The Monk

Text Chapter 1,602 Come and come back

Chapter 1,602

Come and come back

The grassland is green, but the deep pit is gray and yellow, appearing suddenly like a big scar, which is very uncomfortable to look at. .

Standing on the edge of the pit and looking down, in the huge pit are broken limbs, broken arms, broken bones and flesh, mixed with soil and scattered everywhere in the pit. Scanning with his spiritual mind, he found that the broken bodies and bones scattered everywhere belonged to one person, and that person was Qi Xin.

In the deep pit, apart from these broken bones and flesh, there is also the remains of the annihilated and burned Yuan Shen quietly sinking at the bottom of the pit. It also belongs to Qi Xin. It was left behind after the Yuan Shen was killed and burned. The last trace in this world, this trace is completely unconscious. It will not be long before it is assimilated by the ubiquitous divine power in the world, and then disappears completely. From now on, there will be no Qi Xin.

Looking at the huge pit, Zhang was silent. He didn't know what to say, but the two seriously injured Qilin beasts roared miserably and struggled to pounce. But with the big man suppressing them, they could only move and scream unwillingly and sadly.

Zhang Ai sighed and said: "Let them go down." The big man nodded, and with a thought, the powerful force made the two big Qilin beasts rise into the air and slowly fall into the pit; then withdrew the power, and the Qilin beasts could move freely.

As soon as the two big beasts entered the pit, they dug around in the pit desperately. They held out hope that they could find Qi Xin's head. As long as they found the head, if the soul did not die, they could bring it back to the Huashen Pond. Qi Xin can be resurrected.

Seeing the two seriously injured Qilin beasts doing useless and crazy things, Zhang Ai whispered: "Stop digging, stop looking, Mr. Qi is already dead."

The two big unicorn beasts were mythical beasts. Although they were injured, they knew everything. They just held hope in their hearts and were unwilling to admit that Qi Xin was dead, so they dug around. Now when they heard Zhang Wen's words, the two big beasts looked at each other and knew that digging would be useless, so they stopped rummaging and lay down in the deep pit.

The two big unicorn beasts have great affection for Qi Xin. No matter whether they were good or bad or what they have done in the past, they only talk about this last battle. After hiding them, they crush the only communication bead and let Zhang Afraid come to save him. However, Qi Xin himself tried his best to lure away the enemy and then was killed. Who wouldn't be moved if I changed him?

In this world, the status of humans and beasts has never been equal, even in the divine world where all living beings are said to be equal. Although no one would say these things, the contempt inherent in their bones and the natural idea that humans are the masters of heaven and earth and the spirits of all things make gods and humans always feel unnaturally superior when getting along with beasts. , making the beasts very uncomfortable. So the big man would like to be with Zhang Ai, an alien. Therefore, the two giant unicorn beasts would be grateful to Qi Xin for sacrificing his life to save them.

Now, two big beasts are crawling in the sandpit and are sad. Zhang Ai, Big Man, and Old Madman stand by the sandpit and look down. There is no sound at all. The sky is quiet and the ground is quiet. There is no wind, as if it doesn't exist. Same.

I don't know how long it took, but the two big unicorn beasts finally stood up, looked at each other, turned around and walked towards Zhang Afraid, walked in front of him without saying a word, bent their two front legs, and knelt down. Zhang Awei hurriedly got out of the way and asked, "What are you doing?"

It's a bit strange to say that there are old lunatics and big men around Zhang Awei. Everyone is countless times more powerful than Zhang Awei, but it is this person with insufficient cultivation who makes the decision. He says everything and does everything. Doing it, including coming to save them, it was Qi Xin who notified him that led to what happened now. Therefore, the two big beasts regarded Zhang Ai as the person in charge.

A Qilin beast said: "Thank you sir for saving my life several times, and thank you sir for taking care of my child. I can't repay such a great favor, and I really can't. I can only kneel down as a thank you. Please don't blame me sir." "

When Zhang Wen heard this, he wondered what he was doing. Leave the funeral arrangements? At that time, he asked: "What do you two want to do?" The two big unicorn beasts didn't say anything anymore. They knew that Zhang Awei would kneel down in another direction, but Zhang Awei would still avoid it. They pointed at the position just now, and came with a bang. He kowtowed three times, then stood up, thanked him again, turned around and wanted to leave.

These two guys are going crazy. Zhang Ain shouted: "Control them both." After hearing this, the big man used some strength to restrain the two big unicorn beasts. Thinking back to the beginning, these two big guys were similar in strength to the big man. Even if there was a difference, it was almost the same. How could they be so easily controlled as now? It was just a disaster, but he didn't even have the strength to resist, which shows how serious his injuries were.

The Qilin beast was restrained, and one of them growled unwillingly: "What do you want to do?" The other one tilted his head towards it, meaning that Zhang Aif had saved us several times, and even if it cost our lives, he would not do it. There should be complaints. The first Qilin beast was stunned for a moment, all the anger on his face disappeared, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, he looked down at the ground and remained silent.

Seeing that Zhang was afraid of getting involved in this matter, the big man curled his lips and said, "Don't tell me that you want to save them again."

