Chapter 154 153. Bloody Kane

Aisha didn't seem to see the greedy eyes of the people behind her. She was just supported by the military-uniformed man next to her and walked toward the outside world step by step.

After only taking a few steps, Aisha seemed to have thought of something. She glanced sideways at the other person and said softly, My child, I forgot to ask just now, who are you?

Your Highness Aisha, I am Aleus, the supreme military commander of the Shining Star Ring regime.

The man in military uniform said humbly, Responsible for assisting President Umuti in his military and political work.


Aisha nodded, and she glanced at the other party with interest, So where are you going to take me now?

Of course I'll take you to the Phantom Room to replenish your spiritual energy.

The man in military uniform continued to answer, As I said just now, we have always preserved a part of the spiritual energy. Since you are the only awakened god, the remaining spiritual energy in the phantom will naturally be donated to you as soon as possible. .”

Although I am the first to wake up, the other old guys will probably wake up soon.

Elsa shook her head, I don't dare to monopolize the Phantom Room. You'd better divide these psychic powers into twelve parts and replenish one-twelfth for me.

Of course it all depends on your wishes.

The man in military uniform tensed up when he heard this, but still forced a smile and led the other party to a room that had been sealed for a long time.

This is the Phantom Room where the Shining Star Ring regime has been passed down for thousands of years.

The man in military uniform stopped and looked at the building in front of him that was like a silver tower. The building was slender and shone brightly in silver. Only at the bottom was there a huge iron door, which was only visible from the iron door. It can be seen from the rusty appearance that this building has a long construction date.

This place has been sealed for tens of thousands of years. We mortals no longer know what the structure is inside. However, we mortals do not have the authority to enter here. Only gods like you can.

Looking at the building in front of him, the man in military uniform sighed, but still made an invitation gesture, obviously intending to let Aisha enter on her own.

Very well, I thought you were planning to play some trick.

After closing her eyes for a moment, Elsa seemed to sense the majestic spiritual energy in the phantom, and Aisha showed a satisfied expression.

How, how could it be?

The man in military uniform suddenly shed cold sweat on his forehead when he heard this, How can we have disrespectful thoughts about gods?

Really not?

Aisha showed a meaningful smile, Don't think that I don't know your little moves. Although we old immortals have been sleeping for tens of thousands of years, at least we can still feel the general movements, especially those related to psychic energy.

As she spoke, she no longer looked at the other party's ugly face, walked straight to the Phantom Room, and then touched her hand briefly, and a green light emerged from the palm of her hand, gradually blending into the door of the Phantom Room.

At the same time, a low voice came from her mouth, I am the god of life, reproduction and fertility - Elsa, please open your door to the phantom!

Suddenly, the door that had been closed for tens of thousands of years slowly opened, mixed with noises in the flash of green light.

Then Elsa walked in without looking back.

It wasn't until she entered the phantom room that the door in front of her was closed again, and the man in military uniform who saw this scene looked even more depressed. He seemed not to have thought that the phantom room that had been closed for tens of thousands of years and was just built for gods would be like this. It was easily opened, but this group of people spent thousands of years and exhausted countless technologies and never opened it once.

After a while, President Wumuti rushed over with several senior officials. When they saw the man in military uniform standing dumbly at the door, everyone's expressions changed.

Aleus, what's going on inside?

Wu Mutui frowned, but still lowered his voice, Why didn't you go as planned?

It's hopeless...

The man in military uniform named Aleus shook his head numbly, The other gods will wake up soon. Even if we take away Aisha's godhead, the other gods will not let us go. All our actions will only be one. Useless effort.

Damn it, how could this happen!

Hearing these words, even Wumuti couldn't help showing a hint of despair, It's too sudden. Why do these gods wake up one after another? Are they aware of our plan, or is the consciousness space really returned? ?”

I don't know. Anyway, I didn't sense the existence of consciousness space.

Another senior executive said harshly, But to be honest, I am really unwilling to accept it. The good thing about these gods is that they are the first batch of people to follow the trend of the times. They happen to be recognized by the imaginary space in order to become gods. If we let go Now, their psychic talents are not necessarily as strong as ours.

What's the use of saying this now? The opponent has already entered the phantom room. Once he appears again, his strength will probably be restored to its peak state.

Wumuti sighed and said, But Aleus is right not to act rashly. If the other gods wake up one after another, then we will soon hit the bottom in the name of blasphemers. What we have to do now is to wait and see. Change, as long as something goes wrong after they enter the new consciousness space, then the godhead may also be obtained by us...

Several people looked at each other after hearing this, and they all showed desperate expressions. As the top leaders of the entire Shining Star Ring regime, their original rights could no longer seduce them. But now, they just want to replace these ancient gods and become the new ones. gods.

Just when the top officials of the Shining Star Ring regime were in a tangle, on another planet called Cain, in a mountain range filled with people, there was a faint rumbling vibration.

This is a mountain range called Bloody Hand, and it is also a high-end scenic spot in the Shining Star Ring. The rocks here are rugged, and the rocks of the entire mountain are shining with a dark red color, as if there is endless blood spilled on it. , and then the color formed after drying, and even the blowing wind has a faint smell of blood.

So the Bloody Hand Mountains got their name. According to legend, this is the territory of the ancient god of the Eldar - Bloody Hand Kane.

Hundreds of millions of tourists are welcomed here every day, helping them get a little bit of freshness in their long lives. However, at this time, many tourists felt that this mountain range that had never experienced earthquakes was shaking for the first time.

Is it an earthquake?

It seems like it's really an earthquake. Damn it, this should be in the sedimentation area of ​​Planet Kane. How could there be an earthquake?

Get on the ship, let's get out of here!

