The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1596 Watching the Rain

ish Chapter 1596 Watching the Rain

Zhang Ai laughed and asked, "Drinking?" Zhang Tianfang raised his eyebrows and sighed, "I haven't had any spiritual wine in a few days." Zhang Ai's heart trembled. This lunatic was so devoted to taking care of others that he even drank. He didn't even drink it, so he asked, "Have you drunk all the spiritual wine?" Zhang Tianfang shook his head and said, "It's not that I drank it, I sold all the spiritual wine, and with the money I bought this piece of land."

When they were at Tianlei Mountain, Ruiyuan said that he was farming. Zhang was afraid that he thought he was helping others, so he didn't care. When he heard this, he realized that this guy had actually bought a large piece of land, and asked casually: " Are you tired?"

"It's tiring. It's tiring to sell spiritual wine to cultivators, and it's even more tiring to buy land from the hands of the common people." Zhang Tianfang nodded and said. There are always people who don't want to sell, so Zhang Tianfang can only increase the price, double, triple, or even ten times to buy it. He has to negotiate, and after buying the land, he has to go to the Yamen to register the title deed, which is definitely troublesome and tiring.

"Why did you buy so much land? How big is it?" Zhang Ain asked curiously.

Zhang Tianfang casually replied: "It's not big, maybe as big as a dozen Changcheng cities? I haven't calculated it specifically. Who knows what that thing is for? Anyway, this land is mine, and it is all used to grow food."

"What do you want to do?" Zhang was afraid that he could guess what he was thinking, but he still asked one more question. Changcheng is a city in the Yue Kingdom, not far from Tianlei Mountain. It is barely a prosperous capital with a population of over one million. Zhang Tianfang's land is as big as a dozen Changcheng cities, which shows that it is very huge.

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to grow food. This is the second year. I heard from Lao Zhang and the others that they wanted to cultivate the land. Last year, they cultivated the land for a year, but nothing was planted. By the way, Lao Zhang and the others are working for me. , Just farm, there are tens of thousands of people working for me in this area, and the wages are food," Zhang Tianfang said calmly.

By this time, Zhang Ai completely understood what Zhang Tianfang was thinking, and he couldn't help but admire in his heart that at the beginning, a big man who didn't care about anything and only knew how to do things according to his temper was now doing good deeds for the hardworking people wholeheartedly. No wonder he was killed by Buddha. He is the person chosen by Buddha.

Thinking of the Buddha, Zhang Ping sighed secretly. The so-called Buddha realm is just a starry sky below the God Realm. The boss among them, the Buddha in the mouth of the Buddhist cultivator, once caused trouble for himself. If we simply talk about the two people's states of mind, Now Zhang Tianfang is more like Buddha. This guy has not done anything wrong for a long time, even if it is an unintentional mistake. He only works hard to serve the poor people at the lowest level.

Thinking of this, Zhang Awei asked softly: "Do you want to become a Buddha?" Zhang Tianfang was stunned for a moment, then casually replied: "Why do you want to become that thing?" Zhang Awei laughed loudly: "You're right, we can't become that thing. Son."

If what they said was heard by a Buddhist cultivator, it would definitely cause an uproar, which would be a great disrespect to the Buddha. But they didn't care at all, they just talked about some great existence like a joke.

Zhang Tianfang said: "Stop talking nonsense, where's the wine?" Zhang Ain smiled and took out a pile of spiritual wine. These wines were just asked by Lin Sen when he returned to the mountain, and he took them all out now. Zhang Tianfang asked, "Aren't you going to keep some?" Zhang Ping smiled and said, "Are you lying? You go to such great lengths to say something, as long as I keep a little?" Zhang Tianfang didn't care what he said, put away the spirit wine and said: "If you love to stay or not, drink."

After only taking a few sips, Zhang Tianfang said: "It's a pity that Fang Jian didn't come." Zhang Wen thought about it and replied seriously: "Everyone has different pursuits. He has his own ideas, and so do you. We are just in a certain place. We meet at the same time, stay together for a few days, and then separate. It lasts for countless years, and no one can stay with someone forever."

Zhang Tianfang laughed and said casually: "Are you sick? Are you telling me this? Let's not talk about Fang Jian, just talk about the four women Song Yunyi. What are you going to do? Keep going like this?"

Zhang was stunned for a moment when he was afraid of being asked, and replied casually: "You are the only one who is sick and drinks alcohol."

The two of them were drinking and talking nonsense, as if they were back to the old days. i But now the two rarely see each other, let alone stay together. Seeing Zhang Tianfang doing good things for the people for several years, Zhang Weijing would always feel worried, but he still persuaded him: "There is no need to be so tired?"

Zhang Tianfang shook his head and said: "Actually, it's not that I'm tired, it's that I'm annoyed. I do the same thing every day, and do it endlessly. Even if I do good things, I feel annoyed if I do it every day. Sometimes I want to be lazy, but I don't dare. I don’t know why, but there are always disasters in this vast land. Sometimes there are corruptions. Some people are in power, some have selfish desires, and sometimes they do wrong things. One of their slight decisions can ruin the lives of countless people. Last month, there was another flood across the river, causing over 10,000 casualties. I bought some food and clothing and sent them to the place in time, but then someone died again. Do you know how they died when the dam was blown upstream to release the water, and the water just escaped from the downstream? The troubled people returned to the flood and were swept to death. The reason was to protect the land and county town in the upper reaches. Because there were so many people there, the government said that after weighing the balance, they could only abandon the lower reaches, so those who had just escaped were killed. People died again. I just don’t understand. Even if the dam is destroyed, won’t the people downstream be notified in advance?”

