The Monk

Text Chapter 1601: Finding Qi Xin

Chapter 1601

Find Qi Xin

Zhang Weijing was startled, and with a thought, the black armor instantly protected his body, and he heard popping sounds one after another. The sound was very loud, and it should be painful if he hit his body. .

When the gravel fell, the big man yelled at him: "I told you that the sand here is unusual, what are you doing?" The flying gravel hit the big man, causing him to feel pain, and of course he was very dissatisfied.

At this time, Zhang was afraid that something was wrong. The sound of sand hitting the big man was problematic, heavy and penetrating. At the same time, the old madman hid himself behind a large iron block ten meters square to block the attack of the sand. Apparently he also knew that there was something weird about the sand. Zhang Ai apologized: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Don't be angry." The big man rolled his eyes at him and said, "Are you coaxing the child?" Zhang Ai smiled and said, "How could that be?" As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the sand. .

The mark of his soul is under the sand. In the original estimate, when he exerted his strength, the gravel should fly into the air and reveal a deep pit. Unexpectedly, his divine power only made a two-meter-long hole appear in the desert. The sand flying out of the small pit did not fly very high, even though it was very powerful, even though it would hurt very much if it hit the body.

Seeing him looking down at the sand, the big man asked: "Here?" Zhang Ping gave a sigh of relief and let go of his spiritual thoughts to scan the area, but except for the soul mark of his own communication beads, nothing was found. While he was wondering, the old madman said softly: "Down there, dig."

At this time, the old madman has been looking at Zhang Wei, especially when he saw the black armor, his eyes seemed to be emitting light, staring closely, a little envious, but also secretly angry, he must have someone better than him Black armor is a better artifact.

Zhang Wen heard this and immediately started digging a hole without hesitation. At that time, with a thought, two black shovels appeared silently on the front of his arms, which were transformed from the heart of God. Then he lowered his head and excavated, and his arms were like rotating wheels, quickly digging out the golden gravel on the ground. In just a moment, the pit was already a hundred meters deep.

I dug like this for a quarter of an hour. After a quarter of an hour, I stood at the bottom of the pit and could no longer see the sky when I raised my head. The bunker is huge, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, like a giant bowl inserted in the desert, with a huge slope to ensure that the bunker will not collapse. But even with such a huge bowl, standing at the bottom of the pit you can't see the sky, and you can only vaguely see a ray of light.

The pit was so deep that the big man and the old madman fell down, but they saw different things. The big man looked at the ground, and the heart of God looked at the black armor.

At this moment, Zhang Wen suddenly stopped. His soul clearly detected two aura fluctuations, which were very weak and weak, as if they would disappear at any time. The aura was also very familiar, it was that of two large unicorn beasts.

But he only found the two of them, and didn't find Qi Xin's aura, so he turned to look at the big man. The big man understood what he meant, shook his head and said: "I didn't find it." The old madman also shook his head, but he also didn't find it.

However, since the big unicorn beasts were discovered, they had to be taken out. Zhang Ai continued to dig a hole, this time even more crazily. In only ten breaths, Zhang Ai dug down three thousand meters and found two large unicorn beasts.

The two big beasts fell to the ground side by side, with wounds all over their bodies and blood in their mouths. Their eyes were closed and they were motionless. On their bodies is a golden talisman, which emits infinite power and resists the huge pressure of the deep golden sand above.

The big beast was injured, and Zhang Pan wanted to rescue them, but as soon as he moved, he found that he couldn't get down. The power emitted by the golden talisman can not only withstand the weight of the giant sand, but also block Zhang Ain's entry.

When this happened, Zhang was afraid that he would not want to force his way in, lest he waste a golden talisman. Asked the big man: "Can you put it away?" He was asking if the golden charm could be put away. Before the big man could speak, the old madman said: "This talisman is as powerful as a mountain. If you don't understand the spell and force your way in, either the person who breaks in will die, or the person protected inside will die."

"Do you need to be so exaggerated?" Zhang Aifeng stared at the golden talisman and said casually.

"It's such an exaggeration for you. For me and the big man, the big man will fight to break the spell and he won't die. As for me?" As he spoke, he stretched out a hand and shook it slightly. , the golden talismans on the two big beasts trembled, and the huge power erupting out immediately disappeared.

The old madman said: "Put away the talisman. Have you found your soul mark?" Zhang Ai nodded and said: "I found it, right here." When he came here, he had already taken back his soul mark, but I can't find Qi Xin. Where did that person go?

The old madman looked at the two seriously injured Qilin beasts, sighed in his heart, took out a fiery red pill, casually divided it into two halves, and threw them into the mouths of the two big Qilin beasts respectively. While throwing the elixir, with a thought, the two big beasts opened their mouths at the same time, and then closed their mouths after the elixir entered their mouth.

A moment later, the two big beasts roared at almost the same moment, and then they stood up. When they saw Zhang Afraid, the two big beasts immediately stopped moving and said anxiously: "Please help, sir, save Mr. Qi."

