The Monk

Text Chapter 1607 Who is crazier

Chapter 1,607 Who is crazier?

Jie Yin smiled and said: "You and the big man are already crazy enough, and you are not afraid of another crazy person. txt e-book download**"

Finally understood this sentence, Zhang Ain hurriedly said: "Sir, it's better for the madman to stay in the lower realm. Can't we just stop bothering him?" What he said in his heart was that the guy was indeed crazy enough, and all the stars in the lower realm were gone. However, with one hand of the god, he can destroy a starry sky with just one touch, and that guy named Wu Tong dared to stay in the lower starry sky for many years without caring about his life. .

Seeing that Jie Yin insisted on letting Wu Tong come back, the old madman raised his head and looked at the sky for a long time, then whispered: "It's up to you." Then he walked aside and sat down, ignoring Jie Yin.

Jie Yin smiled at Zhang Ain and said, "For some reasons, I can't go to the starry sky below, so I'm sorry to bother you." He gently cupped his hands as he spoke.

Is this the decision to bring the madman back? Zhang Fei felt a little bitter in his heart and thought about it and asked: "Who is he? Why did you bring him back? What will he do when he comes back?"

Jie Ying thought about it and replied: "He belongs to this world. He wants to go to the lower world. He has been there for many years and it's time to come back. As for what he will do after he comes back, that depends on himself."

This is a completely irresponsible answer. The old madman sat down silently, but when he heard these words, he suddenly asked: "Are you looking for the Dragon King?" Jieyin nodded and said yes, and then said: "It's fortunate that I saw you showing off your spirit, otherwise I really want to If you don't want to get up, you have to ask the Dragon King." The old madman just sighed and stopped talking completely.

Zhang Ain asked: "Who is the Dragon King?"

While Qingyin was talking to the old madman, the big man was standing on the side, four unicorn beasts were lying near the tent, and Qingyin was meditating not far away. Everyone could hear it clearly, but no one could People chat. Jie Yin didn't even think about avoiding them. After listening to Zhang Awei's question, he thought about it and whispered: "There are a few people in this God Realm who are particularly powerful. They can be regarded as controlling the God Realm. One is the creator of the world." God lives outside and cannot be seen by outsiders. Apart from him, there are several names that need to be remembered. One is Dragon King, one is Tongtian, and one is Dingshou. It’s just that these three guys are the same as the Creator God. I can't meet him easily, but I'm lucky enough to be able to find the Dragon King. The last time I left, I just went to talk to the Dragon King."

Having said this, he looked at the old madman and said: "Except for the three scary guys, the old madman is the most famous and the number one master under thirty-three days. But as the old madman said, there are many ferocious beasts and beasts on the sacred mountain. He is quite powerful, and there are many masters hidden in the vast continent of God Realm. Divine beasts live in the mountains, and few people know how powerful they are. These masters of gods and men cannot come out, and their reputation is not obvious, because. For this reason, the old madman is the most famous. Besides the old madman, there are so-called masters like me and the big man.”

"Those three terrifying masters, the Dragon King lives in the sea, the Ding Beast lives on the sacred mountain, and Tongtian controls the land under our feet. I asked you to go down to the next world to find a monk named Wutong. That monk is Tongtian. A long time ago, Because of one thing, Tongtian claimed the divine power of his body and caused his soul to leave the body and go to the Buddha realm in the lower world. He wanted to practice Buddhism. Countless years have passed since he practiced. If it weren’t for the old madman’s idea of ​​​​the heart of God, I would have almost forgotten it. This person is Tongtian." Jie Yin said softly. When he talked about the past stories, Zhang Weijing was filled with emotion. This world of gods can really make a scene.

Jieyin continued: "Tongtian released his soul to the lower realm and condensed into a body. His name was Wutong. He has not appeared since. His absence is a good thing for hundreds of millions of gods. The old madman said he is crazy. Really, he once wanted to challenge the God of Creation, but the God of Creation ignored him, so he went to fight with the Dragon King, and the Dragon King was

I had no choice but to make a bet with him. The bet was this land, and the lunatic really made the bet, and when he lost, he sealed his body neatly, left this land, and went to the lower world, saying that he wanted to cultivate. It has been so long since I learned the way of meditation, and I think it’s time to finish it. "

Hearing the awesome story of the awesome man, Zhang Weijing was extremely shocked. What shocked him even more was that Jie Yin actually wanted such a lunatic to come back? Immediately he said: "Sir, wouldn't it be a bad idea to let him come back?"

He then said: "There's nothing good or bad, eternal life, looking at this world every day, no one will get tired of it, and always want to do something different, don't say Tongtian, just say the old madman, you know What does he want to do with the Heart of God?" He looked at the old madman as he spoke. Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "I don't know." Jie Yin chuckled and said, "That lunatic also wants to challenge the God of Creation."

What? Zhang Weijing was completely shocked and looked at the old madman with jaws on his face, unable to believe that this was true.

He then said, "Don't look at him. It's true. There are countless casting materials in the God Realm. Only the Heart of God has life. No matter how good the other materials are, they are useless."