It has to be said that the Ada people absolutely cherish their lives. Even the slightest sign of crisis will cause everyone to flee. After all, they have almost infinite lives, and no one wants to die because of an accident.

After all, there is no Metaverse Importer at this time, so they cannot save their consciousness into the Metaverse. If they die, they are truly dead.

However, before everyone could escape from the mountains in spaceships, at the end of the mountains, a bloody sandstorm appeared from far to near.

It was a sandstorm like a sky curtain.

No one knows why this sandstorm came, and no one knows why there are still sandstorms after the world has entered the stage of steel urbanization. In short, when someone exclaimed, everyone finally saw the sandstorm. exist.

The top of this sandstorm was directly above the sky, and it penetrated the earth at its feet. It brought endless flying sand and rocks towards the faces of tens of thousands of tourists on the mountain. These tourists didn't even have time to return to their spaceships, and the sandstorm spread from far away. Nearby, a strange roar arrived in front of everyone!

Damn it!

Your Majesty Asuyan, is this divine punishment?

It's over, the spaceship can't escape!

Everyone only had time to let out a cry, and the next second they heard a boom, and an endless sandstorm passed directly over everyone present!

But an even weirder scene appeared - at the moment of contact with the sandstorm, the flesh and blood of all the Ada people were instantly peeled off, and the skin all over their bodies was directly involved in the sandstorm as if they were rotting. At the same time, the flesh and blood of these people were also involved in the sandstorm. The layers were peeled off in seconds, almost instantly, and everyone present was left with only a pile of bones!

Those who were more fortunate got into the spacecraft in advance, but despite their urging, the spacecraft only had time to take off. The next second it was directly blown away by the sandstorm, and was trapped in the sandstorm and kept rolling. All the electrons in the spacecraft were The device fails instantly!

In this horrific scene, tens of thousands of tourists visiting the Bloody Hand Mountains were instantly shaken out of their wits. Even their souls did not enter the imaginary space, but were instantly snatched away by an unknown existence!

Ha ha ha ha!


In the raging bloody sandstorm, there was a faint sound of laughter. After devouring the flesh, blood and souls of the Ada people, the sandstorm finally began to disperse little by little. The sandstorm came and went quickly. When the bloody sand was completely gone, When they dispersed, a tall, pale man was standing on the top of the Bloody Hand Mountains, laughing loudly.

After so long, finally... the consciousness space has finally returned!

The man slowly opened his eyes, revealing a pair of ferocious but rational eyes. The other person also looked like an Ada person, but the ability to control sandstorms was not something that technology could achieve at all. Obviously, this was also a person. A god who awakened after Elsa, the goddess of life.

However, he did not directly restore his strength through the remaining spiritual energy like Elsa, the goddess of life and fertility. Instead, he gained strength by devouring the souls of others. After devouring tens of thousands of people, his strength returned to its peak. period.

After everything settled, Kane licked his lips, closed his eyes with unfinished thoughts, and then showed a look of surprise.

The space of consciousness has just recovered seems to be only one ten thousandth of the size of its peak, but something is wrong. There seems to be a gap period in the space of consciousness...

Kane then opened his eyes, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth, That woman Elsa has been the first to wake up, but she did not directly enter the consciousness space, but regained her strength through the phantoms left in the past. She was afraid Are new aborigines born in the space of consciousness?”

But today's consciousness space is so weak. Even if a few aborigines are born, what will happen?

Thinking of this, Kane didn't hesitate at all. He stepped forward with one foot. The next second, his whole body seemed to have entered an invisible door to the void, and his whole body quickly disappeared!


A force that was almost homologous instantly penetrated the barrier between reality and imaginary space. With a fierce look on his face, Kane stepped into the world he had dreamed of in one step.

Upon entering, Kane looked intoxicated. He took a deep breath in the void, as if he smelled some extremely delicious food. At the same time, he murmured in a low voice, It's this breath that makes me more than 10,000 people. I haven’t felt it in years. I thought it would take a long, long time to return to the consciousness space, but I didn’t expect it to come back so soon...

Immediately, he saw the bright stars in the sky, and a huge continent under the stars, and he could even see all the living beings on the continent.

However, his eyes were not attracted by those souls, but looked directly at the edge of the continent, at the four corners.

At this time, there were four huge man-made buildings standing proudly in the four corners of the continent.

They were four grotesque buildings that even exuded madness and indescribability. They were a castle, a set of mazes, a garden, and a fortress... The shapes of these buildings were exaggerated and weird, and you could even vaguely see densely packed squirming dots on them. , that is, endless workers are constantly adding to these buildings, trying to make the buildings more grand and amazing.

The moment he saw these four buildings, Kane's pupils shrank, showing a look of resentment.

Because he had noticed that the four buildings exuded a power that he felt was extremely familiar.

That blue labyrinth like a crystal palace is exuding the power of wisdom and conspiracy, which is the ability of the clown, his familiar enemy;

And the garden filled with all kinds of strange plants exudes the brilliance of life and decay, just like Elsa that woman.

The pink castle with purple hints exudes the light of laziness and art, and Lilith is the spokesperson of this power.

What really made him unbearable was the bloody fortress, which exuded the color of killing. He could sense that the other party had replaced him and became the new god of killing and war in the consciousness space.

Okay, really good...

Seeing this scene, Kane couldn't help but look crazy. He walked towards the fortress almost without thinking. With just one step, he came to the front of the fortress.

There are endless skulls stacked on the ground in a majestic shape. The ground is like mud mixed with flesh and blood, and the castle in front is like countless bones stacked on top of each other, exuding an astonishing bloody smell.

But for him, it felt like he had returned to his hometown, which made him look intoxicated. The only flaw in it was that this fortress did not belong to him...

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