The Monk

Volume 1 Chapter 1526: Fairy Wine Warming

Chapter 1526: Fairy Wine Warming

Because there is immortal wine to drink, the spirit of the heart of God becomes happier, jumping for joy, conveying joy to Zhang Ain, and at the same time a little bit of gratitude. Receiving this feeling, Zhang Wei thought to himself that the big iron block was becoming more and more human-like.

Zhang Ain occasionally feeds Iron Nugget and drinks wine, but the big man is drinking with him. Perhaps he knew that Zhang was now afraid of becoming the target of public criticism. The big man almost never left his side. The two of them talked and drank together, which was considered a kind of leisurely happiness. The only drawback is that there are always people coming to disturb me.

There is clearly a big stone tablet erected saying that there is no spiritual wine, but every god who comes takes the trouble to come and ask: "Fellow Taoist, are you the new Taoist friend who came to the God Realm? Dare you? Ask if there is any spirit wine?" Zhang was speechless.

This situation lasted for more than ten days, which made the big man angry and his temper became more and more irritable. He would get angry when he saw someone coming over. On the contrary, Zhang Weijing was trying to persuade him to put it down, and kept explaining: "It's not easy for them either. They are all thinking about their clansmen, relatives or disciples, so why bother them?" The big man said that he had a really good temper. Zhang Ping smiled and said: "I have a bad temper, and you would have killed me long ago during the catastrophe."

Whenever he talked about this matter, the big man was very happy. He thought that he had a sharp eye and knew that Zhang Fei was a good person with just one look, which showed that he was very capable and able to recognize people. Then he smiled and said: "That can't be done. If I kill you, who will drink with me?"

In the past ten days, such conversations have occurred frequently, and the big man is indeed interesting. He knows that he cannot avoid this kind of trouble by staying in Xingyuan, but in order to protect Zhang Wei, he is willing to endure this kind of trouble.

Later, Zhang Ping's name slowly spread, the news that there was no spiritual wine slowly spread, and the news that he stayed with the big man also spread, and gradually fewer people came.

In the past ten days, not only ordinary gods came to Zhang Ao to exchange spiritual wine, but also several masters above the 30th level came to Xingyuan. Such a master came to Zhang Weijing in exchange for wine. He couldn't just say a few words to get rid of the matter. Zhang Weisheng could only explain sincerely: "I have never told lies in my life. If it is gone, it is gone. There is indeed no spiritual wine."

What he said was sincere and the truth. A group of gods and masters could easily tell the difference. Plus, there was a big man accompanying him, so there was no need to embarrass a junior over this matter. If he offended the big man because of this, it would be really unlucky. . The gain outweighs the loss. How about a bunch of gods and masters losing something before they get it? No one was willing to do this, so they left each other, which was able to save Zhang Weifangquan.

This kind of thing happened many times in a row. Zhang was afraid of being grateful to the big man, but he didn't like to express gratitude or intimate words by nature, so he hid this gratitude in his heart and would pay it back slowly when he had the opportunity in the future.

After more than ten days, and after waiting for a few more days, Shao Xingyuan finally came to Xingyuan. The big man said with a long breath: "Fortunately it's over, let's celebrate with a drink." Zhang Wen said yes, called Qingyin, and the three of them started drinking.

Needless to say, the pleasure of drinking was not to mention that after drinking, Zhang was afraid of creating a barrier and putting himself together with the Heart of God and Yuntian Ginseng, and began to torment himself.

Seeing him acting like this, the big man said depressedly, "Aren't you tired?" Zhang Wen smiled and didn't reply, just doing his own thing.

He had too many things to do. He originally wanted to go back to Nitian Cave and stay for a while, but unfortunately, how could such a large piece of God's Heart be brought to the lower realm? If he was put into a storage bag or bracelet and taken away, firstly, these days' time would be in vain, and secondly, these days' immortal wine would also be in vain. Zhang was afraid that he would have to stay in Xingyuan and find a way to get the iron block first.

At this time, he sat cross-legged and meditated, sent the soul into the iron block, and then controlled the fairy wine to pour on the surface, bottle after bottle, like a spring that was endless, pouring into the heart of God.

The big iron block is really edible. It has eaten countless amounts of fairy wine so far, which is enough to drown countless big iron blocks. However, when the fairy wine is poured on it, it still swallows crazily, like a bottomless pit. Come and eat as much fairy wine as you want.

Giving it alcohol is a means, and the main purpose is to make the heart of God recognize Zhang Ai's existence for his use.

Zhang Ai is very patient and uses his soul to talk to the heart of God all the time. Regardless of whether it is effective or not, he must first make efforts.

A few days ago, Qian Kechou brought the immortal wine he owed. The guy was not as stingy as the big man said. He actually brought all his family wealth, leaving only a few bottles of wine for himself, and gave away the rest. Zhang is afraid. Zhang Ai was a little touched, but he didn't have any spiritual wine anymore, so he secretly made up his mind to get him some spiritual wine to make up for it in the future.

All Qian Kechou's immortal wine was brought to him, which meant that Zhang Ai now had almost unlimited immortal wine, so he dared to take a gamble and see how much immortal wine this broken piece of iron could consume. If you win the bet, you can refine the Heart of God in the shortest time. If you lose the bet, you will pretend you have never owned this thing. As for the spiritual wine you exchanged, it doesn't matter, just drink it yourself.

