The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1559 Old Crazy Ye Zi

Chapter 1559 Old Madman Ye Zi

He was confused. From the first heaven to the thirty-third heaven, there were thirty-two levels in between. Why couldn't he see those masters in the sky? All that can be seen are masters from the 33rd heaven?

In fact, speaking of it, this problem is easy to explain. When I first changed the spirit wine and elixir, all the masters from one to thirty-three days, as long as they had some treasures in their hands, had basically seen Zhang Afraid, and they knew Zhang Afraid. There is a big man next to you. Uploaded by netizens==Who would be willing to offend such a terrifying existence? Who eats too much and feels uncomfortable when nothing happens? So no matter what happens in the future, the masters from the first to the thirty-second heaven will deliberately bypass the star source. If there is a big man around, why can't we hide away if we can't offend him?

This question is very simple. You can figure out what's going on after just a little thought. But if you want to understand it, the endless emergence of thirty-three-day masters really makes Zhang afraid very depressed. A strong man who keeps looking for trouble would be a big headache for anyone.

It was so easy to get through it in Tou Da Zhong, but he finally got through to a master, a super master that even big men were a little afraid of. Zhang Weijie sighed softly, walked to the heart of God, then turned around and stood still, blocking the heart of God. The heart stands opposite to the man in white.

Seeing Zhang Awei's actions, the man in white was slightly surprised, then continued to smile gently, turned to look at the big man, and then faced Zhang Awei and said softly: "We need to discuss something."

What he said was discussion, but the command tone was very clear, and no resistance or refutation was allowed at all.

Zhang Fing didn't say anything. Since this guy looked at the Heart of God as soon as he appeared, he probably had an idea for him. If it was as he guessed, no matter what the man in white said, Zhang was afraid that he would not agree, so he didn't bother to speak.

Seeing that Zhang was silent, the man in white still smiled broadly and said softly: "This piece of iron is pretty good. I want it. Can you give it to me?"

Zhang Zhen didn't reply, so he just shook his head gently. The man in white smiled and asked, "Why?" as if he wanted to find out the reason. Zhang Ai still didn't speak. This time he didn't even shake his head. He just looked at the man in white calmly.

Although he had a vague feeling that this guy was very powerful, and there was also a sense of danger in the other person's deep and wise eyes, which made him cautious, Zhang Aipian insisted on looking at the other person calmly and insisted on not speaking.

Zhang was afraid of not speaking for a while, and the man in white was not angry, and continued: "I know this piece of iron is very troublesome, so I have to trouble you one more thing. Continue to take it with me and follow me. As long as you help me refine it successfully." , I will help you ascend to the 33rd Heaven." At this point, I specially explained: "It's not as simple as just going up. I will help you have the strength to ascend to the 33rd Heaven in the shortest time."

The man in white is very proud and confident. His words and actions cannot be refuted by the other party, and the conditions he offers are indeed amazing. No wonder he always speaks in an affirmative tone. With this advantage, as long as he is not strong enough to climb to the top of the world, Which god in the thirty-third heaven is not tempted? The man in white thought that Zhang Ai would not be able to escape this trap, so he confidently waited for Zhang Ai to agree.

In his view, the so-called persistence means that you don't pay enough and the price is not attractive enough. If you can provide enough conditions to attract the other party, how can there be any persistence?

Hearing the conditions offered by the man in white, Zhang Ai was stunned for a moment. He had only been in the God Realm for five years, and he had a chance to reach the top? Climb to the thirty-third heaven? Turning to look at Qingyin, this guy has been in the God Realm for at least hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or even longer, but his cultivation level is not comparable to his current self. Thinking about it now, he is actually quite pitiful. He had only been in the God Realm for five years, and the man in white dared to ask him to ascend to the 33rd heaven, but Qingyin didn't know when he would have this opportunity.

Thinking of this, he shook his head slightly and glanced at the big man. The guy was silent and had a calm expression. He didn't know what he was thinking, but it was obvious that he felt that what the man in white said was true, and it really helped Zhang Wen to log in quickly. The strength to reach the thirty-third heaven.

Seeing the big man's expression, Zhang Wen smiled helplessly. He didn't know who the man in white was. He completely despised the high sacred mountain that created difficulties for hundreds of millions of gods. In his mouth, it was as if he could come and go at will. Now he lowered his head and thought for a moment, then looked back at the Heart of God.

At this time, the Heart of God was protesting against him, threatening Zhang Awei in a childish tone, warning him not to do this! Zhang was afraid of being distracted and smiled and said yes.

Someone came to steal God's Heart. Zhang was afraid that he didn't want to hide it from him, so he used his soul to tell him everything the man in white had said. After a while, God's Heart became angry after hearing the whole story.

The Heart of God cannot hear people's words, nor can it see objects, but it has a powerful spiritual wisdom. During the war, spiritual wisdom is sent out to cover the battle situation. You can easily detect all the movements of divine energy and fight with them. It was different when speaking. The God's Heart without ears could not hear anything. It could only understand what was happening by relying on its own spiritual intelligence to communicate with Zhang Wei's soul.

