The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1528 Hiding in the Forest

Chapter 1,528 Hiding in the Forest

Feeling the change in God's heart, Zhang Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and finally everything was fine. He wanted to take back his soul, but as soon as he thought about it, the wisdom of the heart of God immediately noticed it, and actually entangled him and refused to let him go.

At this time, Zhang Ai suddenly thought of Hai Ling, Bing Jing, and Fu'er's fat babies, as well as piglets, kittens and other little guys. Before these little ancestors met him, they were all alone. Fu'er and other fat babies Staying in Nitian Cave, there are more people at least, but piglets, kittens, ice crystals, and sea spirits mostly live alone, and they can't find anyone to talk to.

As they thought about the Heart of God, they sighed heavily, separated the souls, kept them in the Heart of God, took back the other souls, thought about it, and then took out a bottle of fairy wine and poured it over.

After trying it in the past few days, he knew that fairy wine could only make the heart of God stronger, but could not make the ignorant spirit obey him, but he still chose to feed him fairy wine. Firstly, it was pitiful that the big iron block was always so lonely; secondly, he chose to feed him fairy wine. Still holding on to a glimmer of hope, if the heart of God can grow up quickly and become as smart as ice crystals, know who he is and recognize his existence, he can be accepted into his body.

He was feeding the iron bar wine, and the big man asked: "Do you want to continue to toss?" Zhang Ping smiled and said: "I don't dare. Who dares not to listen to what you say?" The big man glared and said: "Don't play tricks with me. ." Zhang Weijing continued to laugh and said he didn't dare.

From that day on, he stopped practicing. He only occasionally took out the colorful cloud shield to look at it, and pondered over materials such as the Heavenly Pillow Gold, and then put it away. The rest of the time is mostly spent playing with the big man.

About two months ago, Jie Yin came to Xingyuan. He sighed when he saw a few people. Zhang Ain asked curiously: "What's wrong?" Jie Yin replied: "It's not your spirit wine and elixir that caused the trouble. "

Zhang was afraid that he would not understand, so he asked: "What's going on?" He then said: "Now the entire city in the world knows your name, and also knows that you have no spirit, wine or elixir. But the problem is that you have exchanged a large number of spirits. Jiu Ling Dan, these things are the source of many fights. The cultivators who have obtained the Ling Jiu Ling Dan are practicing hard. The enemies who have not obtained it are worried that these people will become powerful and will be bullied in the future, so they carry out sneak attacks and assassinations. . When they fight, a group of gods can't just watch, so several gods fight together. The city in the world is in chaos now. You can find a way to solve it. "

Zhang Ai said depressedly: "What should I solve? They force me to ask for spiritual wine, and if I have the wine, they will fight. What does it have to do with me?"

"The cause of everything always lies with you." Jieyin said. Zhang Awei nodded and said: "Okay, even if the cause is with me, without me, they still have grudges and want to fight, so what does it have to do with me?" Jie Yin shook his head and said: "I'm not here to quarrel with you, either. I’m not holding you accountable, but the situation is getting bigger and bigger, so I want to ask you for a solution.”

After hearing this, Jie Yin probably had an idea in his mind. Zhang Ain thought about it and asked, "Old man, what do you need me to do?" Jie Yin said, "I know you always go back to the lower world, and your spiritual wine must also come from In the lower realm, why don't you find more and come back, find an excuse, or I can help you take it to Tiancheng, and find a way for more people to exchange it. When everyone has the spirit wine and elixir, the current battles in the city in the realm will disappear. Calm down."

To put it bluntly, one hundred hungry wolves get ten lambs. Some wolves eat the sheep, which causes other wolves to covet them, so they start fighting. Jie Yin asked Zhang Ain to go find ninety more lambs, so that every wolf would have something to eat, and the wolves would not have to fight.

Hearing this, Zhang Awei smiled bitterly and said, "You are so talented that you have come up with such a way?"

He Yin said: "The cultivators in Jie Zhong City have always had disputes, but they have not reached the point where everything is dead. Balance is the key. The amount of spiritual wine and elixir is not important. We only seek a balance. Only when they are balanced will they be able to To return to the previous situation, all I want is for them to be balanced.”

At this time, the big man was unhappy and interjected: "You are so redundant. Those old guys haven't spoken for thirty-three days. Why are you so anxious? Follow me and let them kill. Just kill those who don't want to live. Is it possible to become a god? Can a demon still grow in the world?”

After hearing this, Zhang Ping realized that the arrival of Yingying was completely spontaneous, just because he did not want to see too much killing. At that time, he said helplessly: "At that time, they were pressing me so hard that I had no choice but to replace it with spiritual wine; now I have no choice even more. The city in the world is huge. Even if I empty out the lower world, I may not be able to make enough for it." The spiritual wine they are satisfied with may cause more trouble and attract fellow Taoists. I really can't help with this matter."

Hearing this, Jie Yin said with a wry smile: "I knew it was like this, forget it, let them fight, and leave." As he spoke, he ignored Zhang Wen and others' attempts to stay, and his figure disappeared like smoke.

After being led away, Zhang Wen was stunned. The old man had gone all the way, just for this? After pausing for a while, he whispered: "Jie Yin is a good man." He survived the catastrophe, and in the last stage, Jie Yin sat in charge. He didn't embarrass him, he just slashed with a sword casually, and took him to the divine world.

