The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1594 The old madman is here again

Chapter 1594 The old madman is here again

Zhang Ping said he wanted to visit Jiezhongcheng because he had triggered conflicts among the cultivators in the city, and he wanted to see if he could make amends. The big man knew what this bad guy was thinking, and he didn't want him to interfere in the disputes between the gods in the divine world, so he asked him to return to the star source first. In this way, the two of them flew straight away, letting the beautiful scenery slip away from their eyes without making any stop.

Two days later, the big man asked him: "It's your first time leaving the sacred mountain. Why don't you walk around outside more?" Zhang Ai said depressedly: "Two days ago, you asked me to return to Xingyuan quickly. What are you going to do now?" The big man haha Yixiao: "Talk, just talk."

Zhang Ai has been in the God Realm for more than six years. This is the first time he has seen the scenery outside the God Mountain. Although he is a little curious, compared with his duty to stick to the source of stars, these landscapes are not important. A person, the most important thing is Do what you have to do.

Five days later, the two flew into the sacred mountain area. Zhang Ain asked the big man: "Didn't you say you can come back in two or three days or three or four days? How many days have we been here?" The big man curled his lips and said: "Who knew you were cultivating? Why is it so low? I can't move fast." Zhang Zhi was speechless and flew to Xingyuan. Seeing that he stopped talking, the big man started to make noises, and shouted in his ear: "Why don't you say anything anymore?" Zhang was still silent, and the big man burst out laughing. Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand why he was laughing, so he turned around to look. The big man just laughed and refused to speak. Zhang was afraid that his laughter would make him uncomfortable, so he asked, "What are you laughing at?"

The big man still laughed and laughed for a while before slowly saying: "I thought you weren't talking to me."

I'm so depressed. For such a big man, who is a super master in the divine world, can he not be so boring? Don't be like a child and always have silly arguments. Zhang was afraid of giving him a glance and ignoring him.

The big man laughed for a while again, shook his head and said, "I've been watching you these past few days, haven't you found anything wrong?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "What's wrong?" While speaking, he scanned the inside of his soul. Being in good health and with abundant spiritual power is the best state.

The big man let out a haha ​​and sighed: "You, you are addicted to wearing a turtle shell." Zhang was afraid of reacting, so he quickly put away the black armor outside, and casually explained: "These days, I'm used to it. The big man smiled and said: "I know you are used to it, I just want to see how many days you can wear it." Zhang was very helpless and said depressedly: "You couldn't have reminded me earlier? Let me wear this thing all over the world." The big man was very funny and said seriously: "I think you are very happy wearing black leather."

Zhang Xing said angrily: "Happy head." The big man shook his head and said: "It's me who is happy."

Well, once again I was defeated by your boredom. Zhang Awei checked his body again and found nothing wrong, so he ignored the big man and concentrated on flying to the star source.

After returning to Xingyuan half a day later, his consciousness swept away and he realized that Qingyin was staying in the orchard, so he ducked over and landed in the courtyard.

Divine beasts have the sharpest inspiration. As soon as Zhang Pancai entered the yard, the two little guys jumped and ran outside. Qingyin's spiritual thoughts swept over and knew that Zhang was afraid of coming back, so she hurriedly walked out of the cellar with the two little guys in her arms.

Qingyin's cultivation is not enough, so in order to avoid getting into trouble, she has been staying in the cellar with the two little guys these days, rarely going out, only occasionally returning to Xingyuan to check on her, and then quickly coming back.

Seeing Qingyin coming out of the cellar, Zhang Ain hurried up to meet him. He was a little embarrassed and whispered: "Thank you for your hard work." Qingyin smiled and said: "Why is this hard work? It's you who have great luck and destiny, so you ran to the sacred mountain. After so many days without death, there must be more than ten days, right?"

The longer you stay on the sacred mountain, the more powerful this person is. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to irritate Qingyin, so he replied vaguely: "It's probably like that." The big man was dissatisfied and interjected: "What is just like that? The first few days are not counted. I have been looking for you for twelve days. You said you How long have you stayed in the mountain? It’s really a big deal, and you won’t die even if you do this.”

Zhang Weijing immediately became depressed: "You old man still wants me to die." The big man shook his head and said: "No, I mean you are so powerful that you dare to wander around the mountain. Even I don't want to stay alone in the mountain for ten years." a few days.”

Because of Qingyin, Zhang Fang didn't want to talk about it. At this moment, two little beasts kept pestering him, whispering to express their affection. Zhang Ain picked up the two little guys and said, "I'm back anyway, let's have a drink."

The big man was very happy. For him, the goal in life was to eat, drink and have fun, so he took out the food and wine and started drinking.

Although everyone knows that he is a mythical beast, a powerful and spiritual beast, this guy must treat himself as a human being, and the gods have no objection. Because it is not only humans who can cultivate to the realm of gods and humans, there are also many orcs or elves, in short, all living things in the world, anything can become a god. The more you practice, the more you will see. After meeting practitioners of all kinds and races, the gods especially don't care about this. There is no so-called racial or ethnic discrimination at all.

