The Monk

Text Chapter 1605 Weird

iChapter 1605 Weird

Feng Chen left the barrier, and Fairy Bai flashed into the barrier and asked coldly: "What did he say?" Zhang Ain smiled and said: "I didn't answer what he asked. I have to deal with those talents on the other side. Yes, in addition, Feng Chendao hopes that Fairy Bai will also join in this matter and help me deal with those people on the other side, otherwise, he will not let me say anything to you i"

When Fairy Bai heard this, she frowned and her eyes coldly glanced at the six people and one tiger on the opposite side, and then looked at Feng Chen. .

The two of them had a grudge, and they were originally facing off outside Jie Zhong City. A few days ago, Feng Chen suddenly went south. When Fairy Bai found out, she quickly hurried away without chasing after her. She was very angry and it depends on what you do. They were old enemies and knew each other better. Fairy Bai guessed that Feng Chen would go to find Zhang Ai, so she flew straight to Xingyuan and met Qingyin. After asking casually, she found out that Feng Chen had just left. She just had an idea.

After some thought, I left temporarily to see if I could catch Feng Chen.

She understands Feng Chen, and Feng Chen understands her. After leaving Xingyuan, I suddenly had an idea in my mind, what if that crazy lady Bai Fairy didn't leave after going to Xingyuan, and waited until Zhang Wen came back to kill him? Even if Zhang Ping successfully refines the Heart of God and becomes very powerful as he thought, what if something unexpected happens?

Feng Chen didn't want to take the risk, so he turned back again, and met someone who was waiting for him to cause trouble. In this way, he can't walk away easily. The purpose of this trip was to inquire about the Heart of God, and among the inquiries, only Zhang Awei succeeded in refining it. In order to get complete information, he refused to let Zhang Awei get into trouble, so he stayed.

He stayed, and Fairy Bai quickly chased him back, and they stayed together, leading to the current situation.

Now, Fairy Bai looked at Feng Chen, and Feng Chen looked back coldly. Fairy Bai said coldly: "Okay, I promise you, I will do whatever he wants. Likewise, I will want whatever he wants."

Zhang Ain smiled and said hello, and after taking away the barrier, he said to the big man: "I have two more helpers. i"

He didn't deliberately hide it, his voice spread softly, and Yi Chen and others could also hear it, and their expressions suddenly changed. The old madman, the big man, Feng Chen, and Bai Xianzi, none of them are easy to deal with. If the four of them join forces, what should they do?

They were confused. Bai Xianzi and Feng Chen were originally hostile, and they were not familiar with Zhang Ai and others. Why did they get together?

It's a pity that no matter how confused you are, it's useless. Once those experts have decided, they won't change their minds easily. Although there are seven of them and their opponents only have four and a half, each of those four is a super master. If they fight against each other, the result will be unpredictable!

Seeing the expressions of the others, I knew they were beginning to hesitate. Zhang was afraid and didn't want to fight, so he just didn't say anything. He walked to the two big unicorn beasts and rechecked their injuries. After a careful scan by Yuan Shen, it was confirmed that the body was fine. After taking the old madman's elixir, all internal and external injuries were cured. The only difference was that he had divine power and needed to rest and recover slowly.

In this way, both sides were waiting. Those who were already waiting refused to leave, and Zhang was afraid that those who were waiting would not be able to leave. The two groups faced each other at some distance.

After a while, the big man lost his patience and shouted to the other side: "I'm no longer patient. Either leave or fight. Don't bother me here."

The square was very quiet at this time. He suddenly shouted and everyone looked at him. The big man muttered dissatisfiedly: "What are you looking at?" After thinking for a while, he said again: "If you don't leave in the last ten breaths, I will rush over and fight."

When Zhang Wen heard this, he realized that they were really going to fight. He looked at Feng Chen and Bai Xianzi, with a faint smile on their faces, and said softly: "Get ready, we're going to fight."

Fairy Bai gave him a blank look and said, "We're going to fight. Why are you so happy?" Then he looked at the group of people on the opposite side and sighed secretly in his heart. Leave quickly. If you don't leave, don't blame me for killing people. i

She had been angry for a long time, and it was no longer easy to endure it now. The group of people opposite her were very ignorant and refused to leave, forcing her to have an attack.

Having fought against big men before, he knew that it would be difficult to deal with them, and the opponents were all masters. At that time, he sighed softly and said softly: "Let's go." He was unwilling to give in, and the others were also unwilling to give in, but there were many strong enemies, so they left. It was the most correct thing to do, so a group of people took off and flew away.

They walked away and the danger was lifted. Zhang Ai looked at the old madman and said with a smile: "There's no fight." The old madman said casually: "There will always be a fight." Zhang Ai was a little depressed: "You old man, can't you just say something nice? "The old madman replied: "How can you say anything good? You should deal with them first." He was talking about Bai Xianzi and Feng Chen.

Zhang Ai turned around and saw Fairy Bai and Feng Chen were looking at him, so he walked over and said directly: "You want to know how to refine the heart of God? It's very simple. Fill it with countless fairy wine until it likes you. So far, if you like it, you should continue to pour it. You must not face the iron block. When they become stronger and are willing to comply with your wishes and like to be with you, you can refine the weapon." After that, he continued. Added: "That's what I said to the old madman."