The big man agreed: "It's okay, it's much better than the average person anyway." At this point, he tilted his head and thought for a while and said, "I'll go to Jiezhong City to see who dares to cause trouble."

Zhang Ping originally wanted to persuade him to stay, but he was a big man, so he couldn't keep having to be protected by the big man? Just nod and say hello. The big man looked at him, then at Qingyin, and whispered: "You can go to the lower world to stay, or go to live with Qingyin for half a month. Qingyin will help take care of Xingyuan first, and I will be back in half a month. "

The big guy thought of a way out for him. Zhang Pa looked back at the big iron block and said, "I'll go to the library." The big guy thought about it and said, "Okay, you go to the library and wait for me. I'll find you when I come back." He also said to Qingyin, "I'll leave this to you." Qingyin nodded and said, "No problem."

They are all the same gods and kind-hearted. No one wants to see large-scale killings, so Jie Yin will take this trip, and so the big guy will go to Jiezhong City.

Since the assignment is complete, the big guy said, "I'm leaving. You two be careful." After saying that, he flew north to Jiezhong City.

Zhang Pa and Qingyin said goodbye to each other, holding the big iron block and Yuntian ginseng to the sacred mountain.

Using teleportation, he flashed to the door of the library. Standing at the door, thinking for a while, he turned and flew into the woods under the library, looking for a dense place, put down the Yuntian ginseng and the big iron block, set up a barrier, and then meditated quietly.

Just like when he was in Xingyuan, he separated a trace of his soul and left it in the Heart of God. He took out a bottle of fairy wine and slowly watered it. He was thinking about things randomly.

He stayed like this for a whole day. He sat alone in the woods, looking at the tall trees and soft grass around him. There were some red or white flowers dotted in the green. The mountain was a sacred mountain, the flowers were fairy flowers, and the soil was full of divine energy. It was a place where immortals lived.

The location here was lower than the book pavilion. There were only a few small animals in the forest, some rabbits or cats, with similar shapes but many differences. Those small animals were not afraid of people. When they saw Zhang Pa, they just looked at him casually for a few times and then hid in the dense grass leaves. Zhang Pa looked back at the Yuntian ginseng. Because of the barrier, they did not find the Yuntian ginseng. Otherwise, how could a group of small animals let go of such a delicacy.

After taking a look, he was about to turn back, but suddenly stopped and stared at the roots of the two Yuntian ginsengs. The Yuntian ginseng is very tall, about ten meters, twice as tall as the big iron block. It used to lean on the iron block, but now, after only one day, the Yuntian ginseng has grown roots again and penetrated into the soil. The two big guys have grown back into the soil.

Looking at the roots in the soil, Zhang Pa scanned the Yuntian ginseng with his divine mind and confirmed that it was just an ordinary human-shaped fairy grass, and it had not formed human intelligence. He was relieved. However, the performance of the two Yuntian ginsengs really surprised him. He didn't know how long they had been away from the land, but they still had such vitality. If it were an ordinary fairy grass, it would have died long ago, but these two grasses, just by contacting the earth, can thrive again. It must be said that the vitality of the two fairy grasses is strong.

At this time, Zhang Pa suddenly felt moved, and a thought seemed to flash through his mind, but when he carefully studied it, the thought disappeared again, and he was left with a sense of disappointment.

So Zhang Pa stared at the roots of the Yuntian ginseng in a daze, trying to think about what the thought that just flashed was.

After thinking for a while, the Yuanshen sent out fluctuations. It was the God's Heart that was unhappy, and the split souls that were entangled with him jumped and danced. Zhang Pa asked questions with the Yuanshen, but naturally he could not ask anything. He just wanted to teach the God's Heart to understand human language slowly, just like teaching a child to speak. After talking nonsense for a while, the spiritual wisdom of the God's Heart ignored what he said and continued to jump.

Zhang Pa understood this action as restlessness, took out the fairy wine and poured it on the surface of the God's Heart. Sure enough, the God's Heart immediately became happy, no longer frantic and restless, but greedily sucked the fairy wine.

Zhang Pa was very curious. His Yuanshen was inside the God's Heart, but no matter how he checked, he could not find out where the fairy wine went. After many fruitless explorations, it was finally believed that after the fairy wine was sucked, it quickly turned into divine power and replenished it in the iron block.

After a while, half a bottle of fairy wine was used up. Zhang Pa stopped pouring and thought, this guy is addicted to it, what should I do in the future? It seems that I have to be more careful.

After feeding the big iron block, he turned his eyes to the Yuntian ginseng. After a while, the roots of the two Yuntian ginsengs were getting deeper and deeper. With a light check of his mind, he found that they were about five meters underground. Zhang Pa was a little embarrassed. Should he take them out? If he let these two guys grow naturally, who knows what they will look like?

From his heart, he didn't want to dig them out. If they were ordinary herbs, he would just dig them out. There was no need to be reluctant. The problem was that the two Yuntian ginsengs looked like people. Zhang Pa subconsciously thought that they might be the next Fuer. If they could become Fuer, they would be another fat baby and another fresh life, so he was very embarrassed and didn't know what to do?

Speaking of which, he couldn't be blamed for this. Who would have thought that if Yuntian ginseng was only placed on the soil in the forest, it would take root and grow by itself? It was a bit too shocking.

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