The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1595 Same as before

Chapter 1595 Same as before

The big man replied: "No!" The old madman said with a smile: "If you don't let me sit, there will be a fight." The big man glared and said: "Just hit me, am I afraid of you?" Dare to threaten him, of course the big man Be angry.

The big man lost his temper, but Zhang was calm. Hearing the old madman say that he was not here to fight, he quickly grabbed the big man and said in a low voice: "Fellow Taoist, if you have something to say, you might as well just say it." Without a single polite word, just eight words showed that Attitude, we don't welcome you, we don't want to drink with you, but we don't want to fight with you either, so you'd better talk things over happily.

The old lunatic came to Xingyuan. Of course he had something to do. When he heard Zhang Ain's words, he nodded slightly and said: "It's the same thing as last time. I want to ask, how can I quickly get the recognition of the heart of God? "

It didn't take long for Zhang to be afraid of being recognized by the God's Heart after coming to the God Realm. Of course, there was skill involved in this.

When he heard about this, the big man said coldly: "You arrested people for so long, why didn't you ask at that time? Now that you think about it?" The old madman smiled and said: "At that time, could I ask?"

At that time, the old madman's purpose was to steal the heart of God and make enmity with Zhang Ain. No matter what he asked, Zhang Ain would not say anything. And the old madman didn't want to kill Zhang Ao. For him, getting the heart of a living god was more important than killing countless Zhang Ao. So at the last moment, he let Zhang Awei leave, and then waited a few more days for Zhang Awei to calm down before asking again.

Hearing the old lunatic's self-deprecating reply, Zhang Ain chuckled lightly. Since it was the matter, there was no harm in telling him. At that time, he said casually: "Sit down." As if the old lunatic was an ordinary person, Zhang Ain didn't care at all. sat down on the ground.

Seeing Zhang Wei sitting down, the big man glared at him and then at the old madman, then he lay down and Qingyin sat down as well. The old madman chuckled, sat down opposite Zhang Wen, picked up a bottle of wine, stretched out his hand, and a cup appeared in his hand, and he started to drink from it. After drinking two drinks, he said: "It's not bad. Okay, let's get down to business. Tell me how you got the approval of the Heart of God in a short period of time."

Zhang Awei thought about it for a moment and replied casually: "Give him a drink, a lot of wine, just the wine you have in your hand." He was too lazy to lie, but in fact, it was not just as simple as drinking, but also crazy drinking of fairy wine. At the same time, Zhang Ai has been sending a branch of soul into the heart of God to accompany the heart of God. But even so, the Heart of God does not agree to be refined.

The main reason why Zhang Ai was recognized by the Heart of God, apart from the previous efforts, was that he was about to be bullied to death by the old madman. Zhang Ai was in danger of life and death, and the Heart of God wanted to help him. Naturally, It was also extremely lucky that he merged with his soul, and then he was able to refine the heart of God.

It's just that Zhang didn't want to talk about these things. He didn't need to tell the old madman everything. What's more, even if he told the old madman everything, with the old madman's cultivation, where would he look for life and death in danger?

After hearing Zhang Wear's talk about feeding God's Heart to drink, the old madman was stunned for a moment and asked, "Is it that simple?" He didn't even ask whether God's Heart could drink, which shows that he believed in Zhang Wear.

Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "It's not simple. We need a lot of wine. How much do you have?" The old madman thought about it and asked: "About how much is needed?" Zhang Awei replied: "I don't know, I haven't counted it. Anyway, it's a lot. The finished wine bottles can be piled up into a mountain, not a small mountain.”

After hearing this, the old madman thought for a moment, and then asked: "Is there anything else that needs attention?" Zhang Ying smiled and said: "Wen Yang, as the name suggests, you will be with him every day and never separate for a moment." This is nonsense. , but this nonsense is the truth. Someone once successfully refined the Heart of God. The secret is this. You must stay with the Heart of God for thousands of years before you can succeed.

After hearing this, the old madman nodded and said, "As long as we stay together and keep giving him immortal wine, can we succeed?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "No, everything depends on chance."

The old madman smiled: "I know, I'll prepare the wine." He knew that Zhang Afraid didn't tell the whole truth, but he was very proud, crazy, and confident in himself, and the most important thing was that Zhang Afraid confessed what he wanted to do. How to nurture, only by putting in all your efforts will you gain something.

Before meeting this kid, who would have thought that Iron Bar could drink? Knowing this, I feel more confident about successfully cultivating my trance. The only thing left is to find the big iron block and collect the fairy wine.

So after the old madman said something, he stood up to say goodbye. Zhang was afraid that the others would not keep him, so as a courtesy, he stood up to say goodbye. After a while, the old madman disappeared.

After the guy in white clothes and white hair left, the big man snorted coldly and said dissatisfied: "Why are you talking so much nonsense? He's not pleasing to the eye, he's superfluous." The big man's thinking is definitely different from ordinary people. Don't ask Zhang Ping Why did he tell the old madman how to warm his heart, but instead asked him why he was talking to that guy.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "Just say a few words to avoid fighting. Besides, I have had enough of the life in the mountains and don't want to try again." The big man said with disdain: "Look at your little potential." After saying this , turned to Qingyin and asked: "Did all the wine I gave you waste?"

Before he looked for Zhang Wen, in order to prevent the little Qilin beast from causing trouble, he left most of the fairy wine with Qingyin so that he could use it to appease the two little guys. He just heard the old madman ask about the fairy wine, and then he remembered it.

