The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1558 White Hair and White Clothes

Chapter 1,558 White Hair and White Clothes

The gods couldn't exchange for the spiritual wine, and the family members they brought up with them couldn't get the spiritual wine either. In this way, including those cultivators who have no support, most of the cultivators in the city in the world have no chance to obtain the spiritual wine and elixir.

If they can't get the spiritual wine or elixir, someone will always be able to get it. Because of Zhang Wei's generosity and wealth, there are many cultivators who have obtained the spirit wine. With the help of the spirit wine and elixir, these people can practice and increase their cultivation level quickly.

The problem is that Jie Zhong City is not a peaceful place. The major families in the city have existed for a long time, and there are always gaps between them. To put it bluntly, many cultivators in the city have enemies. In the past, enemies were enemies, and fights were fights. It was no big deal. Win or lose, as long as you didn't die, you would always have a chance next time. Even if there is no chance, many masters will not be created at once.

It's different now. Some cultivators in the city have the help of spiritual pills to quickly improve their cultivation. Their cultivation will become higher and higher, and there will be more and more masters. As a result, their rival gangs naturally couldn't stand it anymore.

Although there are many gods stationed outside the city, each looking after his own family disciples, those gods have nothing to do with most of the cultivators in Jiezhong City, and these people have no support. If the current situation is allowed to continue to develop, most of the cultivators who have no support will be trampled under their feet and will never recover. The reason is that Zhang is afraid that the large amount of spiritual wine and elixir brought by Zhang will destroy the balance of the city within the boundary.

A person who has no long-term worries must have immediate worries. Seeing that his opponent is slowly getting stronger, he can only sit back and watch. Most of the cultivators in the city have quit, and no one would do it if it were him. We all have a grudge, so instead of waiting for you to become stronger and deal with me in the future, it is better to fight with you now. Although there are gods in the city looking after those families or gangs. However, most of the cultivators in the city no longer cared about the threat of these masters of gods and began to decide to take action. In addition, it is a battle between cultivators in the city, and gods cannot easily intervene. This has been an unwritten rule of the city in the world for countless years, and most cultivators have gained confidence.

So after more than a year of careful preparations, provocations and assassinations began to occur in Jiezhongcheng. This time, the scope involved is wider, not only those cultivators who have no reliance, but also cultivators who have reliance behind them, but this reliance failed to exchange for spiritual wine. Their goal is to exchange Golden Dragon, White Fairy, etc. The relatives of masters of spiritual wine.

Fairy Bai and others went to live on the outskirts of Jie Zhong City. Their original intention was to protect the gods and masters behind the forces from attacking their own disciples and avoid all kinds of troubles. Unexpectedly, the first person to cause trouble was a group of helpless low-level cultivators.

When this happens, the major gods and masters have to stop fighting temporarily and barely maintain a kind of peace. Compared with the feud between gods and humans, maintaining peace in the divine world is the most important. Therefore, the counterattack of the downtrodden cultivators in the World City would shock people, forcing the gods and masters to stop their actions one after another. However, no matter how shocked they were, they could not directly kill the low-level cultivators, so they had to cast spells to kill the disciples of each family. Received outside the city for protection. In this way, the city within the realm calmed down again.

The city within the realm calmed down again, and the gods and masters began to think about countermeasures. They could not always protect their disciples in the city, so they would use various methods to warn, threaten, bribe or form alliances with most of the cultivators who caused the unrest. Method, in short, to calm down the matter. This is the general situation of the city in the world at this time.

This is what Qingyin heard in Tiancheng. When she came back and told Zhang Awei and the big man, the big man looked at Zhang Awei and laughed. Zhang Awei said depressedly: "Why are you laughing?" The big man smiled and asked: "How long have you been here? Zhang Wei asked casually: "How long has it been since you came?" The big man still said with a smile: "How long have you been in the God Realm?" Zhang Wei sighed: "Five years, what?"

The big man laughed and exclaimed: "I have only been here for five years, and you see that you have ruined the world of gods." Zhang was afraid that he would not be happy, so he protested: "Why is it mine?" The big man said, "It's not you. Who? Fortunately, you have only been here for five years and are still in the realm. Otherwise, the entire God Realm would have been in continuous war." After saying this, he approached Zhang Ain and pretended to whisper: "Tell me secretly, you are. Isn't it the God of Destruction in this world? Whoever encounters you will be unlucky? Or he is the God of Trouble, causing trouble wherever he goes; or he may be the God of Death..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhang Afraid: "I am your god!" The big man shook his head solemnly: "This is impossible."

"It's impossible for you to be stupid. If I were to become a bad person, how come you haven't been unlucky yet?" Zhang said angrily.

The big man shook his head seriously and said: "Who says I'm not unlucky? Since I met you, I've been fighting almost every day, every day, and it's annoying me to death. If it weren't for me, I'm so powerful, so fierce, so good at fighting, and so versatile. There is no rival in the world, he is the number one in the God Realm, well, countless masters have been killed long ago.”