Having said this, Zhang Tianfang took a sip of wine, put aside the flood incident, and sighed: "I don't want to be a good person, nor do I want to be a great man, but I have done a lot of good things, and people will always say that to me. I'm not used to it, and I don't want to be a great person." like."

Zhang Ai knew Zhang Tianfang very well and knew that what he was telling the truth was that this tall man with a big head was extremely shrewd, but he didn't like being shrewd. He would rather think about nothing and just want to live in ignorance all day long. It's a pity that many years have passed, and Zhang Tianfang has never been able to live the life he wanted. He runs around every day and works hard for many people he doesn't know.

In this regard, they are very similar. They both want to live a life without heart and soul, but unfortunately they cannot. Zhang Ain wants to live a quiet and peaceful life, but the fact is that there are always fights, endless fights.

Seeing that Zhang Tianfang was in a bad mood, Zhang Ping said: "During the flood, you always saved some people, right?"

Zhang Tianfang shook his head and said: "No, no one was saved, so I am angry. God is always unfair, and there will always be people who suffer, so I bought this land."

Zhang Tianfang had only one purpose in buying the land, to grow food and give it to the poor people for free. He received two bowls of rice a day. No matter how full he was, he only wanted to survive. After the food is harvested, he will ask the government to help and send all the beggars here. As for the useless people who are always good at eating and lazy to cook, he doesn't bother to identify them. Anyway, he only has two bowls of rice in the morning and at night. Anyone who likes to deceive can just come here. If any poor people are willing to come over, Zhang Tianfang fully welcomes them and can provide them with a place to live, as long as they help with farming.

After talking for a while, although Zhang Tianfang did not express his plans clearly, Zhang Ping had already guessed what he was doing. After thinking about it, he whispered: "You can't take care of them for the rest of your life."

Zhang Tianfang smiled and returned this sentence to Zhang Ai: "That's right, you can't take care of them for the rest of your life." The people Zhang Ai was talking about were poor people, and the people Zhang Tianfang was talking about were the ones Zhang Ai had taken care of and were still alive. I want to take care of people forever.

Zhang Wei also smiled: "No wonder I'm tired and annoyed." He didn't ask Zhang Tianfang why no one was saved during the flood, but there must be a reason.

Zhang Tianfang didn't say anything. He raised his glass and said, "Thank you for coming to see me." Zhang Ain replied, "That's right. You come too few times. It's true that you don't blame me." Zhang Tianfang laughed and suddenly became serious. Said: "I have grown up."

Of course Zhang Tianfang is an adult, and when he says he grows up, he means that he will stop messing around. Zhang was afraid of not admitting it, so he smiled and shook his head and said, "No." Zhang Tianfang laughed loudly and said, "Then no."

After laughing for a while and drinking some wine, Zhang Tianfang asked casually: "Is it interesting up there?" Judging from his attitude and tone, he didn't care about the things above at all, let alone envy, he just asked casually. Zhang Awei shook his head and said: "It's boring." Zhang Tianfang let out an ooh, and then asked: "When will you go back?"

Going back alone shows that everything is different. Now Zhang is afraid that he is from above. He has stayed there for a long time and can only come back occasionally to see his best friend, Zhang Tianfang.

Zhang was afraid of listening in silence, and suddenly didn't want to say anything. In his heart, no matter in heaven or on earth, Tianlei Mountain is always the first priority. Apart from the people in Tianlei Mountain, he still has many friends outside the Tianlei Mountain planet and in the starry sky, whom he has not seen for a long time. For example, Fourteen, such as Emperor Xi, such as the sanctuary on the other side of Xiguan.

At this time, the sun was setting in the west, it was getting late, and another day passed before our eyes. Suddenly a cool breeze blew between the sky and the earth. Looking up, there were dark clouds floating in the dark sky. Zhang Tianfang smiled and said: "It's going to rain."

Zhang Ain replied: "I haven't seen the rain in a long time. Do you have a place to live?" Zhang Tianfang shook his head and said: "I don't need a home."

Having said this, both of them looked at the sky with their wine glasses in hand, seeing dark clouds filling the sky, squeezing out the dusk and twilight in advance, and making the night come earlier. In this dark night, several thick dark clouds collided and rubbed against each other, and dazzling lightning flashed across the sky and hit the ground. After waiting for a while, thunder sounded in the air, and the crack seemed to be ringing in the ears. Then, it rained.

The raindrops were not too big at first, as if they were testing whether someone would stop them from falling. After a while, there was still no movement on the earth, but lightning flashed occasionally in the sky, and thunder followed. The rain became heavier, and the world was shaken, hitting Zhang Afraid and Zhang Tianfang, and also hitting the boundless rice fields. inside.

Both of them sat still, letting the heavy rain pour down on them. The difference was that Zhang Tianfang's hair and clothes quickly got wet, while Zhang Weifang's clothes were always dry.

Zhang Tianfang covered the wine glass with one hand, raised his head and said, "When I was chasing the Ghost Emperor, I asked you what was in the sky. I said that if I had the chance to fly up, what would be there? It's a pity that after so many years, I couldn't find it once. I haven't tried it before." As he spoke, he turned to look at Zhang Afraid. Seeing that this guy's clothes were dry, he raised his hand to wipe the rain off his face and said with a smile, "Don't be cool, it's very comfortable to pour it on."


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