The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1527: Coaxing the Iron Block

Chapter 1527: Coaxing the Iron Block

After resting for a day in a coma, at dawn, another man of God arrived. The god-man held on to a small hope, imagining that Zhang was still afraid of the spiritual wine, so he went through this journey. Just like Zhang Ain held on to a small hope, imagining that he would succeed in warming his mind.

Looking at the god-man, Zhang Ao pointed to the tall stone tablet and said, "I'm late. I really don't have any spiritual wine."

The god just fell down and heard these words before he opened his mouth. At that time, he let out a long sigh, clasped his fists at Zhang Awei, Big Man, and Qingyin and said, "Excuse me." His body rose into the air, and in a moment Disappear.

Seeing the man of God simply leave, although it contains a lot of helplessness, it is not a kind of freedom. Zhang Ai stopped and looked in that direction from a distance. He stood for a while and said softly: "He can be free and easy, but I can't."

After saying that, he covered his heart of peace with a barrier and continued to drink from the big iron block. While Zhang Wen was pouring wine, he used his soul to frantically entangle the spiritual intelligence in the heart of God. No matter how that spiritual intelligence reacted, Zhang Wen must impress it.

It took a month to warm up this time, and stopped again after one month. He is now slowly pouring wine bottle after bottle into the Heart of God to swallow. After a month of continuous pouring, half of the fairy wine he exchanged last time has been used up.

This month, the heart of God has gradually become stronger, and the mind has become clearer and more powerful. It's a pity that it is getting stronger, but Zhang is afraid that there is no progress. He kept nagging and talking nonsense all day long, but in the end he couldn't move it. The heart of God is still the heart of God, but he likes Zhang slightly and fears it a little more.

When Zhang Ain stopped pouring wine and took back his soul, the heart of the god buzzed, seeming a little unhappy. Zhang Ai just pretended not to see him, took back his consciousness, removed the barrier, and continued to sleep.

He took away the barrier, and there were still the big man and Qingyin outside. They saw Zhang Awei lying on the ground. The two of them scanned his body with their spiritual thoughts. After knowing that everything was okay, they both sighed, "Why bother?"

The big man came over and took a closer look at Zhang Ao's face, and then looked at God's Heart. After seven days of infusion of fairy wine last time and more than a month this time, the surface of God's Heart had changed, and there was a faint golden light shining in the darkness.

He didn't understand what was going on with this change, so he only took a few glances, then sat down next to Zhang Awei, thought for a moment, and asked Qingyin, "What do you use for fighting?" Qingyin smiled bitterly and took out a branch and said, "That's it." The big man looked at it carefully and whispered, "I'll give you a fairy vine in a few days."

Seeing that Zhang Wen is full of good things, and there are endless good things, Qingyin will naturally be a little envious, but he refuses to say anything. Instead, he works hard every day to help tidy up the orchard and talks to the big man. The big man feels that he cannot treat him badly. he.

Hearing this, Qingyin was overjoyed and thanked her profusely. The big man said softly: "It's too late to thank you after I get it back." Qingyin said: "Feelings are more important than things. Just with these words, I have to thank you. Big man, I will drink with you."

The two of them drank and chatted, and Zhang Wei woke up three hours later. The big man said: "Keep sleeping, what are you doing when you get up?" Zhang Ain shook his head and said: "Did I do something stupid?" The big man said with a smile: "Finally I know? What did you say you did since you came to the God Realm? Isn’t it stupid?”

If it were in the past, Zhang Afraid would definitely argue with him, but at this moment, he was in no mood at all. After listening to the big man's words, he thought about it seriously and said, "I decided to deal with Tian Juansi first."

"Still doing it? Aren't you tired?" the big man blurted out. Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "I have been in the God Realm for four years and I am still the same as when I first came here. How is this allowed?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. Just do it if you want to do it. Why do you think so much?" The big man's temperament is completely different from that of ordinary cultivators. Cultivators have to do things carefully, but he does it according to his temper. He doesn't care about anything else, so he has few friends, and that's why he can get along with Zhang Wen.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't answer, so he looked down at the small piece of transparent silk thread on the little finger of his right hand, and then at the black iron block. After being a god for many years, he should have a way to save his life. He took out the jade slip given to him by the Golden Dragon and looked at it carefully. , according to his method, he uses his soul to melt the heavenly silk and makes it his own with all his strength. I just didn't expect that this fusion would last for three months, and it would take such a long time.

Three months later, the Tiantangsi could change at will in his hand, and could also be absorbed into the soul, and the fusion was successful. Zhang Ain breathed a long sigh of relief, put away the Tiantangsi, and thought of something in his mind. He has never used his natal bones since he became a god. Now that he is a god, his natal bones should be refined again. At that time, he wanted to summon come out.

As soon as the big man saw his movements, he hurriedly said: "Are you going crazy? Are you addicted to practicing? I have been your bodyguard here for almost half a year! You will be fine as soon as you close your eyes, but do you know how many people are looking for trouble for you? Qing Yin, tell that bastard how I have lived these past few months."

Qingyin laughed and said: "Stop practicing, the old man's butt is covered with calluses. Talking and drinking with the old man is just to comfort the old man." After hearing what he said, the big man said angrily: "Why are you talking? Who is this? Old man? Are you looking for a beating? And you, if you dare to practice again, I will turn around and leave." After saying this, he seemed to feel a little heavy, and then said: "At least you can't sit still for several months. Am I staring at the stone statue in a daze?”