Seeing that the Heart of God was threatening him, Zhang Aifeng secretly smiled to comfort him, but openly looked up at the man in white and said clearly: "I don't care about thirty-three days."

Now it was the man in white's turn to be surprised. A low-level god-man who had just come to the god world dared to talk to him like this and didn't care about what happened for thirty-three days. Is this person a fool or a madman? What exactly is going on?

There is no god in the world who doesn’t want to board the Thirty-Three Heavens, so why are there any exceptions? So after hearing Zhang Awei's answer, the man in white didn't give up and continued: "It's just a piece of iron stone. I can exchange it for anything you want. Immortal grass and elixir? Or rare beasts? As long as there is something on the sacred mountain. , just say it, I will definitely help you find it.”

Zhang Awei chuckled lightly and wondered why this guy couldn't understand what he said? Xing simply refused: "I'm sorry, I won't change." After many days of getting along, he established a deep relationship with the Heart of God, and he also treated this big piece of iron as a living thing, even as a friend. Of course Zhang Ping would not turn his friend into a magical weapon and hand it over to others.

Hearing Zhang Wei's frank refusal, the man in white didn't believe it, and then asked: "The thirty-third level is the highest existence in the entire God Realm. Those who can ascend to the thirty-third level are all super elites. You don't want to ascend?" Thirty-three days ago?”

Practitioners all have the so-called ambition to make progress, so some practitioners ascend to the divine realm and continue to practice hard. Unexpectedly, Zhang Ai was an exception and didn't care about the man in white.

Of course, he is not completely devoid of the so-called ambition, but his ambition must be based on the premise of not harming others. If he abandons his heart for the sake of so-called advancement, that is something he will never do. So he refused again: "I'm sorry, God's heart will never change."

After saying this, he walked to a distance with the big iron block in his arms and sat down, ignoring the man in white.

Seeing Zhang Weijing talking like this, the man in white's first reaction was that this man was bold enough to dare to reject him. But then I thought about it again, could it be that if I don’t get the heart of God, I have to beat this kid?

The man in white can sense the vitality in the Heart of God. This is the real Heart of God that he has always wanted to find. The artifact made from such materials must be extremely powerful, but Zhang Afraid refused, and he could not force Zhang Afraid to accept it. It was a bit difficult.

The reason is the Heart of God. The Heart of God now only recognizes Zhang Awei. If Zhang Awei is killed, the Heart of God will become scrap metal again, and all his hard work will be in vain. What if I beat Zhang Ying to make him surrender? After all, he has become a god, how can he be afraid of being beaten?

For a moment, Zhang was so afraid that he simply refused, causing the man in white to freeze, unable to think of any good solution. So he turned to look at the big man and said in a low voice: "Help me persuade you?" His voice was very soft and pleasant, with a natural echo that a god should have, soft and elegant.

Hearing that the man in white asked him to persuade Zhang Wei, the big man laughed and said at that time: "I don't have that ability."

It was Zhang who was afraid of rejection, but now it's the big man who refuses. The smile on the man in white's face finally disappeared, his eyebrows knitted together, his eyes fixed on the big man, wanting to know why he dared to reject her like this.

It's a pity that the big man didn't speak, he just stood quietly with a fearless attitude. The man in white chuckled and asked, "How long has it been since we last met?" It was the big man who asked. The big man replied casually: "I'm not sure, it's probably how many decades?" After hearing this, the man in white nodded slightly and said, "We haven't seen each other for just a few decades, but you don't remember me?"

The big man replied calmly: "Remember, how could I forget."

"Oh?" Hearing this, the man in white said, waiting for the big man to continue speaking. It's a pity that the big man only said half of the above sentence, and then he kept silent, as if he was mute.

Seeing this, the man in white nodded slightly. Looking at the big man's appearance, he knew that he had made up his mind to fight against him. Unless he planned to fight with him wildly, there was no need to provoke him at this time. He just smiled. He said to Zhang Afraid: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Ye Zi, others call me the old madman."

Is the man in white an old madman? During the past period, the big man accidentally mentioned the old madman's name. Zhang was afraid to ask curiously, but the big man only said that your current cultivation level is not enough, and you will tell him when you have the strength to ascend to the 33rd heaven.

It doesn't matter to Zhang Zhen, it's someone who has nothing to do with him anyway, and he doesn't care who he is. How could he have imagined that this fierce old lunatic would take the initiative to cause trouble for him?

The old madman Ye Zi spoke, and the big man suddenly said: "Stop fighting him. You also know the origin of the Heart of God. No matter how hard you try, it's useless. Why bother?"

Ye Zi frowned and said: "If you don't try it once, how will you know if it's not possible? As long as he is willing to help me with all his strength, I will definitely be able to refine this immortal weapon." The big man said again: "If you can't refine it, their two souls are connected together. , when you refine the heart of God, don’t you want to kill everyone as well?”

Hearing this, Zhang Weijing was startled, why? Refining the soul? There is no need to say anything, it must be rejected.

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