In this way, he continued to gamble day by day. As time passed, a mountain of empty wine bottles had been piled up behind him. It's a pity that the heart of God is still only happy, just likes, and only acknowledges the existence of Zhang Afraid, and does not like to let him control his own destiny. Lingzhi is always the soul that instinctively resists Zhang Afraid.

This is the instinct of every life, whether it is a human or a ghost, as long as there is life, it likes to make its own decisions, and the Heart of God is no exception. It's just ridiculous to say that big iron blocks are also alive? It's the strangest thing in the world! But now, Zhang Ai is trying to get recognition from the heart of God, and he wants to control the heart of God.

I spent seven days like this, watching the wine flow down like rain, pouring endlessly, flowing into the heart of God, never stopping for a moment, and the empty wine bottles had already piled up behind me. Unfortunately, no matter how hard I tried, it was useless, the heart of God never stopped. Willing to control it for him.

Strictly speaking, it cannot be regarded as control. He wants the heart of God to be like an ice crystal, well integrated with his soul. The soul is in harmony. You have me, and I have you. It is a mutually reinforcing relationship. . It's a pity that the heart of God doesn't understand this and only knows to resist instinctively. It is also not as smart as Bing Jing. Compared with Bing Jing, its intelligence is like that of an unborn baby, while Bing Jing is already a four or five-year-old child. The gap between the two is really big.

After seven days, stop and remove the barrier and come out. The big man was staying outside and asked casually: "Is it done?" Zhang Awei shook his head: "No, take a rest."

The big man looked past him at the Heart of God between the two Yuntian ginseng trees, and said softly: "This thing is not an ordinary trouble. Otherwise, there are many masters in Thirty-three Heavens, how could they let it go for nothing?" After saying this, Then he added: "Things with intelligence are troublesome. For example, the mountains are full of mythical beasts. Few of them can be tamed, not even gods. Those guys in the mountains, well, I don't even want to pay attention to them." He said yes. The monster is ferocious.

Zhang Awei understood as soon as he heard this and joked with a smile: "Have you ever been bullied by the mythical beasts in the mountains?" The big man quickly shook his head: "Nonsense, how can anyone bully me? It's because I don't want to be on the same level as them." Zhang Awei said He chuckled and said, "Well, it's because you don't have the same experience as them."

That's what he said, but his tone of voice sounded a little wrong. The big man said angrily: "You don't believe me?" Zhang Weijing said seriously: "Where can I, come, drink, have a good rest." The big man snorted. He said, "It's you who want to rest, not me." However, it's always a good thing to have immortal wine to drink. Qingyin was called over, and the three of them continued drinking.

While drinking, Qingyin said: "If it's too troublesome, don't bother with it. You have to be familiar with Tiantangsi and Colorful Cloud Shield. You can't have a treasure but don't know how to use it. That would be embarrassing."

Hearing him talk about the colorful cloud shield, Zhang Aing asked the big man: "Feng Chen didn't come? Fairy Bai didn't come either?" The big man said: "You don't know whether he came or not? Are you blind?" Zhang Aing ignored the big man's question. Angry, he shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be, how could this happen?" The big man said coldly: "Again, do you think it's interesting?" He was talking about the colorful cloud shield left by Fairy Bai, and also about Zhang. The thought of fear. Zhang Awei shook his head and said, "It's boring."

In Zhang Ai's guess, Fairy Bai left the colorful cloud shield just for Feng Chen to snatch it away. The two are enemies, and Feng Chen will never let go of the opportunity to get the White Fairy's protective artifact. After getting it and understanding it, he will have the upper hand in future battles. But why doesn't Feng Chen appear? Why was Fairy Bai willing to hand over the colorful cloud shield to him?

At this time, Qingyin said: "It has been less than a month since they got the spiritual wine. They should stay in Jie Zhong City to help their respective clan disciples protect the law."

This was an explanation. Zhang Awei raised his glass and said, "Drink." Qingyin followed suit and drank another drink, then asked, "How much wine have you used these days?" Zhang Awei shook his head and said nothing. He didn't know the details. The number is really too much. I am too lazy to count. I only know a rough proportion.

The big man said: "Just waste it. Let's see what you will do after you waste all the wine."

Before Zhang Wen, no one had ever used immortal wine to nourish the heart of God, so no one dared to say that this move would not succeed. Even the big man just said that he was wasting his money.

Zhang was afraid to remain silent and drank for a while. He pushed the wine glass, stood up and said, "Go to sleep." He walked back to the big iron block and lay down, using his soul to wrap around Yuntian Shen and Shen Zhi's heart, while he relaxed State of mind, slowly falling asleep.

He knew that he had many things to do, such as refining the Heavenly Thread and the Colorful Cloud Shield for his own use. This was a way to save his life, and he should have done it from the beginning, but he didn't do it. For example, swallowing the Immortal Grass for You would immediately improve his health He did not swallow many cultivation skills. On the contrary, I wholeheartedly warmed my heart and continued enthusiastically without even knowing whether I could succeed.

Apart from the above two things, he has been in the God Realm for more than four years, but he still has no understanding of the innate abilities that all gods and men have.

Putting all these things together, Zhang Wen thought that he was stupid enough. There were obviously many things he could do, so why didn't he do them? Are you just trying to compete with the heart of God regardless of the consequences?

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