What is a ruthless person? Is this what you call a ruthless person? Dare to challenge the God of Creation with a knife! Just by hearing this name, you know that guy must be something great, the God of Creation! The old madman actually wants to challenge the God above God who created this divine world? And Tongtian, that guy also wants to challenge the God of Creation. He is indeed a lunatic. They are all lunatics!

Zhang was afraid that he would never encounter anything more surprising than now. He looked at the old madman intently, remembering the days when he was tortured on the 33rd day, and now it seemed that he did have good intentions towards her.

After watching for a while, he asked in a seductive voice: "Because the old madman wants to challenge the God of Creation, you want Tongtian to come back and challenge together?" Jieyin nodded and said: "That's probably the case, but it's not the same thing. "Zhang was afraid that what he heard was completely depressing. What is this all about? He exhaled and asked, "Are you crazy too? Are you afraid that the world is not lively enough?" Jie Yin smiled and said, "Let's change places and you will understand."

Zhang Ain thought for a while and then said: "When you say change positions, do you mean to let me experience your life like you, experience the same thing repeated for countless years, so I am tired of it, so you want to go crazy again?" Then laughed. He said: "It means a little bit like this, but it also means something else." Zhang was afraid to be shocked again, so he shook his head and said: "You are crazy too."

Jie Yin said softly: "I'm not crazy yet, so I will first ask the Dragon King for his opinion, and then come to you. Furthermore, in this world of gods, there are hundreds of millions of gods and countless lives, and there are probably few people who are better than me." Good morning, the old madman came later, he is already crazy, why can’t I be crazy again?”

At this time, Zhang was afraid that he no longer knew what to say. He had just been in the God Realm for about ten years, and these guys wanted to subvert the God Realm? Well, it seems that luck has to do with it again. My luck is bad!

He didn't say anything, but continued in a low voice: "Actually, it's not a big deal. As you climb up the sacred mountain, there is always an end point. After crossing the end point, you can see many things that you couldn't see before, such as the God of Creation, the God of Tongtian, and the He wanted to fight with the God of Creation, but he didn’t want to go out. The old madman wanted to go out, but he didn’t really want to fight with the God of Creation. He just couldn’t go out without fighting, so he had to make trouble with the God of Creation. But don’t worry, no matter how hard they try, The world of gods will never change, and no matter how fierce they fight, they will not harm Chiyu."

Zhang was afraid that he would be more shocked the more he listened, so he closed his eyes and thought seriously for a long time, and then asked: "What do the Dragon King and Dingshou say?" Jieyin replied: "The Dragon King doesn't care. In fact, he doesn't even care about the God of Creation. In his eyes, he doesn't care about anything, including his own life. If he hadn't been able to reach the sky last time,

If the i is too tight, the Dragon King will not bet with him at all; as for the beast, I can't find him, so I don't know what he thinks. "

Hearing this answer, Zhang was afraid that he didn't know what to say anymore. His eyes were a little dull. He looked at the guide for a while and then at the old madman. At this time, he felt that the big man was really good. He was not only good for himself. , and he won’t have any messy thoughts. Although he is crazy, he will not challenge this or that. The big man’s pursuit is very low. He just wants to eat, drink and have fun. One life is enough. Why can’t the world be filled with gods and men? Like the big guy?

At this time, Jieyin said again: "Go and bring Tongtian, that is, Wutong back." Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "Let's not bother, okay?"

The old madman who had been silent for a long time suddenly spoke up: "He asked you to bring Tongtian back, but he actually wanted to restrain me."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Huan thought carefully and realized that this was really the case. From the very beginning, Jieyin and the old lunatic had been arguing about whether he should bring Tongtian back. The old madman said that he came back to Tongtian because the old madman was warming his mind. He also said that Tongtian was different from the old madman. He didn't want to go out at all. The old madman wanted to go outside the God Realm.

Thinking about it this way, Zhang Fei felt a little better, at least there weren't so many crazy people. Asked the lead: "The other point you just said, is this? To restrain the old madman?"

Hearing the old madman say something, and hearing Zhang Ain asking himself this, he nodded and said: "I really thought so, so I didn't avoid people. I said it directly in front of everyone and in front of you. I hope you can stop. In fact, what is outside the God Realm? It’s just the same as before. You came out of the starry sky and came here. This is already the pinnacle. You can control life and change life at will. Why bother? Want to go out?"

He said it sincerely, but the old madman didn't care at all, and said casually: "I have stayed in this world for too long, too long, and I have had enough." A light sentence full of boredom.

Jie Yin shook his head and said: "Some things are not your imagination. Tongtian is so powerful that I have never thought about going out, so why would you? You know my job. If you hadn't been searching for the Heart of God, I wouldn't have done it at all. I just said a lot, I just want you to understand that it’s too crazy and it’s not good for anyone.”

Unfortunately, his persuasion was completely ineffective. The old madman said softly: "I have never seen Tongtian. I have only heard people tell his stories. He is very crazy. There are many things that I will not do. But if I have the opportunity to meet him, It’s not a blessing for him.”

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