The big man boasted about himself crazily, with a serious expression on his face, as if what he said was all the truth. Zhang Weiwei interrupted and said: "Fighting every day?" The big man coughed lightly and said: "It's just an exaggeration, anyway, we often fight." At this point, he looked at Qingyin and continued: "Don't talk about me, just Speaking of Qingyin, since he met you, he has a family and cannot return, and is trapped in Xingyuan every day. How miserable it is to tell him, right, Qingyin? "

ah? Qingyin was listening to the big man's nonsense when he suddenly turned the conversation to her. She quickly looked at Zhang Awei and saw that the guy's expression was a little wrong. She shook her head and said, "Actually, it's like this. I've been here for more than a year. In two years, I got a fairy vine. If I were to find it by myself, it would be impossible if I didn't have it for thousands of years. So for me, it should be considered good luck, and it is very good luck. "

Hearing this, the big man said angrily: "Traitor, return the Immortal Vine to me." Qingyin shook her head and said: "You take something back to someone else?" The big man said: "I'll take it with you." Qingyin replied. He said: "I won't bring it here."

The two of them talked nonsense, and Zhang was afraid of being silent. He knew that the big man meant no harm and just wanted to tease him; he also knew that Qingyin was speaking for him. But when I think about everything carefully, it turns out that it is as the big man said. He has been in the God Realm for five years. In just five years, he has turned the peaceful God Realm and Kuanhe God Man he talked about into aggressive and warlike people. The cultivator of the lower realm. Although the predecessors of most gods were like this before they ascended, they were crazy cultivators who kept killing each other, but this is the divine world. After coming here, everyone has changed. They are no longer the mortals they were before, but God, who is so high above us, why would he change back to the way he was before?

Thinking of this, he smiled bitterly. It was because he had broken the balance of the city within the world that the God Realm became a little chaotic.

Seeing Zhang Yan's downcast expression, the big man stopped joking and said to him: "Okay, okay, stop thinking about it. They are willing to fight. It's none of your business. If you worry about everything, you will be exhausted."

Zhang expressed his gratitude, then thought about it and asked, "Was the God Realm quite peaceful before I came here?"

When he first ascended, the guide who led him in simply said that the world of gods is very peaceful, and he did meet some peaceful people. However, he did not expect that the things he encountered later became more and more unpeaceful, and he was either beaten or killed.

But it’s easy to understand. Clay figures also have tempers, not to mention the masters of gods and men. Who hasn’t survived through thousands of battles? A few fights are considered normal. But the problem is that the reason why these gods are fighting is related to Zhang Ai. It is even because his elixir and spirit wine intensified the conflicts among the cultivators in Jie Zhongcheng, and they started fighting in chaos, so Zhang Ai will feel a little uncomfortable. .

Now, when he asked the question, the big man did not answer the question directly. Instead, he shook his head slightly and said, "Why do you want to do this? Do you want to go to Jiezhong City to resolve the dispute?" Zhang Ain replied: "No." The big man said: "Then it's over. What they beat them has nothing to do with you; you don't want to take over the matter, and there's no need to think about it. As before, just do what you have to do and don't worry about it."

Okay, Zhang Wei smiled helplessly. The big man continued: "Don't talk about others, just talk about yourself. How busy are you with so many things every day? You still have time to think about others, it's superfluous!"

Okay, I'm superfluous. Zhang Weijing smiled helplessly again. Just when he was about to speak, a man suddenly appeared in front of him. He looked pretty, but he had white hair, a tall figure, and was wearing a white silk robe. The belt of my clothes catches the wind, and just standing still makes me feel like I'm out of this world. According to ordinary people's understanding, such a person is a true god, and he looks extraordinary.

After the man in white appeared, he glanced at the big man, then glanced at Zhang Afraid and Qingyin, and finally locked his eyes on the Heart of God, and just looked at it without moving for a long time.

As soon as the man in white appeared, the big man suddenly became alert and looked at him quietly with an unprecedented caution. The look in his eyes was very complicated, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The first impression given by the man in white is that of gentleness, with a faint smile on his face, and his clear but deep black eyes, which hide infinite wisdom. When he saw Zhang Awei, Zhang Awei felt as if he had been swept by countless spiritual thoughts, seeing his body thoroughly, and nothing could be hidden from him. In fact, the man in white just took a glance.

After taking one look at it, it seemed that he had some understanding of Zhang Ping, but he ignored him and stared at the heart of God, as if he could see the flowers. He just stared at it.

Zhang was afraid that something was wrong, who was this person? Why didn't the big man say anything? What does he want to do? Why are you staring at the Heart of God?

A series of questions flashed through his mind, and he turned to look at the big man, hoping he could give an explanation.

Seeing him looking over, the big man smiled bitterly and whispered: "I should turn into a crow." Zhang was afraid that he didn't understand for a moment and asked: "What do you mean?" The big man explained: "I just said that you are everything every day. That’s right, it’s a typical crow’s mouth.”

Hearing this explanation, Zhang Weijing's heart skipped a beat. Even the big man had this tone. The man in white must not be easy to mess with! At the moment, I felt very emotional about my luck. Why did I meet a master as soon as something happened? Why is it that whenever you meet a master, you become a super master on the Thirty-three Heavens?

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