Having been with Zhang Ai for a long time, he knew that this fool would always do stupid things, so the big man would sneer at him. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and asked: "What do you think?" The big man shook his head helplessly: "I say what I say, and what I say is useful?"

At this time, the old madman interjected: "You want to save them? Do you know who their enemy is? It can kill Qi Xin and seriously injure two adult Qilin beasts. The enemy is very powerful. At least you and the big man can't defeat it."

Zhang Pa smiled and said, "Don't we still have you?" The old madman seemed not to understand and asked in a low voice, "You mean, let me help you fight?" Zhang Pa shook his head and said, "Why do you want you to help me fight? There is no need." The old madman was a little confused and asked, "What do you mean?" Zhang Pa replied, "As long as you stand with me, what do you think others will think?" The old madman couldn't help but smile bitterly. This guy actually wanted to play the game of using the power of the tiger to bully others. He shook his head and stopped talking. The big guy nodded repeatedly, praising Zhang Pa: "That's what you should do. Drag this bastard in here and let him see your ability to cause trouble. Ah, your talent is not to cause trouble, right? Tell me quickly, is it?"

Zhang Pa was speechless by this guy, and said angrily: "Is there a talent for causing trouble?" The big guy thought seriously for a while, and then said: "There was no such thing before, but it doesn't mean there won't be in the future. Maybe you are one of them?"

"I am your head." Zhang Pa said angrily, and was about to continue talking. Suddenly, his soul moved again. His face changed at that time, and he shouted in a low voice: "It's bad, go back quickly." After saying that, he didn't even look at others, and his figure shot towards the south.

The big guy put the two big beasts on his back, and then chased after them, and the old madman naturally followed.

The two of them had high cultivation, and soon caught up with Zhang Pa. The big guy asked: "What happened?" Zhang Pa flew south with all his strength, even more desperate than when he came, squeezing out the last bit of potential in his body. In short, he flew as fast as he could, and he must go back to Xingyuan in the shortest time. Hearing the big guy's question, in order not to delay the flight speed, Zhang Pa used the Refining Spirit Song technique and deliberately separated a soul and said: "Go back quickly, Qingyin is in trouble."

What? The big guy heard this and glanced at the old madman. Just a glance, the two big Qilin beasts on his back spoke and asked: "Are Dabao and Erbao in Xingyuan? Who is taking care of them? Will there be any accidents?" Dabao and Erbao are two small Qilin beasts.

Time is urgent, and there is no time to explain these. Zhang Pa urged: "You go back first, Mr. Ye, please help, take over the two big Qilin beasts, and let the big guy go back quickly."

Mr. Ye is the old madman, named Ye Zi, which is a very strange name for a man. Hearing Zhang Pa's request, the old madman agreed without hesitation and said yes. At the same time, with a single hand, he picked up two huge Qilin beasts like cotton and placed them on the big black iron block in front of him. Then he said to the big man: "Don't worry, I need his help now, and I will never allow anyone to hurt him." The big man didn't want to leave. He wanted to protect Zhang Pa. In his eyes, Zhang Pa was the most important. But seeing Zhang Pa's anxious look, he knew that the guy was worried about Qingyin and the two little beasts. He said to the old madman in a cold voice: "If he gets into trouble, I will never let you go." After that, without waiting for the old madman to reply, his figure disappeared and returned to Xingyuan at full speed. After the big guy left, the old madman asked, "What happened?" Zhang Pa replied, "I gave one communication bead to Qi Xin and one to Qing Yin. Qi Xin's was crushed three days ago, and Qing Yin just crushed his."

The old madman sighed and said, "I just came to see you, and I encountered so many things. You are a bit evil. You might as well come to the thirty-three heavens to be an evil god."

Since the situation has been explained, there is no need to say more nonsense. Zhang Pa tried his best to fly back. Three days later, he finally returned to Xingyuan.

Xingyuan was very lively at this time. The big guy was protecting two little Qilin beasts and confronting a group of people on the opposite side. Fortunately, the big guy was not alone. There was Qing Yin, Jie Yin, and a big man in black sitting beside him. Zhang Pa saw that he knew the big man in black. It was Feng Chen. His God's Heart and Yuntian Ginseng were obtained from him. I wonder what he came here for this time?

Opposite them sat six people and a tiger. Zhang Pa had seen three of them. They were Yi Chen, Shu Yi, Mi Yan and Bai Hu, who had a grudge against Qi Xin. The other three were Taoists, wearing purple Taoist robes and Taoist hats, with kind faces.

In addition to them, in a corner of Xingyuan Square sat a woman in white. Zhang Pa also knew her. She was Fairy Bai.

Seeing so many people coming to join in the fun, Zhang Pa muttered helplessly, "It's really lively." He quickly landed beside the big guy and asked, "What's going on?" The big guy replied, "What can happen? They came to rob these two little guys. Fortunately, Feng Chen and Fairy Bai came, and Jie Yin was here to stop them, otherwise they would have been robbed long ago." The big guy was very angry. He had always bullied others, but now he was forced to this point. He looked very ashamed.

Zhang Pa hurriedly bowed to Jie Yin and whispered, "Thank you. "He thanked Fengchen again, but Fairy Bai was quite far away, so he did not go over. After thanking her, he turned around and faced Shu Yi and the others.

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