Heart of God Drinking? Hearing these words, Bai Xianzi, Feng Chen, and the old madman were all startled. Then they looked at the old madman and saw that the guy did not deny what Zhang Wen said. Knowing that it was true, they felt relieved.

At this time, Zhang Weifang clapped his hands, making a noise, and whispered: "That's all, it's gone." After saying that, he turned around and left, holding up two large unicorn beasts with one hand, and Qingyin picked up the two small ones. Beast, ready to go back to the yard in the orchard.

The big man hurriedly followed, and asked as he walked: "You two have gone back, who is guarding Xingyuan?" Zhang fearfully said: "Feed them some pills and come back, I will guard here." The big man said with an oh, " Why bother? Just stay here to recuperate, so you don’t have to run in both directions." Zhang Awei thought about it, then put down the big Qilin beast again, threw it out of the tent, placed the Qilin beast, and took out another tent. He gave it to Qingyin and said, "I wanted to give it to you for the first time, but I didn't have time."

After accepting it, Qingyin said with a smile: "There are a lot of these kinds of things in the lower realm. We can change a few at will now. You are really not afraid of trouble." Zhang Ai smiled, did not answer, and walked into the tent. , got a bunch of elixirs to help them restore their powers.

At this time, Bai Xianzi and Feng Chen were still standing outside. They didn't expect that the secret they wanted to explore would be so simple. But Zhang was afraid that what he said was too simple, at least a little, and he didn't say how much immortal wine was needed. Feng Chen came over again and waited for Zhang Ai outside the tent house.

Not long after, Zhang Awei came out, and Feng Chen asked: "How much immortal wine do you need?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "I really don't know, there are many, at least a million bottles, maybe two million bottles, in short it's a lot. Prepare some, the more the better, the more the better." After saying this, he thought about it again and made sure he didn't miss anything, so he said: "That's it. It's troublesome and tiring anyway, and you need a lot of fairy wine. If you're not afraid. It’s troublesome, just go ahead and do it.”

Having said these words in random, the introduction was clear, so he ignored the two of them and walked over to ask the big man: "What should we do with those people?" He was asking what he would do if someone came back to seek revenge.

The big man didn't care and replied casually: "Never mind them. If they dare to cause trouble, just fight them back." His thoughts were always simple and direct. The old madman laughed when he heard this and asked with a smile: "I know you are capable, but you Can you defeat six of them?" The big man replied: "Isn't it you? You admit that you can't defeat three people?"

The old madman has controlled his temper very well since he stayed with Zhang Wei. He doesn't care what others say. He just pursues his goal, so he doesn't get angry when he hears the big man's sarcasm and continues to talk with a smile: " I'm not the number one person in the God Realm, so I'll take it for you whoever wants it, but even if I help you share three of them, why don't you let Zhang Wen take care of it?" The big man nodded and said, "Of course, then. This guy has strong black skin, he can’t let it go to waste.”

Because Feng Chen and Fairy Bai hadn't left yet, Zhang Wen didn't put away his armor. Hearing them talking nonsense, he casually interjected: "In a few days, the two big unicorn beasts will regain their strength. Instead of thinking about those people coming, Instead of looking for trouble, it’s better to think about how to prevent these two guys from taking revenge.”

He cared about the two big unicorn beasts, but the big man didn't care at all. He said coldly: "Repay love or not. They have grown up and know what they should and shouldn't do. If they want to die, no one can stop them. Don’t live.”

This sentence was said very coldly, and it conveyed a sense of irresponsibility from the inside out. Zhang Ai smiled bitterly and said: "I'm afraid of you, you are definitely the weirdest person in the God Realm." The big man corrected: "You say I am the best, I admit it, but what you are talking about is weird? The God Realm is full of weird people, and you are even more weird. "Except for you, I have never seen anyone as boring as you, who wants to take care of everything."

The old madman rarely agreed with the big man's point of view and nodded: "You are a bit weird."

Zhang Ai said depressedly: "You two are so weird." After saying that, he rushed into the tent to go find the little Qilin beast to play with.

Zhang was afraid of entering the room. The big man had no one to talk to, so he turned to ask Feng Chen: "When are you two leaving? Why don't you leave? When those guys come back, you can help fight."

Feng Chen was thinking about what Zhang Wen said when he suddenly heard the big man say this. He quickly shook his head and refused, then said a few words of farewell and left. Fairy Bai also left in the same way. They both have something on their minds and need to take care of the younger generations in Jiezhong City. How can they have time to help others fight?

After a while, there was only a tent, two people, and a large piece of black iron left in the huge Xingyuan Square. The big man was worried about those people and said to the old madman: "Don't leave yet, I'll go out for a walk."

"Turning around?" The old madman thought for a moment, guessed what the big man wanted to do, and said immediately: "You don't have to go too far, or find a place to set up a few divine formations."

The big man nodded and said: "I'll go for a walk first. If nothing happens, I'll come back and set up a formation with you." The old madman smiled and said: "That's nice, set up an formation with me? What kind of formation can you set up?" The big man stared at him. He glanced at it, said nothing, and flew outside the star source.


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