The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1560 Caught

Chapter 1560: Caught

After experiencing the pain of refining the hard iron sword, in the future, Zhang would avoid anything that involved refining the soul, and he would avoid it if he could. He would not get involved even if the Heart of God was a dead thing. Will agree to the old madman.

The old madman had his own plan. After listening to what the big man said, he said softly: "It doesn't matter, I have my own means to save his life."

Save my life? Even if you can save my life, I still have to suffer once. Zhang Ai is determined and just won't do it! What's more, it involves the heart of God, so he rushed to say: "I don't agree."

The old madman smiled and asked: "What are you not agreeing to?" Zhang Ain shook his head and said: "You don't agree to anything, please go back."

"Oh?" During the time when the old madman arrived, he was smiling most of the time, as if he had everything in the world under his control, showing strong self-confidence. At this time, he faced Zhang Wei with this smile and whispered Asked: "Don't make a decision in a hurry, think about it more before making a decision."

Zhang Awei shook his head firmly and said, "Don't think about it." The old madman laughed, turned to look at the big man, repeated the topic just now, and said softly: "Seriously, help me persuade him."

The big man laughed and repeated the previous answer, saying with a slight smile: "I don't have that ability."

Rejected again, the old madman still had a smile on his face and asked softly: "I heard that you are very protective of him?" He was talking about Zhang Ping. The big man didn't answer the question, but asked: "Yi Chen, Shu Ji, Mi Yan, and the white tiger, who told you?"

The old lunatic refused to leave the thirty-third heaven easily, and did not care about anything below the thirty-third heaven. This time, however, his purpose was clear, and he came straight to the heart of God. Someone must have tipped him off and sent him the news.

The old madman smiled and said: "It doesn't matter who it is, do you want to kill someone? Even if you want to kill someone, you have to wait until I have perfected the Heart of God." Listening to the meaning of his words, you must get the Heart of God today, otherwise Never leaving.

Zhang Ping then replied with a wry smile: "I know I can't beat you, but it doesn't matter. In short, I won't agree to it."

During this time, the old madman had been thinking about how to make Zhang Ain submit. Because of the weird characteristics of the Heart of God, he couldn't fight or kill him, which made him a little depressed. He was worried that after finally finding a rare treasure, it would accidentally turn into scrap metal. Wouldn't all his hard work be in vain?

The old madman can be said to be the top master in the God Realm, more tyrannical than the big man. He has seen a few pieces of God's Heart in his life. Unfortunately, it is either scrap metal or needs time to be warmed up, and even if it is warmed up, it will not It's just a very common weapon refining material, nothing too special. But the God's Heart in front of him was different. The vitality in it and the unique spiritual intelligence of the God Iron surprised him. Only such a thing deserves to be called the Heart of God, and only then can he refine top-level artifacts. The old madman didn't want to miss.

When he first received the news that Xingyuan had an enlightened heart of God, the old madman didn't believe it at all. He had lived for countless years and had never heard of such a thing, let alone seen or heard it. How could such a magical thing exist?

But the person who reported the message was very confident, saying that he had seen it with his own eyes, and that his enlightened God's heart was extremely powerful, so he went through this journey. As a result, he actually saw this good thing that could only be found in legends. .

At this time, seeing Zhang Wei's resolute attitude, the old madman chuckled and asked the big man softly: "What do you want to do?" The big man looked serious, with a cold glint in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to do?"

The old madman smiled again and asked in a casual tone: "You want to protect him?" The big man said coldly: "What do you think?" The old madman smiled and shook his head: "You can't beat me, why bother fighting with me? Am I right?" The big man didn't reply immediately. He stared at the old madman for a while and suddenly said: "You look so ugly when you smile."

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Fei had the same feeling. This guy who always smiled when he arrived was really hateful. That smile made him uncomfortable no matter how he looked at it.

But the old madman continued to smile indifferently, and continued to talk to the big man: "I want to take him away, and I hope you won't stop me."

When Zhang Wen heard this, he asked, "What's going on?" Before anything happened, I became a target and was about to be captured? At that time, he summoned the repaired Colorful Cloud Shield and wrapped the Sky Winding Silk in his hand, ready to deal with any eventuality.

The old madman glanced at him and said with a smile: "It's such a magical weapon that you ruined it." This means that today's colorful cloud shield is really bad. Zhang Ain's face turned red, but there was nothing he could do about it. Who knew he didn't know the secret to refining the colorful cloud shield?

In fact, strictly speaking, although the current cloud shield does not have as many changes as before, and the defense is slightly insufficient, the attack is more direct and the power is not weaker than before. The cloud shield was repaired by the Heart of God. Its attack methods and many changes were completely made according to its instincts. It was also completely in the style of the Heart of God, which was very different from the previous colorful cloud shield.

