did you leave without saying a word? Are you going to the lower world again?"

The last time he came to Zhang Ai, he wanted him to go to the lower world to pick up someone for him, but he left silently before he said who he would pick up. Now that he came again, he thought it was related to the previous incident.

Jieying smiled and replied: "I have some things to do at the moment, which will take some time. However, I still have to go to the lower realm. I wonder when it will be convenient for you?" Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said: "I have always been inconvenient." All kinds of things are endless, It's really inconvenient. But the reason for the inconvenience this time is that there are four Qilin beasts, and someone like you wants to kill them.

Jie Yin knew what he was worried about, nodded and said: "Leave the Qilin beast to me, you can go to the lower world."

Seeing Jieyin take over to take care of the Qilin beast, Zhang Ain asked softly: "Which starry sky are you going to? Who will you pick up?" Jieyin smiled and said, "Do you know there is a Buddhist realm in the starry sky?"

Zhang Ain was stunned when he heard this, Buddha realm? Aren’t they all great monks? He nodded and said: "I know." He then said, "Go to the Buddhist realm to find a monk named Wu Tong and bring him here." He also didn't avoid the old madman, the big man and the Qilin beast beside him.

Zhang was afraid that the more he listened, the more confused he became. Why did he bring a monk here? I really want to ask, but I'm a little hesitant and don't know whether I should ask. At this time, the old madman asked: "Why did you bring him back?" Obviously, the old madman knew this man.

Jie Yin said in a deep voice: "You are warming your mind, why can't you find him back?" The old madman shook his head and said: "It's different, that's different." Jie Yin said with a smile: "What's the difference? Don't you want to go too? ?”

The two of them were talking, and Zhang was afraid that the more he listened, the more confused he became. What does the Heart of God have to do with finding Wutong? He originally thought that the person he was being led to pick up was a divine relic, but he didn't expect that it wasn't the case at all. And it was even more involved. Zhang Ping wanted to know where he was going.

The old madman shook his head and said, "I've always wanted to go, but Wu Tong doesn't want to go. Well, why are you looking for him to come back?"

Jie Yin replied: "Nothing else, just one reason, I don't want to take care of his body anymore."

Hearing this, the old madman's face darkened and he sighed: "It's your responsibility, there's no way you can escape it."

Jie Yin said with a smile: "My responsibility is only to pick up the god, and everything in the future is not my responsibility. It is you who have been the number one master for so many years. Isn't it interesting?" The old madman snorted at himself and said: " Others don’t understand the Holy Mountain, don’t you? There is no master in the Holy Mountain.”

Jie Yin did not answer the words, thought for a moment and whispered: "Originally, I didn't want to come back with Wu Tong, but you are looking for the Heart of God everywhere. I thought about it and found that he has been down there for a long time, so it's time to come back. "

The two of them were talking lively, but Zhang Ping didn't understand it at all. He heard some familiar words forming confused sentences, and he couldn't help but sigh, how many secrets there are in this world.

Sighing in his heart, the conversation between the two of them was still in his ears. At this time, the old madman said: "No matter what, I don't agree with him coming back." Jieyin smiled and said: "What is the reason?" The old madman said: " He is too crazy. If you want to bring peace to the God Realm, just ask him to come back."

Zhang Ai was very surprised when he heard this. The old madman said that others were crazy? What's wrong with this world?

In the God Realm, he knew many people, among which the big man was the craziest, and no one wanted to provoke him; but the big man thought the old madman was crazier, and everyone in the God Realm called him the old madman, which showed that this guy was indeed crazy enough; But now, this expert, whom everyone thought was crazy, was saying that another person was even crazier! Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and shook his head. Is the God Realm full of lunatics?

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