The Monk

Text Chapter 1,603 No face given

Chapter 1,603

Do not care

There was great hatred between Shu Ji and others and Qi Xin. Although he didn’t know what the hatred was, since he met Qi Xin, he had been entangled with Shu Ji and others endlessly. It was quite unlucky to say that Qi Xin Basically, it was a battle that was repeated and defeated, always at a disadvantage and always injured. .

At this time, Zhang Weijing was reading a book and waiting for someone, but the eyes of Shuji and others were wandering on the two big unicorn beasts beside the old madman.

The old madman followed Zhang Afraid and put down the black iron block and the two big unicorn beasts. When the two big beasts saw Shu Ji and the others, they were furious and struggled to rush over, but he stopped them without hesitation. The old madman said coldly: "You two look like this now, are you going to get revenge? Or are you going to die?"

After he spoke, he noticed that the people across from him were all looking at the big unicorn beast, and he sighed. It seemed that he had to stand up for that bastard.

That bastard is Zhang Ping. The old madman wants to borrow his help to refine the Heart of God. After all, that thing is difficult to do. If it is an ordinary weapon refining, it will fail. The worst is to find the materials and start over; It takes a long time and a lot of hard work to cultivate a baby. If it fails, won't all the years of hard work be in vain?

He wanted to ask Zhang Wei for help, but he didn't expect that this kid had so many things to do. He just went with him for a walk in the desert far away, and then hurried back to solve new problems. Looking at the six people and one tiger on the opposite side, the old madman felt a little helpless. Even if he was the number one person under thirty-three days, he would not be able to offend six masters at the same time. He had no choice but to look at Zhang Wei, hoping that this kid would not give him too much trouble. It’s a big problem. In case the artifact is not perfected, I’ll explain myself here first.

With so many people on the opposite side looking at the two big unicorn beasts, Zhang Wen was also a little helpless. He had the same idea as the old madman. He was helpless. He was in trouble and might have to fight again.

He looked down at the black armor, then at the four Qilin beasts, and asked each other: "What do you want to do?"

Because of the arrival of the big Qilin beast, the two little beasts no longer stayed behind the big man, and ran over to lean on the big beast and stick together closely. Just to prevent the little beast from being sad, Zhang was afraid that he would have to take the initiative to resolve the matter.

The Qilin Beast had a grudge against them, and if they wanted to resolve the matter, they would definitely fight or kill them. The six people and one tiger facing them were all masters, but Zhang Weijing didn't care at all, and asked casually, without any respect at all.

Hearing his question, Yi Chen stood up and took two steps forward, whispering: "I have a grudge against them. I want to take them away, and the two younger ones will also be taken away. As long as fellow Taoist let go, I won't care about this." You can ask for compensation at will, and we will try our best to satisfy fellow Taoists.”

Hearing what he said, Zhang Zhen didn't reply immediately. Instead, he turned to Qingyin and asked, "Is this why they come to trouble you?"

Qingyin nodded and said: "On the fourth day after you left, they arrived. They asked for two little beasts as soon as they met. I knew they were no match, so I quickly informed you. Fortunately, a Taoist brother was here to stop them. One day later, Fellow Daoist Feng Chen arrived, asked about the situation, and decided to help us. After a while, Fairy Bai came and stopped in the distance, and then the big man came back. The two sides were in a stalemate, and this is the current situation. "

Hearing these words, Zhang Wenwei saluted and thanked Jie Yin again. Jie Yin smiled and said, "They didn't fight me, so why are you thanking me?"

Zhang Ping said: "I still have to thank you." He thanked Feng Chen again.

He was thanking Zhang here and there, as if the person opposite him didn't exist. Yi Chen just looked at Zhang coldly and was afraid of bothering him. When he was done, Yi Chen asked, "What do you think of Zhang Daoyou?"

"What do I mean? No." Zhang Ai simply refused.

With such cold rejection, Yi Chen's expression suddenly changed. They were willing to wait for Zhang Weifang to come back because they didn't know what he was doing. If they knew that this boy was going to save the big unicorn beast, they would definitely have to snatch the little beast away regardless.

At that time, they killed Qi Xin and lost the trace of the Qilin Beast. Knowing that the two big beasts were seriously injured and struggling to find them, he was very reluctant and had no choice but to make plans for the two smaller beasts. One reason is to eradicate the roots, and the other reason is to threaten the big beast with the life of the small beast.

There were many of them and they were not afraid of the big man and the black iron block that Zhang was afraid of, so they came over. But he didn't expect that Zhang Wen and the big man were not in Xingyuan, but they met and greeted them instead.

Jie Yin is a strange existence in the God Realm. No one knows what his cultivation level is. They only know that he seldom comes out and usually does not participate in external battles. The most important thing is that he once brought Shu Yi and others to the God Realm.

Now, Jie Yin protects the little beast and prevents it from being taken away. Shu Ji and others thought about it for a while. They had no grudge against Zhang Zhen and did not want to offend Jie Yin because of this matter. After some consideration, I decided to wait a few more days and bring Zhang Wen back to discuss it with him, hoping that the matter could be settled without a fight. If Zhang Zhen really doesn't give face, he will use force to force him.

It seems that they were right. They not only gave Jie Yin face, but also used strong force to control the overall situation. They were not afraid of Zhang or non-cooperation. Unexpectedly, Feng Chen and Bai Xianzi would arrive one after another.