After listening to the big man's question, Qingyin took out a storage bag and put it in front of the big man, and replied: "Use less than half, don't tell me, these two little guys are really good at drinking."

"It's quite drinkable." The big man knew how much wine he had. He had only been away for more than ten days and drank less than half of it. It couldn't be described as drinkable. It was clearly a wine pool, and he kept pouring wine into it.

Zhang Ain smiled and said: "With so much wine to get them drunk, no wonder they can stay in the cellar." Qingyin also laughed.

The two little ones, the older one, said casually: "You can keep them until you feed them. I'll save some. Alas, I met these two ancestors."

Qingyin put away the wine after hearing this, but Zhang Awei burst out laughing. The big man glared and said, "It's funny?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "It's not funny." The big man continued to stare and said, "Then you are laughing your ass off. "

Time passed quickly while talking and laughing. In the evening, Zhang Ain told the big man and Qingyin to go to the lower world and go back to Tianlei Mountain for two days. He left, and the little beast continued to be taken care of by Qingyin. Of course, the little beast was not happy. Zhang Wen said that he would bring them delicious food, so the two little beasts calmed down.

In this way, Zhang Wen returned to Tianlei Mountain and stayed with the four girls for three days. Then I went to meet Lin Sen, Rui Yuan and others. I saw Lin Sen drinking and Rui Yuan talking. Fortunately, Tianleishan is becoming more and more powerful nowadays, and it is the largest gang that takes its responsibility. No one dares to go against it, and nothing major has ever happened.

Tianlei Mountain has changed to the route of elite soldiers, and the disciples who have been initiated in the past are re-examined. Those who pass the exam will stay at the main peak of Tianlei Mountain, while those who fail will go to other peaks to practice. When accepting disciples in the future, we must be more strict and select the best among the best.

Zhang Ain has no objection to the selection of outstanding disciples, but he just feels that it is not good to treat the disciples who have already entered the school differently. Since he is a disciple of Tianlei Mountain, he should be protected and cared for by Tianlei Mountain. What's the point of treating him differently?

Ruiyuan explained to him that this could better motivate those disciples with low cultivation level. On the one hand, it shows the difference and makes them feel ashamed and know how to work hard. On the other hand, they are equipped with the best teachers and the best care to urge them to achieve success in practice as soon as possible.

Zhang Ain nodded after hearing this. He didn't want to pay attention to the sect's affairs at all. The reason why he asked such a question was completely due to the nature of a good person. The current boss of Tianlei Mountain is Ruiyuan. Since the boss makes a decision, it is always beneficial to the development of the sect, so there is no need to interfere randomly. So after hearing this explanation, he asked: "Is Zhang Tianfang still causing trouble these days?"

Ruiyuan replied: "I haven't seen Uncle Tianfang for a long time. He has been busy farming recently. He said that he wants to make sure that everyone in the world can have enough to eat. No one will starve to death, and there can be no beggars. But it's okay. No one troubles Uncle Master."

The fact that no one was looking for trouble meant that Zhang Tianfang had not caused trouble recently. Zhang Ain nodded and agreed to leave Tianlei Hall and go to see Fang Jian instead.

The former four-person team now only has one person left, and only Fang Jian is left on Tianlei Mountain. He is used to staying here to practice. He had experienced the worldly experience last time, but for his cultivation at this time, it was not necessary to enter the worldly experience, so he came back soon and continued to meditate on the mountain to realize Taoism.

As for Fu Kong, he stayed with Zhang Tianfang and messed around with him. Fu Kong figured it out. The so-called practice means uninterrupted dedication, regardless of hurt or laughter, in short, it must be true.

Zhang Wen talked to Fang Jian for a while, then left and left Tianlei Mountain to look for Zhang Tianfang. He hasn't seen this idiot for a long time, and he doesn't know how he is doing lately, or if he still likes to be impulsive.

As Ruiyuan said, Zhang Tian was working in a vast rice field. In fact, after the crops are planted in the ground, there is basically nothing to worry about. The next busy time is harvest time. But Zhang Tianfang is still standing in the rice field, just like a lion inspecting its own chassis, he is inspecting the rice field.

When Zhang Wen came, Zhang Tianfang stood under the scorching sun with a big straw hat. When he saw him, he came up to him with a joyful expression and said, "Look at what I did, isn't it good?"

Of course it's true. Nowadays, this guy is thinking more and more comprehensively about things and thinking more and more about the poor. This is the time when integrity is in a mess. Zhang Awei nodded and said yes, then asked: "What about Bu Kong?"

Zhang Tianfang said casually: "The little monk and the other monk ran away to who knows where. This is fine, I will be freer."

Zhang Ai smiled and said: "Why does it seem like you are in prison?" Zhang Tianfang shook his head and said: "I'm not in prison, how about you? How about you in heaven?" Zhang Ai smiled and said: "I know you are not in prison, how can you Are you doing something stupid? Do you have to answer this question?" Zhang Tianfang didn't answer his nonsense and said with a smile: "How come you still have this kind of virtue?"

The conversation between the two brothers has not changed for countless years. They only said a few words casually. Zhang was afraid of thinking about the days when he first met him. Time passed by many years, and now the two of them have changed. But fortunately, his personality has not changed, and the relationship between the two has not changed. It is still as good as before.

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