The Monk

Volume One Chapter 1525 Qian Kechou

Chapter 1525 Qian Kechou

Zhang Ain took out the old spirit wine from the bracelet and put it aside on the ground, leaving only a small amount. Then he put away the low-vintage spiritual wine, checked the storage bracelet on his wrist, took out the empty bottle, and took out most of the spiritual energy pills and other items, leaving only a few. He drank a few more glasses of wine and talked with Lin Sen. Farewell: "I'm going back first."

Lin Sen asked, "Are you in such a hurry?" He then said, "Go back if you have anything to do. Everything is fine in Tianlei Mountain." Zhang was afraid that his figure would disappear after saying "good", so he went back to the God Realm directly. This time when I came back, because of the tight time, I didn't even see the four girls of Song Yunyi.

When the figure appeared behind the star source again, Qingyin asked: "Go back to get the spiritual wine?" Zhang Ain nodded and said yes, and then said: "I still want to trouble you to find Qian Kechou." As he spoke, he took out a small jade box , which contains all the low-vintage spirit wine.

Qingyin smiled and said, "Then I'll go there for you, and I'll take this opportunity to give him a good deal."

Before he finished speaking, a person flew up from the air. He was wearing a gray robe, with a pale complexion and a tall figure. He seemed to be close to them. He landed directly in front of the three of them. He first said hello to the big man, then said hello to Qingyin, and then He looked at Zhang Afraid and asked in a low voice: "But that fellow Taoist who is new to the God Realm?"

Zhang Ain smiled and replied: "I'm not too new. I came here four years ago. Do you have anything to do with my fellow Taoist?" After a pause, he asked again: "Don't you know your name?" The tall man replied: "My name is Qian Kechou. "Does Fellow Daoist Zhang have spiritual wine?"

The city in the world is very big, so everyone has time to separate after receiving the news. After the first group of more than 200 and nearly 300 gods yesterday, the second group of gods began to arrive. Originally, someone had arrived yesterday, but Zhang was afraid that he, Big Man, and Qingyin would stay in the orchard and not be able to make wine. Brewing is the same as practicing. You have to devote yourself to it and don't let anyone disturb you. When brewing, there is a magic circle to isolate it. Even if a god comes, you don't dare to break the barrier easily. What if there is a master inside? So most of the gods who came to Xingyuan yesterday were looking around or waiting.

As a result, after waiting for a whole day, Zhang Ping did not come out. Instead, he waited for a grumpy divine master. When the divine master came around, he only saw a huge orchard with a barrier. He guessed that the person he was looking for was hiding there. Inside, he used an excuse to blow away everyone outside. Just when he was about to enter the orchard, another master arrived. Coincidentally, the two of them were very difficult to deal with. They seemed to have a grudge like the White Fairy and Feng Chen, so they started fighting. Fight and fly, stay far away.

For this reason, Zhang was afraid that the three of them did not see a god when they returned from the orchard. It was also for this reason that Qian Kechou was the first to fly to Star Source.

Seeing Qian Kechou, Zhang Afraid knew that the troubles that were coming would still come endlessly. In order to get rid of it once and for all, the right way was to quickly get rid of all the spiritual wine.

Hearing Qian Kechou's question at this time, Zhang Ain replied: "There is spiritual wine, but I will only exchange it for immortal wine. I wonder if fellow Taoist Qian is willing to exchange it?"

Hearing that Zhang Wen was willing to ask for immortal wine, Qian Kechou took a deep breath. He thought for a moment and said, "My immortal wine is mostly of low vintages, very low-grade. I'm afraid Taoist friends." Not satisfied.”

Zhang Ping said: "It doesn't matter, we'll just exchange it according to the year anyway." As he spoke, he threw the jade box in his hand into Qian Kechou's hand and said: "With these spiritual wines, how much immortal wine do you think you can exchange for them?"

Qian Kechou took the jade box, opened it and scanned it with his mind, thought for a while and said, "How about ten thousand catties of immortal wine?"