We are all gods on the 33rd level of heaven. Even if we have never met, we have known each other for a long time. We know that these two people are not easy to mess with. In addition, the guide is still there and Zhang is afraid that he has not come back yet. Shuji and others Just keep waiting.

In this way, we waited until the big man came back. After another day, Zhang Wen finally came back. What surprised them was that the two giant unicorn beasts that they had not found despite all their efforts were brought back by Zhang Awei.

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met each other. Shu no longer wanted the Qilin Beast to continue to live, so he negotiated with Zhang Awei, but he refused.

Seeing Zhang Weijing's cold expression, Shu Ji and others began to calculate the strength of both sides. Yi Chen, who was standing at the front, continued to persuade: "Friend Zhang, you might as well think about it again." His voice was soft, with a hint of threat.

The big man snorted coldly and said: "What are you considering? You should leave quickly and don't force me to kill someone."

When Zhang Wen did not come back, the big man was a little aggrieved, but with his own strength, he could not block the attacks of the seven masters of the opponent, so he had to temporarily suppress his temper. Now that the old madman and Zhang Ai are back together, of course he wants to vent; at the same time, he also makes up his mind to drag the old madman into the water.

Seeing that the big man and Zhang Wen were talking coldly, Shu had already become angry and wanted to take action at that moment. But for the same reason, the lead is here, is it possible to fight together?

What's more, apart from the lead, the guy with white clothes and white hair next to the two big unicorn beasts is even more terrifying. That guy doesn't show up easily, but his reputation is even greater than the lead. That guy's nickname is Old Madman. The number one master in the God Realm, no one wants to offend him.

As a result, the situation is very delicate. Shu Ji and others are unwilling to accept it, very unwilling to do so! After finally killing Qi Xin, two big Qilin beasts escaped. Now that they found the Qilin beasts, they had to face a group of scary guys like the old madman and the big man. Although there were many of them, facing such an opponent, no one was sure that they would leave unscathed and safely.

Seeing that the situation was getting more and more tense, Yi Chen, who was standing in front, still wanted to speak, but Shu had called him softly from behind. Yi Chen thought for a moment, then turned to look at the three Taoists. He had fought Zhang Aihe and the big man before. If they fought again today, the main force would naturally be him, Shu Ji, and Mi Yan. However, the three Taoists could decide the outcome. Yi Chen wanted to know if they were willing to fight this fight.

The three Taoists had expressionless faces, looking straight ahead and not speaking. They didn't know what they were thinking. Yi Chen couldn't see any emotion.

Are you trying to calm things down? Yi Chen thought about it for a moment, and said to Zhang Awei again: "We have been waiting here for three days, you should give us an explanation." While saying this, his eyes were on Zhang Awei's armor and the old madman's black iron The block is spinning back and forth.

This piece of iron is much larger than the one he saw last time, and last time, Zhang Zhi didn't have any armor on him. Could it be that he had successfully refined the Heart of God? Yi Chen thought about it again and again, it was hard to believe, how could a newly promoted god-man have the strength to refine the heart of god?

Hearing what he said, Zhang Ai turned his eyes and looked over, as if thinking about the problem, and whispered after a long time: "I asked you to wait for me here?" After saying this, he looked at the black armor on his body again, comfortable After wearing it in the desert, in order to avoid accidents, I don't put it away at all these days, ready for a fight at any time. This was even more true at this moment. For the sake of the two little Qilin beasts, he decided to be impulsive. He couldn't believe that he couldn't defeat them!

What he said was very unpleasant to hear. As if it was a provocation, the three Taoists finally lost their wooden faces and became a little ugly. A Taoist with a long beard on the far left said: "I can't care about other things; I don't care about your previous disputes. Now, I want to take away these four unicorn beasts. I hope you won't stop me." As he spoke, Long Sleeve With a flick, silver light flashed faintly between the cuffs, and both hands held a sleeve knife.

Zhang Awei tilted his head and looked at the man, thought for a while and said, "I don't know you, so please go away."

Another extremely disrespectful statement. The Taoist smiled coldly when he heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he walked forward lightly without saying a word.

He walked forward, but Zhang did not move for fear. He only tilted his head and watched the Taoist's footsteps. After watching for a while, he turned to ask the old madman: "This guy is really crazy. You are here, and he dares to be so crazy. Isn't it wrong?" Give you face?"

The old madman laughed and said casually: "Even if you want to provoke me into a fight, you don't have to say it so bluntly, right?"

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "I'm really not provoking you to fight. I really want to know if that Taoist really doesn't care about your face? When you were up there, you told me all the nonsense, but I took it seriously. ”

This guy said he wasn't provocative, but he brought his words to this point. It couldn't be any more unpleasant to hear. If he had been a big man, he would have rushed forward and fought tooth and nail. It's a pity that the old madman is not a big man. After hearing this, he smiled softly and said casually: "The person who gives me the least face is you. Have you forgotten?"

Zhang Ping laughed and said no more, because at this time, the Taoist had already walked five meters in front of him.

He stood still while the Taoist walked forward slowly. As long as there was another moment, the two people would inevitably bump into each other. But Zhang Ai still didn't move, and the Taoist didn't stop either. He was about to hit something.

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