The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1557 Leave after getting hurt

Chapter 1557: Leave after getting hurt

At this time, a big unicorn beast said: "Brother Taoist, please bring these two little guys to fellow Taoist Zhang Ai and ask him to help take care of them."

When the big man heard this, it was really troublesome, and he said casually: "Why didn't you say anything just now?" As he spoke, he threw the two little guys on his back, and disappeared in a flash.

The two little guys were extremely difficult to deal with, jumping around and screaming on his back. The big guy didn't know them as well, so he just pretended that he didn't hear or feel them, and trapped them on his back with great force, and quickly When he came to Xingyuan, he threw the two little guys to Zhang Ain and said, "Watch them, don't let them bother me."

As soon as he saw the two little ones, Zhang was very happy and hurriedly took out the fairy wine to entertain them, and also threw a bottle to the Heart of God. The big man looked very dissatisfied and asked depressedly: "Why don't you have mine?" Zhang Ping smiled and said casually: "Why are you arguing with them?" As he spoke, he took out a few bottles of fairy wine and sent them to the big man. The big man said angrily: "We just have to fight. If we don't fight, I can only drink juice."

When Zhang was afraid of making wine, he squeezed juice from fresh fruits and mixed it with wine. The big man drank a lot.

Hearing what the big man said, Zhang Yin smiled and said: "If I were asked to choose, I would rather drink juice and jam than drink alcohol." The big man said with disdain: "What do you know?"

"Okay, I don't understand anything." Zhang Awei muttered casually and turned his attention back to the two little beasts. The two little guys are weak, and they must take a lot of Changyang herbs to make up for their physical deficiencies, and then they can improve their cultivation and strengthen their strength. Otherwise, they will be as weak and unable to grow as they are now.

Looking at their cute looks, Zhang Wen suddenly felt that there was no need to heal. It would be a good thing if they could continue to be happy like this. At least they wouldn't have to think about too many things. Just like the pigs and kittens in Tianlei Mountain, they would be just like them all day long. Isn't it good to eat, drink and have fun?

Seeing Zhang Awei staring at the little beast, the big man misunderstood and said, "Don't look at it. If I look at you again, you won't be able to part with Yun Tian Shen." He thought Zhang Awei wanted the two little beasts to become stronger.

Zhang was afraid that he had had this idea before, even now. If he had the opportunity to cure the little beast, he would definitely do his best, so he asked with a smile: "What did you find when you went to the sacred mountain?" It is best to have a senior Changyang Immortal. Damn it, two little guys can heal the injury.

After staying with him for so long since the fight, I didn't want to ask this question until now. The big man was very dissatisfied and said casually: "I found a fairy vine for Qingyin and a few herbs. You want No?" Zhang Ping smiled and said, "If you give it, I'll take it." The big man said angrily, "I won't give it to you."

Zhang Ping just looked at him with a smile and said nothing. After looking at it for a long time, the big man sighed and said, "I owe you." As he spoke, more than a dozen herbs appeared in front of Zhang Weijing, most of which were more than a thousand years old. After Zhang Weijing put them away, he thanked you and asked, "Anything else?" No more?" I thought, it seems that without the Changyang fairy grass, the two little guys can't heal their injuries. The big man said angrily: "Who do you think I am? It's not easy to find these herbs."

Zhang Ainen laughed and said: "It's not easy. How many years have I been here? It feels like every day lasts like a year. If I had to endure it for thousands of years, I might drive myself crazy."

After hearing this, the big man said a very philosophical statement: "Because your heart is not here, it feels long."

Zhang Ai was stunned when he heard this. Yes, of course his heart is not here. Speaking of which, I haven't been back to Tianlei Mountain for a long time, and I miss it somewhat. He looked up at the two little beasts and then at the Heart of God, wondering how he could go back again.

The Heart of God becomes dependent on him and refuses to leave even half a step away. Zhang is especially afraid of Yuanshen and must always be entangled with the wisdom of the Heart of God. In this way, the big iron block will not feel lonely.

But now, there are two more little beasts. Zhang is afraid that he will know that the big unicorn beast is recovering from his injuries and has no time to take care of the little beasts, so he will let the two little guys follow him. For this reason, Zhang was afraid that he would not be able to leave them alone, so he had to take good care of them.

In this way, Zhang was afraid that he could not leave the God Realm without authorization, so he played with the Heart of God and the two little beasts all day long. This play lasted for a month. A month later, Qi Xin and two large unicorn beasts came to Xingyuan.

After a month of recovery, one person and two beasts have fully recovered, but the strength of the two beasts is not as good as before. It will take several years to return to their previous bravery. Compared to the two Qilin beasts, Qi Xin's injuries were nothing. He lost an arm in the battle and went to the Soul Transformation Pond to re-concentrate. After his limbs became healthy, he stepped up his time to practice. In just one month, his cultivation level improved even further, which was barely considered a blessing.

Seeing the three of them coming over, Zhang Awei immediately became depressed. The two little beasts seemed to be sensing something. They were jumping lively, but suddenly they became quiet. They stood and looked at the big unicorn beast not far away, and then looked at Zhang Awei. After all, blood is thicker than water, and the two little guys faced their parents one after another.

Seeing the little beasts leaving again, Zhang Wen smiled bitterly and thought that was fine, as he no longer had to worry about their safety.