Hearing this, Zhang was afraid that before he could speak, the big man interjected: "Are you crazy? You want to exchange ten thousand catties for so much spiritual wine with your pile of crap wine? If you don't want to change it, leave quickly. Don't do it." Annoying here.”

Qian Kechou said that Wanjin wine was just a test. Seeing that the big man was unhappy, Zhang Fear didn't say anything. He immediately said with a smile: "I said Wanjun, not Wanjin."

A jun is thirty kilograms, so he turned it over thirty times in one go, which was considered a bit sincere. Unfortunately, the big man was still dissatisfied and said in a cold voice: "Wanjun? Do you really think your wine is good?" As he spoke, a huge wine vessel floated in front of him, containing a thousand catties of fairy wine. The big man said: "Do you know what kind of wine this is? Do you know how old it is? Do you know how much spirit wine has been replaced?"

Qian Kechou works with fairy wine all day long. He doesn't need to use his spiritual mind to scan it. He can guess the raw materials with just a slight sniff of the nose, and he can also guess the year of the raw materials and the year of storage. He immediately said: "You don't need to ask what kind of wine it is, and you don't need to ask about the year. Just based on the raw materials of this wine, it is much stronger than all my wines."

The big man nodded and said: "It's fair. Let me tell you, just exchange for good wine for spiritual wine will cost you two or three times more, not to mention your pile of rags. Be sincere and take out all your good wine. I asked him to give you a bottle of wine brewed from 100,000-year-old spiritual grass."

The three words "one hundred thousand years" seemed to have magic power. Qian Kechou was stunned when he heard the words, and immediately took out all the immortal wine on his body without bargaining. After taking it all out, he was afraid that it was not enough, so he whispered: "There is still more at home." There are some. If fellow Taoist can wait, please wait for me for a few days. I will come back as soon as possible. I just want to exchange for a hundred thousand years of spiritual wine."

Zhang Awei had seen the fairy wine that Qian Kechou brought out, and thought to himself, this is indeed what he did, and it is in stock. Let’s not ask about the quality of the wine, just the quantity, which is very much. He was the one who bought the spiritual wine yesterday. More than a hundred times.

Although yesterday was mainly for exchanging elixirs, elixirs, elixirs, fruits and other items, after all, there was also a lot of elixir, but at this time, it seems that it is really too little.

Zhang Ain put away all the immortal wine, took out a bottle of one hundred thousand year old spiritual wine and handed it to Qian Kechou, and said in a low voice: "This wine is precious, and the ingredients are all spiritual grasses and flowers that are more than one hundred thousand years old. The water is also spiritual water, the bottle contains a thousand catties of wine, and there is a lot of spiritual wine in the jade box. I will give it all to you. If I only trade it with you for the fairy wine, you should still be far behind me. "

Qian Kechou said: "I know, but I don't have much with me. So, I will go back to get it and send it over as soon as possible."

Zhang Awei nodded in agreement, and then said: "I want to trouble you one more thing, give me my wine bottle." Qian Kechou was stunned when he heard this, and scanned the jade bottle with his spiritual mind. It was a very ordinary bottle. The words were good, and many vessels were made to contain the spirit wine.

However, there was too much spiritual wine, and Qian Kechou struggled for a long time before he finished. At this time, another god arrived.

From the City in the Realm to the Star Source, it would take four days to fly even at an expert's speed. The Golden Dragons had only been away for a day. Even if there was any news, it would not be spread quickly, so there were still gods who came to Zhang Wen to exchange wine.

Seeing the arrival of the divine man, Qian Kechou hurriedly put away the spirit wine, returned the bottle to Zhang Wen and said, "I will definitely come back in ten days at most." Zhang Wen nodded lightly, and Qian Kechou disappeared.

He didn't ask how much immortal wine could be exchanged, and Qian Kechou didn't mention it at all. He obviously had an idea in his mind, so Zhang Weijing didn't say much. Plus, with the big guy here, you don't have to worry about cheating.