The big man knew the difference between the two types of cloud shields. Seeing the irony in the old madman's words, he felt a little unhappy. Things were obviously not getting better. He sighed and said, "Let's fight again." As he spoke, his body changed. A golden light burst out from the armor, and then the golden light was seen flying upwards. The big man took a stance and faced the enemy at high altitude.

The old madman smiled and said: "Why bother, you are no match for me." As he spoke, he flicked his hand and the sky turned into darkness. In an instant, the darkness dissipated and the sky was bright again, but the golden light outside the big man was no longer there. , his spell was easily broken by the old madman.

Zhang was afraid that when he saw it, the old madman was so powerful? The big man who no one in the God Realm wants to offend is just one move away from him? In order to prevent the big man from being injured, I immediately wanted to say, "I'll go with you."

But at this moment, the big man in the air said in a cold voice: "Do you only have these abilities? If you want to take him away, defeat me first."

The old madman smiled and sighed, a bit like the helpless feeling of watching a child causing trouble and not wanting to educate him, but having to educate him. He said softly: "I admit that it takes a little effort to defeat you, but if I really put in that much effort, It’s not as simple as knocking you down. I think it’s good now, so stop making trouble.”

The big man didn't say anything, and just rushed towards him fiercely. The old madman's figure flashed away, and he hid far away. He chuckled and said: "Why do you never know how to grow up? There are so many things in the world that you can't do without persistence. Yes, forget it, you won’t listen to anything you say, I’ll take him away and I won’t kill him for the time being. If you have the ability, just find him.”

Hearing these words, the big man was startled and turned to look at Zhang Awei. Fortunately, the stupid boy was still there. He felt relaxed. At the same time, he jumped over to protect Zhang Awei, but saw the sky and earth darken. Then it became bright again, just like when a person blinks his eyes, and there is a very short period of darkness in the day, but that darkness takes away Zhang Wei and the heart of God.

When the light came back, the old madman, Zhang Ai, and God's Heart were all gone. The big man was extremely angry, his eyes widened, he flew very high in the air and looked around, his spiritual thoughts rushed out wildly, searching for the breath of Zhang Afraid and the old madman everywhere, but he couldn't find it anywhere. It's like they've never been there.

The big man was going crazy with anger and anxiety. In the world of gods, only such a stupid fool could meet his eyes, but he was gone. It was hard to express the anxiety in his heart!

He is very proud, very individual, has difficulty getting along with others, and spends most of his life alone. Let's not talk about others, just Qingyin. If it weren't for Zhang Wei, it would be impossible for him to get along with Qingyin for a long time. Because of Zhang Wei, the big man can get along with many people and is no longer lonely. He has even become accustomed to the current life and feels that life is quite interesting even though he bickers and talks nonsense. But now, Zhang was afraid of being caught. Such a good person was always being bullied. The big man was extremely angry.

At this time, Qingyin had a look of surprise on her face, looking around like the big man, but after only looking for a while, she stopped searching and looked at the big man sadly, without saying a word, because he really didn't know what to say.

The big man didn't speak either, his face was sullen and his eyes were full of resentment. He just stared at a certain place and stopped looking. He knew that in such a long time, the old madman had disappeared.

After watching for a while, he suddenly raised his head and let out a roar. The roar was as loud as thunder, and it rolled across the sky and the earth. When the roar stopped, the big man disappeared. He flew to Thirty-Three Days to look for the old madman. If he still can't find it, he has to go find Yi Chen, Shu Ji, Mi Yan, and Bai Hu. He wants to find out who told the old madman the secret, and he will definitely not take it lightly!

In the blink of an eye, everyone had left, and only Qingyin was left in the huge star source.

It seemed a little difficult to accept what happened at this time. He stood alone for a long time, completely motionless. He seemed so lonely in this world of gods.

Since Zhang was afraid of being taken away, Xingyuan had to be guarded by someone, so Qingyin decided to stay, as she had done many years ago, meditating, dazing, and talking to herself.

He didn't know when Zhang Afraid would come back, he didn't know when the big man would come back, or even whether they could come back. He only knew that he should stay, and there was no need to notify and pick him up. He could just wait patiently alone, maybe in Wait for the little hope in your heart.

As a result, the three people who got along well separated. Qingyin stayed at Xingyuan, and the big man traced the whereabouts of the old madman. Zhang was afraid of being taken away by the old madman and was taken to a place he didn't know where. Fortunately, there was a god. Be with your heart.

The moment the old madman decided to take action, the sky suddenly turned black, and the God's Heart, which was connected to Zhang Awei's heart, immediately sensed the fluctuation of divine energy and flew up in front of Zhang Awei. But the old madman didn't want to kill anyone at all, and he didn't want to get entangled with the Heart of God. In the dark night, he directly released something like a big bag, covering Zhang Tingwei. The speed was so fast that Zhang was afraid that he would not have time to react before he was already contained in the bag.

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