Zhang Ai quickly got up and apologized: "It's my fault. I didn't expect that a small piece of silk thread would have many changes. I didn't realize it took me a lot of time. I won't do it anymore. I will focus on drinking with the old man from now on."

"Are you angry with me? Are you calling me an old man?" The big man continued to glare.

Zhang Ai smiled, turned to look at the Heart of God, and then asked the big man: "How many people have come recently?" The big man replied: "That's it, one today and two tomorrow, sometimes there will be more people. Anyway, if you don’t have spiritual wine, it will be useless no matter how many times they come.”

Hearing this, Zhang was afraid that he could imagine how depressed and bored the big man looked when he was explaining to those people. He had to suppress his temper and explain, which was really too embarrassing. Now he tidied up his appearance and thanked the big man seriously and respectfully.

The big man waved his hand and said: "Stop playing tricks with me. You really want to thank me and get more good bars."

Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said: "Aren't you, old man, making things difficult for me? Better fruits and herbs cannot grow for more than 180 years or more. If they don't last that long, they won't bear fruit. How can I give them to you?" Get some wine?"

The big man smiled and replied: "I don't care."

Speaking of the fairy wine, Zhang Awei looked back at the Heart of God, and went in with the Exploration Mind. As soon as he entered, the Heart of God immediately sensed it, and jumped over to entangle Zhang Awei's Yuan Shen, something he had never done before. Zhang Ping thought about it for a moment, is this guy angry?

Thinking of what Feng Chen said, if you offend the heart of God, no matter how much you try to persuade him, it will be useless. Such a huge treasure can only be turned into a piece of scrap metal.

Zhang Ai quickly took out the fairy wine and poured it slowly on the surface of the Heart of God. However, he saw a lot of wine flowing gently on the surface like water over a mountain, and then flowed to the edge of the iron block. It actually dripped down along the edge without a drop. Go inside the Heart of God.

Zhang was afraid that when he saw this guy, he was so angry that he stopped drinking. I hurriedly tried to persuade him with my soul, but the guy was still losing his temper. At this moment, the fairy wine that Zhang was afraid of pouring down had already flowed to the ground of Xingyuan Square. A bottle of wine was completely wasted and flowed in all directions along the brick pattern of the square.

This is how to do? Zhang Wei, who was trying hard to persuade, was a little helpless. While he was anxious, he suddenly discovered that the cloud ginseng on both sides of the God's Heart was still slowly emitting divine energy. These divine energies entered through the surface of the God's Heart, stretching endlessly.

With this discovery, Zhang was afraid of getting angry, but fortunately, God's Heart did not really lose his temper. Otherwise, how could he absorb Yuntian Shen's divine energy? At that time, he worked harder to talk to God's Heart with his soul. Use coaxing and pretend to be pitiful.

At this time, Zhang was a little worried, but also a little happy. Needless to say, I am worried, but I am afraid that God’s heart will be angry. He was secretly happy that his heart of God had grown. If it is just the heart of God that has just gained spiritual wisdom, likes means likes and dislike means dislikes, how can it pretend to be angry? This is the growth of the heart of God.

Although the Heart of God could not understand what he was saying, the sincerity and true emotions in the Soul were expressed frankly, and the Heart of God could clearly feel it. It was precisely because of Zhang Wei's honesty that in the past days, the Heart of God would allow him to chatter incomprehensible nonsense in his body, and also allow him to get close to him.

Zhang was afraid that he didn't know that, so he just continued to talk, chatting and apologizing with his soul and the heart of God. This nonsense lasted for a quarter of an hour. Just when he felt that he was running out of words, he suddenly felt a powerful force. He pushed it out suddenly and sucked it in again. Zhang Weijing came into close contact with the Heart of God. With a bang, his big head hit the black iron block firmly.

This knocked Zhang Awei unconscious, but he also knew that the Heart of God was indeed a good thing and it could launch attacks on its own. Just when I was about to continue explaining nonsense, I suddenly saw that the fairy wine that had just flowed from the surface of the Heart of God was flying back quickly.

Just now, Zhang Weijing had been talking nonsense for a quarter of an hour. The fairy wine had already flowed away along the cracks in the bricks. If you didn't pay attention, you wouldn't have noticed it easily.

Seeing the fairy wine flying back, Zhang Ain realized that the emotional iron block was reluctant to part with the fairy wine. He estimated that it was about to flow out of his control, so he quickly sucked it back and must not waste it. At that moment, he smiled and felt relieved.

The wine flew back quickly, slapped onto the surface of the iron block, and then was absorbed into it silently. A moment later, all the fairy wine that was flowing freely just now had been eaten by the Heart of God.

Zhang Ping took out another bottle of fairy wine and poured it on the surface of the black iron. At the same time, he used his soul to coax the heart of the god, regardless of whether it could understand it or not, he just said some nonsense to stop being angry.

Maybe she understood what he said, maybe she couldn't bear to waste the fairy wine. This time, the Heart of God ate up all the fairy wine without leaving a drop. After eating two bottles of fairy wine in a row, the big iron block finally stopped being angry. It has returned to its previous cheerful state, jumping around so joyfully.

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