At this time, Qian Kechou left. After the newcomer Shen Ren and the big man greeted him, they directly asked Zhang Afraid: "Is there any spiritual wine left?"

Zhang was afraid of telling lies, so he immediately replied: "Yes." The man of God was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "I want to exchange spiritual wine with you for items from the divine realm. I don't know what you need?"

Zhang Ai said casually: "Immortal wine." Now he had an idea in his mind and quickly settled on the Heart of God.

Feng Chen said that it takes about a thousand years to warm and nourish the mind wholeheartedly, but with the help of Yuntian ginseng, it can be shortened to hundreds of years. After Zhang Weijing learned that God's Heart drank the Immortal Wine, he had an idea. I would directly fill the God's Heart with the magical power of the Immortal Wine. Wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort to warm it up?

Now, he has established a connection with the Heart of God, and the Divine Mind stays in the iron block. The Heart of God does not reject him, and will occasionally get entangled with him, just like children playing. Because of this discovery, Zhang Ping was even more determined to feed the heart of God with immortal wine.

Hearing Zhang Awei talk about exchanging immortal wine, the god looked embarrassed and asked again: "I only have a very, very small amount of immortal wine. Can fellow Taoist exchange for other things?" Zhang Awei thought about it and said, "The best Casting materials or medicinal materials.”

Hearing this, the god's face became even more troubled. He sighed, took out more than two thousand kilograms of sacred wine, and said in a low voice: "This is the only one, how about replacing it with some spiritual wine?" Zhang Ping was too lazy to bother with these things and took out an empty one. The fairy wine pot moved the spirit wine over and said: "Thousand catties of spirit wine."

The man of God showed a troubled expression for the third time and whispered: "Only exchange for a thousand catties of spiritual wine? Isn't it a little short?"

Zhang Ping said: "Quite a few." He only said two words and stopped saying more. Seeing the man's expression, Qingyin sighed secretly and said one more thing: "Speaking of it, you took advantage of the people in front of you. They exchanged three, four, even ten or a hundred times."

A hundred times the immortal wine for spiritual wine? Although the man of God didn't believe it, he hesitated for a moment and decided to change these first. At the worst, he could go back to find the fairy wine and then change it. Agree immediately and leave after the exchange.

Starting from Qian Kechou, this god-man was followed by hundreds of god-men and masters. Everyone wanted spiritual wine and elixir, and they always chased Zhang to ask questions. Zhang was afraid that he was getting tired of changing earlier and didn't want to do it anymore, so he planned to ask Qingyin and Big Man to help him change the fairy wine. However, the two refused, so he had to continue tormenting himself.

After spending a whole day like this, he finally spent all the spiritual wine, elixirs and other items on his body and got back countless immortal wines.

Because what is left in the body is spiritual wine that is more than ten thousand years old, or even more than one hundred thousand years old, so the things in exchange are very precious. Except for the fairy wine, it is rare materials or medicinal materials, all of which are exquisite.

Counting the day before yesterday and today, in just two days, Zhang Wen went from a poor boy to one of the richest people in the entire God Realm. Fortunately, there was a big man present, who suppressed the hundreds of gods and men, and no one dared to have bad intentions, thus ensuring his safety.

After a day, I spent all my magic pills, spirit flesh, spirit wine, and got back a lot of fairy wine. Zhang Ai went to the mountains to find a huge stone and came back. After flattening it, he wrote a few big words, "There is no spiritual wine or elixir, you are too late!" Then he erected the stone tablet on the star source and sat on his back leaning on the Heart of God. below.

During this period of time, people were coming and going. In order to avoid getting into trouble, he put away the Yuntian Ginseng early and only used his own soul to communicate with the heart of God. At this time, he was hiding behind the big stone tablet, trying to communicate with the heart of God, and pouring some fairy wine to it for absorption.

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