Judging from the movements of the two big beasts just getting up, they clearly wanted to attack. You can guess that they were fighting before they fainted.

Zhang Ai sighed and said, "Three days have passed since we received the news. Do you know where Fellow Daoist Qi is?" The implication is that you two have been unconscious for three days, and no matter what you want to do, it is already too late.

The two big unicorn beasts were stunned when they heard this, and struggled to fly into the sky, but unfortunately they couldn't. The two of them were seriously injured. Even with the old madman's best medicine, they could only wake up. If they wanted to resume normal activities, they would have to rest for a long time.

The two big guys jumped upwards, only jumping more than two meters high before falling suddenly. They stepped on the yellow sand and slid down to them, covering most of their bodies for a moment. The old madman whispered: "Go up and talk." He raised his hands, and the two big unicorn beasts rose out of the air and flew outward. Zhang Ain and the big man followed behind.

The masters move quickly. In just a short time, they have returned to the ground. As soon as he landed on the ground, before Zhang could ask questions, a Qilin beast said urgently: "Go east, quickly."

Hearing these words, the old madman turned to look at Zhang Afraid and listened to him make up his mind. Zhang Awei nodded and said, "Okay, you can show me the way." As he spoke, his divine power surged out, and he lifted up the two giant beasts and flew towards the east quickly.

Seeing how anxious Zhang Awei was, the old madman smiled softly and ducked to follow. The big man even rushed to Zhang Awei's side and said as he ran, "Put them on my back." Zhang Awei had a low cultivation level, so for the sake of He quickly found Qi Xin and didn't insist on holding the Qilin beast. While running, he carefully placed them on the big man's back.

After the big man used his own strength to lock the two big beasts and prevent them from falling, Zhang Ain asked: "Can you find Qi Xin's Qi Machine?" The big man and the old madman shook their heads one after another, and the Qilin Beast whispered. : "There is a river to the east, and there is a grassland across the river. That's where we fought with Shuji and the others."

Have a fight with the book? Even with the four masters Shuji, Yichen, Mi Yan and Baihu, they are not strong enough to easily seriously injure two Qilin beasts. I feel a little strange, what happened? Did you get to this point?

His mind was thinking wildly and he kept moving. He soon saw the river that the Qilin Beast was talking about, jumped over it, and then walked some distance further to the grassland.

The grassland is huge, full of green, and very spectacular. But at this time, this green and spectacular grassland had many scars. Pieces of gray land appeared scattered among the green, and there were even blood stains on the surface of several pieces of gray land. Obviously, this place was once a battlefield. , I just don’t know who shed the blood.

The three of them stopped and released their spiritual thoughts, covering a huge area. They searched and found nothing. The big man and the old madman took the initiative to fly away in a direction and continued to scan with their spiritual thoughts. After a while, they came back one after another and shook their heads slightly at Zhang Awei, but they found nothing.

They didn't realize that the two big unicorn beasts were very anxious and wanted to search for them by themselves, but the big man refused to let them go.

Seeing that he didn't find any, Zhang Fei flew around the area and scanned it again, carefully looking at every inch of the land, especially the gray dirt that had been blasted out, to see if it might be dug into a hole. Unfortunately, it was still not found. He said in a deep voice: "Fly back and expand the search range."

Ordinarily this was an unreasonable request, but the two masters, the big man and the old madman, insisted on not saying a word, and flew in different directions, continuing to search for Qi Xin's whereabouts.

Zhang Zhi was not idle either. He flew in the third direction. He couldn't believe that he was searching like this and still couldn't find Qi Xin?

Time passed quickly, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye. The big man and the old madman searched to no avail, and met Zhang Ai again. Zhang was afraid that he didn't notice it, so he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "Look for it again." As he spoke, he flew forward.

The big man and the old madman spread out slightly and followed him to continue searching.

The three of them flew and searched, crossing grasslands, woods, and valleys, and finally came to a large river.

Zhang Ping was about to fly over, but the old lunatic and the big man behind him stopped at the same time. They didn't speak and just stood quietly.

The two of them stopped suddenly. Zhang Weizhen wanted to ask what was wrong, but he didn't say anything, so he also stopped. They must have found Qi Xin. He turned around and looked back, waiting for the two to show him the way.

The three people stopped one after another, and the two Qilin beasts on the big man's back stopped fighting again. Although they were seriously injured and could not fight, there was always a breath of air, urging the big man to continue flying, and at the same time they began to struggle, trying to get down to the ground to search for themselves.

The big man once again controlled the two Qilin beasts. When he saw Zhang Ain looked at him with doubts in his eyes, he smiled bitterly and nodded lightly at him. Zhang was afraid that even if he sighed helplessly, the super masters on the 33rd level of the sky would also die, alas.

He sighed, feeling a little depressed, and said softly: "Let's go." The big man nodded and flew across the long river with the Qilin Beast on his back.

There is a small forest behind the long river, and behind the forest is grassland. There is a huge pit in the grassland. The big man flew to a stop in front of the giant pit, and Zhang Afraid and the old madman landed next to him.

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