The three of them drank for a while. Zhang Awei deliberately did not mention the sacred mountain, but Qingyin was very curious about the sacred mountain and asked proactively: "Is it dangerous to stay up there for many days?" Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Dangerous. The big man smiled and said: "Of course it's dangerous. You don't know. That guy is wearing black leather, which is the Heart of God. He wears it every day and dare not take it off. He didn't take it off until he came back to the God Realm. He wore it all the way into the Holy Mountain. I reminded him Then he remembered that he was still wearing armor."

Qingyin laughed when he heard this. He had seen Zhang Weijing wearing armor. If he was not fighting, wearing such a suit would indeed be a bit silly.

Zhang Ain glared at the big man and said, "On this matter, you made fun of me twice." The big man nodded and said, "I know, if there is a chance in the future, there will be a third time."

"The third time you lost your head." Zhang Ain grabbed the bottle and started drinking.

Qingyin reconciled and said: "Stop making trouble and tell me about the situation on the mountain. I can't grow fruits at the bottom of the mountain all my life. If I have the chance, I have to climb up."

Hearing this, Zhang Ain thought about it and said: "The mountain is actually quite boring and dangerous. The mythical beasts on the mountain are all crazy. They fight when they see people. If I didn't have the heart of God to protect me, I would have died a hundred and eighty times." "

Qingyin was a little surprised and asked: "Is it so dangerous? How far have you reached?" In the past, people also went to the sacred mountain, such as the once-a-decade towering ceremony. Many gods went up there, and most of them were okay, but only a few. The unlucky ones will be attacked by the mythical beasts, and only a few of the unlucky ones who are attacked will die.

Zhang Ain replied: "On the twenty-sixth floor, when the big man found me, he said that I had already reached the thirtieth floor, but no matter what, the higher you go up, the more powerful the mythical beasts are. I don't want to go there anymore. ”

"You reached the 30th floor?" Qingyin was completely shocked. A low-level god who has only been in the God Realm for more than six years can actually reach the 30th level in one breath? I really can't believe it. Qingyin stared at Zhang Ai with wide eyes. After looking at him for a long time, she sighed softly and said, "You are still the best."

The big man interjected: "What a great guy. If he didn't have the heart of God, he would be nothing. He would have rolled down the mountain a long time ago. Moreover, I asked him to go up the mountain so that he could realize his talents. After this guy went up the mountain, the sky was everywhere. Escape, I don’t feel any talent, it’s all a mess.”

Qingyin said: "If you don't understand it, then you don't understand it. Being able to reach the 30th level of heaven is better than any innate ability." Zhang Ain corrected: "It's not the 30th level of heaven. We started from the 20th level. Returned from the Sixth Heaven."

Qingyin smiled softly, a little lonely in her smile, but she didn't dwell on the problem anymore.

When Zhang Ai saw it, I didn't want to talk about this. In the end, I still talked about these things, so he had to continue: "The mountain is really not interesting. If you want to go to the twenty-sixth heaven, I will take you there in the future."

Qingyin shook his head and said, "What are you going up there for? The gods on each level have their own houses, which are a symbol of strength. If I go up there with you, I won't be qualified to build houses, and I will be embarrassed to stay there to lose face."

When Zhang Wen heard this, he said the wrong thing again. He quickly changed the subject and asked, "Are the two little guys obedient? Did they make any trouble?" Qingyin shook her head and said, "No, they knew that the big guy was going to save you, so Very honest, never leaving the cellar." The voice was very calm, still carrying a sense of loneliness.

Zhang Weijing pretended not to hear, picked up the two little guys and said, "They are really good, that's right." The big man sighed: "You have two ferocious beasts, you have raised them as pets, why should you be good?" Zhang Ai said seriously: "I am immortal now. If I can make them so happy for a lifetime, so what if I am a pet?"

The big man was about to refute him, but suddenly his mind moved and he quickly stood up and looked helplessly to the north.

Seeing the big man acting like this, he must be a master. Zhang Ain and Qingyin stood up and didn't say anything, just being careful and vigilant.

After a moment, a familiar figure appeared in front of them. She has a delicate appearance, a head full of white hair, and a tall figure. She wears a white silk robe, looks clear and noble, and looks very extraordinary.

Seeing this person, Zhang Ain sighed and said, "Why are you here again?" The big man then asked, "That's right, why are you here again?"

The person who came was an old madman, the old madman who once threw Zhang Wan into the Immortal Well to suffer punishment. Hearing the two people talking one after another, he looked at the food and wine on the floor and asked with a smile: "The guests are here, why don't you invite them to drink a few drinks?"

The big man replied coldly: "Who is the guest? Are you the guest?"

The big man's words were rude, and the old lunatic's expression remained unchanged. For people of his level, it was not a question of intangible emotions and anger, but that most of the things in the world were no longer in their eyes. To put it bluntly, there is nothing worth looking at. No matter whether he is angry or laughing at him, the old madman will not care. He only cares about his own feelings.

For example, if a big man provokes him, the old lunatic will think about the consequences of provoking him, and either fight or not fight, but he will not think about the reasons. And even if it's a fight, just fight or kill, he will never get angry, his face will remain calm, and there will be no other expression.

Therefore, even though the big man was very rude, the old madman smiled slightly and said, "Don't look at me like that. I'm not here to fight. Can you give me your seat?"

(To be continued 89 Free Novel Reading "")

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