Qi Xin led the Qilin Beast over, and solemnly thanked the big man, Zhang Ai, and the big iron block. He took out a piece of blue casting material that shone with golden light and said, "I can't thank you enough for your kindness. I really don't have much to offer." This piece of blue gold is pretty good. It can be used to refine artifacts, so I’ll give it to fellow Taoists. I hope you don’t dislike it.”

Zhang Weijing wanted to refuse, but then he thought, if he didn't want it, he didn't know what Qi Xin would think. Did he think he wanted the little unicorn? He took it with a smile, put it away after saying thanks, and then said nothing.

He really didn't know what to say, his heart was full of reluctance, and he couldn't force the little beast to stay, so he had to remain silent.

Qi Xin added: "Qi has written down what happened this time. If you have any errands in the future, just give instructions." As he spoke, he took out a handful of communication beads, which were very similar to the ones that Jie Yin once gave to Zhang Ping. In the God Realm, as long as the distance is not too far, the owner of the communication bead will sense it immediately if it is crushed.

Seeing that he took out a large handful as soon as he took it out, Zhang was afraid that he would be a little touched, so he did not shirk it at the moment and said thank you after putting it away.

At this point, the next step is to say goodbye. Qi Xin clasped his fists and said: "I have been harassed for many days, and Qi is deeply frightened, so I say goodbye. Again, if there is anything to do in the future, just give me the instructions." He spoke slightly. Bowing, he took the Qilin Beast into the air and left.

Qi Xin deliberately didn't mention the two little beasts because he was worried that Zhang Yan would ask for them. If Zhang Wenzhen really opens his mouth, will you give it or not? After all, he was his savior. The four Qilin beasts and Qi Xin's own life were all saved by Zhang Weifang, who was afraid of the big piece of iron next to him. If he made this request, how could he refuse?

So Qi Xin didn't mention it and left quickly after saying goodbye, fearing that Zhang would make such a request.

Watching the two little guys leave, Zhang Wen sighed helplessly. Although he really wanted them to stay, he knew that the two big unicorn beasts wanted the two little ones to stay with him even more, so he just endured without saying a word. It wasn't until Qi Xin disappeared without a trace that he sat down with a sigh and asked the big man, "Do you want to drink?"

The big man laughed and asked, "How much more wine is there?"

Zhang Ai once had countless immortal wines, but this guy could really waste them. If nothing else, the wine he only used to feed the Heart of God could probably fill an ocean. This is also the main reason why the Heart of God can become stronger.

Hearing the big man's question, Zhang Ping said casually: "Do you want to drink or not?" He took out a bottle of wine, sat down with the Heart of God, and drank slowly alone. The big man hurriedly sat across from him and said, "When did I say I won't drink anymore? Get the wine quickly."

In the past month, Zhang Ain has been guarding Xingyuan. Qingyin went to the bookstore to read for a few days, stayed in the orchard for a few days after coming down from the mountain, then went back to her own orchard for a few days, and then flew to Tiancheng to find some materials to use with the Immortal Vine to refine the weapon.

In fact, you can refine a very good artifact with Immortal Vine, but if you have several other precious materials, after refining them together, the artifact will be even more powerful, so Qingyin will go to Tiancheng with the idea of ​​getting lucky. One trip.

He was gone for many days and didn't come back until today. When he came back, he saw Zhang Wen and the big man drinking. He fell next to them and said, "The matter in Jie Zhong City has become a big deal."

After hearing this, the big man looked at him and said, "Did you hear the news in Tiancheng?" Qingyin nodded and said, "I heard that there are battlefields everywhere outside the city in Jiezhong, and there are often fights."

The big man said indifferently: "Let's fight, they are not afraid of death, you don't care about that."

The main reason why the fighting situation in Jie Zhong City is becoming more and more serious is Zhang Ai's spiritual wine and elixir. Because Zhang was afraid that he had all the good things in his hands, after exchanging these things, in just two years, several monks who had obtained the spirit wine and spirit pills successfully advanced to the next level, and their cultivation levels were much higher than those of the cultivators in the city.

Seeing how useful the spiritual wine and elixir were, the cultivators in the city became crazy and practiced hard every day. It's just that most of these hard-working cultivators have spiritual wine and elixirs in their hands, which makes it much easier to practice. However, in the entire city within the realm, most people do not have the spiritual wine or elixir.

All cultivators who possess spiritual elixirs have one thing in common: they have people in the divine world and are willing to take care of them.

The God Realm has existed for countless years, and there are countless gods and men who have ascended and brought countless relatives with them. However, gods and men will fight among themselves and fight because of conflicts, so there will be various situations such as death or disappearance, which means that there are always gods and men disappearing.

These gods and men disappeared, and naturally no one took care of the relatives they brought with them. As time went by, a large number of such cultivators appeared in Jie Zhongcheng. They had no support and struggled entirely on their own strength.

Zhang was afraid that the last time he had a crazy exchange of spiritual wine, he exchanged countless spiritual wines and elixirs, but these cultivators could not exchange them at all.

In addition, apart from them, there are many cultivators who rely on masters of gods and men who also have no chance to obtain spiritual wine and elixir.

The God Realm is full of gods and men, but not everyone who gets into the God Realm has great abilities and can obtain good things in exchange for spiritual wine. In fact, most of the gods and men in the God Realm belong to a state of poverty. Even if those people have some materials or elixirs, they cannot meet Zhang Wei's requirements, and they cannot exchange them for spiritual wine... q

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